926 resultados para touch


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PURPOSE: To report a new technique to correct tube position in anterior chamber after glaucoma drainage device implantation.

PATIENT AND METHODS: A patient who underwent a glaucoma drainage device implantation was noted to have the tube touching the corneal endothelium. A 10/0 polypropylene suture with double-armed 3-inch long straight needle was placed transcamerally from limbus to limbus, in the superior part of the eye, passing the needle in front of the tube.

RESULTS: The position of the tube in the anterior chamber was corrected with optimal distance from corneal endothelium and iris surface. The position remained satisfactory after 20 months of follow-up.

CONCLUSIONS: The placement of a transcameral suture offers a safe, quick, and minimal invasive intervention for the correction of the position of a glaucoma drainage device tube in the anterior chamber.


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In recent years UK university-based nurse educators have seen a reduction in their responsibilities for nursing students’ practice-based assessments. Many university-based nurse educators feel that this lack of input into students’ clinical assessments leaves them open to criticism as they are perceived to be less “in-touch” with clinical practice and that their knowledge to teach nursing students is diminished as a result. This paper examines and debates some interpretations of the term “recent clinical practice” and challenges the misconception among many in the profession, as well as government and professional bodies, that university-based nurse educators require recent clinical practice to effectively teach students and enhance the student learning experience in the academic university setting.


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Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) comprises nine closely related species or genomovars. It is an important causative agent of opportunistic infections and waterborne nosocomial infections. B. cepacia (formerly genomovar I) was identified from the blood culture of a baby in our neonatal unit (NU) in March 2005. B. cepacia was isolated four times from clinical specimens since the introduction of non-touch taps in the NU from 2000 to 2005 and only once from 1994 to 2000. Environmental samples were collected from the NU, including tap water from non-touch taps. Clinical and environmental isolates of Bcc were characterized using molecular identification and strain typing. A literature review was undertaken to delineate a method for eradication of Bcc. Several variations for hot water eradication of the organism from the taps were attempted. Genotyping and molecular analysis revealed that tap water isolates were B. cenocepacia which was a different species from the B. cepacia isolated from blood cultures of the neonate. However, B. cenocepacia has been known to cause nosocomial outbreaks and it was eventually eradicated from the NU by using repeated thermal shock (hot water at 65 degrees C for 10 min), changing taps and decolonizing sinks with hypochlorite. Molecular typing is useful in assisting the investigation of Bcc nosocomial infections.


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Variability management is one of the main activities in the Software Product Line Engineering process. Common and varied features of related products are modelled along with the dependencies and relationships among them. With the increase in size and complexity of product lines and the more holistic systems approach to the design process, managing the ever- growing variability models has become a challenge. In this paper, we present MUSA, a tool for managing variability and features in large-scale models. MUSA adopts the Separation of Concerns design principle by providing multiple perspectives to the model, each conveying different set of information. The demonstration is conducted using a real-life model (comprising of 1000+ features) particularly showing the Structural View, which is displayed using a mind-mapping visualisation technique (hyperbolic trees), and the Dependency View, which is displayed graphically using logic gates.


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Dominic Upton, Jennifer Bray, Tim Jones and Penney Upton report on research that confirms that touchscreen devices can be of great benefit in engaging and supporting people with dementia.


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This project aimed to create a communication and interaction channel between Madeira Airport and its passengers. We used the pre-existent touch enabled screens at the terminal since their potential was not being utilised to their full capacity. To achieve our goal, we have followed an agile strategy to create a testable prototype and take advantages of its results. The developed prototype is based on a plugin architecture turning it into a maintainable and highly customisable system. The collected usage data suggests that we have achieved the initially defined goals. There is no doubt that this new interaction channel is an improvement regarding the provided services and, supported by the usage data, there is an opportunity to explore additional developments to the channel.


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Whether the somatosensory system, like its visual and auditory counterparts, is comprised of parallel functional pathways for processing identity and spatial attributes (so-called what and where pathways, respectively) has hitherto been studied in humans using neuropsychological and hemodynamic methods. Here, electrical neuroimaging of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) identified the spatio-temporal mechanisms subserving vibrotactile processing during two types of blocks of trials. What blocks varied stimuli in their frequency (22.5 Hz vs. 110 Hz) independently of their location (left vs. right hand). Where blocks varied the same stimuli in their location independently of their frequency. In this way, there was a 2x2 within-subjects factorial design, counterbalancing the hand stimulated (left/right) and trial type (what/where). Responses to physically identical somatosensory stimuli differed within 200 ms post-stimulus onset, which is within the same timeframe we previously identified for audition (De Santis, L., Clarke, S., Murray, M.M., 2007. Automatic and intrinsic auditory "what" and "where" processing in humans revealed by electrical neuroimaging. Cereb Cortex 17, 9-17.). Initially (100-147 ms), responses to each hand were stronger to the what than where condition in a statistically indistinguishable network within the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated hand, arguing against hemispheric specialization as the principal basis for somatosensory what and where pathways. Later (149-189 ms) responses differed topographically, indicative of the engagement of distinct configurations of brain networks. A common topography described responses to the where condition irrespective of the hand stimulated. By contrast, different topographies accounted for the what condition and also as a function of the hand stimulated. Parallel, functionally specialized pathways are observed across sensory systems and may be indicative of a computationally advantageous organization for processing spatial and identity information.


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Contact stains recovered at break-in crime scenes are frequently characterized by mixtures of DNA from several persons. Broad knowledge on the relative contribution of DNA left behind by different users overtime is of paramount importance. Such information might help crime investigators to robustly evaluate the possibility of detecting a specific (or known) individual's DNA profile based on the type and history of an object. To address this issue, a contact stain simulation-based protocol was designed. Fourteen volunteers either acting as first or second object's users were recruited. The first user was required to regularly handle/wear 9 different items during an 8-10-day period, whilst the second user for 5, 30 and 120 min, in three independent simulation sessions producing a total of 231 stains. Subsequently, the relative DNA profile contribution of each individual pair was investigated. Preliminary results showed a progressive increase of the percentage contribution of the second user compared to the first. Interestingly, the second user generally became the major DNA contributor when most objects were handled/worn for 120 min, Furthermore, the observation of unexpected additional alleles will then prompt the investigation of indirect DNA transfer events.


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Failed and fragile states that result from intrastate war pose severe threats to the security of both the international system and individual states alike. In the post-Cold War era, the international community has come to recognize the reality of these threats and the difficulty involved in ending violence and building sustainable peace in failed and fragile states. This work focuses upon the development of a comprehensive strategy for sustainable peace-building by incorporating the tenets of the human security doctrine into the peace-building process. Through the use of case studies of The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia and East Timor, the development and refinement of the doctrine of human security will occur, as well as, an understanding of how and where human security fits into the sustainable peace-building equation. The end result of the analysis is the development of a hierarchical pyramid formation that brings together human security and peace-building into one framework that ultimately creates the foundation and structure of sustainable peace-building. With the development of a sustainable peace-building structure based upon the human security doctrine, the role of Canada in the support of sustainable peace-building is analyzed in relation to the form and level of involvement that Canada undertakes and contributes to in the implementation and support of sustainable peace-building initiatives. Following from this, recommendations are provided regarding what role(s) Canada should undertake in the sustainable peace-building process that take into consideration the present and likely future capabilities of Canada to be involved in various aspects of the peace-building process. ii This paper outlines the need for a peace-building strategy that is designed to be sustainable in order that failed and fragile states resulting from intrastate conflict do not regress or collapse back into a condition of civil war, and subsequently designs such a strategy. The linking of peace-building and human security creates the required framework from which sustainable peace-building is derived. Creating sustainable peace is necessary in order to increase the likelihood that both present and future generations existing in failed and fragile states will be spared from the scourge of intrastate war.


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The purpose of the present study was to determine which augmented sensory modality would best develop subjective error-detection capabilities of learners performing a spatial-temporal task when using a touch screen monitor. Participants were required to learn a 5-digit key-pressing task in a goal time of 2550 ms over 100 acquisition trials on a touch screen. Participants were randomized into 1 of 4 groups: 1) visual-feedback (colour change of button when selected), 2) auditory-feedback (click sound when button was selected), 3) visual-auditory feedback (both colour change and click sound when button was selected), and 4) no-feedback (no colour change or click sound when button was selected). Following each trial, participants were required to provide a subjective estimate regarding their performance time in relation to the actual time it took for them complete the 5-digit sequence. A no-KR retention test was conducted approximately 24-hours after the last completed acquisition trial. Results showed that practicing a timing task on a touch screen augmented with both visual and auditory information may have differentially impacted motor skill acquisition such that removal of one or both sources of augmented feedback did not result in a severe detriment to timing performance or error detection capabilities of the learner. The present study reflects the importance of multimodal augmented feedback conditions to maximize cognitive abilities for developing a stronger motor memory for subjective error-detection and correction capabilities.


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Libro con texturas para los más pequeños en el que Peter Rabbit y sus amigos se divierten en Navidad.