997 resultados para tissue stages
Skeletal muscles from old rats fail to completely regenerate following injury. This study investigated whether pharmacological stimulation of beta 2-adrenoceptors in aged muscles following injury could improve their regenerative capacity, focusing on myofiber size recovery. Young and aged rats were treated with a subcutaneous injection of beta 2-adrenergic agonist formoterol (2 mu g/kg/d) up to 10 and 21 days after soleus muscle injury. Formoterol-treated muscles from old rats evaluated at 10 and 21 days postinjury showed reduced inflammation and connective tissue but a similar number of regenerating myofibers of greater caliber when compared with their injured controls. Formoterol minimized the decrease in tetanic force and increased protein synthesis and mammalian target of rapamycin phosphorylation in old muscles at 10 days postinjury. Our results suggest that formoterol improves structural and functional regenerative capacity of regenerating skeletal muscles from aged rats by increasing protein synthesis via mammalian target of rapamycin activation. Furthermore, formoterol may have therapeutic benefits in recovery following muscle damage in senescent individuals.
Abstract Background Mature carotid plaques are complex structures, and their histological classification is challenging. The carotid plaques of asymptomatic and symptomatic patients could exhibit identical histological components. Objectives To investigate whether matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9), tissue inhibitor of MMP (TIMP), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) have different expression levels in advanced symptomatic carotid plaques, asymptomatic carotid plaques, and normal tissue. Methods Thirty patients admitted for carotid endarterectomy were selected. Each patient was assigned preoperatively to one of two groups: group I consisted of symptomatic patients (n = 16, 12 males, mean age 66.7 ± 6.8 years), and group II consisted of asymptomatic patients (n = 14, 8 males, mean age 67.6 ± 6.81 years). Nine normal carotid arteries were used as control. Tissue specimens were analyzed for fibromuscular, lipid and calcium contents. The expressions of MMP-9, TIMP-1 and COX-2 in each plaque were quantified. Results Fifty-eight percent of all carotid plaques were classified as Type VI according to the American Heart Association Committee on Vascular Lesions. The control carotid arteries all were classified as Type III. The median percentage of fibromuscular tissue was significantly greater in group II compared to group I (p < 0.05). The median percentage of lipid tissue had a tendency to be greater in group I than in group II (p = 0.057). The percentages of calcification were similar among the two groups. MMP-9 protein expression levels were significantly higher in group II and in the control group when compared with group I (p < 0.001). TIMP-1 expression levels were significantly higher in the control group and in group II when compared to group I, with statistical difference between control group and group I (p = 0.010). COX-2 expression levels did not differ among groups. There was no statistical correlation between MMP-9, COX-2, and TIMP-1 levels and fibrous tissue. Conclusions MMP-9 and TIMP-1 are present in all stages of atherosclerotic plaque progression, from normal tissue to advanced lesions. When sections of a plaque are analyzed without preselection, MMP-9 concentration is higher in normal tissues and asymptomatic surgical specimens than in symptomatic specimens, and TIMP-1 concentration is higher in normal tissue than in symptomatic specimens.
Ticks are classified into three families: Argasidae, Ixodidae, and Nutalliellidae. The taxonomy and phylogeny within Ixodidae are still discussed by the specialists, thus requiring further studies. Amblyomma cajennese and Amblyomma aureolatum (Brazil) belong to two species complexes known as “cajennese” and “ovale”, respectively, and are directly related to the transmission of the Brazilian spotted fever. This confirms the medical and veterinary significance of these species, as well as the need for further morphological studies that will bring a better understanding of their taxonomy, phylogeny, and control. In this context, the present study aimed to characterize the morphology of the male reproductive system of A. cajennese and A. aureolatum when unfed and after 4 days of feeding, thereby seeking to: (a) distinguish the two species or “complexes”, and (b) study an internal system which has the potential to be targeted by acaricides. Therefore, males from both species (unfed and after 4 days of feeding) were cold-anesthetized, dissected, and had their reproductive systems removed for histological analysis. The results showed that the morphology of the male reproductive system is generally similar between both species, like in other Ixodidae ticks, exhibiting a multilobed accessory gland complex related to seminal fluid secretion, a pair of vasa deferentia and a pair of testes housing germ cells (spermatocytes) in different stages. The main differences were found in the development of the accessory gland complex cells and germ cells, showing that the maturation of the male reproductive system starts later in A. aureolatum, when compared to A. cajennese. However, during the blood meal, A. aureolatum development is increased, thus making germ cell maturation and gland complex activity higher than in A. cajennese. This study shows the differences in the development of the male reproductive systems of both species, while providing information that can assist in the establishment of new control methods.
Background: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a common cause of morbidity and mortality in childhood chronic kidney disease (CKD). Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is known to be one of the earliest events in CVD development. Left ventricular diastolic function (DF) is thought to be also impaired in children with CKD. Tissue Doppler imaging (TDI) provide an accurate measure of DF and is less load dependent than conventional ECHO. Aim: To evaluate the LV mass and the DF in a population of children with CKD. Methods: 37 patients, median age: 10.4 (3.3-19.8); underlying renal disease: hypo/dysplasia (N=28), nephronophthisis (N=4), Alport (N=2), ARPKD (N=3), were analyzed. Thirty-eight percent of the patients were on stage 1-2 of CKD, 38% on stage 3, 16% on stage 4. Three patients were on dialysis. The most frequent factors related to CVD in CKD have been studied. LVH has been defined as a left ventricular mass index (LVMI) more than 35.7 g/h2,7. Results: Twenty-five patients (81%) had a LVH. LVMI and diastolic function index (E’/A’) were significantly related to the glomerular filtration rate (p<0.003 and p<0.004). Moreover the LVMI was correlated with the phosphorus and the hemoglobin level (p<0.0001 and p<0.004). LVH was present since the first stages of CKD (58% of patients were on stages 1-2). Early-diastolic myocardial velocity was reduced in 73% of our patients. We didn’t find any correlation between LVH and systemic hypertension. Conclusion: ECHO evaluation with TDI is suggested also in children prior to dialysis and with a normal blood pressure. If LVH is diagnosed, a periodic follow-up is necessary with the treatment of the modifiable risk factors (hypertension, disturbances of calcium, phosphorus and PTH, anemia ).
Zahnverlust zu Lebzeiten („antemortem tooth loss“, AMTL) kann als Folge von Zahnerkrankungen, Traumata, Zahnextraktionen oder extremer kontinuierlicher Eruption sowie als Begleiterscheinung fortgeschrittener Stadien von Skorbut oder Lepra auftreten. Nach dem Zahnverlust setzt die Wundheilung als Sekundärheilung ein, während der sich die Alveole mit Blut füllt und sich ein Koagulum bildet. Anschließend erfolgt dessen Umwandlung in Knochengewebe und schließlich verstreicht die Alveole derart, dass sie makroskopisch nicht mehr erkannt werden kann. Der Zeitrahmen der knöchernen Konsolidierung des Kieferkammes ist im Detail wenig erforscht. Aufgrund des gehäuften Auftretens von AMTL in menschlichen Populationen, ist die Erarbeitung eines Zeitfensters, mit dessen Hilfe durch makroskopische Beobachtung des Knochens die Zeitspanne seit dem Zahnverlust („time since tooth loss“, TSL) ermittelt werden kann, insbesondere im archäologischen Kontext äußerst wertvoll. Solch ein Zeitschema mit Angaben über die Variabilität der zeitlichen Abläufe bei den Heilungsvorgängen kann nicht nur in der Osteologie, sondern auch in der Forensik, der allgemeinen Zahnheilkunde und der Implantologie nutzbringend angewandt werden. rnrnNach dem Verlust eines Zahnes wird das Zahnfach in der Regel durch ein Koagulum aufgefüllt. Das sich bildende Gewebe wird rasch in noch unreifen Knochen umgewandelt, welcher den Kieferknochen und auch die angrenzenden Zähne stabilisiert. Nach seiner Ausreifung passt sich das Gewebe schließlich dem umgebenden Knochen an. Das Erscheinungsbild des Zahnfaches während dieses Vorgangs durchläuft verschiedene Stadien, welche in der vorliegenden Studie anhand von klinischen Röntgenaufnahmen rezenter Patienten sowie durch Untersuchungen an archäologischen Skelettserien identifiziert wurden. Die Heilungsvorgänge im Zahnfach können in eine prä-ossale Phase (innerhalb einer Woche nach Zahnverlust), eine Verknöcherungsphase (etwa 14 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) und eine ossifizierte bzw. komplett verheilte Phase (mindestens 29 Wochen nach Zahnverlust) eingeteilt werden. Etliche Faktoren – wie etwa die Resorption des Interdentalseptums, der Zustand des Alveolarknochens oder das Individualgeschlecht – können den normalen Heilungsprozess signifikant beschleunigen oder hemmen und so Unterschiede von bis zu 19 Wochen verursachen. Weitere Variablen wirkten sich nicht signifikant auf den zeitlichen Rahmen des Heilungsprozesse aus. Relevante Abhängigkeiten zwischen verschiedenen Variabeln wurden ungeachtet der Alveolenauffüllung ebenfalls getestet. Gruppen von unabhängigen Variabeln wurden im Hinblick auf Auffüllungsgrad und TSL in multivariablen Modellen untersucht. Mit Hilfe dieser Ergebnisse ist eine grobe Einschätzung der Zeitspanne nach einem Zahnverlust in Wochen möglich, wobei die Einbeziehung weiterer Parameter eine höhere Präzision ermöglicht. rnrnObwohl verschiedene dentale Pathologien in dieser Studie berücksichtigt wurden, sollten zukünftige Untersuchungen genauer auf deren potenzielle Einflussnahme auf den alveolaren Heilungsprozess eingehen. Der kausale Zusammenhang einiger Variablen (wie z. B. Anwesenheit von Nachbarzähnen oder zahnmedizinische Behandlungen), welche die Geschwindigkeit der Heilungsrate beeinflussen, wäre von Bedeutung für zukünftige Untersuchungen des oralen Knochengewebes. Klinische Vergleichsstudien an forensischen Serien mit bekannter TSL oder an einer sich am Anfang des Heilungsprozesses befindlichen klinischen Serie könnten eine Bekräftigung dieser Ergebnisse liefern.
Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) is a profibrotic protein whose systemic levels are increased in liver cirrhosis. Here, association of CTGF with stages of liver injury and complications of cirrhotic liver disease has been analyzed in patients with different aetiologies of hepatic injury. CTGF is significantly increased in portal venous serum (PVS), hepatic venous serum (HVS) and systemic venous serum (SVS) of 46 patients with liver cirrhosis compared to eight liver-healthy controls. In patients´ blood samples CTGF in HVS is about 6% higher than PVS levels indicating that CTGF produced in the liver is released to the circulation. CTGF is not associated with stages of liver cirrhosis defined by CHILD-PUGH or MELD score nor with secondary complications of portal hypertension (varices, ascites, spontaneous bacterial peritonitis). Transforming growth factor β (TGFβ) induces CTGF synthesis in hepatocytes and a positive association of systemic TGFβ1 and SVS and HVS CTGF is found. Three months after placing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) hepatic venous pressure gradient is reduced whereas CHILD-PUGH score, TGFβ1 and CTGF are not altered in serum of 15 patients. Current data show that the cirrhotic liver releases little CTGF but SVS, HVS and PVS CTGF levels are not associated with residual liver function and complications of cirrhosis.
In this study we investigated whether expanded goat chondrocytes have the capacity to generate cartilaginous tissues with biochemical and biomechanical properties improving with time in culture. Goat chondrocytes were expanded in monolayer with or without combinations of FGF-2, TGF-beta1, and PDGFbb, and the postexpansion chondrogenic capacity assessed in pellet cultures. Expanded chondrocytes were also cultured for up to 6 weeks in HYAFF-M nonwoven meshes or Polyactive foams, and the resulting cartilaginous tissues were assessed histologically, biochemically, and biomechanically. Supplementation of the expansion medium with FGF-2 increased the proliferation rate of goat chondrocytes and enhanced their postexpansion chondrogenic capacity. FGF-2-expanded chondrocytes seeded in HYAFF-M or Polyactive scaffolds formed cartilaginous tissues with wet weight, glycosaminoglycan, and collagen content, increasing from 2 days to 6 weeks culture (up to respectively 2-, 8-, and 41-fold). Equilibrium and dynamic stiffness measured in HYAFF M-based constructs also increased with time, up to, respectively, 1.3- and 16-fold. This study demonstrates the feasibility to engineer goat cartilaginous tissues at different stages of development by varying culture time, and thus opens the possibility to test the effect of maturation stage of engineered cartilage on the outcome of cartilage repair in orthotopic goat models.
In the past, several modifications of specific surface properties such as topography, structure, chemistry, surface charge, and wettability have been investigated to predictably improve the osseointegration of titanium implants. The aim of the present review was to evaluate, based on the currently available evidence, the impact of hydrophilic surface modifications of titanium for dental implants. A surface treatment was performed to produce hydroxylated/hydrated titanium surfaces with identical microstructure to either acid-etched, or sand-blasted, large grit and acid-etched substrates, but with hydrophilic character. Preliminary in vitro studies have indicated that the specific properties noted for hydrophilic titanium surfaces have a significant influence on cell differentiation and growth factor production. Animal experiments have pointed out that hydrophilic surfaces improve early stages of soft tissue and hard tissue integration of either nonsubmerged or submerged titanium implants. This data was also corroborated by the results from preliminary clinical studies. In conclusion, the present review has pointed to a potential of hydrophilic surface modifications to support tissue integration of titanium dental implants.
OBJECT: Early impairment of cerebral blood flow in patients with severe head injury correlates with poor brain tissue O2 delivery and may be an important cause of ischemic brain damage. The purpose of this study was to measure cerebral tissue PO2, lactate, and glucose in patients after severe head injury to determine the effect of increased tissue O2 achieved by increasing the fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2). METHODS: In addition to standard monitoring of intracranial pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure, the authors continuously measured brain tissue PO2, PCO2, pH, and temperature in 22 patients with severe head injury. Microdialysis was performed to analyze lactate and glucose levels. In one cohort of 12 patients, the PaO2 was increased to 441+/-88 mm Hg over a period of 6 hours by raising the FiO2 from 35+/-5% to 100% in two stages. The results were analyzed and compared with the findings in a control cohort of 12 patients who received standard respiratory therapy (mean PaO2 136.4+/-22.1 mm Hg). The mean brain PO2 levels increased in the O2-treated patients up to 359+/-39% of the baseline level during the 6-hour FiO2 enhancement period, whereas the mean dialysate lactate levels decreased by 40% (p < 0.05). During this O2 enhancement period, glucose levels in brain tissue demonstrated a heterogeneous course. None of the monitored parameters in the control cohort showed significant variations during the entire observation period. CONCLUSIONS: Markedly elevated lactate levels in brain tissue are common after severe head injury. Increasing PaO2 to higher levels than necessary to saturate hemoglobin, as performed in the O2-treated cohort, appears to improve the O2 supply in brain tissue. During the early period after severe head injury, increased lactate levels in brain tissue were reduced by increasing FiO2. This may imply a shift to aerobic metabolism.
Traumatic lesions of the subcutaneous fatty tissue provide important clues for forensic reconstruction. The interpretation of these patterns requires a precise description and recording of the position and extent of each lesion. During conventional autopsy, this evaluation is performed by dissecting the skin and subcutaneous tissues in successive layers. In this way, depending on the force and type of impact (right angle or tangent), several morphologically distinct stages of fatty tissue damage can be differentiated: perilobular hemorrhage (I), contusion (II), or disintegration (III) of the fat lobuli, and disintegration with development of a subcutaneous cavity (IV). In examples of virtopsy cases showing blunt trauma to the skin and fatty tissue, we analyzed whether these lesions can also be recorded and classified using multislice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). MSCT has proven to be a valuable screening method to detect the lesions, but MRI is necessary in order to properly differentiate and classify the grade of damage. These noninvasive radiological diagnostic tools can be further developed to play an important role in forensic examinations, in particular when it comes to evaluating living trauma victims.
The objective of the present review was to summarize the evidence available on the temporal sequence of hard and soft tissue healing around titanium dental implants in animal models and in humans. A search was undertaken to find animal and human studies reporting on the temporal dynamics of hard and soft tissue integration of titanium dental implants. Moreover, the influence of implant surface roughness and chemistry on the molecular mechanisms associated with osseointegration was also investigated. The findings indicated that the integration of titanium dental implants into hard and soft tissue represents the result of a complex cascade of biological events initiated by the surgical intervention. Implant placement into alveolar bone induces a cascade of healing events starting with clot formation and continuing with the maturation of bone in contact with the implant surface. From a genetic point of view, osseointegration is associated with a decrease in inflammation and an increase in osteogenesis-, angiogenesis- and neurogenesis-associated gene expression during the early stages of wound healing. The attachment and maturation of the soft tissue complex (i.e. epithelium and connective tissue) to implants becomes established 6-8 weeks following surgery. Based on the findings of the present review it can be concluded that improved understanding of the mechanisms associated with osseointegration will provide leads and targets for strategies aimed at enhancing the clinical performance of titanium dental implants.
The correspondence of the state of alignment of macromolecules in biomimetic materials and natural tissues is demonstrated by investigating a mechanism of electrical polarity formation: An in vitro grown biomimetic FAp/gelatin composite is investigated for its polar properties by second harmonic (SHGM) and scanning pyroelectric microscopy (SPEM). Hexagonal prismatic seed crystals formed in gelatin gels represent a monodomain polar state, due to aligned mineralized gelatin molecules. Later growth stages, showing dumbbell morphologies, develop into a bipolar state because of surface recognition by gelatin functionality: A reversal of the polar alignment of macromolecules, thus, takes place close to that basal plane of the seed. In natural hard tissues (teeth and bone investigated by SPEM) and the biomimetic FAp/gelatin composite, we find a surprising analogy in view of growth-induced states of polarity: The development of polarity in vivo and in vitro can be explained by a Markov-type mechanism of molecular recognition during the attachment of macromolecules.
Five permanent cell lines were developed from Xiphophorus maculatus, X. helleri, and their hybrids using three tissue sources, including adults and embryos of different stages. To evaluate cell line gene expression for retention of either tissue-of-origin-specific or ontogenetic stage-specific characters, the activity distribution of 44 enzyme loci was determined in 11 X. maculatus tissues, and the developmental genetics of 17 enzyme loci was charted in X. helleri and in helleri x maculatus hybrids using starch gel electrophoresis. In the process, eight new loci were discovered and characterized for Xiphophorus.^ No Xiphophorus cell line showed retention of tissue-of-origin-specific or ontogenetic stage-specific enzyme gene expressional traits. Instead, gene expression was similar among the cell lines. One enzyme, adenosine deaminase (ADA) was an exception. Two adult-origin cell lines expressed ADA, whereas, three cell lines derived independently from embryos did not. ADA('-) expression of Xiphophorus embryo-derived cell lines may represent retention of an embryonic gene expressional trait. In one cell line (T(,3)) derived from 13 pooled interspecific hybrid (F(,2)) embryos, shifts with time were observed at enzyme loci polymorphic between the two species. This suggested shifts in ratios of cells of different genotypes in the population rather than unstable gene expression in one dominant cell type.^ Verification of this hypothesis was attempted by cloning the culture--seeking clones having different genetic signatures. The large number of loci electrophoretically polymorphic between the two species and whose alleles segregated independently into the 13 progeny from which this culture originated almost guaranteed the presence of different genetic signatures (lineages) in T(,3).^ Seven lineages of cells were found within T(,3), each expressing genotypes at some loci not characteristic of the expression of the culture-as-a-whole, supporting the hypothesis tested. Quantitative studies of ADA expression in the whole culture (ADA('-)) and in clones of these seven lineages suggested the predominance in T(,3) of ADA deficient cell lineages, although moderate to high ADA output clones also occurred. Thus, T(,3) has the potential to shift phenotypes from ADA('-) to ADA('+) by simply changing proportions of its constituent cell types, demonstrating that such shifts can occur in any cell culture containing cells of mixed expressional characteristics.^
Heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) concentrations were determined in different tissues (muscle, kidney, liver, brain, gonads, heart and feathers) of Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from Bjornoya and Jan Mayen. The age and spatial dependent variations in heavy metals were quantified and interpreted in view of the three chemometric techniques, i.e. non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test, redundancy gradient analysis and detrended correspondence analysis. The Glaucous Gulls from Bjornoya contained significantly higher (p < 0.05) levels of Cd, Cu and Zn than those inhabited Jan Mayen. Adult birds were characterized by greater (p < 0.01) concentration of muscle, hepatic and renal heavy metals in comparison to chicks. Insignificantly higher slope constant Zn/Cd for the liver than for the kidney may reflect insignificant Cd exposure. Estimate of transfer factor (TF) allows us to assess variations in heavy metal concentrations during the individual development of Glaucous Gulls. It may be stated that there is a distinct increase of bioaccumulation of all the studied metals during subsequent stages of the bird life.
Our objective for this study was to evaluate the influence of preindustrial and expected future atmospheric CO2 concentrations (280 µatm and 700 µatm pCO2, respectively) on different life-cycle stages of the kelp Laminaria hyperborea from Helgoland (Germany, North Sea). Zoospore germination, gametogenesis, vegetative growth, sorus formation and photosynthetic performance of vegetative and fertile tissue were examined. The contribution of external carbonic anhydrase (exCA) to C-supply for net-photosynthesis (net-PS) and the Chla- and phlorotannin content were investigated. Female gametogenesis and vegetative growth of sporophytes were significantly enhanced under the expected future pCO2. rETR(max) and net-PS of young vegetative sporophytes tended to increase performance at higher pCO2. The trend towards elevated net-PS vanished after inhibition of exCA. In vegetative sporophytes, phlorotannin content and Chla content were not significantly affected by pCO2.