939 resultados para traditional culture
La Tesis estudia un tipo de refugio ganadero de la Cuenca Alta del río Tajo, conocidos como chozones. Singular arquitectura ligada a la ganadería extensiva ovina que servía de abrigo al ganado durante la noche invernal y umbráculo en estío. Construcciones de muros bajos de mampuesto colocados a hueso de planta circular o rectangular, levantadas alrededor de una estructura leñosa o un árbol en posición de vida que soportan una cubierta de ramas de la poda de la sabina. Son cientos diseminados por toda la región, si bien concentrados en la Sesma del sabinar, una de las cuatro divisiones históricas del Señorío de Molina. La decadencia de la ganadería en la comarca, sumada a otras causas de sociales y económicas, ha llevado a que estén cada vez en peor estado de conservación; con todo lo que ello supone de pérdida de una memoria histórica inseparable del paisaje del que son parte. Mi primera aproximación a estos refugios fue una oferta que aceptó el equipo de dirección del Parque Natural del Alto Tajo para catalogar los que se encontraban en su área de protección, un paisaje de Alto Valor Natural donde la ganadería ha sido el sustento tradicional. Tras terminar el inventario se produjo el gran incendio en Riba de Saélices (2005). Además de calcinar a 11 retenes voluntarios, quemó parte de las chozones inventariados. Tomé entonces consciencia de la fragilidad de este patrimonio popular y del valor que cobraba el trabajo realizado, pues en muchos casos era el único testimonio que había de los chozones desaparecidos. De ahí nació esta investigación. Al comienzo el enfoque analítico fue eminentemente disciplinar, como recoge la primera parte del título de la tesis: arquitectura y construcción. Pronto comprendí que este enfoque no era suficiente para entender las preguntas dejadas abierta por el análisis espacial, tales como su origen, razón de ser, función social, etc. Profundizando en estos temas la investigación fue haciéndose más amplia y transversal, hasta llegar a lo indicado en la segunda parte del título: paisaje y territorio. En síntesis, la tesis pasó del análisis de un objeto en sí a su entendimiento como parte de una sociedad y un paisaje del que es indisoluble. Para lograr estos objetivos transversales, los refugios ganaderos se estudiaron considerando desde sus aspectos geográficos e históricos a los propios de la arquitectura y del sistema ganadero que acoge. A cada enfoque se dedica un capítulo de la Tesis, lo que nos obligó a utilizar distintas metodologías de análisis: de un amplio trabajo de campo para catalogar y levantar los casi un centenar de chozones inventariados a la búsqueda de información documental en archivos históricos. Por el carácter del estudio fue también fundamental la revisión del material etnográfico de la zona, así como las entrevistas con vecinos y los pocos pastores que quedaban en los municipios estudiados. Los resultados de la Tesis muestran que los refugios ganaderos son construcciones con una serie de valores de distinto tipo. Entre ellos destacaría: (a) ambientales, porque son arquitecturas integradas en el medio ambiente, con empleo de materiales del territorio y adaptación a sus condiciones físicas; (b) históricos, porque son testimonio de un patrimonio arquitectónico que al menos desde la Edad Media se mantiene sin apenas modificaciones; (c) etnográficos, porque son un elemento arquitectónico con usos estrechamente ligados a la cultura tradicional, ganadera y rural de la cuenca del Alto Tajo. Tan clara es la relación entre estos tres aspectos que no es exagerado afirmar que desde el comienzo hasta su final, pasando por las distintas actividades cotidianas, la vida de los habitantes de la comarca giraba en torno al patrimonio vernáculo estudiado. Por ello, entendemos que todos estos elementos son lo suficientemente relevantes como para intentar evitar su destrucción, fomentar una reutilización que contribuya a un desarrollo sostenible de este singular paisaje etnológico. ABSTRACT My first approach to these refugees was commissioned by the management of the Alto Tajo Natural Park to catalog those who were in their protection area, a landscape of high natural value where livestock has been the traditional livelihood. After completing the inventory came the great fire in Riba de Saelices (2005). Besides calcine 11 firefighters, burned many of these popular architectures. I took then awareness of the fragility of this vernacular heritage and the value of the work charged, since in many cases it was the only witness who had disappeared from the shelters. At that time, this research was born. At the begging our study was eminently from the point of view of our discipline, as it picks up the first part of the title of the Thesis: architecture and construction. Soon I realized that this approach was not sufficient to understand the questions left open by the spatial analysis, such as its origin, purpose, social function, etc. By studying topics, my research become to be more comprehensive and transversal, up to coming to the indicated in the second part of the title: landscape and territory. In synthesis, the Thesis went on from the analysis of an object in itself to its understanding like part of a society and a landscape of which it is indissoluble. To achieve these cross-cutting objectives, livestock shelters were studied considering from its geographic and historic aspects to this relating to his architecture own the livestock system to which they belong. To each approach we devoted a chapter of the Thesis, which forced us to use different methodologies of analysis: an extensive field work in cataloguing and lift the nearly a hundred chozones inventoried to the search of documentary information in historical archives. By the nature of the study, the review of the ethnographic material in the area was also essential, as well as interviews with neighbors and the few remaining shepherds in the municipalities studied. The results of our Thesis show that livestock shelters are constructions with a series of values of different types. Among them I would highlight three: (a) environmental, because they are architectures integrated in the territory, with the use of materials of the location and adapted to their physical conditions; (b) historical, because they are testimony of an architectural heritage that at least since the Middle Ages remains with little modifications; (c) ethnographic, because they are architectural elements closely linked to livestock, rural and traditional culture of the Alto Tajo basin. So clear is the relationship between these three aspects, that is not an exaggeration to say that from the beginning until the end, passing through the various daily activities, the life of the inhabitants of the region was in completed connection with the studied vernacular heritage. For it, we understand that all these elements are relevant enough to try to prevent their destruction and promote a recycling that contributes to a sustainable development of this unique ethnological landscape.
This paper discusses the vetlatori dance performed on the occasion of a baptised infant's death in the Valencia region of Spain until about fifty years ago. Analyses of historical sources that emphasise the noble spirituality of the vetlatori dance are shown to be based on romantic views of traditional culture and emotions related to the loss of an infant, rather than on authentic information. Ethnographic and ethnomusicological data are presented to illustrate that the music and dances performed during the vetlatori dance were meant for entertainment rather than for spiritual impact. Recourse is also had to oral sources, particularly interviews carried out in the 1960s and 1980s with former infant wake participants who experienced the vetlatori dance, and who confirmed the popular nature of the music, song, and dances that were performed. Analysis of written sources and of the choreographic and musical characteristics of the dance also shows that the kind of music performed was typical of festive celebration in the Valencia region. Functional outcomes for such wakes are also proposed.
A questão que nos propusemos analisar consiste em perceber como é que a cultura pode ser um fator de desenvolvimento e em que moldes se tem processado. Em primeiro lugar, procuraremos definir o conceito de cultura, tendo em conta as diferentes aceções que tem adquirido ao longo do tempo, para estabelecer o que é que hoje quer dizer “cultura”. No fundo, abordar de que maneira a área da cultura se interliga com outros domínios, tais como os direitos humanos, a educação, a economia, o ambiente. Também procurar debater de que modo estas áreas são fundamentais para a compreensão da noção atual de cultura e como interferem na questão do desenvolvimento. Além disso, abordaremos o papel fundamental das indústrias culturais e criativas para a compreensão do que aqui está em causa. Deste modo, daremos resposta a questões como a forma de a cultura poder ser um fator de criação de emprego, qualificação e formação e como pode ser um impulso à economia. Ao considerar que a cultura tem um caráter pragmático, lançaremos um olhar sobre a realidade de São Tomé e Príncipe, de que analisaremos os principais espaços de criatividade, as principais questões que se conjugam com o fator cultural bem como o papel que lhe é atribuído enquanto um elemento a ter em conta nas políticas públicas. Em suma, pretendemos perceber o que ainda é preciso ser feito, procurando aliar um dos pontos que constituem a chave da cultura em STP – a tradição – às exigências das novas abordagens no setor cultural.
A ideia de um protestantismo rural é caracterizada pela relação dos crentes com o lúdico e a familiaridade com o sagrado. Este tipo protestante tupiniquim, genuinamente brasileiro, se desenvolveu em locais de pouca ou nenhuma resistência por parte do catolicismo, religião hegemônica no contexto brasileiro, fator que possibilitou arranjos e rearranjos que o diferenciam do protestantismo dito oficial. Esta pesquisa procura, pois, identificar algumas características deste protestantismo rural, principalmente sua interação com as culturas populares tradicionais no contexto fundante da Igreja Presbiteriana de Cabeceira Grande-MG. Através da metodologia de pesquisa em história oral e micro-história, o foco do estudo será aproximado à vida de duas importantes figuras que se destacaram neste contexto: o lavrador Manoel Moises e a parteira Mãe Bela. Manoel Moises, pioneiro protestante, chega à região em 1947, trazendo a sua mudança em um carro de bois. A origem da Igreja Presbiteriana em Cabeceira Grande deve-se às atividades deste pregador leigo e autônomo. Posteriormente, a comunidade já formada recebe a visita de pastores vinculados às Agências Missionárias estrangeiras atuantes na região. Assim como Manoel Moises é referência constante nas memórias locais, Mãe Bela, uma das primeiras convertidas ao protestantismo naquele lugar, é também lembrada por sua atuação como parteira e pelos seus conhecimentos da medicina tradicional, articulados com o imaginário religioso local. Mãe Bela também foi a doadora do terreno em que foi construído o templo da Igreja Presbiteriana, inaugurado em 1970.
The conservation, spread, comprehension and recreation of traditional culture heritages is one of the main purpose of the National Ethnographic Museum in Bulgaria. As other cultural and scientific heritage institutions, it begins to use new information technologies and strategies for providing access to its cultural heritage treasures. This paper aims to present digital libraries with multimedia content as a modern technological solution for innovative presentation of Bulgarian ethnographical heritage. It includes some basic concepts of digital libraries with multimedia content and a description of three types of architecture. The paper also describes the ideas, conceptual decisions and strategies in the project Experimental Digital Library “Bulgarian Ethnographic Treasury”.
Preserving and presenting the Bulgarian folklore heritage is a long-term commitment of scholars and researchers working in many areas. This article presents ontological model of the Bulgarian folklore knowledge, exploring knowledge technologies for presenting the semantics of the phenomena of our traditional culture. This model is a step to the development of the digital library for the “Bulgarian Folklore Heritage” virtual exposition which is a part of the “Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage” project.
The key to prosperity in today's world is access to digital content and skills to create new content. Investigations of folklore artifacts is the topic of this article, presenting research related to the national program „Knowledge Technologies for Creation of Digital Presentation and Significant Repositories of Folklore Heritage” (FolkKnow). FolkKnow aims to build a digital multimedia archive "Bulgarian Folklore Heritage” (BFH) and virtual information portal with folk media library of digitized multimedia objects from a selected collection of the fund of Institute of Ethnology and Folklore Studies with Ethnographic Museum (IEFSEM) of the Bulgarian Academy of Science (BAS). The realization of the project FolkKnow gives opportunity for wide social applications of the multimedia collections, for the purposes of Interactive distance learning/self-learning, research activities in the field of Bulgarian traditional culture and for the cultural and ethno-tourism. We study, analyze and implement techniques and methods for digitization of multimedia objects and their annotation. In the paper are discussed specifics approaches used to building and protect a digital archive with multimedia content. Tasks can be systematized in the following guidelines: * Digitization of the selected samples * Analysis of the objects in order to determine the metadata of selected artifacts from selected collections and problem areas * Digital multimedia archive * Socially-oriented applications and virtual exhibitions artery * Frequency dictionary tool for texts with folklore themes * A method of modern technologies of protecting intellectual property and copyrights on digital content developed for use in digital exposures.
Qatar's rulers established Al-Jazeera Children's Channel in 2005 to nurture Arab and Islamic traditions and values; the channel sought to differentiate itself by ensuring that material would conform to what its management considered to be culturally appropriate guidelines for content. However, having been set up as a child-centred, non-commercial, fully-funded enterprise that aspired to source most of its content within the Arabic-speaking region, its priorities shifted in 2011-13 towards maximizing commercial revenues through foreign imports. In light of the shift, this chapter explores the complex interweaving of commercial and political considerations behind production and commissioning processes. The channel's branding and re-branding shows how a children’s television project can be adopted to reinforce a country’s claim to regional cultural leadership, while being packaged in such a way as to depoliticize that country’s institutions and composition by rooting national identity in a combination of commercial interests and notions of traditional culture.
This work intends to describe and analyze the parties of forró that happen in Serra da Gameleira, in São Tomé/RN. Serra is a divided social space: groups of different ethnic origins live together in Gameleira de Baixo, Salgadinho (or Gameleira de Cima) and Chaves Belas. They are approximately two hundred families that live exclusively from agriculture. We try to understand how the parties inform about the social organization, the ethnic composition of the families that live there and the past of Serra, through the genealogy offorró players. In the discussion, we identify the festive places: in the total, we have Five houses of forró that function regularly one of them has been described. The private and public spaces inside them are intimate related, with no clear limits between the house of forró and the residence. Each house of forró has an owner, that regularly makes the parties, mobilizing a big part of the inhabitants, and provoking the straitening of the social relations. Observing the festive sociability between different social segments, the forró appears like na element that minimizes social conflicts, providing news ways of association and cooperation in the space of Serra da Gameleira. For the collection of facts, we used the ethnographic method, through the direct observation, interviewing and documentary research. The local history is recounted following the routes of oral memory and historical documents analysis. In the end of the analysis, we concluded that music and party are elements that aggregate the different groups that live in the location and determine forms of expression of what is seen as a traditional culture
El cantón de Vázquez de Coronado cuenta con una serie de ventajas competitivas tanto en sus recursos naturales y paisajísticos como en la coordinación entre diversos actores organizacionales comunales, lo cual brinda las condiciones para el desarrollo de actividades de turismo rural; esto acompañado por capacitación y asesoramiento técnico a los empresarios con el propósito de ayudarles a cambiar sus esquemas de gestión familiar y de brindarles una serie de conocimientos estratégicos y de idioma, es la base para impulsar un desempeño importante en la economía de la zona, facilitando una adecuada distribución del ingreso y una mejor calidad de vida de sus habitantes; situación que siempre debe tener como eje orientador el respeto al medio ambiente y a la cultura tradicional del cantón. Abstract The Canton of Vázquez of having Crowned has a many competitive advantages not only in its natural resources and but also in its beautiful landscapes. The advantages joined to the efforts of community forces provide the businessmen of the town receive training on how to manage their enterprises in accordance the environment. Also, in order to promote the economic development of the town, businessmen receive language training facilitating an appropriate distribution of the entrance and a better quality of their inhabitants’ life; this situation that should always be the regulating axis to respect to the environment and the traditional culture of the canton.
This work intends to describe and analyze the parties of forró that happen in Serra da Gameleira, in São Tomé/RN. Serra is a divided social space: groups of different ethnic origins live together in Gameleira de Baixo, Salgadinho (or Gameleira de Cima) and Chaves Belas. They are approximately two hundred families that live exclusively from agriculture. We try to understand how the parties inform about the social organization, the ethnic composition of the families that live there and the past of Serra, through the genealogy offorró players. In the discussion, we identify the festive places: in the total, we have Five houses of forró that function regularly one of them has been described. The private and public spaces inside them are intimate related, with no clear limits between the house of forró and the residence. Each house of forró has an owner, that regularly makes the parties, mobilizing a big part of the inhabitants, and provoking the straitening of the social relations. Observing the festive sociability between different social segments, the forró appears like na element that minimizes social conflicts, providing news ways of association and cooperation in the space of Serra da Gameleira. For the collection of facts, we used the ethnographic method, through the direct observation, interviewing and documentary research. The local history is recounted following the routes of oral memory and historical documents analysis. In the end of the analysis, we concluded that music and party are elements that aggregate the different groups that live in the location and determine forms of expression of what is seen as a traditional culture
Afin de comprendre et d’expliquer le malaise actuel vis-à-vis de l’enseignement de la poésie au secondaire, la thèse remonte à la publication du Rapport Parent (1963-1966), document fondateur de l’école québécoise moderne, et à la création du ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (1964) pour suivre, à travers les documents, l’histoire de l’enseignement de la poésie au secondaire au cours des 50 dernières années. Cette période se divise en trois grandes étapes : une révolution en éducation marquée par la publication du Rapport Parent et de deux programmes; le retour aux sources amorcé par L’école québécoise qui verra deux programmes et deux séries de manuels scolaires; la réforme articulée autour de L’école, tout un programme dont les programmes et les manuels sont actuellement en vigueur. C’est à travers ces trois types de documents (documents d’orientation, programmes d’enseignement et manuels scolaires) que je retracerai le parcours de l’enseignement de la poésie à l’école secondaire avec comme toile de fond les grands courants qui ont marqué l’éducation et l’enseignement du français au Québec depuis les années 1960. L’enseignement de la poésie ne peut se détacher du contexte dans lequel il se fait. Ce contexte comprend diverses facettes qui lui sont internes et d’autres qui lui sont externes. Les facettes externes dans ce travail sont la vision de la culture et de l’enseignement ainsi que la place faite à la littérature et à la poésie. L’idée de culture a beaucoup évolué depuis 50 ans. Le Rapport Parent abandonne la vision traditionnelle de la culture au profit d’une vision plus large qui englobe l’ensemble des activités humaines. Nuancée et actualisée, cette vision large de la culture restera la référence. La littérature qui détenait une place importante dans la culture traditionnelle perd ainsi de l’influence. Sa place et son importance, malgré les discours qui la valorisent, vont diminuer jusqu’à ne devenir qu’un adjuvant à l’enseignement de la technique de la langue et des types de textes. L’évolution de l’enseignement transformera la classe traditionnelle bien ordonnée sous l’autorité du maitre en lieu qui doit permettre à l’élève de construire ses connaissances. Les éléments reliés directement à l’enseignement de la poésie comprennent les programmes, les manuels, l’enseignement de la lecture et de l’écriture et le travail du professeur et de l’élève. Les programmes subiront d’importantes modifications. Le programme-cadre de 1969 marque la fin des programmes à visées littéraires. Le seul vrai but des programmes depuis, c’est de parfaire l’apprentissage technique de la langue. Le programme de 1980 marque l’abandon des genres littéraires comme base de l’enseignement des textes au profit de la notion de discours. Comme le discours poétique n’y apparait pas, la poésie peine à se trouver une place. Les programmes de 1995 et de la réforme optent pour les types de textes plutôt que les discours, mais la poésie n’entre pas dans cette typologie. La place de la poésie en lecture et en écriture est variable selon les époques. Sur un même pied que les autres types de textes dans le programme-cadre, elle apparait seulement en lecture dans le programme de 1980. Les programmes subséquents lui redonneront une place en écriture. Depuis 1980, elle reste un genre marginal qui souvent ne sert qu’à illustrer des notions utiles aux discours ou types de textes utilisés par le programme. La relation professeur/élève s’est considérablement modifiée au cours de cette période. De maitre, le professeur est devenu guide et médiateur. L’élève évolue en sens inverse : de passif récepteur de la connaissance, il devient responsable de construire ses connaissances. Le professeur, compte tenu du peu de place qu’occupe la poésie dans les programmes et du fait qu’elle ne fait pas partie de la typologie des textes adoptée par ceux-ci, ne peut compter que sur ses connaissances pour en assurer un enseignement valable. Les manuels accompagnent les programmes sauf pour le programme-cadre. Depuis 1980, les manuels de français ont une visée autoéducative parce qu’ils s’adressent directement à l’étudiant. Ils se présentent comme des préparations de cours que l’élève n’a qu’à suivre pour acquérir les connaissances au programme. La place de la poésie en lecture et en écriture y est variable selon les époques et les manuels.
Improvements to traditional brackishwater shrimp culture in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam are discussed. A technical support program has been implemented based on a so-called improved extensive shrimp culture method, as previously developed and tested by the Artermia and Shrimp Research and Development Center (ASRDC). The program focuses on: 1) the use of hatchery-produced postlarvae (of Penaeus monodon and P. merguinensis) nursed for three to four weeks, and 2) the application of low-cost pond management practices including predator control, supplementary feeding and frequent water renewal. A credit program, managed as a revolving fund was made available. A dialogue among participating farmers was encouraged through the organization of group meetings before and after each production cycle.
The article presents the traditional milkfish culture practices. The different types of culture ponds are classified according to their uses. Pond preparation, stocking density, pond management and harvesting practices are also discussed.
Having experienced social and political structures of the 19th century Europe, Western- educated Egyptian elite used public institutions to force legislative structures and procedures that ruled out traditional housing forms and spatial systems. This essay detects direct and indirect impact of these changes that informed the spatial change of modern living in Egypt in the first quarter of the twentieth century. It offers analysis of socio-spatial practices and change in ordinary Cairenes’ modes of everyday living, using social routine and interaction to explain spatial systems and changing house forms during the first quarter of the 20th century. In doing so, the essay utilized archival documents, accounts, formal decrees, and novels of the time as well as conducting survey of house forms and spatial organizations in Old Cairo.