599 resultados para ubiquitin


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa) is an opportunistic pathogen chronically infecting the lungs of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, cystic fibrosis (CF), and bronchiectasis. Cif (PA2934), a bacterial toxin secreted in outer membrane vesicles (OMV) by P. aeruginosa, reduces CFTR-mediated chloride secretion by human airway epithelial cells, a key driving force for mucociliary clearance. The aim of this study was to investigate the mechanism whereby Cif reduces CFTR-mediated chloride secretion. Cif redirected endocytosed CFTR from recycling endosomes to lysosomes by stabilizing an inhibitory effect of G3BP1 on the deubiquitinating enzyme (DUB), USP10, thereby reducing USP10-mediated deubiquitination of CFTR and increasing the degradation of CFTR in lysosomes. This is the first example of a bacterial toxin that regulates the activity of a host DUB. These data suggest that the ability of P. aeruginosa to chronically infect the lungs of patients with COPD, pneumonia, CF, and bronchiectasis is due in part to the secretion of OMV containing Cif, which inhibits CFTR-mediated chloride secretion and thereby reduces the mucociliary clearance of pathogens.


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Background: Heart failure (HF) is known to lead to skeletal muscle atrophy and dysfunction. However, intracellular mechanisms underlying HF-induced myopathy are not fully understood. We hypothesized that HF would increase oxidative stress and ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) activation in skeletal muscle of sympathetic hyperactivity mouse model. We also tested the hypothesis that aerobic exercise training (AET) would reestablish UPS activation in mice and human HF. Methods/Principal Findings: Time-course evaluation of plantaris muscle cross-sectional area, lipid hydroperoxidation, protein carbonylation and chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity was performed in a mouse model of sympathetic hyperactivity-induced HF. At the 7th month of age, HF mice displayed skeletal muscle atrophy, increased oxidative stress and UPS overactivation. Moderate-intensity AET restored lipid hydroperoxides and carbonylated protein levels paralleled by reduced E3 ligases mRNA levels, and reestablished chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity and plantaris trophicity. In human HF (patients randomized to sedentary or moderate-intensity AET protocol), skeletal muscle chymotrypsin-like proteasome activity was also increased and AET restored it to healthy control subjects' levels. Conclusions: Collectively, our data provide evidence that AET effectively counteracts redox imbalance and UPS overactivation, preventing skeletal myopathy and exercise intolerance in sympathetic hyperactivity-induced HF in mice. Of particular interest, AET attenuates skeletal muscle proteasome activity paralleled by improved aerobic capacity in HF patients, which is not achieved by drug treatment itself. Altogether these findings strengthen the clinical relevance of AET in the treatment of HF.


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Cunha TF, Moreira JB, Paixao NA, Campos JC, Monteiro AW, Bacurau AV, Bueno CR Jr., Ferreira JC, Brum PC. Aerobic exercise training upregulates skeletal muscle calpain and ubiquitin-proteasome systems in healthy mice. J Appl Physiol 112: 1839-1846, 2012. First published March 29, 2012; doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.00346.2011.-Aerobic exercise training (AET) is an important mechanical stimulus that modulates skeletal muscle protein turnover, leading to structural rearrangement. Since the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and calpain system are major proteolytic pathways involved in protein turnover, we aimed to investigate the effects of intensity-controlled AET on the skeletal muscle UPS and calpain system and their association to training-induced structural adaptations. Long-lasting effects of AET were studied in C57BL/6J mice after 2 or 8 wk of AET. Plantaris cross-sectional area (CSA) and capillarization were assessed by myosin ATPase staining. mRNA and protein expression levels of main components of the UPS and calpain system were evaluated in plantaris by real-time PCR and Western immunoblotting, respectively. No proteolytic system activation was observed after 2 wk of AET. Eight weeks of AET resulted in improved running capacity, plantaris capillarization, and CSA. Muscle RING finger-1 mRNA expression was increased in 8-wk-trained mice. Accordingly, elevated 26S proteasome activity was observed in the 8-wk-trained group, without accumulation of ubiquitinated or carbonylated proteins. In addition, calpain abundance was increased by 8 wk of AET, whereas no difference was observed in its endogenous inhibitor calpastatin. Taken together, our findings indicate that skeletal muscle enhancements, as evidenced by increased running capacity, plantaris capillarization, and CSA, occurred in spite of the upregulated UPS and calpain system, suggesting that overactivation of skeletal muscle proteolytic systems is not restricted to atrophying states. Our data provide evidence for the contribution of the UPS and calpain system to metabolic turnover of myofibrillar proteins and skeletal muscle adaptations to AET.


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We previously reported that melatonin modulates the Plasmodium falciparum erythrocytic cycle by increasing schizont stage population as well as diminishing ring stage population. In addition, the importance of calcium and cAMP in melatonin signaling pathway in P. falciparum was also demonstrated. Nevertheless, the molecular effectors of the indoleamine signaling pathway remain elusive. We now demonstrate by real-time PCR that melatonin treatment up-regulates genes related to ubiquitin/proteasome system (UPS) components and that luzindole, a melatonin receptor antagonist, inhibits UPS transcription modulation. We also show that protein kinase PfPK7, a P. falciparum orphan kinase, plays a crucial role in the melatonin transduction pathway, since following melatonin treatment of P. falciparum parasites where pfpk7 gene is disrupted (pfpk7- parasites) (i) the ratio of asexual stages remain unchanged, (ii) the increase in cytoplasmatic calcium in response to melatonin was strongly diminished and (iii) up-regulation of UPS genes did not occur. The wild-type melatonin-induced alterations in cell cycle features, calcium rise and UPS gene transcription were restored by re-introduction of a functional copy of the pfpk7 gene in the pfpk7- parasites.


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Defects in the COP9 signalosome (CSN) impair multicellular development, including embryonic plant or animal death or a block in sexual development of the fungus Aspergillus nidulans. CSN deneddylates cullin-RING ligases (CRLs), which are activated by covalent linkage to ubiquitin-like NEDD8. Deneddylation allows CRL disassembly for subsequent reassembly. An attractive hypothesis is a consecutive order of CRLs for development, which demands repeated cycles of neddylation and deneddylation for reassembling CRLs. Interruption of these cycles could explain developmental blocks caused by csn mutations. This predicts an accumulation of neddylated CRLs exhibiting developmental functions when CSN is dysfunctional. We tested this hypothesis in A. nidulans, which tolerates reduced levels of neddylation for growth. We show that only genes for CRL subunits or neddylation are essential, whereas CSN is primarily required for development. We used functional tagged NEDD8, recruiting all three fungal cullins. Cullins are associated with the CSN1/CsnA subunit when deneddylation is defective. Two CRLs were identified which are specifically involved in differentiation and accumulate during the developmental block. This suggests that an active CSN complex is required to counteract the accumulation of specific CRLs during development.


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TGF-beta ist ein Schlüsselmolekül zellvermittelter Immuntoleranz. So spielt es neben seiner pleiotropen Rolle in Immunzellen auch bei der Tumorentwicklung eine große Rolle. Das TGF-beta hat bei der Tumorentwicklung eine duale Rolle. So dient es in frühen Phasen als Tumorsuppressor, währenddessen es in späten Phasen der Entwicklung als Tumorpromotor wirkt. Eine strikte Regulation des TGF-beta Signalweges ist daher für ein funktionierendes Immunsystem von essentieller Bedeutung. Die Ubiquitin Ligase Smurf2 ist dabei ein wichtiger negativ Regulator des TGF-beta Signalweges.In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnte eine neue Spleißform des Smurf2 (dE2Smurf2) aus murinen CD4+ T-Zellen isoliert werden, deren Funktion in vitro und in vivo in T-Lymphozyten untersucht worden ist. Für diese Spleißform konnte zudem eine humane Relevanz nachgewiesen werden. Mit Hilfe von Überexpressionen in Cos7 Zellen konnte eine veränderte Lokalisation der Smurf2 Spleißformen (WT und dE2) festgestellt werden. Dabei konnten lysosomale und endosomale Kompartimente bei der Kolokalisation mit dem dE2Smurf2 Konstrukt beobachtet werden. Das Spleißen des Exons2 führte dabei zu Änderungen der Topologie der N-terminalen C2-Domäne, wodurch sich eine veränderte Lokalisation in der Zelle beschreiben ließ. Mit der veränderten intrazellulären Verteilung erfuhr auch die Funktion der dE2Smurf2 Ubiquitin Ligase eine Änderung. So konnte überraschenderweise eine positive Signalinduktion des TGF-beta Signalweges beobachtet werden, was im Gegensatz zum beschriebenen WTSmurf2 stand. Durch eine Überexpression des dE2Smurf2 Proteins in T-Lymphozyten wurde der TGF-beta Signalweg in CD4+ und CD8+ Zellen positiv reguliert, dabei wurde der TGFbetaRII vermehrt exprimiert und gleichzeitig fand eine verstärkte Phosphorylierung der Transkriptionsfaktoren Smad2 und Smad3 nach TGF-beta Stimulation statt. Die transgenen T-Lymphozyten waren somit sensitiver gegenüber TGF-beta. Dies führte zur Hypothese, die durch Western Blot Analyse bestätigt werden konnte, daß das dE2Smurf2 nach Überexpression seine WT-Form bindet und dadurch degradiert. Die Degradation der Ubiquitin Ligase war dabei Smad7 abhängig. Zur Analyse des Einflusses der Ubiquitin Ligase dE2Smurf2 auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T-Zellen, sowie ihre Rolle bei der T-Zell Proliferation, konnte gezeigt werden, daß durch die höhere Sensitivität gegenüber TGF-beta naive T-Zellen unter Einfluß von TGF-beta und IL6 vermehrt in TH17 Zellen differenzierten. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, daß die Proliferationsrate transgener naiver CD4+ T-Zellen bei geringen Mengen von TGF-beta starkt vermindert war. Weiterhin konnte gezeigt werden, daß bei einer Differenzierung der naiven CD4+ T-Zellen in TH1 Zellen, diese signifkant weniger das proinflammatorische Zytokin INFγ produzierten.So zeigten in vivo Versuche, daß die transgenen Tiere in der Entwicklung von Kolorektalen Karzinomen protektiert waren. Sowohl im kolitisassiziierten Tumor Modell als auch bei der spontanen Entwicklung von Tumoren im APCmin Modell. Dies konnte zum einen auf eine deutlich verminderte Entzündung (geringere Produktion an Zytokinen durch verminderte Proliferation) des Darms und zum anderen durch eine stärkere Produktion an zytotoxischen Genen, wie Perforin, INFγ und Granzym B erklärt werden. Interessanterweise konnte jedoch im Transfer Kolitis Modell eher eine proinflammatorische Wirkung des dE2Smurf2 Proteins nachgewiesen werden. So wiesen die immundefizienten Mäuse, in denen die transgenen T-Zellen injiziert wurden, eine signifikant stärkere Kolitis auf als die Kontrollen. Dies konnte mit einer Überproduktion an IL17 sezernierenden T-Zellen erklärt werden. Klonierungsexperimente führten zudem zur Identifikation einer bisher nicht beschriebenen nicht kodierenden RNA. Diese zeigte in Kombination mit dem dE2Smurf2 Protein in einer Reportergen Analyse eine Hyperaktivierung des Smad3 Promotors. Diese Daten liefern zum einen ein genaueres Modell über die Regulation des TGF-beta Signalweges sowie wichtige Erkenntnisse zur Pathophysiologie chronisch entzündlicher Darmerkrankung und daraus resultierende Tumorerkrankungen. So entwickelt sich das dE2Smurf2, Teil des TGF-beta Signalweges, als attraktives Zielprotein für die Modulation von chronisch entzündlichen Darmerkrankungen und (kolitisassoziierte) Kolonkarzinomen.


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Nucleotide-binding and oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptors constitute a first line of defense against invading bacteria. X-linked Inhibitor of Apoptosis (XIAP) is implicated in the control of bacterial infections, and mutations in XIAP are causally linked to immunodeficiency in X-linked lymphoproliferative syndrome type-2 (XLP-2). Here, we demonstrate that the RING domain of XIAP is essential for NOD2 signaling and that XIAP contributes to exacerbation of inflammation-induced hepatitis in experimental mice. We find that XIAP ubiquitylates RIPK2 and recruits the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex (LUBAC) to NOD2. We further show that LUBAC activity is required for efficient NF-κB activation and secretion of proinflammatory cytokines after NOD2 stimulation. Remarkably, XLP-2-derived XIAP variants have impaired ubiquitin ligase activity, fail to ubiquitylate RIPK2, and cannot facilitate NOD2 signaling. We conclude that XIAP and LUBAC constitute essential ubiquitin ligases in NOD2-mediated inflammatory signaling and propose that deregulation of NOD2 signaling contributes to XLP-2 pathogenesis.


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Neuronal hyperexcitability following peripheral nerve lesions may stem from altered activity of voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs), which gives rise to allodynia or hyperalgesia. In vitro, the ubiquitin ligase Nedd4-2 is a negative regulator of VGSC α-subunits (Na(v)), in particular Na(v)1.7, a key actor in nociceptor excitability. We therefore studied Nedd4-2 in rat nociceptors, its co-expression with Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8, and its regulation in pathology. Adult rats were submitted to the spared nerve injury (SNI) model of neuropathic pain or injected with complete Freund's adjuvant (CFA), a model of inflammatory pain. L4 dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were analyzed in sham-operated animals, seven days after SNI and 48 h after CFA with immunofluorescence and Western blot. We observed Nedd4-2 expression in almost 50% of DRG neurons, mostly small and medium-sized. A preponderant localization is found in the non-peptidergic sub-population. Additionally, 55.7 ± 2.7% and 55.0 ± 3.6% of Nedd4-2-positive cells are co-labeled with Na(v)1.7 and Na(v)1.8 respectively. SNI significantly decreases the proportion of Nedd4-2-positive neurons from 45.9 ± 1.9% to 33.5 ± 0.7% (p<0.01) and the total Nedd4-2 protein to 44% ± 0.13% of its basal level (p<0.01, n=4 animals in each group, mean ± SEM). In contrast, no change in Nedd4-2 was found after peripheral inflammation induced by CFA. These results indicate that Nedd4-2 is present in nociceptive neurons, is downregulated after peripheral nerve injury, and might therefore contribute to the dysregulation of Na(v)s involved in the hyperexcitability associated with peripheral nerve injuries.