153 resultados para trilogy
A presente tese está calcada na análise da obra de Ariano Suassuna, o Romance dA Pedra do Reino e o príncipe do sangue do vai-e-volta, considerado pelo autor como a sua obra maior e, a princípio, o primeiro volume da trilogia A maravilhosa desaventura de Quaderna, o decifrador, e no primeiro volume da segunda parte da trilogia, O rei degolado ao Sol da Onça Caetana. O trabalho consiste, fundamentalmente, em examinar o diálogo estabelecido entre a obra de Suassuna com textos representativos da tradição literária ocidental, mais propriamente com os que remontam ao medievo. Para isso, fez-se um recorte nas relações que o romance trava com a matéria cavaleiresca, principalmente com a Demanda do Santo Graal, na sua estrutura e no desenho psicológico e moral dos personagens, notadamente de Sinésio, que encarna o mito do herói prometido, cujos paradigmas se assentam na figura lendária do Rei Artur, além de Galaaz, e na histórica de D. Sebastião, o rei desaparecido de Portugal. Sabe-se que esses reis e heróis míticos, considerados salvadores, uma vez que retornariam para restituir ao povo a dignidade e a liberdade perdidas, povoaram o imaginário ibérico e chegaram ao Brasil trazidos pelos colonizadores europeus. Dessa forma, a cultura popular do Nordeste brasileiro é povoada de histórias e lendas eternizadas e recriadas no folclore da região e na literatura de Cordel. Mas, ao lado do messianismo, outro aspecto faz-se notório nos personagens de Suassuna: a crueldade. E este tema, bem como o nome do personagem D. Pedro Dinis Quaderna, remete-nos para a história de alguns reis ibéricos da Idade Média: Pedro de Portugal e Pedro de Castela, que serão revisitados à luz da Crônica de D. Pedro de Fernão Lopes, no intuito de observar-se o diálogo com esta estabelecido por Suassuna, direta ou indiretamente
Esta tese examina o possível sentido atribuído por Ferenczi à amizade. São feitas considerações sobre o mesmo, a partir de um exame de relações pessoais de Ferenczi com alguns de seus pares, e no contexto de sua obra. A importância de uma reflexão sobre a amizade, sobretudo no campo psicanalítico da atualidade, se deve a uma preocupação sobre em relação ais desafios gerados no âmbito da clínica psicanalítica contemporânea. Considera-se que a liberdade dominante na cultura contemporânea contribui para a formação de subjetividades bastante resistentes à aceitação das condições mediante as quais a terapia psicanalítica costuma se desenvolver, ou seja, pela via da comunicação verbal. Por outro lado, a redução do senso de responsabilidade e da função crítica implicadas em escolhas e decisões, e observadas na contemporaneidade, se constituem em fatores adversos à situação analítica. Um dos aspectos da resistência então verificada deriva de uma formação egóica que pode ser caracterizada como tão plástica quanto rígida, cujo funcionamento opera de acordo com circunstâncias, e em função de os indivíduos não serem, na contemporaneidade, na verdade tão livres quanto a princípio se espera. Ferenczi, divergindo em parte de Freud, concede um maior destaque à importância dos afetos nas relações interpessoais, notadamente no âmbito terapêutico, de forma que enfatiza, por exemplo, a importância terapêutica da regressão e da contratransferência, para se lograr o equilíbrio da economia psíquica do analisado. Então, desde um destaque dado à implicação do afeto amizade em experimentações técnicas realizadas e nas considerações propostas por Ferenczi, esta tese situa o afeto amizade, experimentado pelo analista junto ao analisando, como uma variante importante na condução da cura analítica. Como suporte desta tematização, se recorre à Filosofia, no intuito de recensear alguns dos sentidos historicamente atribuído à amizade. O principal suporte bibliográfico utilizado é uma trilogia dedicada a este tema, pulicada por Francisco Ortega, em que aquele é investigado desde a Antiguidade até a Contemporaneidade. Outros filósofos, aos quais este autor recorre, são Derrida e Foucault. Assim, conclui-se ser recomendável que o analista não se mantenha alheio às condições culturais e aos valores que influem nos processos de subjetivação, nem tampouco distanciado do que envolve o sofrimento de seu analisando, não se furtando, portanto, a apresentar-se, em certa medida, como um artigo. Compreende-se, então, que é preciso que o analista se implique cada vez mais no processo analítico, apresentando-se também como uma amigo, à medida que esta postura possa se revelar terapêutica.
O presente trabalho tem como proposta estudar o uso de estruturas documentais no cinema ficcional de horror, tipo de narrativa que ficou conhecida popularmente como found footage. Esses filmes fazem uso de uma linguagem propositalmente híbrida, associando a forma do documentário ao conteúdo da ficção e, hoje, encontram-se tão em voga que já possuem até mesmo clichês e estereótipos. A intenção é entender de que forma o gênero do horror se apropria douso de uma estética associada a registros documentais para favorecer as reações de medo no espectador. Para tanto, privilegiamos recortes na história do cinema e conceitos que possam contribuir para o desenvolvimento de nosso estudo, tanto no que diz respeito ao cinema documental, quanto no que diz respeito ao gênero de horror. Como objeto de análise mais detalhada, trazemos a trilogia inicial de da franquia Atividade Paranormal
Este trabalho pretende examinar a relação entre a Trilogia da Incomunicabilidade, de Michelangelo Antonioni, a Trilogia do Silêncio, de Ingmar Bergman e a teoria social. Parto da hipótese de que essa relação se dá através de canais de interlocução entre as narrativas ficcionais e a sociologia. O foco será dado nas teorias sobre a condição do indivíduo moderno, especificamente, as obras de Georg Simmel e Norbert Elias. Temas como a indiferença, a solidão e o esvaziamento de sentido serão observados nas trilogias tendo em vista uma tendência à fragilização dos laços individuais com o outro. Algumas cenas serão tomadas como modalidades específicas de um problema sociológico, de maneira a atestar, junto às teorias, a coexistência de versões poéticas do drama individual nas sociedades modernas.
Woods, T. (2003). Giving and Receiving: Nuruddin Farah's Gifts, or, the Postcolonial Logic of Third World Aid. Journal of Commonwealth Literature, 38 (1), 91-112.
Autor książki: Wielka szachownica. Cele polityki amerykańskiej (Warszawa 1998) postrzega stosunki wzajemne pośród uczestników areny międzynarodowej jako wielką szachownicę, na której toczy się pomiędzy nimi „Wielka Polityka” (gra). Sytuacja światowa rozgrywa się, według niego, na jednej szachownicy (arenie międzynarodowej), a uczestnicy „gry” zajmują pozycje pionków. Jest to, więc swoista partia szachów, gdzie silniejszy zdobywa prestiż, pieniądze i władzę, natomiast słabszy przegrywa wszystko, osiągając marginalne znaczenie na globalnej szachownicy. Z kolei J. Nye eksponuje trzy płaszczyzny tej samej szachownicy, a mianowicie: potęgę militarną, gospodarczą oraz „miękkie środki oddziaływania politycznego”, wokół których toczy się polityka międzynarodowa. Jego trylogia poświęcona postrzeganiu potęgi państw powinna być lekturą obowiązkową, skierowaną przede wszystkim do polityków i mężów stanu, z przesłaniem, aby wskazane przez autora czynniki siły stosowali w praktyce, co pomoże im lepiej władać państwem. Jest to także książka przeznaczona dla wszystkich zainteresowanych polityką i jej zagadnieniami związanymi z percepcją potęgi. W niniejszej rozprawie naukowej skoncentrowałam się na trzech najważniejszych książkach J. Nye’a, stanowiących analizę atrybutów potęgi i wyjaśniających jej znaczenie. Są to: Bound to Lead. The Changing Nature of American Power (New York 1991), The Paradox of American Power. Why the World’s Only Superpower Can’t Go It Alone (Oxford 2002) oraz Soft Power. The Means to Success in World Politics (New York 2004; wyd. polskie: Soft Power. Jak osiągnąć sukces w polityce światowej, Warszawa 2007). Stanowią one podstawę do zrozumienia percepcji pojęcia potęgi Stanów Zjednoczonych. Choć autora zajmują także kwestie innych państw, to jednak właśnie mocarstwowość USA jako najpotężniejszego kraju na świecie, posiadającego wszelkie czynniki wzmacniające jego potęgę (władzę), stanowi podstawę rozważań J. Nye’a.
This thesis considers the three works of fiction of the Jamaican author Claude McKay (1889-1948) as a coherent transnational trilogy which dramatises the semi-autobiographical complexities of diasporic exile and return in the period of the 1920s and 1930s. Chapter One explores McKay’s urban North American novel, Home to Harlem (1928). I suggest that we need to ‘reworld’ conceptions of McKay’s writing in order to release him from his canonical confinement in the Harlem Renaissance. Querying the problematics of the city space, of sexuality and of race as they emerge in the novel, this chapter considers McKay’s percipient understanding of the need to reconfigure diasporic identity beyond the limits set by American nationalism. Chapter Two engages with McKay’s novel of portside Marseilles, Banjo (1929), and considers the homosocial interactions of the vagabond collective. A comparison of North America and France as supposed exemplars of individual liberty highlights the unsuitability of nationalistic prerogatives to an internally diverse black diaspora. Paul Gilroy’s Black Atlantic construct provides a suggestive space in which to re-imagine the possibilities of affiliation in the port. The latter section of the chapter examines McKay’s particular influence on, and relationship, to the Négritude movement and Pan-African philosophies. Chapter Three focuses on McKay’s third novel, Banana Bottom (1933). I suggest here that the three novels comprise a coherent New World Trilogy comparable to Edward (Kamau) Brathwaite’s trilogy, The Arrivants. This chapter considers both the Caribbean and the transnational dimensions to McKay’s work.
Reflecting on Gus Van Sant’s films Gerry (2003) Elephant (2004) and Last Days (2005), the director’s long-term sound-designer Leslie Shatz observed that “You have to get into the totality of the experience and not just the dialogue”. Shatz’s comment expresses something fundamental about the experimental approach to cinema and to soundscapes undertaken by Van Sant in these three films, unofficially known as the “Death Trilogy”. This thesis contends that Van Sant makes deliberate aesthetic choices which do indicate a distinctly “auteurist” leaning. However, I also argue that intertextual elements, prior knowledge, and audience participation in meaningmaking enhance the experience of, and reveal the nuances in, the soundtracks themselves. This thesis aims to contribute to a growing body of work within filmmusic scholarship concerned with resisting a traditional bias in the field: that film music should be understood as a means of characterisation and as emotional signifier. The films of the “Death Quartet”, which includes Paranoid Park (2007), I believe, offer fertile ground on which to explore these new approaches. It is my contention that these films deconstruct the traditional approach to soundtracking and the relationship between soundtrack and character, and that only an approach sensitive to the aesthetic and philosophical functions of music and sound can adequately acknowledge their unique cinematic qualities.
My dissertation examines the traces of inverse (mytho)mysticism, more synchronous with mythical alchemy than transcendent mystery, in H.D.’s mature work (1946-1961). Whereas H.D.’s earliest works respond to a fin de siècle occultism and a collective psyche troubled by the eschatological distress that, as Susan Acheson writes, “was widespread amongst modernist writers grappling with …world events and with the implications of Nietzsche’s inaugural annunciation of modernity in terms of the death of God” (187), her later oeuvre is dedicated to the same work of soul undertaken by the “secret cult of Night” in Vale Ave. Here, her thematic scope faces two ways: backward to ancient Greek mystery cults and their palingenesic rites and forward to depth psychologists searching for the Soul of the World. Vale Ave plays a pronounced role in my study as symbolic guide; in its seventy-four sequences the layering of time in the “trilogy” of past, present, and future that H.D. had explored during the years of the Second World War in order to get behind the fallen walls of cause and effect collapses into two distinct phases of human origin—“meeting” (evolution) and “parting” (involution)—and the poem invites Lilith and Lucifer to be its archetypal guides. My method for the study is imaginal, entering such disciplines as history, philosophy, and theology and bringing psychological understanding to them. John Walsh’s introduction to Vale Ave notes H.D.’s theme “that the human psyche exists in a dimension outside of time and space as well as within them. In Vale Ave, H.D. presents the extremity of this dual-dimensionality: metempsychosis” (vii). However, the concept that H.D. investigates is more than a literary processus of characters who adopt different masks and appear at various junctures in a chronological unwinding of history. I explore H.D.'s works as part of a Modernist tradition of writing “books of the dead” designed not to guide the soul after death, but to draw the gaze upon “a nearer thing,” as H.D. writes in Erige Cor Tuum Ad Me In Caelum, the wisdom intrinsic in the spirit of life itself.
In the digital age, the hyperspace of virtual reality systems stands out as a new spatial notion creating a parallel world to the space we live in. In this alternative realm, the body transforms into a hyperbody, and begins to follow the white rabbit. Not only in real world but also in the Matrix world. The Matrix project of Andy and Larry Wachowski started with a feature film released in 1999. However, The Matrix is not only a film (trilogy). It is a concept, a universe that brings real space and hyperspace together. It is a world represented not only in science fiction films but also in The Animatrix that includes nine animated Matrix films directed by Peter Chung, Andy Jones, Yoshiaki Kawajiri and others, four of which are written by the Wachowskis. The same universe is used in Enter the Matrix, a digital game whose script was written and directed by the brothers and a comic book, The Matrix Comics, which includes twelve different stories by artists like Neil Gaiman and Goef Darrow. The Wachowskis played an active role in the creation and realization of all these “products” of different media. The comic book came last (November 2003), however it is possible to argue that everything came out of comics – the storyboards of the original film. After all the Wachowskis have a background in comics.
In this study, I will focus on the formal analysis of the science fiction world of The Matrix - as a representation of hyperspace - in different media, feature film, animated film, digital game and comic book, focusing on diverse forms of space that come into being as a result of medium differences. To unfold the different formal characters of film, animation, game and comics, concepts and features including framing, flattening, continuity, movement, montage, sound/text, light and color will be discussed. An analysis of these products will help to open up a discussion on the relation of form, media and representation.
How did the counter-cultural aims of Radical Psychiatry coincide with those of documentary filmmaking in the 1960s? Where the forms and structures of new approaches to the documentary necessarily complicit in promoting the clinical and anti-clinical practices, and wider political agenda, of Radical Psychiatry? How did the documentary deal with the ethical, aesthetic, and audience-related issues associated with filming personalities and environments associated with Radical Psychiatry? How did Radical Psychiatry and the documentary shape postwar discourses on trauma, especially within conflict and post-conflict (PTSD) contexts? What is the legacy of Radical Pschiatry today, and how has it been explored by contemporary documentray film?
This article addresses these question by examining a range of documentaries dealing with the radical and 'anti-psychiatric' ideas and methods of figures such as R.D.Laing, David Cooper, Jan Bastiaans, Timothy Leary, and Franco Basaglia. Films analysed include Peter Robinson's Asylum (1972) and Psychiatry and Violence (1973); Ah, Sunflower (Klinkert and Sinclair, 1967); Anatomy of Violence (Davis, 1967); Turn On, Tune In, Drop Out (Robin Clarke, 1967), W. R. - Mysteries of the Organism (Makavejev, 1971); Raymond Depardon's San Clemente (1980) and Urgences (1988); and Louis van Gasteren's trilogy Now Do You Get it Why I am Crying (1969), The Price of Survival (2003), and There is No Plane to Zagreb (2012).
The article concludes with a discussion of Nicolas Philibert's Every Little Thing (1997) within the context of the French documentary tradition and the film's more immediate subject - the famous clinic at La Borde established by Jean Oury, and associated with the methods and theories of figures such as Jacques
Lacan, Francesc Tosquelles, Franz Fanon, and Félix Guattari.
Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Avaliação em Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2014
Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.
ABSTRACT - Jean Cocteau, French cinema auteur avant la lettre, has consecrated his uniqueness to the defense of the “poet” and the promotion of its artistic ideals, before the French Nouvelle Vague inspired the break away from the filmic tradition and ahead of the eulogistic tendency to consider the director the undisputed creative entity of the filmmaking process. The Orphic trilogy expresses Cocteau’s cinematic philosophy in action. In other words, it reveals the way by which the creative entity affirms itself as the major filmic enunciator, through an allegorical relationship with vision. Therefore, Cocteau’s self-reflexive metacinema conjoins, in a fertile attunement, the starting point and the ultimate goal, the creation and the reception. Without being exactly a cinema about the cinema, this artistic practice is, nonetheless, very much with the cinema, feeding as it does on its essence. The films Le Sang d’un poète (“The Blood of a Poet”, 1932), Orphée (“Orpheus”, 1950) and Le Testament d’Orphée, ou ne me demandez pas pourquoi! (“Testament of Orpheus”, 1960) recreate, in allegorical form, the double creative function: the look of the directing entity reflects the gaze of the observer, just as this one always restores the presence of the creator. In short: Cocteau’s films, more than anyone else’s, deliberately reflect its auteur as enunciator.
RESUMO: O cancro de mama e o mais frequente diagnoticado a indiv duos do sexo feminino. O conhecimento cientifico e a tecnologia tem permitido a cria ção de muitas e diferentes estrat egias para tratar esta patologia. A Radioterapia (RT) est a entre as diretrizes atuais para a maioria dos tratamentos de cancro de mama. No entanto, a radia ção e como uma arma de dois canos: apesar de tratar, pode ser indutora de neoplasias secund arias. A mama contralateral (CLB) e um orgão susceptivel de absorver doses com o tratamento da outra mama, potenciando o risco de desenvolver um tumor secund ario. Nos departamentos de radioterapia tem sido implementadas novas tecnicas relacionadas com a radia ção, com complexas estrat egias de administra ção da dose e resultados promissores. No entanto, algumas questões precisam de ser devidamente colocadas, tais como: E seguro avançar para tecnicas complexas para obter melhores indices de conformidade nos volumes alvo, em radioterapia de mama? O que acontece aos volumes alvo e aos tecidos saudaveis adjacentes? Quão exata e a administração de dose? Quais são as limitações e vantagens das técnicas e algoritmos atualmente usados? A resposta a estas questões e conseguida recorrendo a m etodos de Monte Carlo para modelar com precisão os diferentes componentes do equipamento produtor de radia ção(alvos, ltros, colimadores, etc), a m de obter uma descri cão apropriada dos campos de radia cão usados, bem como uma representa ção geometrica detalhada e a composição dos materiais que constituem os orgãos e os tecidos envolvidos. Este trabalho visa investigar o impacto de tratar cancro de mama esquerda usando diferentes tecnicas de radioterapia f-IMRT (intensidade modulada por planeamento direto), IMRT por planeamento inverso (IMRT2, usando 2 feixes; IMRT5, com 5 feixes) e DCART (arco conformacional dinamico) e os seus impactos em irradia ção da mama e na irradia ção indesejada dos tecidos saud aveis adjacentes. Dois algoritmos do sistema de planeamento iPlan da BrainLAB foram usados: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC) e Monte Carlo comercial iMC. Foi ainda usado um modelo de Monte Carlo criado para o acelerador usado (Trilogy da VARIAN Medical Systems), no c odigo EGSnrc MC, para determinar as doses depositadas na mama contralateral. Para atingir este objetivo foi necess ario modelar o novo colimador multi-laminas High- De nition que nunca antes havia sido simulado. O modelo desenvolvido est a agora disponí vel no pacote do c odigo EGSnrc MC do National Research Council Canada (NRC). O acelerador simulado foi validado com medidas realizadas em agua e posteriormente com c alculos realizados no sistema de planeamento (TPS).As distribui ções de dose no volume alvo (PTV) e a dose nos orgãos de risco (OAR) foram comparadas atrav es da an alise de histogramas de dose-volume; an alise estati stica complementar foi realizadas usando o software IBM SPSS v20. Para o algoritmo PBC, todas as tecnicas proporcionaram uma cobertura adequada do PTV. No entanto, foram encontradas diferen cas estatisticamente significativas entre as t ecnicas, no PTV, nos OAR e ainda no padrão da distribui ção de dose pelos tecidos sãos. IMRT5 e DCART contribuem para maior dispersão de doses baixas pelos tecidos normais, mama direita, pulmão direito, cora cão e at e pelo pulmão esquerdo, quando comparados com as tecnicas tangenciais (f-IMRT e IMRT2). No entanto, os planos de IMRT5 melhoram a distribuição de dose no PTV apresentando melhor conformidade e homogeneidade no volume alvo e percentagens de dose mais baixas nos orgãos do mesmo lado. A t ecnica de DCART não apresenta vantagens comparativamente com as restantes t ecnicas investigadas. Foram tamb em identi cadas diferen cas entre os algoritmos de c alculos: em geral, o PBC estimou doses mais elevadas para o PTV, pulmão esquerdo e cora ção, do que os algoritmos de MC. Os algoritmos de MC, entre si, apresentaram resultados semelhantes (com dferen cas at e 2%). Considera-se que o PBC não e preciso na determina ção de dose em meios homog eneos e na região de build-up. Nesse sentido, atualmente na cl nica, a equipa da F sica realiza medi ções para adquirir dados para outro algoritmo de c alculo. Apesar de melhor homogeneidade e conformidade no PTV considera-se que h a um aumento de risco de cancro na mama contralateral quando se utilizam t ecnicas não-tangenciais. Os resultados globais dos estudos apresentados confirmam o excelente poder de previsão com precisão na determinação e c alculo das distribui ções de dose nos orgãos e tecidos das tecnicas de simulação de Monte Carlo usados.---------ABSTRACT:Breast cancer is the most frequent in women. Scienti c knowledge and technology have created many and di erent strategies to treat this pathology. Radiotherapy (RT) is in the actual standard guidelines for most of breast cancer treatments. However, radiation is a two-sword weapon: although it may heal cancer, it may also induce secondary cancer. The contralateral breast (CLB) is a susceptible organ to absorb doses with the treatment of the other breast, being at signi cant risk to develop a secondary tumor. New radiation related techniques, with more complex delivery strategies and promising results are being implemented and used in radiotherapy departments. However some questions have to be properly addressed, such as: Is it safe to move to complex techniques to achieve better conformation in the target volumes, in breast radiotherapy? What happens to the target volumes and surrounding healthy tissues? How accurate is dose delivery? What are the shortcomings and limitations of currently used treatment planning systems (TPS)? The answers to these questions largely rely in the use of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations using state-of-the-art computer programs to accurately model the di erent components of the equipment (target, lters, collimators, etc.) and obtain an adequate description of the radiation elds used, as well as the detailed geometric representation and material composition of organs and tissues. This work aims at investigating the impact of treating left breast cancer using di erent radiation therapy (RT) techniques f-IMRT (forwardly-planned intensity-modulated), inversely-planned IMRT (IMRT2, using 2 beams; IMRT5, using 5 beams) and dynamic conformal arc (DCART) RT and their e ects on the whole-breast irradiation and in the undesirable irradiation of the surrounding healthy tissues. Two algorithms of iPlan BrainLAB TPS were used: Pencil Beam Convolution (PBC)and commercial Monte Carlo (iMC). Furthermore, an accurate Monte Carlo (MC) model of the linear accelerator used (a Trilogy R VARIANR) was done with the EGSnrc MC code, to accurately determine the doses that reach the CLB. For this purpose it was necessary to model the new High De nition multileaf collimator that had never before been simulated. The model developed was then included on the EGSnrc MC package of National Research Council Canada (NRC). The linac was benchmarked with water measurements and later on validated against the TPS calculations. The dose distributions in the planning target volume (PTV) and the dose to the organs at risk (OAR) were compared analyzing dose-volume histograms; further statistical analysis was performed using IBM SPSS v20 software. For PBC, all the techniques provided adequate coverage of the PTV. However, statistically significant dose di erences were observed between the techniques, in the PTV, OAR and also in the pattern of dose distribution spreading into normal tissues. IMRT5 and DCART spread low doses into greater volumes of normal tissue, right breast, right lung, heart and even the left lung than tangential techniques (f-IMRT and IMRT2). However,IMRT5 plans improved distributions for the PTV, exhibiting better conformity and homogeneity in target and reduced high dose percentages in ipsilateral OAR. DCART did not present advantages over any of the techniques investigated. Di erences were also found comparing the calculation algorithms: PBC estimated higher doses for the PTV, ipsilateral lung and heart than the MC algorithms predicted. The MC algorithms presented similar results (within 2% di erences). The PBC algorithm was considered not accurate in determining the dose in heterogeneous media and in build-up regions. Therefore, a major e ort is being done at the clinic to acquire data to move from PBC to another calculation algorithm. Despite better PTV homogeneity and conformity there is an increased risk of CLB cancer development, when using non-tangential techniques. The overall results of the studies performed con rm the outstanding predictive power and accuracy in the assessment and calculation of dose distributions in organs and tissues rendered possible by the utilization and implementation of MC simulation techniques in RT TPS.