983 resultados para tissue structure


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AIM: This study investigated the ability of an osteoconductive biphasic scaffold to simultaneously regenerate alveolar bone, periodontal ligament and cementum. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A biphasic scaffold was built by attaching a fused deposition modelled bone compartment to a melt electrospun periodontal compartment. The bone compartment was coated with a calcium phosphate (CaP) layer for increasing osteoconductivity, seeded with osteoblasts and cultured in vitro for 6 weeks. The resulting constructs were then complemented with the placement of PDL cell sheets on the periodontal compartment, attached to a dentin block and subcutaneously implanted into athymic rats for 8 weeks. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, alkaline phosphatase and DNA content quantification, confocal laser microscopy, micro computerized tomography and histological analysis were employed to evaluate the scaffold's performance. RESULTS: The in vitro study showed that alkaline phosphatase activity was significantly increased in the CaP-coated samples and they also displayed enhanced mineralization. In the in vivo study, significantly more bone formation was observed in the coated scaffolds. Histological analysis revealed that the large pore size of the periodontal compartment permitted vascularization of the cell sheets, and periodontal attachment was achieved at the dentin interface. CONCLUSIONS: This work demonstrates that the combination of cell sheet technology together with an osteoconductive biphasic scaffold could be utilized to address the limitations of current periodontal regeneration techniques.


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TERMINAL EAR1-like (TEL) genes encode putative RNA-binding proteins only found in land plants. Previous studies suggested that they may regulate tissue and organ initiation in Poaceae. Two TEL genes were identified in both Populus trichocarpa and the hybrid aspen Populus tremula × P. alba, named, respectively, PoptrTEL1-2 and PtaTEL1-2. The analysis of the organisation around the PoptrTEL genes in the P. trichocarpa genome and the estimation of the synonymous substitution rate for PtaTEL1-2 genes indicate that the paralogous link between these two Populus TEL genes probably results from the Salicoid large-scale gene-duplication event. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed their orthology link with the other TEL genes. The expression pattern of both PtaTEL genes appeared to be restricted to the mother cells of the plant body: leaf founder cells, leaf primordia, axillary buds and root differentiating tissues, as well as to mother cells of vascular tissues. Most interestingly, PtaTEL1-2 transcripts were found in differentiating cells of secondary xylem and phloem, but probably not in the cambium itself. Taken together, these results indicate specific expression of the TEL genes in differentiating cells controlling tissue and organ development in Populus (and other Angiosperm species).


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The most common connective tissue research in meat science has been conducted on the properties of intramuscular connective tissue (IMCT) in connection with eating quality of meat. From the chemical and physical properties of meat, researchers have concluded that meat from animals younger than physiological maturity is the most tender. In pork and poultry, different challenges have been raised: the structure of cooked meat has weakened. In extreme cases raw porcine M. semimembranosus (SM) and in most turkey M. pectoralis superficialis (PS) can be peeled off in strips along the perimysium which surrounds the muscle fibre bundles (destructured meat), and when cooked, the slices disintegrate. Raw chicken meat is generally very soft and when cooked, it can even be mushy. The overall aim of this thesis was to study the thermal properties of IMCT in porcine SM in order to see if these properties were in association with destructured meat in pork and to characterise IMCT in poultry PS. First a 'baseline' study to characterise the thermal stability of IMCT in light coloured (SM and M. longissimus dorsi in pigs and PS in poultry) and dark coloured (M. infraspinatus in pigs and a combination of M. quadriceps femoris and M. iliotibialis lateralis in poultry) muscles was necessary. Thereafter, it was investigated whether the properties of muscle fibres differed in destructured and normal porcine muscles. Collagen content and also solubility of dark coloured muscles were higher than in light coloured muscles in pork and poultry. Collagen solubility was especially high in chicken muscles, approx. 30 %, in comparison to porcine and turkey muscles. However, collagen content and solubility were similar in destructured and normal porcine SM muscles. Thermal shrinkage of IMCT occurred at approximately 65 °C in pork and poultry. It occurred at lower temperature in light coloured muscles than in dark coloured muscles, although the difference was not always significant. The onset and peak temperatures of thermal shrinkage of IMCT were lower in destructured than in normal SM muscles, when the IMCT from SM muscles exhibiting ten lowest and ten highest ultimate pH values were investigated (onset: 59.4 °C vs. 60.7 °C, peak: 64.9 °C vs. 65.7 °C). As the destructured meat was paler than normal meat, the PSE (pale, soft, exudative) phenomenon could not be ruled out. The muscle fibre cross sectional area (CSA), the number of capillaries per muscle fibre CSA and per fibre and sarcomere length were similar in destructured and normal SM muscles. Drip loss was clearly higher in destructured than in normal SM muscles. In conclusion, collagen content and solubility and thermal shrinkage temperature vary between porcine and poultry muscles. One feature in the IMCT could not be directly associated with weakening of the meat structure. Poultry breast meat is very homogenous within the species.


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Soy-derived phytoestrogen genistein and 17β-estradiol (E2), the principal endogenous estrogen in women, are also potent antioxidants protecting LDL and HDL lipoproteins against oxidation. This protection is enhanced by esterification with fatty acids, resulting in lipophilic molecules that accumulate in lipoproteins or fatty tissues. The aims were to investigate, whether genistein becomes esterified with fatty acids in human plasma accumulating in lipoproteins, and to develop a method for their quantitation; to study the antioxidant activity of different natural and synthetic estrogens in LDL and HDL; and to determine the E2 esters in visceral and subcutaneous fat in late pregnancy and in pre- and postmenopause. Human plasma was incubated with [3H]genistein and its esters were analyzed from lipoprotein fractions. Time-resolved fluoroimmunoassay (TR-FIA) was used to quantitate genistein esters in monkey plasma after subcutaneous and oral administration. The E2 esters in women s serum and adipose tissue were also quantitated using TR-FIA. The antioxidant activity of estrogen derivatives (n=43) on LDL and HDL was assessed by monitoring the copper induced formation of conjugated dienes. Human plasma was shown to produce lipoprotein-bound genistein fatty acid esters, providing a possible explanation for the previously reported increased oxidation resistance of LDL particles during intake of soybean phytoestrogens. Genistein esters were introduced into blood by subcutaneous administration. The antioxidant effect of estrogens on lipoproteins is highly structure-dependent. LDL and HDL were protected against oxidation by many unesterified, yet lipophilic derivatives. The strongest antioxidants had an unsubstituted A-ring phenolic hydroxyl group with one or two adjacent methoxy groups. E2 ester levels were high during late pregnancy. The median concentration of E2 esters in pregnancy serum was 0.42 nmol/l (n=13) and in pre- (n=8) and postmenopause (n=6) 0.07 and 0.06 nmol/l, respectively. In pregnancy visceral fat the concentration of E2 esters was 4.24 nmol/l and in pre- and postmenopause 0.82 and 0.74 nmol/l. The results from subcutaneous fat were similar. In serum and fat during pregnancy, E2 esters constituted about 0.5 and 10% of the free E2. In non-pregnant women most of the E2 in fat was esterified (the ester/free ratio 150 - 490%). In postmenopause, E2 levels in fat highly exceeded those in serum, the majority being esterified. The pathways for fatty acid esterification of steroid hormones are found in organisms ranging from invertebrates to vertebrates. The evolutionary preservation and relative abundance of E2 esters, especially in fat tissue, suggest a biological function, most likely in providing a readily available source of E2. The body s own estrogen reservoir could be used as a source of E2 by pharmacologically regulating the E2 esterification or hydrolysis.


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The host launches an antimicrobial defense program upon infection. A long-held belief is that pathogens prevent host recognition by remodeling their surface in response to different host microenvironments. Yet direct evidence that this happens in vivo is lacking. Here we report that the pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae modifies one of its surface molecules, the lipopolysaccharide, in the lungs of mice to evade immune surveillance. These in vivo-induced changes are lost in bacteria grown after isolation from the tissues. These lipopolysaccharide modifications contribute to survival in vivo and mediate resistance to colistin, one of the last options to treat multidrug-resistant Klebsiella. This work opens the possibility of designing novel therapeutics targeting the enzymes responsible for the in vivo lipid A pattern.


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Estrogen actions are mainly mediated by specific nuclear estrogen receptors (ERs), for which different genes and a diversity of transcript variants have been identified, mainly in mammals. In this study, we investigated the presence of ER splice variants in the teleost fish gilthead sea bream (Sparus auratus), by comparison with the genomic organization of the related species Takifugu rubripes. Two exon2-deleted ERα transcript variants were isolated from liver cDNA of estradiol-treated fish. The ΔE2 variant lacks ERα exon 2, generating a premature termination codon and a putative C-terminal truncated receptor, while the ΔE2,3* variant contains an in-frame deletion of exon 2 and part of exon 3 and codes for a putative ERα protein variant lacking most of the DNA-binding domain. Both variants were expressed at very low levels in several female and male sea bream tissues, and their expression was highly inducible in liver by estradiol-17β treatment with a strong positive correlation with the typical wild-type (wt) ERα response in this tissue. These findings identify novel estrogen responsive splice variants of fish ERα, and provide the basis for future studies to investigate possible modulation of wt-ER actions by splice variants.


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BaP1 is a 22.7-kD P-I-type zinc-dependent metalloproteinase isolated from the venom of the snake Bothrops asper, a medically relevant species in Central America. This enzyme exerts multiple tissue-damaging activities, including hemorrhage, myonecrosis, dermonecrosis, blistering, and edema. BaP1 is a single chain of 202 amino acids that shows highest sequence identity with metalloproteinases isolated front the venoms of snakes of the subfamily Crotalinae. It has six Cys residues involved in three disulfide bridges (Cys 117-Cys 197, Cys 159-Cys 181, Cys 157-Cys 164). It has the consensus sequence H(142)E(143)XXH(146)XXGXXH(152), as well as the sequence C164I165M166, which characterize the metzincin superfamily of metalloproteinases. The active-site cleft separates a major subdomain (residues 1-152), comprising four a-helices and a five-stranded beta-sheet, from the minor subdomain, which is formed by a single a-helix and several loops. The catalytic zinc ion is coordinated by the N-epsilon2 nitrogen atoms of His 142, His 146, and His 152, in addition to a solvent water molecule, which in turn is bound to Glu 143. Several conserved residues contribute to the formation of the hydrophobic pocket, and Met 166 serves as a hydrophobic base for the active-site groups. Sequence and structural comparisons of hemorrhagic and nonhemorrhagic P-I metalloproteinases from snake venoms revealed differences in several regions. In particular, the loop comprising residues 153 to 176 has marked structural differences between metalloproteinases with very different hemorrhagic activities. Because this region lies in close proximity to the active-site microenvironment, it may influence the interaction of these enzymes with physiologically relevant substrates in the extracellular matrix.


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Structurally the boundary tissue of the vampire bat seminiferous tubuli showed 2 to 5 layers of connective tissue in which elongated contractile cells and lamellar and/or fibrillar collagen were noticed. This boundary tissue forms the seminiferous tubular lamina propria. Its structure was more complex around the seminiferous tubuli near the Capsula testicularis than between the adjacent and contiguous tubuli into the testicular lobuli. The whole ultrastructural organization of the seminiferous lamina propria was described here.


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Two human cDNAs that encode novel vitamin K-dependent proteins have been cloned and sequenced. The predicted amino acid sequences suggest that both are single-pass transmembrane proteins with amino-terminal γ-carboxyglutamic acid-containing domains preceded by the typical propeptide sequences required for posttranslational γ-carboxylation of glutamic acid residues. The polypeptides, with deduced molecular masses of 23 and 17 kDa, are proline-rich within their putative cytoplasmic domains and contain several copies of the sequences PPXY and PXXP, motifs found in a variety of signaling and cytoskeletal proteins. Accordingly, these two proteins have been called proline-rich Gla proteins (PRGP1 and PRGP2). Unlike the γ-carboxyglutamic acid domain-containing proteins of the blood coagulation cascade, the two PRGPs are expressed in a variety of extrahepatic tissues, with PRGP1 and PRGP2 most abundantly expressed in the spinal cord and thyroid, respectively, among those tissues tested. Thus, these observations suggest a novel physiological role for these two new members of the vitamin K-dependent family of proteins.


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Gephyrin is essential for both the postsynaptic localization of inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors in the central nervous system and the biosynthesis of the molybdenum cofactor (Moco) in different peripheral organs. Several alternatively spliced gephyrin transcripts have been identified in rat brain that differ in their 5′ coding regions. Here, we describe gephyrin splice variants that are differentially expressed in non-neuronal tissues and different regions of the adult mouse brain. Analysis of the murine gephyrin gene indicates a highly mosaic organization, with eight of its 29 exons corresponding to the alternatively spliced regions identified by cDNA sequencing. The N- and C-terminal domains of gephyrin encoded by exons 3–7 and 16–29, respectively, display sequence similarities to bacterial, invertebrate, and plant proteins involved in Moco biosynthesis, whereas the central exons 8, 13, and 14 encode motifs that may mediate oligomerization and tubulin binding. Our data are consistent with gephyrin having evolved from a Moco biosynthetic protein by insertion of protein interaction sequences.


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Apoplastic α-glucosidases occur widely in plants but their function is unknown because appropriate substrates in the apoplast have not been identified. Arabidopsis contains at least three α-glucosidase genes; Aglu-1 and Aglu-3 are sequenced and Aglu-2 is known from six expressed sequence tags. Antibodies raised to a portion of Aglu-1 expressed in Escherichia coli recognize two proteins of 96 and 81 kD, respectively, in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.), and mustard (Brassica napus L.). The acidic α-glucosidase activity from broccoli flower buds was purified using concanavalin A and ion-exchange chromatography. Two active fractions were resolved and both contained a 96-kD immunoreactive polypeptide. The N-terminal sequence from the 96-kD broccoli α-glucosidase indicated that it corresponds to the Arabidopsis Aglu-2 gene and that approximately 15 kD of the predicted N terminus was cleaved. The 81-kD protein was more abundant than the 96-kD protein, but it was not active with 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-glucopyranoside as the substrate and it did not bind to concanavalin A. In situ activity staining using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-α-d-glucopyranoside revealed that the acidic α-glucosidase activity is predominantly located in the outer cortex of broccoli stems and in vascular tissue, especially in leaf traces.


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The ability of the cornea to transmit light while being mechanically resilient is directly attributable to the formation of an extracellular matrix containing orthogonal sheets of collagen fibrils. The detailed structure of the fibrils and how this structure underpins the mechanical properties and organization of the cornea is understood poorly. In this study, we used automated electron tomography to study the three-dimensional organization of molecules in corneal collagen fibrils. The reconstructions show that the collagen molecules in the 36-nm diameter collagen fibrils are organized into microfibrils (≈4-nm diameter) that are tilted by ≈15° to the fibril long axis in a right-handed helix. An unexpected finding was that the microfibrils exhibit a constant-tilt angle independent of radial position within the fibril. This feature suggests that microfibrils in concentric layers are not always parallel to each other and cannot retain the same neighbors between layers. Analysis of the lateral structure shows that the microfibrils exhibit regions of order and disorder within the 67-nm axial repeat of collagen fibrils. Furthermore, the microfibrils are ordered at three specific regions of the axial repeat of collagen fibrils that correspond to the N- and C-telopeptides and the d-band of the gap zone. The reconstructions also show macromolecules binding to the fibril surface at sites that correspond precisely to where the microfibrils are most orderly.