121 resultados para trapezoidal


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Adhesively-bonded joints are extensively used in several fields of engineering. Cohesive Zone Models (CZM) have been used for the strength prediction of adhesive joints, as an add-in to Finite Element (FE) analyses that allows simulation of damage growth, by consideration of energetic principles. A useful feature of CZM is that different shapes can be developed for the cohesive laws, depending on the nature of the material or interface to be simulated, allowing an accurate strength prediction. This work studies the influence of the CZM shape (triangular, exponential or trapezoidal) used to model a thin adhesive layer in single-lap adhesive joints, for an estimation of its influence on the strength prediction under different material conditions. By performing this study, guidelines are provided on the possibility to use a CZM shape that may not be the most suited for a particular adhesive, but that may be more straightforward to use/implement and have less convergence problems (e.g. triangular shaped CZM), thus attaining the solution faster. The overall results showed that joints bonded with ductile adhesives are highly influenced by the CZM shape, and that the trapezoidal shape fits best the experimental data. Moreover, the smaller is the overlap length (LO), the greater is the influence of the CZM shape. On the other hand, the influence of the CZM shape can be neglected when using brittle adhesives, without compromising too much the accuracy of the strength predictions.


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This work reports on an experimental and finite element method (FEM) parametric study of adhesively-bonded single and double-strap repairs on carbon-epoxy structures under buckling unrestrained compression. The influence of the overlap length and patch thickness was evaluated. This loading gains a particular significance from the additional characteristic mechanisms of structures under compression, such as fibres microbuckling, for buckling restrained structures, or global buckling of the assembly, if no transverse restriction exists. The FEM analysis is based on the use of cohesive elements including mixed-mode criteria to simulate a cohesive fracture of the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal laws in pure modes I and II were used to account for the ductility of most structural adhesives. These laws were estimated for the adhesive used from double cantilever beam (DCB) and end-notched flexure (ENF) tests, respectively, using an inverse technique. The pure mode III cohesive law was equalled to the pure mode II one. Compression failure in the laminates was predicted using a stress-based criterion. The accurate FEM predictions open a good prospect for the reduction of the extensive experimentation in the design of carbon-epoxy repairs. Design principles were also established for these repairs under buckling.


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The widespread employment of carbon-epoxy laminates in high responsibility and severely loaded applications introduces an issue regarding their handling after damage. Repair of these structures should be evaluated, instead of their disposal, for cost saving and ecological purposes. Under this perspective, the availability of efficient repair methods is essential to restore the strength of the structure. The development and validation of accurate predictive tools for the repairs behaviour are also extremely important, allowing the reduction of costs and time associated to extensive test programmes. Comparing with strap repairs, scarf repairs have the advantages of a higher efficiency and the absence of aerodynamic disturbance. This work reports on a numerical study of the tensile behaviour of three-dimensional scarf repairs in carbon-epoxy structures, using a ductile adhesive (Araldite® 2015). The finite elements analysis was performed in ABAQUS® and Cohesive Zone Modelling was used for the simulation of damage onset and growth in the adhesive layer. Trapezoidal cohesive laws in each pure mode were used to account for the ductility of the specific adhesive mentioned. A parametric study was performed on the repair width and scarf angle. The use of over-laminating plies covering the repaired region at the outer or both repair surfaces was also tested as an attempt to increase the repairs efficiency. The obtained results allowed the proposal of design principles for repairing composite structures.


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In this study, the tensile strength of single-lap joints (SLJs) between similar and dissimilar adherends bonded with an acrylic adhesive was evaluated experimentally and numerically. The adherend materials included polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), carbon-epoxy (CFRP), and glass-polyester (GFRP) composites. The following adherend combinations were tested: PE/PE, PE/PP, PE/CFRP, PE/GFRP, PP/PP, CFRP/CFRP, and GFRP/GFRP. One of the objectives of this work was to assess the influence of the adherends stiffness on the strength of the joints since it significantly affects the peel stresses magnitude in the adhesive layer. The experimental results were also used to validate a new mixed-mode cohesive damage model developed to simulate the adhesive layer. Thus, the experimental results were compared with numerical simulations performed in ABAQUS®, including a developed mixed-mode (I+II) cohesive damage model, based on the indirect use of fracture mechanics and implemented within interface finite elements. The cohesive laws present a trapezoidal shape with an increasing stress plateau, to reproduce the behaviour of the ductile adhesive used. A good agreement was found between the experimental and numerical results.


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O uso de ligações adesivas aumentou significativamente nos últimos anos e é hoje em dia uma técnica de ligação dominante na indústria aeronáutica e automóvel. As ligações adesivas visam substituir os métodos tradicionais de fixação mecânicos na união de estruturas. A melhoria ao longo dos anos de vários modelos de previsão de dano, nomeadamente através do Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF), tem ajudado ao desenvolvimento desta técnica de ligação. Os Modelos de Dano coesivo (MDC), usados em conjunto com MEF, são uma ferramenta viável para a previsão de resistência de juntas adesivas. Os MDC combinam critérios da resistência dos materiais para a iniciação do dano e conceitos da mecânica da fratura para a propagação da fenda. Existem diversas formas de leis coesivas possíveis de aplicar em simulações por MDC, em função do comportamento expectável dos materiais que estão a ser simulados. Neste trabalho, estudou-se numericamente o efeito de diversas formas de leis coesivas na previsão no comportamento de juntas adesivas, nomeadamente nas curvas forçadeslocamento (P-) de ensaios Double-Cantilever Beam para caracterização à tração e ensaios End-Notched Flexure para caraterização ao corte. Também se estudou a influência dos parâmetros coesivos à tração e corte nas curvas P- dos referidos ensaios. Para o Araldite®AV138 à tração e ao corte, a lei triangular é a que melhor prevê o comportamento do adesivo. Para a previsão da resistência de ambos os adesivos Araldite® 2015 e SikaForce® 7752, a lei trapezoidal é a que melhor se adequa, confirmando assim que esta lei é a que melhor caracteriza o comportamento de dano de adesivos tipicamente dúcteis. O estudo dos parâmetros revelou influência distinta na previsão do comportamento das juntas, embora com bastantes semelhanças entre os diferentes tipos de adesivos.


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En simulant l’écoulement du sang dans un réseau de capillaires (en l’absence de contrôle biologique), il est possible d’observer la présence d’oscillations de certains paramètres comme le débit volumique, la pression et l’hématocrite (volume des globules rouges par rapport au volume du sang total). Ce comportement semble être en concordance avec certaines expériences in vivo. Malgré cet accord, il faut se demander si les fluctuations observées lors des simulations de l’écoulement sont physiques, numériques ou un artefact de modèles irréalistes puisqu’il existe toujours des différences entre des modélisations et des expériences in vivo. Pour répondre à cette question de façon satisfaisante, nous étudierons et analyserons l’écoulement du sang ainsi que la nature des oscillations observées dans quelques réseaux de capillaires utilisant un modèle convectif et un modèle moyenné pour décrire les équations de conservation de masse des globules rouges. Ces modèles tiennent compte de deux effets rhéologiques importants : l’effet Fåhraeus-Lindqvist décrivant la viscosité apparente dans un vaisseau et l’effet de séparation de phase schématisant la distribution des globules rouges aux points de bifurcation. Pour décrire ce dernier effet, deux lois de séparation de phase (les lois de Pries et al. et de Fenton et al.) seront étudiées et comparées. Dans ce mémoire, nous présenterons une description du problème physiologique (rhéologie du sang). Nous montrerons les modèles mathématiques employés (moyenné et convectif) ainsi que les lois de séparation de phase (Pries et al. et Fenton et al.) accompagnés d’une analyse des schémas numériques implémentés. Pour le modèle moyenné, nous employons le schéma numérique explicite traditionnel d’Euler ainsi qu’un nouveau schéma implicite qui permet de résoudre ce problème d’une manière efficace. Ceci est fait en utilisant une méthode de Newton- Krylov avec gradient conjugué préconditionné et la méthode de GMRES pour les itérations intérieures ainsi qu’une méthode quasi-Newton (la méthode de Broyden). Cette méthode inclura le schéma implicite d’Euler et la méthode des trapèzes. Pour le schéma convectif, la méthode explicite de Kiani et al. sera implémentée ainsi qu’une nouvelle approche implicite. La stabilité des deux modèles sera également explorée. À l’aide de trois différentes topologies, nous comparerons les résultats de ces deux modèles mathématiques ainsi que les lois de séparation de phase afin de déterminer dans quelle mesure les oscillations observées peuvent être attribuables au choix des modèles mathématiques ou au choix des méthodes numériques.


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This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel machine family—the enclosed-rotor Halbach-array permanentmagnet brushless dcmotors for spacecraft applications. The initial design, selection of major parameters, and air-gap magnetic flux density are estimated using the analytical model of the machine. The proportion of the Halbach array in the machine is optimized using finite element analysis to obtain a near-trapezoidal flux pattern. The machine is found to provide uniform air-gap flux density along the radius, thus avoiding circulating currents in stator conductors and thereby reducing torque ripple. Furthermore, the design is validated with experimental results on a fabricated machine and is found to suit the design requirements of critical spacecraft applications


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This paper presents the design and analysis of a 400-step hybrid stepper motor for spacecraft applications. The design of the hybrid stepper motor for achieving a specific performance requires the choice of appropriate tooth geometry. In this paper, a detailed account of the results of two-dimensional finite-element (FE) analysis conducted with different tooth shapes such as square and trapezoidal, is presented. The use of % more corresponding increase in detent torque and distorted static torque profile. For the requirements of maximum torque density, less-detent torque, and better positional accuracy and smooth static torque profile, different pitch slotting with equal tooth width has to be provided. From the various FE models subjected to analysis trapezoidal teeth configuration with unequal tooth pitch on the stator and rotor is found to be the best configuration and is selected for fabrication. The designed motor is fabricated and the experimental results is compared with the FE results


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This paper presents the design and analysis of a novel machine family of Siotiess Permanent Magnet Brushless DC motors (PMBLDC) for precise positioning applications of spacecrafts. Initial design, selection of major parameters and air gap magnetic flux density are estimated using the analytical model of the machine. The proportion of the halbach array in the machine was optimized using FE to obtain near trapezoidal flux pattern. The novel machine topology is found to deliver high torque density, high efficiency, zero cogging torque, better positional stability, high torque to inertia ratio and zero magnetic stiction suiting space requirements. The machine provides uniform air gap flux density along the radius thus avoiding circulating currents in stator conductors and hence reducing torque ripple


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Infrared polarization and intensity imagery provide complementary and discriminative information in image understanding and interpretation. In this paper, a novel fusion method is proposed by effectively merging the information with various combination rules. It makes use of both low-frequency and highfrequency images components from support value transform (SVT), and applies fuzzy logic in the combination process. Images (both infrared polarization and intensity images) to be fused are firstly decomposed into low-frequency component images and support value image sequences by the SVT. Then the low-frequency component images are combined using a fuzzy combination rule blending three sub-combination methods of (1) region feature maximum, (2) region feature weighting average, and (3) pixel value maximum; and the support value image sequences are merged using a fuzzy combination rule fusing two sub-combination methods of (1) pixel energy maximum and (2) region feature weighting. With the variables of two newly defined features, i.e. the low-frequency difference feature for low-frequency component images and the support-value difference feature for support value image sequences, trapezoidal membership functions are proposed and developed in tuning the fuzzy fusion process. Finally the fused image is obtained by inverse SVT operations. Experimental results of visual inspection and quantitative evaluation both indicate the superiority of the proposed method to its counterparts in image fusion of infrared polarization and intensity images.


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Many operational weather forecasting centres use semi-implicit time-stepping schemes because of their good efficiency. However, as computers become ever more parallel, horizontally explicit solutions of the equations of atmospheric motion might become an attractive alternative due to the additional inter-processor communication of implicit methods. Implicit and explicit (IMEX) time-stepping schemes have long been combined in models of the atmosphere using semi-implicit, split-explicit or HEVI splitting. However, most studies of the accuracy and stability of IMEX schemes have been limited to the parabolic case of advection–diffusion equations. We demonstrate how a number of Runge–Kutta IMEX schemes can be used to solve hyperbolic wave equations either semi-implicitly or HEVI. A new form of HEVI splitting is proposed, UfPreb, which dramatically improves accuracy and stability of simulations of gravity waves in stratified flow. As a consequence it is found that there are HEVI schemes that do not lose accuracy in comparison to semi-implicit ones. The stability limits of a number of variations of trapezoidal implicit and some Runge–Kutta IMEX schemes are found and the schemes are tested on two vertical slice cases using the compressible Boussinesq equations split into various combinations of implicit and explicit terms. Some of the Runge–Kutta schemes are found to be beneficial over trapezoidal, especially since they damp high frequencies without dropping to first-order accuracy. We test schemes that are not formally accurate for stiff systems but in stiff limits (nearly incompressible) and find that they can perform well. The scheme ARK2(2,3,2) performs the best in the tests.


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Este trabalho apresenta o LIT, uma ferramenta de auxílio ao projeto de circuitos integrados analógicos que utiliza a técnica da associação trapezoidal de transistores (TAT) sobre uma matriz digital pré-difundida. A principal característica é a conversão de cada transistor simples de um circuito analógico em uma associação TAT equivalente, seguido da síntese automática do leiaute da associação séria-paralela de transistores. A ferramenta é baseada na matriz SOT (sea-of-transistors), cuja arquitetura é voltada para o projeto de circuitos digitais. A matriz é formada somente por transistores unitários de canal curto de dimensões fixas. Através da técnica TAT, entretanto, é possível criar associações série-paralelas cujo comportamento DC aproxima-se dos transistores de dimensões diferentes dos unitários. O LIT é capaz de gerar automaticamente o leiaute da matriz SOT e dos TATs, além de células analógicas básicas, como par diferencial e espelho de corrente, respeitando as regras de casamento de transistores. O cálculo dos TATs equivalentes também é realizado pela ferramenta. Ela permite a interação com o usuário no momento da escolha da melhor associação. Uma lista de possíveis associações é fornecida, cabendo ao projetista escolher a melhor. Além disso, foi incluído na ferramenta um ambiente gráfico para posicionamento das células sobre a matriz e um roteador global automático. Com isso, é possível realizar todo o fluxo de projeto de um circuito analógico com TATs dentro do mesmo ambiente, sem a necessidade de migração para outras ferramentas. Foi realizado também um estudo sobre o cálculo do TAT equivalente, sendo que dois métodos foram implementados: aproximação por resistores lineares (válida para transistores unitários de canal longo) e aproximação pelo modelo analítico da corrente de dreno através do modelo BSIM3. Três diferentes critérios para a escolha da melhor associação foram abordados e discutidos: menor diferença de corrente entre o TAT e o transistor simples, menor número de transistores unitários e menor condutância de saída. Como circuito de teste, foi realizado o projeto com TATs de um amplificador operacional de dois estágios (amplificador Miller) e a sua comparação com o mesmo projeto utilizando transistores full-custom. Os resultados demonstram que se pode obter bons resultados usando esta técnica, principalmente em termos de desempenho em freqüência. A contribuição da ferramenta LIT ao projeto de circuitos analógicos reside na redução do tempo de projeto, sendo que as tarefas mais suscetíveis a erro são automatizadas, como a geração do leiaute da matriz e das células e o roteamento global. O ambiente de projeto, totalmente gráfico, permite que mesmo projetistas analógicos menos experientes realizem projetos com rapidez e qualidade. Além disso, a ferramenta também pode ser usada para fins educacionais, já que as facilidades proporcionadas ajudam na compreensão da metodologia de projeto.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study examined a new conservation tillage tool, the rotary paraplow. Emphasis was placed on evaluating the tool's conservation potential using dimensionless graph analysis. The dynamic conditions of the soil were investigated in terms of physical soil properties. Having determined the variables to be measured, dimensional analysis was used to plan the experiments. Two variations were considered for each dependent variable (linear speed, working depth, and rotation velocity), totaling eight treatments, allotting in each an experimental strip with five data collection points. This arrangement totaled 16 experimental strips, with 80 data collection points for all variables. The rotary paraplow generates a trapezoidal furrow for planting with a very wide bottom and narrower at the top. The volumetric subsoiling action generates cracks on the sides of the band. Because of their specific geometry the blades of rotary paraplow generate a soil failure according to its natural crack angle, optimizing the energy use, while preserving the natural soil properties. Results showed the conservation character of the rotary paraplow, capable of breaking up clods for planting without changing the original physical soil properties.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)