991 resultados para upwind compact difference scheme


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The three-dimensional compressible Navier-Stokes equations are approximated by a fifth order upwind compact and a sixth order symmetrical compact difference relations combined with three-stage Ronge-Kutta method. The computed results are presented for convective Mach number Mc = 0.8 and Re = 200 with initial data which have equal and opposite oblique waves. From the computed results we can see the variation of coherent structures with time integration and full process of instability, formation of Lambda-vortices, double horseshoe vortices and mushroom structures. The large structures break into small and smaller vortex structures. Finally, the movement of small structure becomes dominant, and flow field turns into turbulence. It is noted that production of small vortex structures is combined with turning of symmetrical structures to unsymmetrical ones. It is shown in the present computation that the flow field turns into turbulence directly from initial instability and there is not vortex pairing in process of transition. It means that for large convective Mach number the transition mechanism for compressible mixing layer differs from that in incompressible mixing layer.


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The passive scalars in the decaying compressible turbulence with the initial Reynolds number (defined by Taylor scale and RMS velocity) Re=72, the initial turbulent Mach numbers (defined by RMS velocity and mean sound speed) Mt=0.2-0.9, and the Schmidt numbers of passive scalar Sc=2-10 are numerically simulated by using a 7th order upwind difference scheme and 8th order group velocity control scheme. The computed results are validated with different numerical methods and different mesh sizes. The Batchelor scaling with k(-1) range is found in scalar spectra. The passive scalar spectra decay faster with the increasing turbulent Mach number. The extended self-similarity (ESS) is found in the passive scalar of compressible turbulence.


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To overcome the difficulty in the DNS of compressible turbulence at high turbulent Mach number, a new difference scheme called GVC8 is developed. We have succeeded in the direct numerical simulation of decaying compressible turbulence up to turbulent Mach number 0.95. The statistical quantities thus obtained at lower turbulent Mach number agree well with those from previous authors with the same initial conditions, but they are limited to simulate at lower turbulent Mach numbers due to the so-called start-up problem. The energy spectrum and coherent structure of compressible turbulent flow are analysed. The scaling law of compressible turbulence is studied. The computed results indicate that the extended self-similarity holds in decaying compressible turbulence despite the occurrence of shocklets, and compressibility has little effects on relative scaling exponents when turbulent Mach number is not very high.


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The compressible Navier-Stokes equations discretized with a fourth order accurate compact finite difference scheme with group velocity control are used to simulate the Richtmyer-Meshkov (R-M) instability problem produced by cylindrical shock-cylindrical material interface with shock Mach number Ms = 1.2 and density ratio 1:20 (interior density/outer density). Effect of shock refraction, reflection, interaction of the reflected shock with the material interface, and effect of initial perturbation modes on R-M instability are investigated numerically. It is noted that the shock refraction is a main physical mechanism of the initial phase changing of the material surface. The multiple interactions of the reflected shock from the origin with the interface and the R-M instability near the material interface are the reason for formation of the spike-bubble structures. Different viscosities lead to different spike-bubble structure characteristics. The vortex pairing phenomenon is found in the initial double mode simulation. The mode interaction is the main factor of small structures production near the interface.


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The coherent structure in two-dimensional mixing layers is simulated numerically with the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Navier-Stokes equations are discretized with high-order accurate upwind compact schemes. The process of development of flow structure is presented: loss of stability, development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instability, rolling up and pairing. The time and space development of the plane mixing layer and influence of the compressibility are investigated.


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This is the first part of direct numerical simulation (DNS) of double-diffusive convection in a slim rectangular enclosure with horizontal temperature and concentration gradients. We consider the case with the thermal Rayleigh number of 10^5, the Pradtle number of 1, the Lewis number of 2, the buoyancy ratio of composition to temperature being in the range of [0,1], and height-to-width aspect ration of 4. A new 7th order upwind compact scheme was developed for approximation of convective terms, and a three-stage third-order Runge-Kutta method was employed for time advancement. Our DNS suggests that with the buoyancy ratio increasing form 0 to 1, the flow of transition is a complex series changing fromthe steady to periodic, chaotic, periodic, quasi-periodic, and finally back to periodic. There are two types of periodic flow, one is simple periodic flow with single fundamental frequency (FF), and another is complex periodic flow with multiple FFs. This process is illustrated by using time-velocity histories, Fourier frequency spectrum analysis and the phase-space rajectories.


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As análises de erros são conduzidas antes de qualquer projeto a ser desenvolvido. A necessidade do conhecimento do comportamento do erro numérico em malhas estruturadas e não-estruturadas surge com o aumento do uso destas malhas nos métodos de discretização. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma metodologia para analisar os erros de discretização gerados através do truncamento na Série de Taylor, aplicados às equações de Poisson e de Advecção-Difusão estacionárias uni e bidimensionais, utilizando-se o Método de Volumes Finitos em malhas do tipo Voronoi. A escolha dessas equações se dá devido a sua grande utilização em testes de novos modelos matemáticos e função de interpolação. Foram usados os esquemas Central Difference Scheme (CDS) e Upwind Difference Scheme(UDS) nos termos advectivos. Verificou-se a influência do tipo de condição de contorno e a posição do ponto gerador do volume na solução numérica. Os resultados analíticos foram confrontados com resultados experimentais para dois tipos de malhas de Voronoi, uma malha cartesiana e outra triangular comprovando a influência da forma do volume finito na solução numérica obtida. Foi percebido no estudo que a discretização usando o esquema CDS tem erros menores do que a discretização usando o esquema UDS conforme literatura. Também se percebe a diferença nos erros em volumes vizinhos nas malhas triangulares o que faz com que não se tenha uma uniformidade nos gráficos dos erros estudados. Percebeu-se que as malhas cartesianas com nó no centróide do volume tem menor erro de discretização do que malhas triangulares. Mas o uso deste tipo de malha depende da geometria do problema estudado


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This paper alms at illustrating the impact of spatial difference scheme and spatial resolution on the performance of Arakawa A-D grids in physical space. Linear shallow water equations are discretized and forecasted on Arakawa A-D grids for 120-minute using the ordinary second-order (M and fourth-order (C4) finite difference schemes with the grid spacing being 100 km, 10 km and I km, respectively. Then the forecasted results are compared with the exact solution, the result indicates that when the grid spacing is I kin, the inertial gravity wave can be simulated on any grid with the same results from C2 scheme or C4 scheme, namely the impact of variable configuration is neglectable; while the inertial gravity wave is simulated with lengthened grid spacing, the effects of different variable configurations are different. However, whether for C2 scheme or for C4 scheme, the RMS is minimal (maximal) on C (D) grid. At the same time it is also shown that when the difference accuracy increases from C2 scheme to C4 scheme, the resulted forecasts do not uniformly decrease, which is validated by the change of the group A velocity relative error from C2 scheme to C4 scheme. Therefore, the impact of the grid spacing is more important than that of the difference accuracy on the performance of Arakawa A-D grid.


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Existing compact routing schemes, e.g., Thorup and Zwick [SPAA 2001] and Chechik [PODC 2013], often have no means to tolerate failures, once the system has been setup and started. This paper presents, to our knowledge, the first self-healing compact routing scheme. Besides, our schemes are developed for low memory nodes, i.e., nodes need only O(log2 n) memory, and are thus, compact schemes.
We introduce two algorithms of independent interest: The first is CompactFT, a novel compact version (using only O(log n) local memory) of the self-healing algorithm Forgiving Tree of Hayes et al. [PODC 2008]. The second algorithm (CompactFTZ) combines CompactFT with Thorup-Zwick’s treebased compact routing scheme [SPAA 2001] to produce a fully compact self-healing routing scheme. In the self-healing model, the adversary deletes nodes one at a time with the affected nodes self-healing locally by adding few edges. CompactFT recovers from each attack in only O(1) time and ∆ messages, with only +3 degree increase and O(log∆) graph diameter increase, over any sequence of deletions (∆ is the initial maximum degree).
Additionally, CompactFTZ guarantees delivery of a packet sent from sender s as long as the receiver has not been deleted, with only an additional O(y log ∆) latency, where y is the number of nodes that have been deleted on the path between s and t. If t has been deleted, s gets informed and the packet removed from the network.


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A finite-difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow-water equations of ideal fluid flow. A linearised problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gasdynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearised problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second-order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. An extension to the two-dimensional equations with source terms, is included. The scheme is applied to a dam-break problem with cylindrical symmetry.


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Abstract A finite difference scheme is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional shallow water equations in steady, supercritical flow. The scheme incorporates numerical characteristic decomposition, is shock capturing by design and incorporates space-marching as a result of the assumption that the flow is wholly supercritical in at least one space dimension. Results are shown for problems involving oblique hydraulic jumps and reflection from a wall.


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A finite difference scheme is presented for the solution of the two-dimensional equations of steady, supersonic, isentropic flow. The scheme incorporates numerical characteristic decomposition, is shock-capturing by design and incorporates space marching as a result of the assumption that the flow is wholly supersonic in at least one space dimension. Results are shown for problems involving oblique hydraulic jumps and reflection from a wall.


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A finite difference scheme based on flux difference splitting is presented for the solution of the one-dimensional shallow water equations in open channels. A linearised problem, analogous to that of Riemann for gas dynamics, is defined and a scheme, based on numerical characteristic decomposition, is presented for obtaining approximate solutions to the linearised problem. The method of upwind differencing is used for the resulting scalar problems, together with a flux limiter for obtaining a second order scheme which avoids non-physical, spurious oscillations. The scheme is applied to a problem of flow in a river whose geometry induces a region of supercritical flow.


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The scheme is based on Ami Harten's ideas (Harten, 1994), the main tools coming from wavelet theory, in the framework of multiresolution analysis for cell averages. But instead of evolving cell averages on the finest uniform level, we propose to evolve just the cell averages on the grid determined by the significant wavelet coefficients. Typically, there are few cells in each time step, big cells on smooth regions, and smaller ones close to irregularities of the solution. For the numerical flux, we use a simple uniform central finite difference scheme, adapted to the size of each cell. If any of the required neighboring cell averages is not present, it is interpolated from coarser scales. But we switch to ENO scheme in the finest part of the grids. To show the feasibility and efficiency of the method, it is applied to a system arising in polymer-flooding of an oil reservoir. In terms of CPU time and memory requirements, it outperforms Harten's multiresolution algorithm.The proposed method applies to systems of conservation laws in 1Dpartial derivative(t)u(x, t) + partial derivative(x)f(u(x, t)) = 0, u(x, t) is an element of R-m. (1)In the spirit of finite volume methods, we shall consider the explicit schemeupsilon(mu)(n+1) = upsilon(mu)(n) - Deltat/hmu ((f) over bar (mu) - (f) over bar (mu)-) = [Dupsilon(n)](mu), (2)where mu is a point of an irregular grid Gamma, mu(-) is the left neighbor of A in Gamma, upsilon(mu)(n) approximate to 1/mu-mu(-) integral(mu-)(mu) u(x, t(n))dx are approximated cell averages of the solution, (f) over bar (mu) = (f) over bar (mu)(upsilon(n)) are the numerical fluxes, and D is the numerical evolution operator of the scheme.According to the definition of (f) over bar (mu), several schemes of this type have been proposed and successfully applied (LeVeque, 1990). Godunov, Lax-Wendroff, and ENO are some of the popular names. Godunov scheme resolves well the shocks, but accuracy (of first order) is poor in smooth regions. Lax-Wendroff is of second order, but produces dangerous oscillations close to shocks. ENO schemes are good alternatives, with high order and without serious oscillations. But the price is high computational cost.Ami Harten proposed in (Harten, 1994) a simple strategy to save expensive ENO flux calculations. The basic tools come from multiresolution analysis for cell averages on uniform grids, and the principle is that wavelet coefficients can be used for the characterization of local smoothness.. Typically, only few wavelet coefficients are significant. At the finest level, they indicate discontinuity points, where ENO numerical fluxes are computed exactly. Elsewhere, cheaper fluxes can be safely used, or just interpolated from coarser scales. Different applications of this principle have been explored by several authors, see for example (G-Muller and Muller, 1998).Our scheme also uses Ami Harten's ideas. But instead of evolving the cell averages on the finest uniform level, we propose to evolve the cell averages on sparse grids associated with the significant wavelet coefficients. This means that the total number of cells is small, with big cells in smooth regions and smaller ones close to irregularities. This task requires improved new tools, which are described next.


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A finite-difference scheme is used to calculate bound electronic states of an electron in a hydrogen atom subject to a magnetic field. The numerical results are in good agreement with exact results, in the absence of the magnetic field, and with a two-parameters variational calculation, when the magnetic field is applied.