996 resultados para turbulence-generated sound


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Jet noise reduction is an important goal within both commercial and military aviation. Although large-scale numerical simulations are now able to simultaneously compute turbulent jets and their radiated sound, lost-cost, physically-motivated models are needed to guide noise-reduction efforts. A particularly promising modeling approach centers around certain large-scale coherent structures, called wavepackets, that are observed in jets and their radiated sound. The typical approach to modeling wavepackets is to approximate them as linear modal solutions of the Euler or Navier-Stokes equations linearized about the long-time mean of the turbulent flow field. The near-field wavepackets obtained from these models show compelling agreement with those educed from experimental and simulation data for both subsonic and supersonic jets, but the acoustic radiation is severely under-predicted in the subsonic case. This thesis contributes to two aspects of these models. First, two new solution methods are developed that can be used to efficiently compute wavepackets and their acoustic radiation, reducing the computational cost of the model by more than an order of magnitude. The new techniques are spatial integration methods and constitute a well-posed, convergent alternative to the frequently used parabolized stability equations. Using concepts related to well-posed boundary conditions, the methods are formulated for general hyperbolic equations and thus have potential applications in many fields of physics and engineering. Second, the nonlinear and stochastic forcing of wavepackets is investigated with the goal of identifying and characterizing the missing dynamics responsible for the under-prediction of acoustic radiation by linear wavepacket models for subsonic jets. Specifically, we use ensembles of large-eddy-simulation flow and force data along with two data decomposition techniques to educe the actual nonlinear forcing experienced by wavepackets in a Mach 0.9 turbulent jet. Modes with high energy are extracted using proper orthogonal decomposition, while high gain modes are identified using a novel technique called empirical resolvent-mode decomposition. In contrast to the flow and acoustic fields, the forcing field is characterized by a lack of energetic coherent structures. Furthermore, the structures that do exist are largely uncorrelated with the acoustic field. Instead, the forces that most efficiently excite an acoustic response appear to take the form of random turbulent fluctuations, implying that direct feedback from nonlinear interactions amongst wavepackets is not an essential noise source mechanism. This suggests that the essential ingredients of sound generation in high Reynolds number jets are contained within the linearized Navier-Stokes operator rather than in the nonlinear forcing terms, a conclusion that has important implications for jet noise modeling.


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The Reynolds number influence on turbulent blocking effects by a rigid plane boundary is studied using direct numerical simulation (DNS). A new forcing method proposed in the second report using Townsend's "simple model eddies" for DNS was extended to generate axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence. A force field is obtained in real space by sprinkling many space-filling "simple model eddies" whose centers are randomly but uniformly distributed in space. The axes of rotation are controlled in this study to generate axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence. The method is applied to a shear-free turbulent boundary layer over a rigid plane boundary and the blocking effects for anisotropic turbulence are investigated. The results show that stationary axisymmetric anisotropic turbulence is generated using the present method. Turbulence intensities near the wall showed good agreements with the rapid distortion theory (RDT) for small t (t ≪ TL), where TL. is the eddy turnover time. The splat effect (i. e. turbulence intensities of the components parallel to the surface are amplified) occurs near the boundary and the viscous effect attenuates the splat effect at the quasi steady state at low Reynolds number as for Isotropic turbulence. Prandtl's secondary flow of the second kind does not occur for low Reynolds number flows, which qualitatively agrees with previous observetion in a mixing-box.


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A popular method used to reduce vibration transmitted from underground railways into nearby buildings is floating-slab track, whereby a concrete slab supporting the two rails is mounted on rubber bearings or steel springs to isolate it from the tunnel invert. This paper adds a track model to a previously developed three-dimensional tunnel model in order to assess the effectiveness of floating-slab track. A slab beam coupled to the tunnel in the wavenumber domain, with the slab bearings represented by an elastic layer, is examined first. A second beam representing the two rails together is then coupled to the slab, and axle masses representing a train are added to the rail beam. Power-spectral densities and RMS levels of soil vibration due to random roughness-displacement excitation between the masses and the rail beam are calculated. Analytical techniques are used to minimise the computational requirements of the model. The results demonstrate the inadequacy of simple mass-spring and Winkler-beam models with rigid foundations for the assessment of the vibration-isolation performance of railway track. They suggest that the achievable insertion loss is modest and that floating the track slab may in fact cause increased transmission of vibration under certain conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper is the third part of a report on systematic measurements and analyses of wind-generated water waves in a laboratory environment. The results of the measurements of the turbulent flow on the water side are presented here, the details of which include the turbulence structure, the correlation functions, and the length and velocity scales. It shows that the mean turbulent velocity profiles are logarithmic, and the flows are hydraulically rough. The friction velocity in the water boundary layer is an order of magnitude smaller than that in the wind boundary layer. The level of turbulence is enhanced immediately beneath the water surface due to micro-breaking, which reflects that the Reynolds shear stress is of the order u *w 2. The vertical velocities of the turbulence are related to the relevant velocity scale at the still-water level. The autocorrelation function in the vertical direction shows features of typical anisotropic turbulence comprising a large range of wavelengths. The ratio between the microscale and macroscale can be expressed as λ/Λ=a Re Λ n, with the exponent n slightly different from -1/2, which is the value when turbulence production and dissipation are in balance. On the basis of the wavelength and turbulent velocity, the free-surface flows in the present experiments fall into the wavy free-surface flow regime. The integral turbulent scale on the water side alone underestimates the degree of disturbance at the free surface. © 2012 Elsevier B.V.


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The two-point spatial correlation of the rate of change of fluctuating heat release rate is central to the sound emission from open turbulent flames, and a few attempts have been made to address this correlation in recent studies. In this paper, the two-point correlation and its role in combustion noise are studied by analysing direct numerical simulation (DNS) data of statistically multi-dimensional turbulent premixed flames. The results suggest that this correlation function depends on the separation distance and direction but, not on the positions inside the flame brush. This correlation can be modelled using a combination of Hermite-Gaussian functions of zero and second order, i.e. functions of the form (1-Ax2)e-Bx2 for constants A and B, to include its possible negative values. The integral correlation volume obtained using this model is about 0.2δL3 with the length scale obtained from its cube root being about 0.6δ L, where δ L is the laminar flame thermal thickness. Both of the values are slightly larger than the values reported in an earlier study because of the anisotropy observed for the correlation. This model together with the turbulence-dependent parameter K, the ratio of the root-mean-square (RMS) value of the rate of change of reaction rate to the mean reaction rate, derived from the DNS data is applied to predict the far-field sound emitted from open flames. The calculated noise levels agree well with recently reported measurements and show a sensitivity to K values. © 2012 The Combustion Institute.


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Helmholtz resonators are commonly used as absorbers of incident acoustic power. Theoretical and experimental investigations have been performed in the four cases of no mean flow, grazing mean flow, bias mean flow and a combination of grazing and bias mean flows. In the absence of a mean flow, the absorption coefficient (deflned as the proportion of incident energy absorbed) is a non-linear function of the acoustic pressure and high incident acoustic pressures are required before the absorption becomes signiflcant. In contrast, when there is a mean flow present, either grazing or bias, the absorption is linear and thus absorption coefficient is independent of the magnitude of the acoustic pressure, and absorption is obtained over a wider range of frequencies. Non-linear effects are only discernible very close to resonance and at very-high amplitude. With grazing mean flow, there is the undesirable effect that sound can be generated over a range of frequencies due to the interaction between the unsteadily shed vorticity waves and the downstream edge of the aperture. This production is not observed when there is a bias flow because here the vorticity is shed all around the rim of the aperture and swept away by the mean flow. When there is both a grazing mean flow and a mean bias flow, we flnd that only a small amount of bias mean flow, compared with grazing mean flow, is required to destroy the production of acoustic energy. © 2002 by the author(s). Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.


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The problem to be examined here is the fluctuating pressure distribution along the open cavity of the sun-roof at the top of a car compartment due to gusts passing over the sun-roof. The aim of this test is to investigate the capability of a typical commercial CFD package, PHOENICS, in recognising pressure fluctuations occurring in an important automotive industrial problem. In particular to examine the accuracy of transporting pulsatory gusts traveling along the main flow through the use of finite volume methods with higher order schemes in the numercial solutins of the unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations. The Helmholtz equation is used to solve the sound distribution inside the car compartment, resulting from the externally induced fluctuations.


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Turbulence characteristics in the Indonesian seas on the horizontal scale of order of 100 km were calculated with a regional model of the Indonesian seas circulation in the area based on the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). As is well known, the POM incorporates the Mellor–Yamada turbulence closure scheme. The calculated characteristics are: twice the turbulence kinetic energy per unit mass, <i>q</i><sup>2</sup>; the turbulence master scale, &ell;; mixing coefficients of momentum, <i>K</i><sub>M</sub>; and temperature and salinity, <i>K</i><sub>H</sub>; etc. The analyzed turbulence has been generated essentially by the shear of large-scale ocean currents and by the large-scale wind turbulence. We focused on the analysis of turbulence around important topographic features, such as the Lifamatola Sill, the North Sangihe Ridge, the Dewakang Sill, and the North and South Halmahera Sea Sills. In general, the structure of turbulence characteristics in these regions turned out to be similar. For this reason, we have carried out a detailed analysis of the Lifamatola Sill region because dynamically this region is very important and some estimates of mixing coefficients in this area are available. <br><br> Briefly, the main results are as follows. The distribution of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> is quite adequately reproduced by the model. To the north of the Lifamatola Sill (in the Maluku Sea) and to the south of the Sill (in the Seram Sea), large values of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> occur in the deep layer extending several hundred meters above the bottom. The observed increase of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> near the very bottom is probably due to the increase of velocity shear and the corresponding shear production of <i>q</i><sup>2</sup> very close to the bottom. The turbulence master scale, &ell;, was found to be constant in the main depth of the ocean, while &ell; rapidly decreases close to the bottom, as one would expect. However, in deep profiles away from the sill, the effect of topography results in the &ell; structure being unreasonably complicated as one moves towards the bottom. Values of 15 to 20 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> were obtained for <i>K</i><sub>M</sub> and <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in deep water in the vicinity of the Lifamatola Sill. These estimates agree well with basin-scale averaged values of 13.3 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> in the deep Banda and Seram Seas (Gordon et al., 2003) and a value of 9.0 × 10<sup>&minus;4</sup> m<sup>2</sup> s<sup>-1</sup> found diagnostically for <i>K</i><sub>H</sub> for the deep Banda Sea system (van Aken et al., 1988). The somewhat higher simulated values can be explained by the presence of steep topography around the sill.


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The process of diffusive shock acceleration relies on the efficacy with which hydromagnetic waves can scatter charged particles in the precursor of a shock. The growth of self-generated waves is driven by both resonant and non-resonant processes. We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the non-resonant cosmic ray driven instability, in which the unstable waves are excited beyond the linear regime. In a snapshot of the resultant field, particle transport simulations are carried out. The use of a static snapshot of the field is reasonable given that the Larmor period for particles is typically very short relative to the instability growth time. The diffusion rate is found to be close to, or below, the Bohm limit for a range of energies. This provides the first explicit demonstration that self-excited turbulence reduces the diffusion coefficient and has important implications for cosmic-ray transport and acceleration in supernova remnants.


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 444


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445


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Senior thesis written for Oceanography 445