244 resultados para trailing spouse


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RESUMO:O conceito de doenças raras como entidade própria começou a ser divulgado na comunidade médica no início deste século. A perspectiva de congregar múltiplas patologias, com características diferentes, valorizando a baixa frequência com que ocorrem na população interessou a comunidade científica, famílias, indústria e serviços de saúde. Esperava-se encontrar estratégias para melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados de saúde prestados a estes doentes. Uma vez que a informação científica sobre doenças raras está dispersa por diversas fontes o primeiro grande desafio foi sistematizar de forma a obter o “estado da arte”. A investigação que decorreu entre 2001 e 2010 teve como objectivo principal a caracterização dos doentes e das doenças raras numa população com características restritas mas não fechada como é o caso da ilha de S. Miguel nos Açores. Foram identificados 467 doentes a partir de várias fontes e monitorizado o nascimento de recém-nascidos com doença rara durante 10 anos. A prevalência das doenças raras encontrada na ilha de S. Miguel foi de 0,34% e a inerente à definição de doença rara foi de 6 % a 8 % da população na União Europeia. A diferença encontrada poderá decorrer de se ter sobrestimado o verdadeiro valor da prevalência das doenças raras na União Europeia. A incidência de doenças raras determinada na amostra foi de 0,1% e a taxa de mortalidade por causa específica foi de 0,14‰. O diagnóstico foi confirmado por técnicas laboratoriais de citogenética ou genética molecular em 43% dos doentes da amostra. Não foi identificado nenhum agregado populacional com doença rara para além do já conhecido para a DMJ. A criação de uma metodologia de estudo implicou a construção de um registo de doentes. Para tal foi utilizado o conhecimento adquirido anteriormente sobre uma doença rara que serviu de paradigma: a doença de Machado-Joseph. Na sequência dos resultados obtidos foi considerado útil a introdução de variáveis como a figura do cuidador, o cônjuge, o número de filhos do casal, a data da primeira consulta de Genética, o tempo decorrido entre o início dos sintomas e o acesso à consulta de Genética e entre esta actividade e dispor do diagnóstico para melhor compreender o contexto de vida destes doentes na perspectiva de poderem vir a ser incorporadas como indicadores. ----------- ABSTRACT: The concept of rare diseases as a condition began to be disclosed in the medical community at the beginning of this century.The prospect of bringing together multiple pathologies, with different features, enhancing the low frequency with which they occur in the population interested the scientific community, families, industry and health care services. The aim was to find strategies to improve the quality of care provided to these patients. Given that the scientific information on rare diseases is spread out across several sources the first major challenge was to systematize in order to get the "state of the art". The research took place between 2001 and 2010 and had as its main objective the characterization of patients and rare diseases in a population with specific features, but not confined, like in the case of the São Miguel Island in Azores. During 10 years were identified 467 patients from multiple sources and were observed the newborns with rare diseases. Prevalence of rare diseases found in the São Miguel Island was 0,34% compared to the 6% to 8% by definition of rare disease in the population in European Union. This discrepancy may be explained by a likely frequency of overrated rare diseases in European Union. The incidence of rare diseases in the sample was 0,1% and the specific mortality rate was 0,14 ‰. This diagnosis was confirmed by cytogenetic or molecular genetics analysis in 43% of patients in the sample. No population cluster was identified with rare disease besides the already known for Machado-Joseph Disease. The methodology for the study involved the construction of a database of patients. For such purpose it was used previously acquired knowledge on a rare disease paradigm: the Machado-Joseph disease. It was useful to introduce the following variables to properly establish the results: caregiver, spouse, number of children, date of first Genetics appointment, elapsed time between onset of symptoms and access to first appointment as well as this and the final diagnosis to better understand the context of life of these patients in order to incorporate them as rates.


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RESUMO: A experiência de viver com demência ocorre, frequentemente, num contexto de uma relação conjugal duradoura. A qualidade da relação e o sentido de coerência (conjunto de características pessoais que permite compreender, gerir e integrar os factores de stress de forma construtiva) apresentam-se como factores promotores e protectores da saúde, no contexto de experiências adversas, nomeadamente de doença. Provavelmente, o mesmo poderá acontecer nos quadros demenciais. O presente estudo teve como objectivo principal analisar o impacto do diagnóstico, no contexto das fases iniciais de demência, em casais de pessoas idosas, explorando o papel da qualidade da relação conjugal e do sentido de coerência na confrontação com o diagnóstico e na experiência de viver com a doença. Realizámos um estudo observacional de seis casais de pessoas idosas (pessoas com demência e respectivos cônjuges prestadores de cuidados), com recurso a entrevistas individuais e conjuntas como suplemento metodológico central, suportado pela utilização dos instrumentos: Orientation to Life Questionnaire - SOC (Antonovsky, 1987) e Quality of Carer-Patient Relationships – QCPR (Spruytte et al. 2000). Os resultados sugerem que a qualidade da relação e um sentido de coerência mais elevado podem facilitar uma adaptação bem-sucedida aos desafios, promover a adopção de estratégias para reforçar os aspectos positivos da experiência de cuidar e atenuar os negativos (sobrecarga e sofrimento psíquico do cuidador), encorajar padrões positivos no acesso e na utilização dos cuidados formais e adiar a institucionalização precoce da pessoa com demência.----------------------- ABSTRACT: In couples, caregiving experiences in dementia usually occur within long-standing relationships preceding the onset of the illness and evolving as it progresses. The quality of relationship (QR) and Antonovsky’s salutogenic construct of sense of coherence (SOC) are assumed to promote and protect health in stressful situations, such as dementia. SOC refers to the extent to which a person considers his/her life as comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. We aim to uncover the role of QR and SOC as moderator or mediator in the ability of patients and their partners to cope with the impact of dementia We studied six couples in which one spouse had been diagnosed with dementia. We used a qualitative research approach (combining in-depth individual and joint interviews), triangulated with the measures Orientation to Life Questionnaire - SOC scale (Antonovsky, 1987) and the Quality of Carer-Patient Relationships – QCPR (Spruytte et al. 2000). The method was informed by a literature review on the role of RQ and SOC within dementia. Results highlight the importance of listening to both spouses, in a dyadic perspective, while acknowledging the voice of PwD themselves despite methodological challenges. Aspects of prior relationship impact on caregiving dynamics and on how the care-giver and care-recipient roles are experienced. At the same time, the experience of living with dementia impacts on the relationship, often causing change or loss which is difficult to accept or adjust to. Diagnosis played an important role on the SOC’s comprehensibility component (life makes sense). Good pre-caregiving and current relationship was associated with carers’ ability to cope, namely on SOC’s manageability (problems will be bearable) and meaningfulness (life is viewed as a challenge). Our findings suggest that an understanding of QR and SOC prior to diagnosis may encourage positive patterns of care, foster successful adaptation to changing needs, and support in-home arrangements as long as possible.


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RESUMO: O objectivo do presente estudo consistiu em avaliar as necessidades de apoio de 63 pais com filhos (crianças, jovens ou adultos) com Perturbação do Espectro Autista (PEA), no que diz respeito a: (1) necessidades de apoio identificadas pelos pais, (2) redes de suporte destes pais e (3) relação entre necessidades de apoio e características dos pais e filhos. Todos os pais tinham participado no 1º nível do projecto nacional intitulado “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” – o Grupo de Apoio Emocional (GAE). No sentido de verificar se ocorreram mudanças nas suas necessidades de apoio, avaliou-se o antes (momento I) e o depois do GAE (momento II). Utilizou-se a Escala de Funções de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as necessidades de apoio e a Escala de Apoio Social (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988) para avaliar as redes de apoio social. Os resultados demonstram que os pais de pessoas com PEA apresentam (tanto antes como após a frequência nas oficinas do GAE) sobretudo necessidades de apoio de carácter emocional e profissional, e menos necessidades de carácter prático. Para suprir as necessidades de apoio, antes e após o GAE, estes pais recorreram, numa primeira opção, ao cônjuge, aos profissionais e posteriormente aos amigos. Os vizinhos constituíram a rede de apoio social a quem menos recorreram. Apesar de algumas diferenças observadas entre o momento I e momento II, estas não foram estatisticamente significativas nem para as necessidades de apoio, nem para as redes de apoio social.------------------------- ABSTRACT: The study aimed to evaluate the support needs of 63 parents of children, adolescents and adults with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), concerning three aspects: (1) support needs that parents identified as major target, (2) social support network of these parents, and (3) the relationship between support needs and parent and children characteristics. All parents had participated in the first level of the national project “Oficinas de Pais/Bolsas de Pais” - the Emotional Support Group (ESG). In order to verify if any changes occurred in the needs of support, evaluation was carried before (moment I) and after (moment II) the ESG. In this context, parents filled the Supports Function Scale (Dunst, Trivette, & Deal, 1988), which evaluated their different needs of support, and also the Social Supports Scale (Dunst, Trivette & Deal, 1988) which in turn evaluated their social support network. The results showed that parents of children with ASD, both before and after the ESG, revealed emotional and professional needs and, in a less extent, also practical needs. To address the referred needs (before and after the ESG) these parents seek in the first place the support of their spouse, then that of professionals and, later on, that of friends. Neighbours are the support that parents least address. Despite some observed differences in support needs and social support networks between the two moments, these were, however, not statistically significant.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Direito Judiciário


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Neste artigo propõe-se uma contribuição da teoria da vinculação na compreensão dos processos de adaptação dos adultos ao seu divórcio e como a desvinculação ao ex-cônjuge interfere na coparentalidade pós-divórcio. Este artigo formula duas hipóteses teóricas. A primeira hipótese afirma que o divórcio, enquanto processo relacional, deve ser lido como um momento de perda que germina reacções psicológicas similares às experienciadas pelos viúvos, tal como descreve Bowlby no modelo de perda da figura de vinculação, estando dependente dos estilos de vinculação dos adultos. A segunda hipótese sustenta que a coparentalidade pós-divórcio é predita pelos estilos de vinculação e pela qualidade da reorganização da vinculação dos pais. Finalmente, uma integração teórica é apresentada, operacionalizada numa proposta de investigação futura neste domínio.


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OBJECTIVE: The present study aims to evaluate the environmental role in the distribution of hypertension, obesity, and smoking and spousal concordance for the presence/absence of these 3 cardiovascular risk factors. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in a community in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The households were randomly selected. Odds ratios were estimated to measure spousal concordance, across socioeconomic levels.. RESULTS: Overall a significant aggregation of all 3 risk factors was present. The crude odds ratio for hypertension was 1.78 (95%CI=1.02-3.08); for obesity, it was 1.80 (95%CI=1.09-2.96); and for smoking, it was 3.40 (95% CI=2.07-5.61). The spousal concordance for hypertension decreased significantly (p<0.001) from the lower to the higher educational level. In the case of obesity and smoking, the opposite was observed, although p-values for the linear trend were 0.10 and 0.08, respectively. CONCLUSION: In lower socioeconomic levels, couples are more concordant for hypertension and discordant for smoking. For hypertension and smoking, education seems to be a discriminant stronger than income, but for obesity the 2 socioeconomic indicators seem to represent different aspects of the environmental determinants of risk factor distribution.


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In 2008, the department of gynaecology and obstetrics of a university hospital centre implemented a program addressing interpersonal partner violence (screening, prevention and care of the patient victims). A qualitative survey was conducted to identify the needs and feelings of patients. The results show that patients are in favour of being actively and directly questioned about violence during the consultation and that they trust medical doctors and nurses to help and support them.


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Several types of drugs currently used in clinical practice were screened in vitro for their potentiation of the antifungal effect of the fungistatic agent fluconazole (FLC) on Candida albicans. These drugs included inhibitors of multidrug efflux transporters, antimicrobial agents, antifungal agents, and membrane-active compounds with no antimicrobial activity, such as antiarrhythmic agents, proton pump inhibitors, and platelet aggregation inhibitors. Among the drugs tested in an agar disk diffusion assay, cyclosporine (Cy), which had no intrinsic antifungal activity, showed a potent antifungal effect in combination with FLC. In a checkerboard microtiter plate format, however, it was observed that the MIC of FLC, as classically defined by the NCCLS recommendations, was unchanged when FLC and Cy were combined. Nevertheless, if a different reading endpoint corresponding to the minimal fungicidal concentration needed to decrease viable counts by at least 3 logs in comparison to the growth control was chosen, the combination was synergistic (fractional inhibitory concentration index of &lt;1). This endpoint fitted to the definition of MIC-0 (optically clear wells) and reflected the absence of the trailing effect, which is the result of a residual growth at FLC concentrations greater than the MIC. The MIC-0 values of FLC and Cy tested alone in C. albicans were &gt;32 and &gt;10 microg/ml, respectively, and decreased to 0.5 and 0.625 microg/ml when the two drugs were combined. The combination of 0.625 microg of Cy per ml with supra-MICs of FLC resulted in a potent antifungal effect in time-kill curve experiments. This effect was fungicidal or fungistatic, depending on the C. albicans strain used. Since the Cy concentration effective in vitro is achievable in vivo, the combination of this agent with FLC represents an attractive perspective for the development of new management strategies for candidiasis.


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L’accent nuclear ascendent-descendent de les oracions expressant desacord en occità consta de tres tons: LH+L*. En comptes de precedir el to asterisc (“starred tone”) a un interval fix en temps normalitzat (Pierrehumbert & Beckman 1989), els tons menadors (“leading tones”) L i H s’alineen amb determinats punts d’ancoratge de la cadena de segments: les fronteres dreta i esquerra de la síl•laba pretònica, respectivament. El model de Grice (1995b) per a l’estructura dels accents tonals permet donar compte d’aquest patró d’alineació incloent els tons menadors en un node diferent que precedeix el que domina to seguidor (“trailing tone”) i to asterisc.


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Long the obscure cousins of Alzheimer's, the frontotemporal dementias last month stood in the glare of a large three-day meeting devoted specifically to this particular group of diseases. FTD is an isolating and ruinous progressive illness. Sufferers exhibit a range of disturbing, aberrant behaviors and often reckless financial decisions, all coupled with a puzzling emotional flatness that makes it impossible for them to realize it's actually wrong to cheat on a spouse or spend the family savings. In the wake of some recent genetic and biochemical advances, FTD research is now quickly picking up speed, and a new sense of optimism pervaded the 7th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias. Madolyn Bowman Rogers captured its essence-read her series to learn what FTD is, and how new research is changing its diagnosis, biological understanding, and the search for new treatments.Frontotemporal Dementia Research Comes of AgeNeuroimaging Opens Window to Disease, Better DiagnosisDissecting the Pathways Behind Frontotemporal DementiaClinical Trials a Ripple, Scientists Hope for a WaveView PDF of the entire series.��


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Long the obscure cousins of Alzheimer's, the frontotemporal dementias last month stood in the glare of a large three-day meeting devoted specifically to this particular group of diseases. FTD is an isolating and ruinous progressive illness. Sufferers exhibit a range of disturbing, aberrant behaviors and often reckless financial decisions, all coupled with a puzzling emotional flatness that makes it impossible for them to realize it's actually wrong to cheat on a spouse or spend the family savings. In the wake of some recent genetic and biochemical advances, FTD research is now quickly picking up speed, and a new sense of optimism pervaded the 7th International Conference on Frontotemporal Dementias. Madolyn Bowman Rogers captured its essence-read her series to learn what FTD is, and how new research is changing its diagnosis, biological understanding, and the search for new treatments.Frontotemporal Dementia Research Comes of AgeNeuroimaging Opens Window to Disease, Better DiagnosisDissecting the Pathways Behind Frontotemporal DementiaClinical Trials a Ripple, Scientists Hope for a WaveView PDF of the entire series.��


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Data from the literature reveal the contrasting influences of family members and friends on the survival of old adults. On one hand, numerous studies have reported a positive association between social relationships and survival. On the other, ties with children may be associated with an increased risk of disability, whereas ties with friends or other relatives tend to improve survival. A five-year prospective, population-based study of 295 Swiss octogenarians tested the hypothesis that having a spouse, siblings or close friends, and regular contacts with relatives or friends are associated with longer survival, even at a very old age. METHODS: Data were collected through individual interviews, and a Cox regression model was applied to assess the effects of kinship and friendship networks on survival, after adjusting for socio-demographic and health-related variables. RESULTS: Our analyses indicate that the presence of a spouse in the household is not significantly related to survival, whereas the presence of siblings at baseline improves the oldest old's chances of surviving five years later. Moreover, the existence of close friends is a central component in the patterns of social relationships of oldest adults, and one which is significantly associated with survival. Overall, the protective effect of social relationships on survival is more related to the quality of those relationships (close friends) than to the frequency of relationships (regular contacts). CONCLUSIONS: We hypothesize that the existence of siblings or close friends may beneficially affect survival, due to the potential influence on the attitudes of octogenarians regarding health practices and adaptive strategies.


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Estimates of genetic susceptibility to leprosy were made in the past from observational reports in familial settings using descriptive epidemiologic data. Risk of conjugal transmission of leprosy (from one spouse to another) has been estimated between 1-10% and is thought to occur in 3-5% of spouses exposed to untreated lepromatous disease in the partner. Risk of secondary transmission is presumed higher in other family members than for the conjugal partner. This belief has become dogma to many leprologists who may no longer know the basis for this estimation. This article reviews the historic epidemiologic descriptions of risk for leprosy transmission in married couples compared to other family members. Although uncommon, conjugal leprosy occurs and at higher rates in populations with traditional familial intermarriage and consanguinity.


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Se explora el fundamento y finalidad de las atribuciones legales mortis causa previstas para el cónyuge y el conviviente. Los beneficios viudales y sucesorios se analizan para aportar reflexiones que sirvan para afrontar una reforma de los mismos que sea capaz de ajustarles mejor técnica, familiar y socialmente.


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Objectives. To find out the magnitude of violence against female partners among patients who visit their family doctor. To study frequency and acceptance of its investigation by the family doctor and to assess the effectiveness of a screening question on abuse. Design. Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Setting. Primary care, 4 samples from 2 urban health centres in Jaén, Spain. Participants. Who participated 170 women randomly selected from the female consulting population. Measurements. Interviews by means of the Bradley modified test and the anxiety and depression Goldberg scales. Perceived health, frequency of detection of domestic violence, by the family doctor, and female opinions were also studied. Results. During the last year, abuse against women was detected in 22.9% of the female population consulting their family doctor (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 16.6-29.2). Abused women had a worse perception of health (odds ratio [OR] =4.2; 95% CI, 1.02-17.5) and a higher probability of depression (OR=4.7; 95% CI, 1.8-12.5) independently from the rest of variables. The question "How are the things going with your partner?" as a screening of abuse does obtain a positive probability quotient of 6.23 (95% CI, 3.6-10.9), a specificity of 89% and a negative predictive value of 90%. Of those interviewed, 96.5% would not mind if their family doctor approached the couple's relationships, a situation that occurs in 24.7% of cases. Conclusions. Some degree of abuse was detected in almost a quarter of women who consult their family doctor. Family doctors do not usually ask about family and partner relationships and environment, although for almost all women it is well appreciated and the item has an increased likelihood ratio and high negative predictive value in detecting abuse.