996 resultados para trace minerals


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La demanda de una producción de alimentos cada vez mayor a nivel mundial sumado a la tecnificación y al ritmo acelerado del progreso de las explotaciones agropecuarias actuales hacen que el ganado deba soportar elevadas presiones de producción aumentando los requerimientos de nutrientes. Este es el caso de los minerales considerados actualmente elementos esenciales para los animales, aunque tradicionalmente fueron definidos como los nutrientes pobres de la nutrición y alimentación animal. Actualmente se ha demostrado con evidencia clínica y productiva, el importante rol metabólico de los minerales en el animal sano y productivo, como también se ha definido qué elemento mineral y porcentaje del mismo es requerido para el normal funcionamiento del organismo. Los macro-minerales (calcio, magnesio, fósforo, sodio, potasio, cloro y azufre) y los oligo-minerales (cobre, zinc, hierro, selenio, cobalto, iodo, manganeso, molibdeno y cromo) son elementos esenciales y necesarios para transformar la proteína y la energía de los alimentos en componentes del organismo o en productos animales como leche, carne, crías, piel, lana. Además, ayudan al organismo a combatir las enfermedades, manteniendo al animal en buen estado de salud. Se ha considerado a los minerales como el tercer grupo limitante en la nutrición animal, siendo a su vez, el que mayor potencial y menor costo tiene para incrementar la producción del ganado. Los minerales desempeñan funciones tan importantes como ser constituyentes de la estructura ósea y dental, de tejidos blandos y líquidos corporales. Están involucrados en el funcionamiento celular, siendo activadores de más de trescientas enzimas, constituyentes esenciales de vitaminas, hormonas y pigmentos respiratorios y facilitando la actividad de los microorganismos del rumen. Cuando el aporte de minerales en la ración no es el adecuado en calidad y/o cantidad se originan las deficiencias minerales, encuadradas dentro de las enfermedades metabólicas o enfermedades de la producción. Estas han sido informadas en casi todo el mundo y son responsables de importantes pérdidas económicas en los rodeos de bovinos para carne. Las deficiencias y/o desequilibrios minerales pueden causar los siguientes trastornos en los animales: bajo porcentaje de parición, mayor número de servicios por concepción, abortos, retenciones placentarias, incremento del intervalo entre partos, baja producción de leche, menor peso al nacimiento y al destete, menor porcentaje de destete, menor ganancia de peso, mayor incidencia de enfermedades infecciosas, fracturas espontáneas, diarrea, deformación de huesos y mortandad. Así cobra importancia el diagnóstico mediante el análisis de la sangre de los animales, del pasto y el agua que consumen y la caracterización de estas deficiencias en primarias o secundarias con el objetivo de poder realizar un control de las mismas mediante un adecuado plan de suplementación mineral acorde a las necesidades de los distintos establecimientos agropecuarios.


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Major and trace-element microanalyses of the main minerals from the 610 Ma Pedra Branca Syenite, southeast Brazil, allow inferences on intensive parameters of magmatic crystallization and on the partition of trace-elements among these minerals, with important implications for the petrogenetic evolution of the pluton. Two main syenite types make up the pluton, a quartz-free syenite with tabular alkali feldspar (laminated silica-saturated syenite, LSS, with Na-rich augite + phlogopite + hematite + magnetite + titanite + apatite) and a quartz-bearing syenite (laminated silica-oversaturated syenite, LSO, with scarce corroded plagioclase plus diopside + biotite +/- hornblende + ilmenite magnetite +/- titanite + apatite). Both types share a remarkable enrichment in incompatible elements as K, Ba, Sr, P and LREE. Apatite saturation temperatures of similar to 1060-1090 degrees C are the best estimates of liquidus, whereas the pressure of emplacement, based on Al-in-hornblende barometry, is estimated as 3.3 to 4.8 khan Although both units crystallized under oxidizing conditions, oxygen fugacity was probably higher in LSS, as shown by higher mg# of the mafic minerals and higher hematite contents in Hem-Ilm(ss). In contrast with the Ca-bearing alkali-feldspar from LSO, which hosts most of the whole-rock Sr and Pb, virtually Ca-free alkali-feldspar from LSS hosts similar to 50% of whole-rock Sr and similar to 80% of Pb, the remainder of these elements being shared by apatite, pyroxene and titanite. This contrast reflects a strong crystal-chemical control, whereby a higher proportion of an element with similar ratio and charge (Ca2+) enhances the residence of Sr and Pb in the M-site of alkali feldspar. The more alkaline character of the LSS magma is inferred to have inhibited zircon saturation; Zr + Hf remained in solution until late in the crystallization, and were mostly accommodated in the structure of Ca-Na pyroxene and titanite, which are one order of magnitude richer in these elements compared to the same minerals in LSO, where most of Zr and Hf are inferred to reside in zircon. The REE, Th and U reside mostly in titanite and apatite; D(REE)Tit/Ap raises steadily from 1 to 6 from La to Tb then remains constant up to Lu in the LSO sample; these values are about half as much in the LSS sample, where lower contents of incompatible elements in titanite are attributed to its greater modal abundance and earlier crystallization. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fifty m of basement rocks underlying 185 m of Neogene and Mesozoic sediments were drilled seaward of the Mazagan Slope about 100 km west of Casablanca during Leg 79. These rocks are metagranites with mylonitic textures consisting dominantly of quartz, plagioclase, and potassium feldspar. Chemically, they are strongly peraluminous. This along with the absence of hornblende suggest that these rocks are similar to the S-type granites. Petrographic and chemical data suggest the possible existence of a former weathering surface on top of the Mazagan metagranite.


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We obtained major and trace element data on 113 samples from basalts drilled during DSDP Legs 69 and 70 in the Costa Rica Rift area. The majority have major and trace element characteristics typical of ocean-ridge tholeiities. Most of the basalts are relatively MgO rich (MgO > 8 wt.%) and have Mg values (MgO/MgO + 0.85FeO x 100) of about 53, characteristics that clearly indicate that the various magmas underwent only a small amount of crystal fractionation before being erupted onto the seafloor. According to their normative mineralogies, the rocks are olivine tholeiites. A few samples plot close to the diopside-hypersthene join of the projected basalt tetrahedron. Except for basalts from two thin intervals in Hole 504B, which differ significantly from all the other basalts of the hole, practically no chemical downhole variation could be established. In the two exceptional intervals, both TiO2 and P2O5 contents are markedly enriched among the major oxides. The trace elements in these intervals are distinguished by relatively high contents of magmatophile elements and have flat to enriched chondrite-normalized distribution patterns of light rare earth elements (LREE). Most of the rocks outside these intervals are strongly depleted in large-ionlithophile (LIL) elements and LREE. We offer no satisfactory hypothesis for the origin of these basalts at this time. They might have originated within pockets of mantle materials that were more primitive than the LIL-element-depleted magmas that were the source of the other basalts. A significant change with depth in the type of alteration occurs in the 561 meters of basalt cored in Hole 504B. According to the behavior of such alteration-sensitive species as K2O, H2O-, CO2, S, Tl, and the iron oxidation ratio, the alteration is oxidative in the upper part and nonoxidative or even reducing in the lower part. The oxidative alteration may have resulted from low temperature basalt/seawater interaction, whereas hydrothermal solutions may be responsible for the nonoxidative alteration.


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The Leg 80 basalts drilled on the Porcupine Abyssal Plain 10 km southwest of Goban Spur (Hole 550B) and on the western edge of Goban Spur (Hole 551), respectively, are typical light-rare-earth-element- (LREE-) depleted oceanic tholeiites. The basalts from the two holes are almost identical; most of their primary geochemical and mineralogical characteristics have been preserved, but they have undergone some low-temperature alteration by seawater, such as enrichment in K, Rb, and Cs and development of secondary potassic minerals of the "brownstone facies." K/Ar dating fail to give realistic emplacement ages; the apparent ages obtained become younger with alteration (causing an increase in K2O). Hole 551 basalts are clearly different from the continental tholeiites emplaced on the margins of oceanizing domains during the prerift and synrift stages.