973 resultados para toxic myopathy


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Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a cholestatic liver disease, which is characterized by a chronic inflammatory destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare disorder whose precise etiology is still to be elucidated. Even though the liver is the principal target of PBC, other organ systems also might be affected. Muscular involvement has rarely been described in this disease, and in the majority of cases, muscular weakness has been interpreted as polymyositis. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman suffering from classic PBC, in association with a myopathy whose histological features are distinct from the cases reported before. We also performed a MEDLINE research for PBC and concomitant muscular diseases.


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Introdução: A nevirapina (NVP) é um fármaco amplamente utilizado para o tratamento da infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana de tipo 1 (VIH-1), no entanto, a sua utilização na terapêutica crónica tem sido associada à toxicidade hepática e cutânea. O sexo feminino é um factor de risco para o desenvolvimento destes eventos tóxicos, mas as razões para essa diferença entre o sexo feminino e masculino não estão completamente esclarecidas. Diferenças na biotransformação da NVP e na formação de metabolitos tóxicos podem ser as causas subjacentes. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo explorar as diferenças entre homens e mulheres na biotransformação da NVP, como um potencial factor de toxicidade induzida por este fármaco anti-retroviral. Materiais e Métodos: Todos os indivíduos incluídos no presente estudo eram adultos com infecção por VIH-1 confirmada, tratados com 400 mg de NVP uma vez ao dia, durante pelo menos 1 mês. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue e os níveis de NVP e dos metabolitos de fase I foram determinados por cromatografia líquida de alta performance. Os dados antropométricos e clínicos e os perfis de metabolitos foram avaliados de forma a averiguar possíveis diferenças relacionadas com o sexo dos indivíduos. Resultados: Foram incluídos 52 doentes (63% do sexo masculino). O peso corporal foi inferior nas mulheres (p = 0.028) e o sexo feminino foi associado a maiores níveis de fosfatase alcalina (p = 0.036) e lactato desidrogenase (p = 0.037). Os níveis plasmáticos de NVP (p = 0.030) e 3-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.035), assim como as proporções de 12-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.037) e 3-hidroxi-NVP (p = 0.001) foram maiores nas mulheres, quando ajustados pelo peso corporal dos indivíduos. Discussão: Existem diferenças na biotransformação da NVP entre homens e mulheres, particularmente na formação de 12-hidroxi-NVP e 3-hidroxi-NVP. Estes resultados apontam para uma formação de metabolitos reactivos, que é dependente do sexo e que pode contribuir para o perfil de dimorfismo sexual associado às reacções tóxicas induzidas pela NVP.


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El láser de baja y media energía y la magnetoterapia son utilizados en desórdenes osteomioarticulares por sus efectos analgésico, antiinflamatorio y trófico, entre los más destacados. Sin embargo, son insuficientes las investigaciones sobre su mecanismo de acción y antecedentes científicos que avalen sus efectos. Es por ello, que la determinación de acontecimientos celulares y moleculares que ocurren durante la interacción de estos tipos de energía con el sistema muscular, sería relevante para el conocimiento y optimización de tales terapias en las ciencias biomédicas. En las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas, se encuentra afectada la estructura, morfología y bioquímica del tejido muscular. La energía que éste requiere para el normal funcionamiento es generada en la mitocondria. Esta organela también es la responsable de la generación de especies oxidantes provocando estrés oxidativo y el inicio de los procesos de apoptosis. Por lo antes dicho, consideramos que la determinación de los biomarcadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, realizando el análisis histomorfométrico ultraestructural y valorando la actividad de los complejos enzimáticos mitocondriales, permitiría una evaluación de la acción terapéutica del láser y la magnetoterapia en un modelo experimental de miopatía. Para ello se propone evaluar el efecto de la magnetoterapia y del láser de baja energía (He-Ne y As.Ga) en miopatía experimental determinando indicadores inflamatorios asociados a estrés oxidativo, análisis histomorfométrico y valoración de la actividad enzimática mitocondrial. Específicamente: -Determinar indicadores inflamatorios y de estrés oxidativo: Oxido Nítrico, Grupos carbonilos, L-citrulina, Fibrinógeno, Superóxido dismutasa, Glutation peroxidasa y Catalasa por espectrofotometría. -Identificar los cambios anatomopatológicos del músculo esquelético por microscopía óptica (MO): cuantificación del infiltrado inflamatorio; MO de alta resolución (MOAR) y por microscopía electrónica: histomorfometría de la ultraestructura miofibrilar y mitocondrial. -Valorar las actividades enzimáticas de la citrato sintasa y de los complejos: I (NADH-ubiquinona reductasa), II (succinato-ubiquinona-reductasa) III (ubiquinona-citocromo c-reductasa) y IV (citocromo c-oxidasa); en mitocondrias de tejido muscular por espectrofotometría. -Evaluar la actividad apoptótica en las fibras musculares de los diferentes grupos por ténica de T.U.N.E.L. Las mediciones mitocondriales (por ME) y de infiltrado inflamatorio (por MO) se realizarán en un total de 5 fotos de aumentos similares en forma aleatoria por grupo estudiado (n=10). Los cambios estructurales observados se analizarán en el programa Axiovision 4.8, para cuantificar el área total ocupada, número total y grado de alteración de las mitocondrias y el porcentaje de infiltrado inflamatorio determinando el grado de inflamación. Los resultados de los datos cuantitativos se analizarán aplicando ANAVA (test de Fisher para comparaciones múltiples); y para los datos categóricos se utilizará Chi cuadrado (test de Pearson), estableciéndose un nivel de significación de p < 0.05 para todos los casos. Importancia del Proyecto: La salud y el bienestar del hombre son los logros perseguidos por las ciencias de la salud. La obtención de terapias curativas o paliativas con un mínimo de efectos colaterales para el enfermo se incluye en estos logros. Por esto y todo lo anteriormente expuesto es que consideramos de gran importancia poder esclarecer desde las ciencias básicas los efectos celulares y moleculares en modelos experimentales la acción de la terapia con láser y magnetoterapia para una aplicación clínica con base científica en todas las áreas de las Ciencias Médicas. In the idiopathic inflammatory myopathies, is affected the structure, morphology and biochemistry of muscle tissue. The mitochondria is responsible for the generation of oxidizing species leading to oxidative stress and the beginning of the process of apoptosis. As said before, we consider the determination of inflammatory biomarkers related to oxidative stress, by ultrastructural morphometric analysis and assessing the activity of mitochondrial enzyme complexes, permit an evaluation of the therapeutic action of laser and magnetic therapy in an experimental model myopathy. We propose to evaluate the effect of the treatment identifying indicators in experimental inflammatory myopathy associated with oxidative stress, histomorphometric analysis and assessment of mitochondrial enzyme activity. Specifically -determining: Nitric oxide, carbonyl groups, L-citrulline, fibrinogen, superoxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and catalase by spectrophotometry. -Identify the pathological changes in skeletal muscle by optical microscopy (OM): quantification of the inflammatory infiltrate, OM high resolution (MOAR) and electron microscopy, histomorphometry of myofibrillar and mitochondrial ultrastructure. -Evaluate the enzymatic activity of citrate synthase and complexes: I, II, III and IV in mitochondria muscle tissue by spectrophotometry. -Evaluate apoptotic activity in muscle fibers by TUNEL technique of Mitochondrial measurements and inflammatory infiltration (by OM) was performed in a total of 5 photos of similar increases in random by the study group (n = 10). The structural changes observed are discussed in the program Axiovision 4.8, to quantify number, degree of alteration of mitochondria and the percentage of inflammatory infiltrate determining the degree of inflammation. The results of the quantitative data were analyzed using ANOVA (Fisher test), and categorical data with Chi-square (Pearson test), establishing a significance level of p <0.05.


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Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to cultures of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense or the non-toxic alga Rhodomonas sp. to evaluate the effects of the harmful alga on the mussels and to study recovery after discontinuation of the A. fundyense exposure. Mussels were exposed for 9 days to the different algae and then all were fed Rhodomonas sp. for 6 more days. Samples of hemolymph for hemocyte analyses and tissues for histology were collected before the exposure and periodically during exposure and recovery periods. Mussels filtered and ingested both microalgal cultures, producing fecal pellets containing degraded, partially degraded, and intact cells of both algae. Mussels exposed to A. fundyense had an inflammatory response consisting of degranulation and diapedesis of hemocytes into the alimentary canal and, as the exposure continued, hemocyte migration into the connective tissue between the gonadal follicles. Evidence of lipid peroxidation, similar to the detoxification pathway described for various xenobiotics, was found; insoluble lipofuchsin granules formed (ceroidosis), and hemocytes carried the granules to the alimentary canal, thus eliminating putative dinoflagellate toxins in feces. As the number of circulating hemocytes in A. fundyense-exposed mussels became depleted, mussels were immunocompromised, and pathological changes followed, i.e., increased prevalences of ceroidosis and trematodes after 9 days of exposure. Moreover, the total number of pathological changes increased from the beginning of the exposure until the last day (day 9). After 6 days of the exposure, mussels in one of the three tanks exposed to A. fundyense mass spawned; these mussels showed more severe effects of the toxic algae than non-spawning mussels exposed to A. fundyense. No significant differences were found between the two treatments during the recovery period, indicating rapid homeostatic processes in tissues and circulating hemocytes.


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Soil pseudomonads increase their competitiveness by producing toxic secondary metabolites, which inhibit competitors and repel predators. Toxin production is regulated by cell-cell signalling and efficiently protects the bacterial population. However, cell communication is unstable, and natural populations often contain signal blind mutants displaying an altered phenotype defective in exoproduct synthesis. Such mutants are weak competitors, and we hypothesized that their fitness depends on natural communities on the exoproducts of wild-type bacteria, especially defence toxins. We established mixed populations of wild-type and signal blind, non-toxic gacS-deficient mutants of Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0 in batch and rhizosphere systems. Bacteria were grazed by representatives of the most important bacterial predators in soil, nematodes (Caenorhabditis elegans) and protozoa (Acanthamoeba castellanii). The gacS mutants showed a negative frequency-dependent fitness and could reach up to one-third of the population, suggesting that they rely on the exoproducts of the wild-type bacteria. Both predators preferentially consumed the mutant strain, but populations with a low mutant load were resistant to predation, allowing the mutant to remain competitive at low relative density. The results suggest that signal blind Pseudomonas increase their fitness by exploiting the toxins produced by wild-type bacteria, and that predation promotes the production of bacterial defence compounds by selectively eliminating non-toxic mutants. Therefore, predators not only regulate population dynamics of soil bacteria but also structure the genetic and phenotypic constitution of bacterial communities.


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Numerous professional or leisure activities expose individuals to plants susceptible to provoke contact allergies. The immunological mechanisms that are responsible for these ailments (delayed cellular reaction linked to allergic dermatitis or immediate IgE mediated reaction of the allergic urticaria) differ according to the plant families involved. A differential diagnosis must be made in the case of the even more frequent non-allergic reactions implying either a simple mechanical irritation, or a contact with toxic substances. The role of UV (phytophotodermatosis), as well as the contact allergy to wood is also evoked in this paper.


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Primary powders of Bacillus sphaericus strain S2 isolated from soil samples in Brazil, and strain 2362 were produced in a 14 liter fermentor. Growth patterns and sporulation observed in three trials with strains S2 and 2362 in the fermentor were similar. Second-instar larvae of Culex quinquefasciatus, Anopheles albimanus, Anopheles quadrimaculatus, and Aedes aegypti exposed for 48 hr to strain S2 responded with LC50 values of 0.25, 5.95, 12.28 and 140.0 ppb of lyophilized primary powder, respectively. Under the same conditions, strain 2362 resulted in LC50 values of 0.39, 7.16, 16.93 and 307.0 ppb of lyophilized primary powder, respectively, in those mosquito larvae. Statistical analysis of the bioassay data did not show significant differences among LC50 values observed in B. sphaericus strains S2 and 2362, at the 0.05 level. Toxins of strains S2 and 2362 were extracted at pH 12 with NaOH. Electrophoresis of the extracts in polyacrylamide gel under denaturing conditions revealed the 51 and 42 kDa toxins in both S2 and 2362 B. sphaericus strains. The presence of the 42 kDa peptide in the extracts was confirmed by Western blot and Elisa, with anti-42 kDa IgG previously prepared from strain 2362.


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Mitochondrial tRNA(Leu(UUR)) mutation m.3302A > G is associated with respiratory chain complex I deficiency and has been described as a rare cause of mostly adult-onset slowly progressive myopathy. Five families with 11 patients have been described so far; 5 of them died young due to cardiorespiratory failure. Here, we report on a segregation study in a family with an index patient who already presented at the age of 18 months with proximal muscular hypotonia, abnormal fatigability, and lactic acidosis. This early-onset myopathy was rapidly progressive. At 8 years, the patient is wheel-chair bound, requires nocturnal assisted ventilation, and suffers from recurrent respiratory infections. Severe complex I deficiency and nearly homoplasmy for m.3302A > G were found in muscle. We collected blood, hair, buccal swabs and muscle biopsies from asymptomatic adults in this pedigree and determined heteroplasmy levels in these tissues as well as OXPHOS activities in muscle. All participating asymptomatic adults had normal OXPHOS activities. In contrast to earlier reports, we found surprisingly little variation of heteroplasmy levels in different tissues of the same individual. Up to 45% mutation load in muscle and up to 38% mutation load in other tissues were found in non-affected adults. The phenotypic spectrum of tRNA(Leu(UUR)) m.3302A > G mutation seems to be wider than previously described. A threshold of more than 45% heteroplasmy in muscle seems to be necessary to alter complex I activity leading to clinical manifestation. The presented data may be helpful for prognostic considerations and counseling in affected families.


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The analysis of the phytoplankton and environmental parameters of the time series in Alfacs and Fangar bays (north western Mediterranean) from 1990 to 2009 shows some trends. There is an increase in the average water column temperature, 0.11, 0.01, 0.80 and 0.23 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter respectively in Alfacs Bay and 1.76, 0.71, 1.33, 0.89 ºC for spring, summer, fall and winter in Fangar Bay. The trends in phytoplankton populations show a shift in the timing of occurrence of Karlodinium spp. blooms and an increase of the Pseudo-nitzschia spp. abundances. There is a lack of correlation between the average seasonal temperatures and the toxic phytoplankton abundances.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: This review discusses publications highlighting current research on toxic, chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathies (CIPNs), and drug-induced peripheral neuropathies (DIPNs). RECENT FINDINGS: The emphasis in clinical studies is on the early detection and grading of peripheral neuropathies, whereas recent studies in animal models have given insights into molecular mechanisms, with the discovery of novel neuronal, axonal, and Schwann cell targets. Some substances trigger inflammatory changes in the peripheral nerves. Pharmacogenetic techniques are underway to identify genes that may help to predict individuals at higher risk of developing DIPNs. Several papers have been published on chemoprotectants; however, to date, this approach has not been shown effective in clinical trials. SUMMARY: Both length and nonlength-dependent neuropathies are encountered, including small-fiber involvement. The introduction of new diagnostic techniques, such as excitability studies, skin laser Doppler flowmetry, and pharmacogenetics, holds promise for early detection and to elucidate underlying mechanisms. New approaches to improve functions and quality of life in CIPN patients are discussed. Apart from developing less neurotoxic anticancer therapies, there is still hope to identify chemoprotective agents (erythropoietin and substances involved in the endocannabinoid system are promising) able to prevent or correct painful CIPNs.