470 resultados para tropospheric
Solar energetic particles (SEPs) occasionally contribute additional atmospheric ionization beyond that arising from the usual galactic cosmic ray background. During an SEP event associated with a solar flare on April 11, 2013, the vertical ionization rate profile obtained using a balloon-borne detector showed enhanced ionization with a 26% increase at 20 km, over Reading, United Kingdom. Fluctuations in atmospheric electrical parameters were also detected at the surface, beneath the balloon’s trajectory. As no coincident changes in geomagnetism occurred, the electrical fluctuations are very likely to be associated with increased ionization, as observed by the balloon measurements. The lack of response of surface neutron monitors during this event indicates that energetic particles that are not detected at the surface by neutron monitors can nevertheless enter and influence the atmosphere’s weather-generating regions.
We present the first comprehensive intercomparison of currently available satellite ozone climatologies in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere (UTLS) (300–70 hPa) as part of the Stratosphere-troposphere Processes and their Role in Climate (SPARC) Data Initiative. The Tropospheric Emission Spectrometer (TES) instrument is the only nadir-viewing instrument in this initiative, as well as the only instrument with a focus on tropospheric composition. We apply the TES observational operator to ozone climatologies from the more highly vertically resolved limb-viewing instruments. This minimizes the impact of differences in vertical resolution among the instruments and allows identification of systematic differences in the large-scale structure and variability of UTLS ozone. We find that the climatologies from most of the limb-viewing instruments show positive differences (ranging from 5 to 75%) with respect to TES in the tropical UTLS, and comparison to a “zonal mean” ozonesonde climatology indicates that these differences likely represent a positive bias for p ≤ 100 hPa. In the extratropics, there is good agreement among the climatologies regarding the timing and magnitude of the ozone seasonal cycle (differences in the peak-to-peak amplitude of <15%) when the TES observational operator is applied, as well as very consistent midlatitude interannual variability. The discrepancies in ozone temporal variability are larger in the tropics, with differences between the data sets of up to 55% in the seasonal cycle amplitude. However, the differences among the climatologies are everywhere much smaller than the range produced by current chemistry-climate models, indicating that the multiple-instrument ensemble is useful for quantitatively evaluating these models.
Extreme variability of the winter- and spring-time stratospheric polar vortex has been shown to affect extratropical tropospheric weather. Therefore, reducing stratospheric forecast error may be one way to improve the skill of tropospheric weather forecasts. In this review, the basis for this idea is examined. A range of studies of different stratospheric extreme vortex events shows that they can be skilfully forecasted beyond five days and into the sub-seasonal range (0-30 days) in some cases. Separate studies show that typical errors in forecasting a stratospheric extreme vortex event can alter tropospheric forecasts skill by 5-7% in the extratropics on sub-seasonal timescales. Thus understanding what limits stratospheric predictability is of significant interest to operational forecasting centres. Both limitations in forecasting tropospheric planetary waves and stratospheric model biases have been shown to be important in this context.
In this work, the Cloud Feedback Model Intercomparison (CFMIP) Observation Simulation Package (COSP) is expanded to include scattering and emission effects of clouds and precipitation at passive microwave frequencies. This represents an advancement over the official version of COSP (version 1.4.0) in which only clear-sky brightness temperatures are simulated. To highlight the potential utility of this new microwave simulator, COSP results generated using the climate model EC-Earth's version 3 atmosphere as input are compared with Microwave Humidity Sounder (MHS) channel (190.311 GHz) observations. Specifically, simulated seasonal brightness temperatures (TB) are contrasted with MHS observations for the period December 2005 to November 2006 to identify possible biases in EC-Earth's cloud and atmosphere fields. The EC-Earth's atmosphere closely reproduces the microwave signature of many of the major large-scale and regional scale features of the atmosphere and surface. Moreover, greater than 60 % of the simulated TB are within 3 K of the NOAA-18 observations. However, COSP is unable to simulate sufficiently low TB in areas of frequent deep convection. Within the Tropics, the model's atmosphere can yield an underestimation of TB by nearly 30 K for cloudy areas in the ITCZ. Possible reasons for this discrepancy include both incorrect amount of cloud ice water in the model simulations and incorrect ice particle scattering assumptions used in the COSP microwave forward model. These multiple sources of error highlight the non-unique nature of the simulated satellite measurements, a problem exacerbated by the fact that EC-Earth lacks detailed micro-physical parameters necessary for accurate forward model calculations. Such issues limit the robustness of our evaluation and suggest a general note of caution when making COSP-satellite observation evaluations.
The precipitation response to radiative forcing (RF) can be decomposed into a fast precipitation response (FPR), which depends on the atmospheric component of RF, and a slow response, which depends on surface temperature change. We present the first detailed climate model study of the FPR due to tropospheric and stratospheric ozone changes. The FPR depends strongly on the altitude of ozone change. Increases below about 3 km cause a positive FPR; increases above cause a negative FPR. The FPR due to stratospheric ozone change is, per unit RF, about 3 times larger than that due to tropospheric ozone. As historical ozone trends in the troposphere and stratosphere are opposite in sign, so too are the FPRs. Simple climate model calculations of the time-dependent total (fast and slow) precipitation change, indicate that ozone's contribution to precipitation change in 2011, compared to 1765, could exceed 50% of that due to CO2 change.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) is operating the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System that currently amounts to a user community of around 100 organizations and more than 700 data collection platforms installed in Brazil. This system uses the SCD-1, SCD-2, and CBERS-2 low Earth orbit satellites to accomplish the data collection services. The main system applications are hydrology, meteorology, oceanography, water quality, and others. One of the functionalities offered by this system is the geographic localization of the data collection platforms by using Doppler shifts and a batch estimator based on least-squares technique. There is a growing demand to improve the quality of the geographical location of data collection platforms for animal tracking. This work presents an evaluation of the ionospheric and tropospheric effects on the Brazilian Environmental Data Collection System transmitter geographic location. Some models of the ionosphere and troposphere are presented to simulate their impacts and to evaluate performance of the platform location algorithm. The results of the Doppler shift measurements, using the SCD-2 satellite and the data collection platform (DCP) located in Cuiabá town, are presented and discussed.
Estimation of tropospheric gradients in GNSS data processing is a well-known technique to improve positioning (e.g. Bar-Sever et al., 1998; Chen and Herring, 1997). More recently, several authors also focused on the estimation of such parameters for meteorological studies and demonstrated their potential benefits (e.g. Champollion et al., 2004). Today, they are routinely estimated by several global and regional GNSS analysis centres but they are still not yet used for operational meteorology.This paper discusses the physical meaning of tropospheric gradients estimated from GPS observations recorded in 2011 by 13 permanent stations located in Corsica Island (a French Island in the western part of Italy). Corsica Island is a particularly interesting location for such study as it presents a significant environmental contrast between the continent and the sea, as well as a steep topography.Therefore, we estimated Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) and tropospheric gradients using two software: GAMIT/GLOBK (GAMIT version 10.5) and GIPSY-OASIS II version 6.1. Our results are then compared to radiosonde observations and to the IGS final troposphere products. For all stations we found a good agreement between the ZWD estimated by the two software (the mean of the ZWD differences is 1 mm with a standard deviation of 6 mm) but the tropospheric gradients are in less good agreement (the mean of the gradient differences is 0.1 mm with a standard deviation of 0.7 mm), despite the differences in the processing strategy (double-differences for GAMIT/GLOBK versus zero-difference for GIPSY-OASIS).We also observe that gradient amplitudes are correlated with the seasonal behaviour of the humidity. Like ZWD estimates, they are larger in summer than in winter. Their directions are stable over the time but not correlated with the IWV anomaly observed by ERA-Interim. Tropospheric gradients observed at many sites always point to inland throughout the year. These preferred directions are almost opposite to the largest slope of the local topography as derived from the world Digital Elevation Model ASTER GDEM v2. These first results give a physical meaning to gradients but the origin of such directions need further investigations.
Zusammenfassung Ein 3-dimensionales globales Modell der unterenAtmosphäre wurde für die Untersuchung derOzonchemie, sowie der Chemie des Hydroxylradikals (OH) undwichtiger Vorläufersubstanzen, wie reaktiverStickstoffverbindungen und Kohlenwasserstoffe, verwendet.Hierfür wurde die Behandlung vonNicht-Methan-Kohlenwasserstoffen (NMKW) hinzugefügt,was auch die Entwicklung einer vereinfachten Beschreibungihrer Chemie, sowie die Erfassung von Depositionsprozessenund Emissionen erforderte. Zur Lösung der steifengewöhnlichen Differentialgleichungen der Chemie wurdeeine schnelles Rosenbrock-Verfahren eingesetzt, das soimplementiert wurde, dass die Modell-Chemie fürzukünftige Studien leicht abgeändert werden kann. Zur Evaluierung des Modells wurde ein umfangreicherVergleich der Modellergebnisse mit Bodenmessungen, sowieFlugzeug-, Sonden- und Satelliten-Daten durchgeführt.Das Modell kann viele Aspekte der Beobachtungen derverschieden Substanzen realistisch wiedergeben. Es wurdenjedoch auch einige Diskrepanzen festgestellt, die Hinweiseauf fehlerhafte Emissionsfelder oder auf die Modell-Dynamikund auch auf fehlende Modell-Chemie liefern. Zur weiteren Untersuchung des Einflusses verschiedenerStoffgruppen wurden drei Läufe mit unterschiedlichkomplexer Chemie analysiert. Durch das Berücksichtigender NMKW wird die Verteilung mehrerer wichtiger Substanzensignifikant beeinflusst, darunter z.B. ein Anstieg desglobalen Ozons. Es wurde gezeigt, dass die biogene SubstanzIsopren etwa die Hälfte des Gesamteffekts der NMKWausmachte (mehr in den Tropen, weniger anderswo). In einer Sensitivitätsstudie wurden die Unsicherheitenbei der Modellierung von Isopren weitergehend untersucht.Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Unsicherheit beiphysikalischen Aspekten (Deposition und heterogene Prozesse)ebenso groß sein kann, wie die aus dem chemischenGasphasen-Mechanismus stammende, welche zu globalbedeutsamen Abweichungen führte. Lokal können sichnoch größere Abweichungen ergeben. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass die numerischenStudien dieser Arbeit neue Einblicke in wichtige Aspekte derPhotochemieder Troposphäre ergaben und in Vorschläge fürweiter Studien mündeten, die die wichtigsten gefundenenUnsicherheiten weiter verringern könnten.
Der Übergang der Grenzschicht von stark ozeanisch auf kontinental beeinflusst wurde in 2 tropischen Küstenwaldgebieten Amerikas untersucht, wo Luftmassen vom Meer kommend über den Kontinent transportiert werden.Zwei Feldkampagnen wurden durchgeführt; in Costa Rica (CR; 07.1996) und in Surinam (04.1998). In CR wurde im nordöstlichen Flachgebiet (etwa 10°25' N; 84°W) Regenwasser gesammelt, in dem später Carboxylate, anorganischen Anionen, Ca2+, K+, NH4+ und Mg2+ gemessen wurden. Die Proben wurden an 5 verschiedenen Stellen entlang der Windrichtung 1, 20, 60, 60 und 80 km von der Küste gesammelt. In Surinam (Sipaliwini, 2°02' N, 56°08' W) wurden organischen Säuren aus der Gasphase gesammelt etwa 550 km von der Küste entfernt, sowohl wie O3 und CO. Die Proben wurden mittels Ionenchromatographie und Kapillarelektrophorese analysiert. Morgendliche Einmischung der nächtlichen residualen Schicht und Luft der unteren freien Troposphäre war Hauptquelle für HCOOH und CH3COOH in der Tagesmischschicht. Es wurde gezeigt, dass lokale Produktion dieser Säuren durch chemische Reaktionen eine kleine Rolle gespielt hat und dass direkte Emission vernachlässigbar war.Aus den beiden Feldkampagnen folgt, dass die Konzentrationen der sekundären Verbindungen HCOOH, CH3COOH, Ozon und CO in der Tagesmischschicht von Importen bestimmt wurden, was gilt für Regen- und Trockenzeit bis zu Entfernungen von 550 km zur Küste.
A numerical model for studying the influences of deep convective cloud systems on photochemistry was developed based on a non-hydrostatic meteorological model and chemistry from a global chemistry transport model. The transport of trace gases, the scavenging of soluble trace gases, and the influences of lightning produced nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) on the local ozone-related photochemistry were investigated in a multi-day case study for an oceanic region located in the tropical western Pacific. Model runs considering influences of large scale flows, previously neglected in multi-day cloud resolving and single column model studies of tracer transport, yielded that the influence of the mesoscale subsidence (between clouds) on trace gas transport was considerably overestimated in these studies. The simulated vertical transport and scavenging of highly soluble tracers were found to depend on the initial profiles, reconciling contrasting results from two previous studies. Influences of the modeled uptake of trace gases by hydrometeors in the liquid and the ice phase were studied in some detail for a small number of atmospheric trace gases and novel aspects concerning the role of the retention coefficient (i.e. the fraction of a dissolved trace gas that is retained in the ice phase upon freezing) on the vertical transport of highly soluble gases were illuminated. Including lightning NOx production inside a 500 km 2-D model domain was found to be important for the NOx budget and caused small to moderate changes in the domain averaged ozone concentrations. A number of sensitivity studies yielded that the fraction of lightning associated NOx which was lost through photochemical reactions in the vicinity of the lightning source was considerable, but strongly depended on assumptions about the magnitude and the altitude of the lightning NOx source. In contrast to a suggestion from an earlier study, it was argued that the near zero upper tropospheric ozone mixing ratios which were observed close to the study region were most probably not caused by the formation of NO associated with lightning. Instead, it was argued in agreement with suggestions from other studies that the deep convective transport of ozone-poor air masses from the relatively unpolluted marine boundary layer, which have most likely been advected horizontally over relatively large distances (both before and after encountering deep convection) probably played a role. In particular, it was suggested that the ozone profiles observed during CEPEX (Central Equatorial Pacific Experiment) were strongly influenced by the deep convection and the larger scale flow which are associated with the intra-seasonal oscillation.
In this paper, we present an approach to retrieve tropospheric water vapour profiles from pressure broadened emission spectra at 22 GHz, measured by a ground based microwave radiometer installed in the south of Bern at 905 m. Classical microwave instruments concentrating on the troposphere observe several channels in the center and the wings of the water vapour line (20–30 Ghz), whereas our retrieval approach uses spectra with a bandwidth of 1 GHz and a high resolution around the center of the 22 GHz water vapour line. The retrieval is sensitive up to 7 km with a vertical resolution of 3–5 km. Comparisons with profiles from operational balloon soundings, performed at Payerne, 40 km away from the radiometer location, showed a good agreement up to 7 km with a correlation of above 0.8. The retrievals shows a wet bias of 10–20% compared to the sounding.