63 resultados para tympanic


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The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and compared for representatives of all valid genera of Pseudopimelodidae (Siluriformes). Cephalosilurus albomarginatus and species of Batrochoglanis, and Microglanis have the most basic form: a large, cordiform gas bladder with a simple internal T-shaped septum. Cephalosilurus apurensis, C. fowleri, and C. nigricauda also have a large, cordiform gas bladder, but they have well-developed trabeculae associated with the internal T-shaped septum, and a pair of well-developed constrictor muscles inserted on the external wall; the latter feature is present in most species of Pimelodidae, but absent in all other catfishes. The monotypic Lophiosilurus alexandri also has well-developed constrictor muscles, and its gas bladder is moderately sized. The species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis have a diminutive gas bladder partially divided into two lateral sacs without internal communication, and lack constrictor muscles. The parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is a wide and long shelf connected to the dorsal surface of the gas bladder in most pseudopimelodid genera. However, in the species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis the parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is shorter and has its anterior ramus folded back, partially covering the gas bladder anteroventrally; and the tympanic opening is smaller than in species of the other genera. Five phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Pseudopimelodidae, and the evolution of those characters in the family is discussed. J. Morphol. 272:890-896, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Patient discharge from post-anesthetic recovery (PAR) depends, among other factors, on normothermia and the patient's score on the Aldrete-Kroulik index. The objective of this study was to verify the relationship between the Aldrete-Kroulik index and body temperature in patients. This study was performed at the University of Sao Paulo University Hospital. Convenience sampling was used, and the sample consisted of 60 patients of ages between 18 and 60 years who underwent general anesthesia. The patients' body temperature was obtained by tympanic measurement, and the Aldrete-Kroulik index was measured on admission and at discharge from post-anesthetic recovery. The data were processed using SPSS, considering a significance level of 5%, and the Spearman and Wilcoxon tests were applied. In conclusion, no significant correlation was found between the two parameters for discharge.


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PURPOSE: To compare the role of transitory latex and sylastic (R) implants in tympanoplasty on the closure of tympanic perforations. METHODS: A randomized double-blind prospective study was conducted on 107 patients with chronic otitis media submitted to underlay tympanoplasty and divided at random into three groups: control with no transitory implant, latex membrane group, and sylastic (R) membrane group. RESULTS: Greater graft vascularization occurred in the latex membrane group (p<0.05). Good biocompatibility was obtained with the use of the latex and silicone implants, with no effect on the occurrence of infection, otorrhea or otorragy. CONCLUSION: The use of a transitory latex implant induced greater graft vascularization, with a biocompatible interaction with the tissue of the human tympanic membrane.


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Cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable method for auditory restoration in patients with severe to profound hearing loss. Objective: To describe the surgical complications of cochlear implantation. Materials and Methods: Information from 591 consecutive multichannel cochlear implant surgeries were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were followed-up for at least one year. Forty-one patients were excluded because of missing data, follow-up loss or middle fossa approach. Results: Of 550 cochlear implantation analyzed, 341 were performed in children or adolescents, and 209 in adults. The mean hearing loss time was 6.3 +/- 6.7 years for prelingual loss and 12.1 +/- 11.6 years for postlingual. Mean follow-up was 3.9 +/- 2.8 years. Major complications occurred in 8.9% and minor in 7.8%. Problems during electrode insertion (3.8%) were the most frequent major complication followed by flap dehiscence (1.4%). Temporary facial palsy (2.2%), canal-wall lesion (2.2%) and tympanic membrane lesion (1.8%) were the more frequent minor complications. No death occurred. Conclusion: There was a low rate of surgical complications, most of them been successfully managed. These results confirm that cochlear implant is a safe surgery and most surgical complications can be managed with conservative measures or minimal intervention.


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To present the auditory implant manipulator, a navigation-controlled mechanical and electronic system which enables minimally invasive ('keyhole') transmastoid access to the tympanic cavity.


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BACKGROUND: Mild perioperative hypothermia increases the risk of several severe complications. Perioperative patient warming to preserve normothermia has thus become routine, with forced-air warming being used most often. In previous studies, various resistive warming systems have shown mixed results in comparison with forced-air. Recently, a polymer-based resistive patient warming system has been developed. We compared the efficacy of a standard forced-air warming system with the resistive polymer system in volunteers. METHODS: Eight healthy volunteers participated, each on two separate study days. Unanesthetized volunteers were cooled to a core temperature (tympanic membrane) of 34 degrees C by application of forced-air at 10 degrees C and a circulating-water mattress at 4 degrees C. Meperidine and buspirone were administered to prevent shivering. In a randomly designated order, volunteers were then rewarmed (until their core temperatures reached 36 degrees C) with one of the following active warming systems: (1) forced-air warming (Bair Hugger warming cover #300, blower #750, Arizant, Eden Prairie, MN); or (2) polymer fiber resistive warming (HotDog whole body blanket, HotDog standard controller, Augustine Biomedical, Eden Prairie, MN). The alternate system was used on the second study day. Metabolic heat production, cutaneous heat loss, and core temperature were measured. RESULTS: Metabolic heat production and cutaneous heat loss were similar with each system. After a 30-min delay, core temperature increased nearly linearly by 0.98 (95% confidence interval 0.91-1.04) degrees C/h with forced-air and by 0.92 (0.85-1.00) degrees C/h with resistive heating (P = 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: Heating efficacy and core rewarming rates were similar with full-body forced-air and full-body resistive polymer heating in healthy volunteers.


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OBJECTIVE: External auditory canal cholesteatoma (EACC) is a rarity. Although there have been numerous case reports, there are only few systematic analyses of case series, and the pathogenesis of idiopathic EACC remains enigmatic. STUDY DESIGN: In a tertiary referral center for a population of 1.5 million inhabitants, 34 patients with 35 EACC (13 idiopathic [1 bilateral] and 22 secondary) who were treated between 1994 and 2006 were included in the study. RESULTS: EACC cardinal symptoms were longstanding otorrhea (65%) and dull otalgia (12%). Focal bone destruction in the external auditory canal with retained squamous debris and an intact tympanic membrane were characteristic. Only 27% of the patients showed conductive hearing loss exceeding 20 dB. Patients with idiopathic EACC had lesions typically located on the floor of the external auditory canal and were older, and the mean smoking intensity was also greater (p < 0.05) compared with patients with secondary EACC. The secondary lesions were assigned to categories (poststenotic [n = 6], postoperative [n = 6], and posttraumatic EACC [n = 4]) and rare categories (radiogenic [n = 2], postinflammatory [n = 1], and postobstructive EACC [n = 1]). In addition, we describe 2 patients with EACC secondary to the complete remission of a Langerhans cell histiocytosis of the external auditory canal. Thirty of 34 patients were treated surgically and became all free of recurrence, even after extensive disease. DISCUSSION: For the development of idiopathic EACC, repeated microtrauma (e.g., microtrauma resulting from cotton-tipped applicator abuse or from hearing aids) and diminished microcirculation (e.g., from smoking) might be risk factors. A location other than in the inferior portion of the external auditory canal indicates a secondary form of the disease, as in the case of 2 patients with atypically located EACC after years of complete remission of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, which we consider as a new posttumorous category and specific late complication of this rare disease.


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A comprehensive genetic analysis of 60 Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 isolates from different geographic origins and epidemiological settings is presented. Twenty-four isolates were recovered from the joints of calves during sporadic episodes of polyarthritis in geographically distinct regions of Queensland and New South Wales, Australia, including two clones of the type strain PG5O. A further three Australian isolates were also recovered from the tympanic bulla, retropharyngeal lymph node and the lung and another three isolates had unconfirmed histories. Six isolates originated from Germany, Portugal, Nigeria, and France. Twenty-four epidemiologically related isolates of Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 were recovered from multiple tissue sites and body fluids of infected calves with polyarthritis, mastitic milk, and from the stomach contents, lung and liver from aborted foetuses in three large, centrally managed dairy herds in New South Wales, Australia. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA) of genomic DNA differentiated 29 Cfol profiles among these 60 isolates and grouped all 24 epidemiologically related isolates in a defined pattern showing a clonal origin. Three isolates of this clonal cluster were recovered from mastitic milk and the synovial exudate of clinically-affected calves and appeared sporadically for periods up to 18 months after the initial outbreak of polyarthritis indicating a persistent, close association of the organism with cattle in these herds. The Cfol profile representative of the clonal cluster was distinguishable from profiles of isolates recovered from multiple, unrelated cases of polyarthritis in Queensland and New South Wales and from other countries. All 24 isolates from the clonal cluster possessed a plasmid (pBG7AU) with a molecular size of 1022 bp. DNA sequence analysis of pBG7AU identified two open reading frames sharing 81 and 99% DNA sequence similarity with hypothetical replication control proteins A and B respectively, previously described in plasmid pADB201 isolated from M. mycoides subspecies mycoides. Other isolates of bovine group 7, epidemiologically unrelated to the clonal cluster, including two clones of the type strain PG5O, possessed a similar-sized plasmid. These data confirm that Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 is capable of migrating to, and multiplying within, different tissue sites within a single animal and among different animals within a herd.


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BACKGROUND The temperature limit defining fever (TLDF) is based on scarce evidence. This study aimed to determine the rate of fever in neutropenia (FN) episodes additionally diagnosed by lower versus standard TLDF. METHODS In a single center using a high TLDF (39.0°C tympanic temperature, LimitStandard), pediatric patients treated with chemotherapy for cancer were observed prospectively. Results of all temperature measurements and CBCs were recorded. The application of lower TLDFs (LimitLow; range, 37.5°C to 38.9°C) versus LimitStandard was simulated in silicon, resulting in three types of FN: simultaneous FN, diagnosed at both limits within 1 hour; earlier FN, diagnosed >1hour earlier at LimitLow; and additional FN, not diagnosed at LimitStandard. RESULTS In 39 patients, 8896 temperature measurements and 1873 CBCs were recorded during 289 months of chemotherapy. Virtually applying LimitStandard resulted in 34 FN diagnoses. The predefined relevantly (≥15%) increased FN rate was reached at LimitLow 38.4°C, with total 44 FN, 23 simultaneous, 11 earlier, and 10 additional (Poisson rate ratioAdditional/Standard, 0.29; 95% lower confidence bound, 0.16). Virtually applying 37.5°C as LimitLow led to earlier FN diagnosis (median, 4.5 hours; 95% CI, 1.0 to 20.8), and to 53 additional FN diagnosed. In 51 (96%) of them, spontaneous defervescence without specific therapy was observed in reality. CONCLUSION Lower TLDFs led to many additional FN diagnoses, implying overtreatment because spontaneous defervescence was observed in the vast majority. Lower TLDFs led as well to relevantly earlier diagnosis in a minority of FN episodes. The question if the high TLDF is not only efficacious but as well safe remains open.


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The eardrum separates the external ear from the middle ear and it is responsible to convert the acoustical energy into mechanical energy. It is divided by pars tensa and pars flaccida. The aim of this work is to analyze the susceptibility of the four quadrants of the pars tensa under negative pressure, to different lamina propria fibers distribution. The development of associated ear pathology, in particular the formation of retraction pockets, is also evaluated. To analyze these effects, a computational biomechanical model of the tympano-ossicular chain was constructed using computerized tomography images and based on the finite element method. Three fibers distributions in the eardrum middle layer were compared: case 1 (eardrum with a circular band of fibers surrounding all quadrants equally), case 2 (eardrum with a circular band of fibers that decreases in thickness in posterior quadrants), case 3 (eardrum without circular fibers in the posterior/superior quadrant). A static analysis was performed by applying approximately 3000Pa in the eardrum. The pars tensa of the eardrum was divided in four quadrants and the displacement of a central point of each quadrant analyzed. The largest displacements of the eardrum were obtained for the eardrum without circular fibers in the posterior/superior quadrant.


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Sugarcane moth borers are a diverse group of species occurring in several genera, but predominately within the Noctuidae and Pyraloidea. They cause economic loss in sugarcane and other crops through damage to stems and stalks by larval boring. Partial sequence data from two mitochondrial genes, COII and 16S, were used to construct a molecular phylogeny based on 26 species from ten genera and six tribes. The Noctuidae were found to be monophyletic, providing molecular support for the taxonomy within this subfamily. However, the Pyraloidea are paraphyletic, with the noctuids splitting Galleriinae and Schoenobiinae from the Crambinae. This supports the separation of the Pyralidae and Crambinae, but does not support the concept of the incorporation of the Schoenobiinae in the Crambidae. Of the three crambine genera examined, Diatraea was monophyletic, Chilo paraphyletic, and Eoreuma was basal to the other two genera. Within the Noctuidae, Sesamia and Bathytricha were monophyletic, with Busseola basal to Bathytricha. Many species in this study (both noctuids and pyraloids) had different biotypes within collection localities and across their distribution; however the individual biotypes were not phylogenetically informative. These data highlight the need for taxonomic revisions at all taxon levels and provide a basis for the development of DNA-based diagnostics for rapidly identifying many species at any developmental stage. This ability is vital, as the species are an incursion threat to Australia and have the potential to cause significant losses to the sugar industry.


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Cerebral electrical impedance is useful for the detection of cerebral edema following hypoxia in newborn infants. Thus it may be useful for determining neurological outcome or monitoring treatment. Hypothermia is a promising new therapy currently undergoing trials, but will alter impedance measurements. This study aimed to define the relationship between temperature and both cerebral and whole body electrical impedance, and to derive correction factors for adjustment of impedance measurements during hypothermia. In eight anaesthetized 1-2 day old piglets rectal, tympanic and scalp temperatures were monitored continuously. Following baseline readings at a rectal temperature of 39degreesC, piglets were cooled to 32degreesC. Four piglets were re-warmed. Cerebral and whole body impedance were measured at each 0.5degreesC as rectal temperature decreased. There was a strong linear relationship between both cerebral and whole body impedance and each of the temperatures measured. There was no difference in the relationship between impedance and rectal, tympanic or scalp temperatures. The relationship for impedance and rectal temperature was the same during cooling and re-warming. Using the correction factors derived it will be possible to accurately monitor cerebral and whole body fluid distribution during hypothermic treatment.


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Clinically healthy mixed breed dogs (n = 20) were used to determine if a Tris (tromethamine)-buffered test solution, Otinide((R)) (Trademark of Dermcare-Vet Pty-Ltd, Australia), containing disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA; 1.21 g/L) and polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB; 0.22 g/L) caused ototoxicity or vestibular dysfunction. The dogs were randomly assigned to either a control group (group A, n = 10) receiving saline, or a treatment group (group B, n = 10) receiving the test solution. Phase 1 of the study consisted of applying 5.0 mL of saline to both ears of the control group (group A) and 5 mL of test solution to both ears of the test group (group B), for 21 days. A bilateral myringotomy was then performed on each dog under deep sedation. Phase 2 of the study then consisted of applying 2.0 mL of the saline to both ears of the control group (group A) and 2.0 mL of the test solution to both ears of the test group (group B), for 14 days. Throughout the study, dogs were examined for clinical health, and underwent otoscopic, vestibular and auditory examinations. The auditory examinations included brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) threshold and supra-threshold assessments using both click and 8 kHz tone burst stimuli. The absence of vestibular signs and effects on the BAEP attributable to the test solution suggested the test solution could be applied safely to dogs, including those with a damaged tympanic membrane.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, 2015.