977 resultados para value of farm production


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From an evolutionary standpoint, the production of offspring is the single most important aspect of an animal's life. Offspring carry an individual's genes into the next generation and it is the differential representation of genes in a population that drives evolutionary change. There are a variety of ways in which animals create offspring, ranging from cases where parents make identical copies of themselves by budding or parthenogenesis, to the standard case in vertebrates where gametes from a male and female fuse in sexual reproduction to produce the next generation. In this article we describe an usual variant of sexual reproduction, polyembryony.


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Expansion of the meat inspection process to incorporate animal-based welfare measurements could contribute towards significant improvements in pig (Sus scrofa domesticus) welfare and farm profitability. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of different welfare-related lesions on the carcase and their relationship with carcase condemnations (CC) and carcase weight (CW). The financial implications of losses associated with CC and CW reductions related to the welfare lesions were also estimated. Data on tail lesions, loin bruising and bursitis, CW and condemnation/trimming outcome (and associated weights) were collected for 3,537slaughter pigs (mean [± SEM] carcase weight: 79.2 [± 8.82] kg). Overall, 72.5% of pigs had detectable tail lesions, whilst 16.0 and 44.0% were affected by severe loin bruising and hind limb bursitis, respectively. There were 2.5% of study carcases condemned and a further 3.3% were trimmed. The primary cause of CC was abscessation. While tail lesion severity did not increase the risk of abscessation, it was significantly associated with CC. Male pigs had a higher risk of tail lesions and of CC. The financial loss to producers associated with CC and trimmings was estimated at €1.10 per study pig. CW was reduced by up to 12 kg in cases of severe tail lesions. However, even mild lesions were associated with a significant reduction in CW of 1.2 kg. The value of the loss in potential CW associated with tail lesions was €0.59 per study pig. Combined with losses attributable to CC and trimmings this represented a loss of 43% of the profit margin per pig, at the time of the study, attributable to tail biting. These findings illustrate the magnitude of the impact of tail biting on pig welfare and on profitability of the pig industry. They also emphasise the potential contribution that the inclusion of welfare parameters at meat inspection could make to pig producers in informing herd health and welfare management plans.


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This article analyses adoption of farm-based irrigation water saving techniques, based on a cross-sectional data set of 357 farmers in the Guanzhong Plain, China. Approximately 83% of the farmers use at least one farm-based water-saving technique. However, the traditional, inefficient techniques border and furrow irrigation are still prevalent whereas the use of advanced, more efficient techniques is still rather rare. We develop and estimate an adoption model consisting of two stages: awareness of water scarcity and intensity of adoption. We find that awareness of water scarcity and financial status enhance adoption of more advanced techniques whereas access to better community-based irrigation infrastructure discourages it. We furthermore find both community-based irrigation infrastructure and farm-based irrigation water-saving techniques have mitigating effects on production risk. From the results it follows that adoption can be stimulated via financial support and via extension aimed at enhancing awareness of water scarcity.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química


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In this study, the added value resultant from the incorporation of pultrusion production waste into polymer based concretes was assessed. For this purpose, different types of thermoset composite scrap material, proceeding from GFRP pultrusion manufacturing process, were mechanical shredded and milled into a fibrous-powdered material. Resultant GFRP recyclates, with two different size gradings, were added to polyester based mortars as fine aggregate and filler replacements, at various load contents between 4% up to 12% in weight of total mass. Flexural and compressive loading capacities were evaluated and found better than those of unmodified polymer mortars. Obtained results highlight the high potential of recycled GFRP pultrusion waste materials as efficient and sustainable admixtures for concrete and mortar-polymer composites, constituting an emergent waste management solution.


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Depuis la révolution industrielle, l’évolution de la technologie bouleverse le monde de la fabrication. Aujourd'hui, de nouvelles technologies telles que le prototypage rapide font une percée dans des domaines comme celui de la fabrication de bijoux, appartenant jadis à l'artisanat et en bouscule les traditions par l'introduction de méthodes plus rapides et plus faciles. Cette recherche vise à répondre aux deux questions suivantes : - ‘En quoi le prototypage rapide influence-t-il la pratique de fabrication de bijoux?’ - ‘En quoi influence-t-il de potentiels acheteurs dans leur appréciation du bijou?’ L' approche consiste en une collecte de données faite au cours de trois entretiens avec différents bijoutiers et une rencontre de deux groupes de discussion composés de consommateurs potentiels. Les résultats ont révélé l’utilité du prototypage rapide pour surmonter un certain nombre d'obstacles inhérents au fait-main, tel que dans sa géométrie, sa commercialisation, et sa finesse de détails. Cependant, il se crée une distance entre la main du bijoutier et l'objet, changeant ainsi la nature de la pratique. Cette technologie est perçue comme un moyen moins authentique car la machine rappelle la production de masse et la possibilité de reproduction en série détruit la notion d’unicité du bijou, en réduisant ainsi sa charge émotionnelle. Cette recherche propose une meilleure compréhension de l'utilisation du prototypage rapide et de ses conséquences dans la fabrication de bijoux. Peut-être ouvrira-t-elle la voie à une recherche visant un meilleur mariage entre cette technique et les méthodes traditionnelles.


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Land tenure insecurity is widely perceived as a disincentive for long-term land improvement investment hence the objective of this paper is to evaluate how tenure (in)security associated with different land use arrangements in Ghana influenced households’ plot level investment decisions and choices. The paper uses data from the Farmer-Based Organisations (FBO) survey. The FBO survey collected information from 2,928 households across three ecological zones of Ghana using multistaged cluster sampling. Probit and Tobit models tested the effects of land tenancy and ownership arrangements on households’ investment behaviour while controlling other factors. It was found that marginal farm size was inversely related to tenure insecurity while tenure insecurity correlate positively with value of farm land and not farm size. Individual ownership and documentation of land significantly reduced the probability of households losing uncultivated lands. Individual land ownership increased both the probability of investing and level of investments made in land improvement and irrigation probably due to increasing importance households place on land ownership. Two possible explanations for this finding are: First, that land markets and land relations have changed significantly over the last two decades with increasing money transaction and fixed agreements propelled by population growth and increasing value of land. Secondly, inclusion of irrigation investment as a long term investment in land raises the value of household investment and the time period required to reap the returns on the investments. Households take land ownership and duration of tenancy into consideration if the resource implications of land investments are relatively huge and the time dimension for harvesting returns to investments is relatively long.


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This paper presents the method and findings of a contingent valuation (CV) study that aimed to elicit United Kingdom citizens' willingness to pay to support legislation to phase out the use of battery cages for egg production in the European Union (EU). The method takes account of various biases associated with the CV technique, including 'warm glow', 'part-whole' and sample response biases. Estimated mean willingness to pay to support the legislation is used to estimate the annual benefit of the legislation to UK citizens. This is compared with the estimated annual costs of the legislation over a 12-year period, which allows for readjustment by the UK egg industry. The analysis shows that the estimated benefits of the legislation outweigh the costs. The study demonstrates that CV is a potentially useful technique for assessing the likely benefits associated with proposed legislation. However, estimates of CV studies must be treated with caution. It is important that they are derived from carefully designed surveys and that the willingness to pay estimation method allows for various biases. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two commercial enzyme products, Depol 40 (D) and Liquicell 2500 (L), were characterised from a biochemical standpoint and their potential to improve rumen degradation of forages was evaluated in vitro. Enzyme activities were determined at pH 5.5 and 39 degreesC. Analysis of the enzyme activities indicated that L contained higher xylanase and endoglucanase, but lower exoglucanase, pectinase and alpha-amylase activities than D. The Reading Pressure Technique (RPT) was used to investigate the effect of enzyme addition on the in vitro gas production (GP) and organic matter degradation (OMD) of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) stems and leaves. A completely randomised design with factorial arrangement of treatments was used. Both alfalfa fractions were untreated or treated with each enzyme at four levels, 20 h before incubation with rumen fluid. Each level of enzyme provided similar amounts of filter paper (D1, L1), endoglucanase (D2, L2), alpha-L-arabinofuranosidase (D3, L3) and xylanase units (D4, L4) per gram forage DM. Enzymes increased the initial OMD in both fractions, with improvements of up to 15% in leaves (D4) and 8% in stems (L2) after 12 h incubation. All enzyme treatments increased the extent of degradation (96 h incubation) in the leaf fractions, but only L2 increased final OMD in the stems. Direct hydrolysis of forage fractions during the pre-treatment period did not fully account for the magnitude of the increases in OMD, suggesting that the increase in rate of degradation was achieved through a combined effect of direct enzyme hydrolysis and synergistic action between the exogenous (applied) and endogenous (rumen) enzymes. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Foods derived from animals are an important source of nutrients in the diet; for example, milk and meat together provide about 60 and 55% of the dietary intake of Ca and protein respectively in the UK. However, certain aspects of some animal-derived foods, particularly their fat and saturated fatty acid (SFA) contents, have led to concerns that these foods substantially contribute to the risk of CVD, the metabolic syndrome and other chronic diseases. In most parts of Europe dairy products are the greatest single dietary source of SFA. The fatty acid composition of various animal-derived foods is, however, not constant and can, in many cases, be enhanced by animal nutrition. In particular, milk fat with reduced concentrations of the C12-16 SFA and an increased concentration of 18:1 MUFA is achievable, although enrichment with very-long-chain n-3 PUFA is much less efficient. However, there is now evidence that some animal-derived foods (notably milk products) contain compounds that may actively promote long-term health, and research is urgently required to fully characterise the benefits associated with the consumption of these compounds and to understand how the levels in natural foods can be enhanced. It is also vital that the beneficial effects are not inadvertently destroyed in the process of reducing the concentrations of SFA. In the future the role of animal nutrition in creating foods closer to the optimum composition for long-term human health is likely to become increasingly important, but production of such foods on a scale that will substantially affect national diets will require political and financial incentives and great changes in the animal production industry.


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in vitro studies were conducted on five sorghum genotypes developed for the dry tropical highland climate of Kenya and which can be fed to ruminants fresh or as silage. The five sorghum genotypes consisted of two normal white mid-rib (WMR) genotypes, coded E1291 and E65181, and three brown-midrib (BMR) genotypes, coded Lan-5, Lan-6 and Lan-12. Whole mature plants (herbage plus grain) and silage made from E 1291 were used in the study. An in vitro manual gas production technique was used to compare the nutritive characteristics of these genotypes for ruminants. These sorghums differed significantly in true organic matter degraded (OMDeg), which ranged from 520 to 678 g/kg after 24 h incubation and 706 to 805 g/kg after 72 h incubation. All the BMR sorghums had a higher degradability than the WMR genotype, E6518, and the silage, with Lan-5 having the highest degradability. Methane produced per g OMDeg ranged from 40.6 to 46.4 mL/g after 24 h incubation and from 53.1 to 62.6 mL/g after 72 h incubation. It was similar for all genotypes after 24 h incubation but Lan-12 had the highest methane production after 72 h incubation. After 24 h and 72 h incubation all the genotypes produced a similar total amount of gas per OMDeg (293 to 309 and 357 to 385 mL/g, respectively) with similar total short chain fatty acid concentrations in the liquid digesta (7.8 to 10.4 and 9.5 to 10.3 mmol, respectively) and acetate to propionate ratios of 2.16 to 2.49 and 2.35 to 2.87, respectively. The sorghums showed great potential as ruminant feed sources in the region.


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The presence of a grass strip was found to be beneficial to soil macrofauna, increasing the species densities and abundances of earthworms, woodlice and staphylinid beetles. The biodiversity of the three main feeding groups - predators, soil ingesters and litter consumers - was also significantly higher in the grass strips than in the field edges without strips, indicating that establishment of grassy margins in arable fields may enhance ecosystem services such as soil fertility and pest control. The grass strip habitat contained a large number of species of soil macrofauna, being second only to hedgerow habitat, with 10% of the total species list for the farm found only within the margins. Of the rare species recorded on the farm, five of the nine were from the grass strips, four of which were found only there. This study shows that establishing grassy strips in the margins of arable fields increases the biodiversity of the soil macrofauna, both within fields (alpha diversity) and across the farm (beta diversity). (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The presence of a grass strip was found to be beneficial to soil macrofauna, increasing the species densities and abundances of earthworms, woodlice and staphylinid beetles. The biodiversity of the three main feeding groups – predators, soil ingesters and litter consumers – was also significantly higher in the grass strips than in the field edges without strips, indicating that establishment of grassy margins in arable fields may enhance ecosystem services such as soil fertility and pest control. The grass strip habitat contained a large number of species of soil macrofauna, being second only to hedgerow habitat, with 10% of the total species list for the farm found only within the margins. Of the rare species recorded on the farm, five of the nine were from the grass strips, four of which were found only there. This study shows that establishing grassy strips in the margins of arable fields increases the biodiversity of the soil macrofauna, both within fields (alpha diversity) and across the farm (beta diversity).


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Integrated Arable Farming Systems (IAFS) projects utilise a range of novel and different farming techniques, often associated with optimising or reducing the use of inputs. Here, data is presented from the LINK-IFS project which suggests that, although input levels are being reduced, the overall profitability of the system can be maintained. The effect of thus reduction in inputs, however, in terms of impact on key environmental indicators is unclear.