975 resultados para under-reporting


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Devido à alta mortalidade e, principalmente, a morbidade, as hepatites são um dos mais graves problemas de Saúde Pública, no País e no mundo. Entre elas destacamos a infecção da hepatite C. O número de pessoas que desconhecem que são portadoras do vírus HCV é relevante. Como atualmente a transmissão do HCV por transfusão sanguínea e hemoderivados é rara entre os doadores de sangue, depois da introdução do método de triagem nos centros hemoterápicos, fundamental para detectar a existência de uma possível infecção neste doador. A realidade epidemiológica da hepatite C em Imperatriz necessita de maior conhecimento e planejamento das estratégias de prevenção e assistência aos portadores de HCV, uma vez que não existe uma rede de serviço consolidada para o tratamento, a burocracia é grande para se chegar ao diagnóstico da doença e a sub-notificação dos casos é elevada. Tem como objetivo avaliar a soroprevalência do HCV em candidatos à doação de sangue no município de Imperatriz – MA; assim como analisar o perfil dos candidatos considerados inaptos a doação de sangue no HEMOMAR, nesta cidade; determinar a soroprevalência do Vírus da Hepatite C entre os doadores de sangue no período de 2005 a 2010; realizar o levantamento dos dados epidemiológicos, destacando o gênero e a faixa etária de maior prevalência do vírus da hepatite C; comparar os dados epidemiológicos identificando a procedência dos candidatos soropositivos para o vírus da hepatite C. o estudo é de caráter descritivo transversal, envolvendo doadores de sangue do Centro de Hematologia e Hemoterapia do Estado do Maranhão de Imperatriz - MA. Na distribuição dos doadores de sangue do HEMOMAR, regional de Imperatriz -MA quanto ao sexo, constata-se que, nos anos de 2005 à 2011 o fluxo de doadores caracterizou-se por indivíduos de ambos os sexos,com predominância do masculino (75,01%), quando analisamos o perfil dos candidatos a doadores com sorologia positiva para HCV, observamos que estes também eram a maioria. A faixa etária dos doadores de sangue do HEMOMAR predominante era de 18-29. Os candidatos a doação com sorologia positiva para HCV, foram encontrados 79,17% na situação de casados/união estável. Entre os doadores que foram considerados inaptos a doação, 0,21% apresentou sorologia positiva para HCV. A maioria dos candidatos a doadores com soropositividade para HCV pertencia ao município de Imperatriz. Concluiu-se que é importante lembrar que o processo de triagem clínica e laboratorial diminui riscos de contaminação no processo de transfusão sanguínea. A figura do doador de sangue deve ser sempre valorizada e parabenizada por todos.


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This study aimed to assess knowledge of nursing professionals (nurses, technicians and nursing assistants) on the Project Sentinel Hospitals in a state hospital in the interior of and identify the occurrence of under-reporting of hospital products and the reasons that prevented the team to notify them. This is a study of a descriptive and exploratory, held in a public hospital in the interior of which serves only patients of the Unified Health System (SUS). The study sample consisted of 245 nurses. Data analysis revealed that the majority of nurses and nursing assistants refers knowledge about Project Sentinel Hospitals. In relation to the Practical nurses less than half know Hospitals Project Sentry. Knowledge of the four spheres of Hospitals Project Sentinel is higher among nurses. Among the practical nurses and nursing assistants prevailing knowledge in the area of Pharmacovigilance. The nurses have more knowledge about the process of notification and are major notifiers. Technicians and nursing assistants are those who have greater interest in learning content as a whole Hospitals Project Sentry. The nurses were the professionals who witnessed the most under-and under-reporting associated with the fear, lack of knowledge on the subject, insecurity and lack of time. It can be concluded that the study identified the knowledge of nurses on Project Sentinel Hospitals and the procedure for notification of technical defects and adverse events related to health products as well as identify the presence of under-reporting among professionals. In addition, the study shows the importance and need for greater disclosure of the activities developed by Project Sentinel Hospitals among nursing professionals through meetings, lectures, brochures, among other outlets


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Kyrgyzstan reported 77.5 new human brucellosis cases per 100,000 people in 2007, which is one of the highest incidences worldwide. In Kyrgyzstan, the currently used diagnostic tests in humans and animals are the Rose Bengal Test and the Huddleson test. A national representative cross-sectional study using cluster sampling proportional to size in humans, cattle, sheep, and goats was undertaken to assess the apparent seroprevalence in humans and animals. A total of 4,936 livestock sera and 1,774 human sera were tested in Naryn, Chuy, and Osh Oblasts. The overall apparent seroprevalences of brucellosis were 8.8% in humans (95% CI 4.5-16.5), 2.8% (95% CI 1.6-4.9%) in cattle, 3.3% (95% CI 1.5-6.9%) in sheep, and 2.5% (95% CI 1.4-4.5%) in goats. Naryn Oblast had the highest seroprevalences in humans and sheep. More men than women were seropositive (OR = 1.96; P < 0.001). Human seroprevalence was significantly associated with small ruminant seroprevalence but not with cattle seroprevalence. Annual incidence of human brucellosis exposure, measured by serological tests, was more than ten times higher than the annual incidence of reported clinical brucellosis cases. This indicates an under-reporting of human brucellosis cases, even if only a fraction of seropositive people have clinical symptoms. In conclusion, this study confirms the high seroprevalence of brucellosis in Kyrgyzstan and warrants rapid effective intervention, among others, by mass vaccination of sheep and goats but also of cattle.


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BACKGROUND Mortality risk for people with chronic kidney disease is substantially greater than that for the general population, increasing to a 7-fold greater risk for those on dialysis therapy. Higher body mass index, generally due to higher energy intake, appears protective for people on dialysis therapy, but the relationship between energy intake and survival in those with reduced kidney function is unknown. STUDY DESIGN Prospective cohort study with a median follow-up of 14.5 (IQR, 11.2-15.2) years. SETTING & PARTICIPANTS Blue Mountains Area, west of Sydney, Australia. Participants in the general community enrolled in the Blue Mountains Eye Study (n=2,664) who underwent a detailed interview, food frequency questionnaire, and physical examination including body weight, height, blood pressure, and laboratory tests. PREDICTORS Relative energy intake, food components (carbohydrates, total sugars, fat, protein, and water), and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR). Relative energy intake was dichotomized at 100%, and eGFR, at 60mL/min/1.73m(2). OUTCOMES All-cause and cardiovascular mortality. MEASUREMENTS All-cause and cardiovascular mortality using unadjusted and adjusted Cox proportional regression models. RESULTS 949 people died during follow-up, 318 of cardiovascular events. In people with eGFR<60mL/min/1.73m(2) (n=852), there was an increased risk of all-cause mortality (HR, 1.48; P=0.03), but no increased risk of cardiovascular mortality (HR, 1.59; P=0.1) among those with higher relative energy intake compared with those with lower relative energy intake. Increasing intake of carbohydrates (HR per 100g/d, 1.50; P=0.04) and total sugars (HR per 100g/d, 1.62; P=0.03) was associated significantly with increased risk of cardiovascular mortality. LIMITATIONS Under-reporting of energy intake, baseline laboratory and food intake values only, white population. CONCLUSIONS Increasing relative energy intake was associated with increased all-cause mortality in patients with eGFR<60mL/min/1.73m(2). This effect may be mediated by increasing total sugars intake on subsequent cardiovascular events.


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Acknowledgements The original study, from which the current data were taken, was funded by the Food Standards Agency, UK.


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The transposition of the Racial Equality Directive (2000/43/EC) has immensely enhanced legal protection against discrimination on the grounds of racial and ethnic origin throughout the EU. More than 10 years after its adoption, the main challenge identified in many Member States is the enforcement of anti-discrimination laws in practice, in particular with regard to access to justice. Ultimately it is up to the domestic courts to ensure effective implementation of anti-discrimination law. Polls regularly show that the discrepancy between the levels of discrimination experienced and discrimination reported by victims must be seriously addressed. Awareness is low not only among the public but also among the members of the legal professions, leading to under-reporting of discrimination cases. In addition, data that reflect the ethnic or racial composition of the population are scarce which makes it difficult to prove discrimination before the competent authorities. Moreover, certain procedural difficulties that affect access to justice and effective enforcement also stem from the short limitation periods foreseen in legislation, lengthy procedures, evidence, high costs and failures in the provision of legal aid, ineffective sanctions, as well as barriers in the form of language and issues relating to legal standing or legitimate interest. The law remains complex and remedies often inadequate.


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Most consumers consider complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) products inherently safe. The growing simultaneous use of CAM products and pharmaceutical drugs by Australian consumers increases the risk of CAM-drug interactions. The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has a two-tier, risk-based regulatory system for therapeutic goods - CAM products are regulated as low risk products and are assessed for quality and safety; and sponsors of products must hold the evidence for any claim of efficacy made about them. Adverse reactions to CAM products can be classified as intrinsic (innate to the product), or extrinsic (where the risk is not related to the product itself, but results from the failure of good manufacturing practice). Adverse reactions to CAM practices can be classified as risks of commission (which includes removal of medical therapy) and risks of omission (which includes failure to refer when appropriate). While few systematic studies of adverse events with CAM exist, and under-reporting is likely, most CAM products and practices do not appear to present a high risk; their safety needs to be put into the perspective of wider safety issues. A priority for research is to rigorously define the risks associated with both CAM products and practices so that their potential impact on public health can be assessed.


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Background: Recent work has demonstrated that the lifetime suicide risk for patients with DSM IV Major Depression cannot mathematically approximate the accepted figure of 15%. Gender and age significantly affect both the prevalence of major depression and suicide risk, Methods: Gender and age stratified calculations were made on the entire population of the USA in 1994 using a mathematical algorithm. Sex specific corrections for under-reporting were incorporated into the design. Results: The lifetime suicide risks for men and women were 7% and 1%, respectively. The combined risk was 3.4%. The male:female ratio for suicide risk in major depression was 10:1 for youths under 25, and 5.6:1 for adults. Conclusions: Suicide in major depression is predominantly a male problem, although complacency towards female sufferers is to be avoided. Diagnosis of major depression is of limited help in predicting suicide risk compared to case specific factors. The male experience of depression that leads to suicide is often not identified as a legitimate medical complaint by either sufferers or professionals. Increasing help-accessing by males is a priority. Clinical implications: Patients with a history of hospitalisation; comorbidity, especially for substance abuse; and who are male, require greater vigilance for suicide risk. It may be that for males che threshold for diagnosing and treating major depression needs to be lowered. Limitations: This research is based on a mathematical algorithm to approximate a life-long longitudinal study that identifies community cases of depression. Our findings therefore rely on the validity of the statistics used. Extrapolation is limited to populations with an actual suicide rate of 17/100,000 or less and a lifetime prevalence of major depression of 17% or more. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract and Summary of Thesis: Background: Individuals with Major Mental Illness (such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder) experience increased rates of physical health comorbidity compared to the general population. They also experience inequalities in access to certain aspects of healthcare. This ultimately leads to premature mortality. Studies detailing patterns of physical health comorbidity are limited by their definitions of comorbidity, single disease approach to comorbidity and by the study of heterogeneous groups. To date the investigation of possible sources of healthcare inequalities experienced by individuals with Major Mental Illness (MMI) is relatively limited. Moreover studies detailing the extent of premature mortality experienced by individuals with MMI vary both in terms of the measure of premature mortality reported and age of the cohort investigated, limiting their generalisability to the wider population. Therefore local and national data can be used to describe patterns of physical health comorbidity, investigate possible reasons for health inequalities and describe mortality rates. These findings will extend existing work in this area. Aims and Objectives: To review the relevant literature regarding: patterns of physical health comorbidity, evidence for inequalities in physical healthcare and evidence for premature mortality for individuals with MMI. To examine the rates of physical health comorbidity in a large primary care database and to assess for evidence for inequalities in access to healthcare using both routine primary care prescribing data and incentivised national Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF) data. Finally to examine the rates of premature mortality in a local context with a particular focus on cause of death across the lifespan and effect of International Classification of Disease Version 10 (ICD 10) diagnosis and socioeconomic status on rates and cause of death. Methods: A narrative review of the literature surrounding patterns of physical health comorbidity, the evidence for inequalities in physical healthcare and premature mortality in MMI was undertaken. Rates of physical health comorbidity and multimorbidity in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were examined using a large primary care dataset (Scottish Programme for Improving Clinical Effectiveness in Primary Care (SPICE)). Possible inequalities in access to healthcare were investigated by comparing patterns of prescribing in individuals with MMI and comorbid physical health conditions with prescribing rates in individuals with physical health conditions without MMI using SPICE data. Potential inequalities in access to health promotion advice (in the form of smoking cessation) and prescribing of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) were also investigated using SPICE data. Possible inequalities in access to incentivised primary healthcare were investigated using National Quality and Outcome Framework (QOF) data. Finally a pre-existing case register (Glasgow Psychosis Clinical Information System (PsyCIS)) was linked to Scottish Mortality data (available from the Scottish Government Website) to investigate rates and primary cause of death in individuals with MMI. Rate and primary cause of death were compared to the local population and impact of age, socioeconomic status and ICD 10 diagnosis (schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder) were investigated. Results: Analysis of the SPICE data found that sixteen out of the thirty two common physical comorbidities assessed, occurred significantly more frequently in individuals with schizophrenia. In individuals with bipolar disorder fourteen occurred more frequently. The most prevalent chronic physical health conditions in individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder were: viral hepatitis (Odds Ratios (OR) 3.99 95% Confidence Interval (CI) 2.82-5.64 and OR 5.90 95% CI 3.16-11.03 respectively), constipation (OR 3.24 95% CI 3.01-3.49 and OR 2.84 95% CI 2.47-3.26 respectively) and Parkinson’s disease (OR 3.07 95% CI 2.43-3.89 and OR 2.52 95% CI 1.60-3.97 respectively). Both groups had significantly increased rates of multimorbidity compared to controls: in the schizophrenia group OR for two comorbidities was 1.37 95% CI 1.29-1.45 and in the bipolar disorder group OR was 1.34 95% CI 1.20-1.49. In the studies investigating inequalities in access to healthcare there was evidence of: under-recording of cardiovascular-related conditions for example in individuals with schizophrenia: OR for Atrial Fibrillation (AF) was 0.62 95% CI 0.52 - 0.73, for hypertension 0.71 95% CI 0.67 - 0.76, for Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) 0.76 95% CI 0.69 - 0.83 and for peripheral vascular disease (PVD) 0.83 95% CI 0.72 - 0.97. Similarly in individuals with bipolar disorder OR for AF was 0.56 95% CI 0.41-0.78, for hypertension 0.69 95% CI 0.62 - 0.77 and for CHD 0.77 95% CI 0.66 - 0.91. There was also evidence of less intensive prescribing for individuals with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder who had comorbid hypertension and CHD compared to individuals with hypertension and CHD who did not have schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Rate of prescribing of statins for individuals with schizophrenia and CHD occurred significantly less frequently than in individuals with CHD without MMI (OR 0.67 95% CI 0.56-0.80). Rates of prescribing of 2 or more anti-hypertensives were lower in individuals with CHD and schizophrenia and CHD and bipolar disorder compared to individuals with CHD without MMI (OR 0.66 95% CI 0.56-0.78 and OR 0.55 95% CI 0.46-0.67, respectively). Smoking was more common in individuals with MMI compared to individuals without MMI (OR 2.53 95% CI 2.44-2.63) and was particularly increased in men (OR 2.83 95% CI 2.68-2.98). Rates of ex-smoking and non-smoking were lower in individuals with MMI (OR 0.79 95% CI 0.75-0.83 and OR 0.50 95% CI 0.48-0.52 respectively). However recorded rates of smoking cessation advice in smokers with MMI were significantly lower than the recorded rates of smoking cessation advice in smokers with diabetes (88.7% vs. 98.0%, p<0.001), smokers with CHD (88.9% vs. 98.7%, p<0.001) and smokers with hypertension (88.3% vs. 98.5%, p<0.001) without MMI. The odds ratio of NRT prescription was also significantly lower in smokers with MMI without diabetes compared to smokers with diabetes without MMI (OR 0.75 95% CI 0.69-0.81). Similar findings were found for smokers with MMI without CHD compared to smokers with CHD without MMI (OR 0.34 95% CI 0.31-0.38) and smokers with MMI without hypertension compared to smokers with hypertension without MMI (OR 0.71 95% CI 0.66-0.76). At a national level, payment and population achievement rates for the recording of body mass index (BMI) in MMI was significantly lower than the payment and population achievement rates for BMI recording in diabetes throughout the whole of the UK combined: payment rate 92.7% (Inter Quartile Range (IQR) 89.3-95.8 vs. 95.5% IQR 93.3-97.2, p<0.001 and population achievement rate 84.0% IQR 76.3-90.0 vs. 92.5% IQR 89.7-94.9, p<0.001 and for each country individually: for example in Scotland payment rate was 94.0% IQR 91.4-97.2 vs. 96.3% IQR 94.3-97.8, p<0.001. Exception rate was significantly higher for the recording of BMI in MMI than the exception rate for BMI recording in diabetes for the UK combined: 7.4% IQR 3.3-15.9 vs. 2.3% IQR 0.9-4.7, p<0.001 and for each country individually. For example in Scotland exception rate in MMI was 11.8% IQR 5.4-19.3 compared to 3.5% IQR 1.9-6.1 in diabetes. Similar findings were found for Blood Pressure (BP) recording: across the whole of the UK payment and population achievement rates for BP recording in MMI were also significantly reduced compared to payment and population achievement rates for the recording of BP in chronic kidney disease (CKD): payment rate: 94.1% IQR 90.9-97.1 vs.97.8% IQR 96.3-98.9 and p<0.001 and population achievement rate 87.0% IQR 81.3-91.7 vs. 97.1% IQR 95.5-98.4, p<0.001. Exception rates again were significantly higher for the recording of BP in MMI compared to CKD (6.4% IQR 3.0-13.1 vs. 0.3% IQR 0.0-1.0, p<0.001). There was also evidence of differences in rates of recording of BMI and BP in MMI across the UK. BMI and BP recording in MMI were significantly lower in Scotland compared to England (BMI:-1.5% 99% CI -2.7 to -0.3%, p<0.001 and BP: -1.8% 99% CI -2.7 to -0.9%, p<0.001). While rates of BMI and BP recording in diabetes and CKD were similar in Scotland compared to England (BMI: -0.5 99% CI -1.0 to 0.05, p=0.004 and BP: 0.02 99% CI -0.2 to 0.3, p=0.797). Data from the PsyCIS cohort showed an increase in Standardised Mortality Ratios (SMR) across the lifespan for individuals with MMI compared to the local Glasgow and wider Scottish populations (Glasgow SMR 1.8 95% CI 1.6-2.0 and Scotland SMR 2.7 95% CI 2.4-3.1). Increasing socioeconomic deprivation was associated with an increased overall rate of death in MMI (350.3 deaths/10,000 population/5 years in the least deprived quintile compared to 794.6 deaths/10,000 population/5 years in the most deprived quintile). No significant difference in rate of death for individuals with schizophrenia compared with bipolar disorder was reported (6.3% vs. 4.9%, p=0.086), but primary cause of death varied: with higher rates of suicide in individuals with bipolar disorder (22.4% vs. 11.7%, p=0.04). Discussion: Local and national datasets can be used for epidemiological study to inform local practice and complement existing national and international studies. While the strengths of this thesis include the large data sets used and therefore their likely representativeness to the wider population, some limitations largely associated with using secondary data sources are acknowledged. While this thesis has confirmed evidence of increased physical health comorbidity and multimorbidity in individuals with MMI, it is likely that these findings represent a significant under reporting and likely under recognition of physical health comorbidity in this population. This is likely due to a combination of patient, health professional and healthcare system factors and requires further investigation. Moreover, evidence of inequality in access to healthcare in terms of: physical health promotion (namely smoking cessation advice), recording of physical health indices (BMI and BP), prescribing of medications for the treatment of physical illness and prescribing of NRT has been found at a national level. While significant premature mortality in individuals with MMI within a Scottish setting has been confirmed, more work is required to further detail and investigate the impact of socioeconomic deprivation on cause and rate of death in this population. It is clear that further education and training is required for all healthcare staff to improve the recognition, diagnosis and treatment of physical health problems in this population with the aim of addressing the significant premature mortality that is seen. Conclusions: Future work lies in the challenge of designing strategies to reduce health inequalities and narrow the gap in premature mortality reported in individuals with MMI. Models of care that allow a much more integrated approach to diagnosing, monitoring and treating both the physical and mental health of individuals with MMI, particularly in areas of social and economic deprivation may be helpful. Strategies to engage this “hard to reach” population also need to be developed. While greater integration of psychiatric services with primary care and with specialist medical services is clearly vital the evidence on how best to achieve this is limited. While the National Health Service (NHS) is currently undergoing major reform, attention needs to be paid to designing better ways to improve the current disconnect between primary and secondary care. This should then help to improve physical, psychological and social outcomes for individuals with MMI.


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The under-reporting of cases of infectious diseases is a substantial impediment to the control and management of infectious diseases in both epidemic and endemic contexts. Information about infectious disease dynamics can be recovered from sequence data using time-varying coalescent approaches, and phylodynamic models have been developed in order to reconstruct demographic changes of the numbers of infected hosts through time. In this study I have demonstrated the general concordance between empirically observed epidemiological incidence data and viral demography inferred through analysis of foot-and-mouth disease virus VP1 coding sequences belonging to the CATHAY topotype over large temporal and spatial scales. However a more precise and robust relationship between the effective population size (


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O vírus da gripe é uma das maiores causas de morbilidade e mortalidade em todo o mundo, afetando um elevado número de indivíduos em cada ano. Em Portugal a vigilância epidemiológica da gripe é assegurada pelo Programa Nacional de Vigilância da Gripe (PNVG), através da integração da informação das componentes clínica e virológica, gerando informação detalhada relativamente à atividade gripal. A componente clínica é suportada pela Rede Médicos-Sentinela e tem um papel especialmente relevante por possibilitar o cálculo de taxas de incidência permitindo descrever a intensidade e evolução da epidemia de gripe. A componente virológica tem por base o diagnóstico laboratorial do vírus da gripe e tem como objetivos a deteção e caraterização dos vírus da gripe em circulação. Para o estudo mais completo da etiologia da síndrome gripal foi efectuado o diagnóstico diferencial de outros vírus respiratórios: vírus sincicial respiratório tipo A (RSV A) e B (RSV B), o rhinovírus humano (hRV), o vírus parainfluenza humano tipo 1 (PIV1), 2 (PIV2) e 3 (PIV3), o coronavírus humano (hCoV), o adenovírus (AdV) e o metapneumovirus humano (hMPV). Desde 2009 a vigilância da gripe conta também com a Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe que atualmente é constituída por 15 hospitais onde se realiza o diagnóstico laboratorial da gripe. A informação obtida nesta Rede Laboratorial adiciona ao PNVG dados relativos a casos de doença respiratória mais severa com necessidade de internamento. Em 2011/2012, foi lançado um estudo piloto para vigiar os casos graves de gripe admitidos em Unidades de Cuidados Intensivos (UCI) que deu origem à atual Rede de vigilância da gripe em UCI constituída em 2015/2016 por 31 UCI (324 camas). Esta componente tem como objetivo a monitorização de novos casos de gripe confirmados laboratorialmente e admitidos em UCI, permitindo a avaliação da gravidade da doença associada à infeção pelo vírus da gripe. O Sistema da Vigilância Diária da Mortalidade constitui uma componente do PNVG que permite monitorizar a mortalidade semanal por “todas as causas” durante a época de gripe. É um sistema de vigilância epidemiológica que pretende detetar e estimar de forma rápida os impactos de eventos ambientais ou epidémicos relacionados com excessos de mortalidade. A notificação de casos de Síndrome Gripal (SG) e a colheita de amostras biológicas foi realizada em diferentes redes participantes do PNVG: Rede de Médicos-Sentinela, Rede de Serviços de Urgência/Obstetrícia, médicos do Projeto EuroEVA, Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe e Rede vigilância da gripe em UCI. Na época de vigilância da gripe de 2015/2016 foram notificados 1.273 casos de SG, 87% dos quais acompanhados de um exsudado da nasofaringe para diagnóstico laboratorial. No inverno de 2015/2016 observou-se uma atividade gripal de baixa intensidade. O período epidémico ocorreu entre a semana 53/2015 e a semana 8/2016 e o valor mais elevado da taxa de incidência semanal de SG (72,0/100000) foi observado na semana 53/2015. De acordo com os casos notificados à Rede Médicos-Sentinela, o grupo etário dos 15 aos 64 anos foi o que apresentou uma incidência cumulativa mais elevada. O vírus da gripe foi detetado em 41,0% dos exsudados da nasofaringe recebidos tendo sido detetados outros vírus respiratórios em 24% destes. O vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 foi o predominantemente detetado em 90,4% dos casos de gripe. Foram também detetados outros vírus da gripe, o vírus B - linhagem Victoria (8%), o vírus A(H3) (1,3%) e o vírus B- linhagem Yamagata (0,5%). A análise antigénica dos vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 mostrou a sua semelhança com a estirpe vacinal 2015/2016 (A/California/7/2009), a maioria dos vírus pertencem ao novo grupo genético 6B.1, que foi o predominantemente detetado em circulação na Europa. Os vírus do tipo B apesar de detetados em número bastante mais reduzido comparativamente com o subtipo A(H1)pdm09, foram na sua maioria da linhagem Victoria que antigenicamente se distinguem da estirpe vacinal de 2015/2016 (B/Phuket/3073/2013). Esta situação foi igualmente verificada nos restantes países da Europa, Estados Unidos da América e Canadá. Os vírus do subtipo A(H3) assemelham-se antigenicamente à estirpe selecionada para a vacina de 2016/2017 (A/Hong Kong/4801/2014). Geneticamente a maioria dos vírus caraterizados pertencem ao grupo 3C.2a, e são semelhantes à estirpe vacinal para a época de 2016/2017. A avaliação da resistência aos antivirais inibidores da neuraminidase, não revelou a circulação de estirpes com diminuição da suscetibilidade aos inibidores da neuraminidase (oseltamivir e zanamivir). A situação verificada em Portugal é semelhante à observada a nível europeu. A percentagem mais elevada de casos de gripe foi verificada nos indivíduos com idade inferior a 45 anos. A febre, as cefaleias, o mal-estar geral, as mialgias, a tosse e os calafrios mostraram apresentar uma forte associação à confirmação laboratorial de um caso de gripe. Foi nos doentes com imunodeficiência congénita ou adquirida que a proporção de casos de gripe foi mais elevada, seguidos dos doentes com diabetes e obesidade. A percentagem total de casos de gripe em mulheres grávidas foi semelhante à observada nas mulheres em idade fértil não grávidas. No entanto, o vírus da gripe do tipo A(H1)pdm09 foi detetado em maior proporção nas mulheres grávidas quando comparado as mulheres não grávidas. A vacina como a principal forma de prevenção da gripe é especialmente recomendada em indivíduos com idade igual ou superior a 65 anos, doentes crónicos e imunodeprimidos, grávidas e profissionais de saúde. A vacinação antigripal foi referida em 13% dos casos notificados. A deteção do vírus da gripe ocorreu em 25% dos casos vacinados e sujeitos a diagnóstico laboratorial estando essencialmente associados ao vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09, o predominante na época de 2015/2016. Esta situação foi mais frequentemente verificada em indivíduos com idade compreendida entre os 15 e 45 anos. A confirmação de gripe em indivíduos vacinados poderá estar relacionada com uma moderada efetividade da vacina antigripal na população em geral. A informação relativa à terapêutica antiviral foi indicada em 67% casos de SG notificados, proporção superior ao verificado em anos anteriores. Os antivirais foram prescritos a um número reduzido de doentes (9,0%) dos quais 45.0% referiam pelo menos a presença de uma doença crónica ou gravidez. O antiviral mais prescrito foi o oseltamivir. A pesquisa de outros vírus respiratórios nos casos de SG negativos para o vírus da gripe, veio revelar a circulação e o envolvimento de outros agentes virais respiratórios em casos de SG. Os vírus respiratórios foram detetados durante todo o período de vigilância da gripe, entre a semana 40/2015 e a semana 20/2016. O hRV, o hCoV e o RSV foram os agentes mais frequentemente detetados, para além do vírus da gripe, estando o RSV essencialmente associado a crianças com idade inferior a 4 anos de idade e o hRV e o hCoV aos adultos e população mais idosa (≥ 65 anos). A Rede Portuguesa de Laboratórios para o Diagnóstico da Gripe, efetuou o diagnóstico da gripe em 7443 casos de infeção respiratória sendo o vírus da gripe detetado em 1458 destes casos. Em 71% dos casos de gripe foi detetado o vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09. Os vírus da gripe do tipo A(H3) foram detetados esporadicamente e em número muito reduzido (2%), e em 11% o vírus da gripe A (não subtipado). O vírus da gripe do tipo B foi detetado em 16% dos casos. A frequência de cada tipo e subtipo do vírus da gripe identificados na Rede Hospitalar assemelha-se ao observado nos cuidados de saúde primários (Rede Médicos-Sentinela e Serviços de Urgência). Foi nos indivíduos adultos, entre os 45-64 anos, que o vírus A(H1)pdm09 representou uma maior proporção dos casos de gripe incluindo igualmente a maior proporção de doentes que necessitaram de internamento hospitalar em unidades de cuidados intensivos. O vírus da gripe do tipo B esteve associado a casos de gripe confirmados nas crianças entre os 5 e 14 anos. Outros vírus respiratórios foram igualmente detetados sendo o RSV e os picornavírus (hRV, hEV e picornavírus) os mais frequentes e em co circulação com o vírus da gripe. Durante a época de vigilância da gripe, 2015/2016, não se observaram excessos de mortalidade semanais. Nas UCI verificou-se uma franca dominância do vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 (90%) e a circulação simultânea do vírus da gripe B (3%). A taxa de admissão em UCI oscilou entre 5,8% e 4,7% entre as semanas 53 e 12 tendo o valor máximo sido registado na semana 8 de 2016 (8,1%). Cerca de metade dos doentes tinha entre 45 e 64 anos. Os mais idosos (65+ anos) foram apenas 20% dos casos, o que não será de estranhar, considerando que o vírus da gripe A(H1)pdm09 circulou como vírus dominante. Aproximadamente 70% dos doentes tinham doença crónica subjacente, tendo a obesidade sido a mais frequente (37%). Comparativamente com a pandemia, em que circulou também o A(H1)pdm09, a obesidade, em 2015/2016, foi cerca de 4 vezes mais frequente (9,8%). Apenas 8% dos doentes tinha feito a vacina contra a gripe sazonal, apesar de mais de 70% ter doença crónica subjacente e de haver recomendações da DGS nesse sentido. A taxa de letalidade foi estimada em 29,3%, mais elevada do que na época anterior (23,7%). Cerca de 80% dos óbitos ocorreram em indivíduos com doença crónica subjacente que poderá ter agravado o quadro e contribuído para o óbito. Salienta-se a ausência de dados históricos publicados sobre letalidade em UCI, para comparação. Note-se que esta estimativa se refere a óbitos ocorridos apenas durante a hospitalização na UCI e que poderão ter ocorrido mais óbitos após a alta da UCI para outros serviços/enfermarias. Este sistema de vigilância da gripe sazonal em UCI poderá ser aperfeiçoado nas próximas épocas reduzindo a subnotificação e melhorando o preenchimento dos campos necessários ao estudo da doença. A época de vigilância da gripe 2015/2016 foi em muitas caraterísticas comparável ao descrito na maioria dos países europeus. A situação em Portugal destacou-se pela baixa intensidade da atividade gripal, pelo predomínio do vírus da gripe do subtipo A(H1)pdm09 acompanhada pela deteção de vírus do tipo B (linhagem Victoria) essencialmente no final da época gripal. A mortalidade por todas as causas durante a epidemia da gripe manteve-se dentro do esperado, não tendo sido observados excessos de mortalidade. Os vírus da gripe do subtipo predominante na época 2015/2016, A(H1)pdm09, revelaram-se antigénicamente semelhantes à estirpe vacinal. Os vírus da gripe do tipo B detetados distinguem-se da estirpe vacinal de 2015/2016. Este facto conduziu à atualização da composição da vacina antigripal para a época 2016/2017. A monitorização contínua da epidemia da gripe a nível nacional e mundial permite a cada inverno avaliar o impacto da gripe na saúde da população, monitorizar a evolução dos vírus da gripe e atuar de forma a prevenir e implementar medidas eficazes de tratamento da doença, especialmente quando esta se apresenta acompanhada de complicações graves.


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"Guide in using plan description and annual report forms prepared by the Secretary of Labor."