989 resultados para trapping


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In this comment, problems associated with an oversimplified FDTD based model used for trapping force calculation in recent papers "Computation of the optical trapping force using an FDTD based technique" [Opt. Express 13, 3707 (2005)], and "Rigorous time domain simulation of momentum transfer between light and microscopic particles in optical trapping" [Opt. Express 12, 2220 (2004)] are discussed. A more rigorous model using in Poynting vector is also presented.


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Fluorophosphate glasses with different contents of ErF3 were prepared. Due to the radiation trapping of Er, concentration dependence of the fluorescence lifetime is subject to distortion, and the stimulated-emission cross section calculated by the Fuchtbauer-Ladenburg equation is underestimated. The influence of radiation trapping on the measured fluorescence lifetime and width are investigated quantitatively. By comparing the intensity ratio of the 1556-1532 nm peak in the fluorescence spectrum with that in the stimulated-emission cross-section spectrum obtained according to the McCumber theory, the distortion ratio of fluorescence spectrum due to radiation trapping is obtained. An empirical way to quantitatively evaluate the influences of radiation trapping on fluorescence lifetime and width is proposed. (c) 2007 Optical Society of America.


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Time-lapse remote photo-sequences at 73-700 m depth off Palau, Western Caroline Islands, show that the caridean shrimp Heterocarpus laevigatus tends to be a solitary animal, occurring below ~350 m, that gradually accumulates around bait sites over a prolonged period. A smaller speies, H. ensifer, tends to move erratically in swarms, appearing in large numbers in the upper part of its range (<250 m) during the evening crepuscular period and disappearing at dawn. Trapping and photsequence data indicate the depth range of H. ensifer (during daylight) is ~250-550 M, while H. laevigatus ranges from 350 m to at least 800 m, along with the geryonid crab Chaceon granulatus. Combined trapping for Heterocarpus laevigatus and Chaceon granulatus, using a three-chamber box-trap and extended soak times (48-72 hr), may be an appropriate technique for small-scale deep-water fisheries along forereef slopes of Indo-Pacific archipelagoes.


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Super-Resolution imaging techniques such as Fluorescent Photo-Activation Localisation Microscopy (FPALM) have created a powerful new toolkit for investigating living cells, however a simple platform for growing, trapping, holding and controlling the cells is needed before the approach can become truly widespread. We present a microfluidic device formed in polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) with a fluidic design which traps cells in a high-density array of wells and holds them very still throughout the life cycle, using hydrodynamic forces only. The device meets or exceeds all the necessary criteria for FPALM imaging of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and is designed to remain flexible, robust and easy to use. © 2011 IEEE.


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We study optical trapping of nanotubes and graphene. We extract the distribution of both centre-of-mass and angular fuctuations from three-dimensional tracking of these optically trapped carbon nanostructures. The optical force and torque constants are measured from auto and cross-correlation of the tracking signals. We demonstrate that nanotubes enable nanometer spatial, and femto-Newton force resolution in photonic force microscopy by accurately measuring the radiation pressure in a double frequency optical tweezers. Finally, we integrate optical trapping with Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy demonstrating the use of a Raman and photoluminescence tweezers by investigating the spectroscopy of nanotubes and graphene fakes in solution. Experimental results are compared with calculations based on electromagnetic scattering theory. © 2011 by the Author(s); licensee Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti, Messina, Italy.