133 resultados para tig


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Shape memory alloys are characterized by the ability of recovering their initial shape after being deformed and by superelasticity. Since the discovery of these alloys, a new field of interest emerged not only for the scientific community but also to many industries. However, these alloys present poor machinability which constitute a constrain in the design of complex components for new applications. Thus, the demand for joining techniques able to join these alloys without compromising their properties became of great importance to enlarge the complexity of existing applications. Literature shows that these alloys are joined mainly using laser welding. In the present study, similar NiTi butt joints, were produced using TIG welding. The welds were performed in 1.5 mm thick plates across the rolling direction. A special fixture and gas assist device was designed and manufactured. Also a robot arm was adapted to accommodate the welding torch to assure the repeatability of the welding parameters. Welds were successfully achieved without macroscopic defects, such as pores and distortions. Very superficial oxidation was seen on the top surface due to insufficient shielding gas flow on the weld face. The welded joints were mechanically tested and structurally characterized. Testing methods were used to evaluate macro and microstructure, as well as the phase transformation temperatures, the mechanical single and cyclic behaviour and the shape recovery ability. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), microhardness measurements were techniques also used to evaluate the welded joints. A depletion in Ni in the fusion zone was seen, as well as a shift in Ms temperature. For strain values of 4% the accumulated irrecoverable strain was of about 30% and increased with the strain imposed during cycling. Nevertheless, a complete recovery of initial shape was observed when testing the shape memory effect on a dedicated device that introduces a deformation of 6.7%. That is, the welding procedure does not remove the ability of the specimens to recover their initial shape.


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Trabalhos recentes têm demonstrado que a medição de perfis de condutividade eléctrica é uma técnica eficaz, rápida e não destrutiva para a caracterização de materiais metálicos ligados por soldadura por fusão ou no estado sólido. Os resultados referentes às ligas de alumínio mostram que existe uma estreita correlação entre os perfis de condutividade eléctrica e os perfis de dureza, sendo os primeiros determinados sobretudo pelo tamanho de grão. Relativamente às ligas de aço, verifica-se que os perfis de condutividade eléctrica também permitem identificar as diferentes zonas termicamente afectadas devido aos processos de soldadura por fusão, as quais são geralmente descritas por zona fundida (ZF) e zona termicamente afectada (ZTA), sendo a sua extensão dependente sobretudo da Entrega Térmica (ET). Contudo, em algumas ligas, as características metalúrgicas que controlam as variações de condutividade eléctrica não estão devidamente descritas ou compreendidas. Nesse sentido, o objectivo do presente trabalho foi caracterizar os perfis de condutividade eléctrica em diferentes ligas de aço soldadas por fusão, identificando os principais aspectos metalúrgicos que lhes estão subjacentes. Foram realizados cordões de soldadura SER e TIG de aços P11, P22 e não ligado com diferentes parâmetros de soldadura. Os perfis de condutividade eléctrica foram medidos com sondas de correntes induzidas e com sondas de quatro pontos a diferentes profundidades, tendo sido comparados com os respectivos perfis de microdureza Vickers. Os resultados mostram que existe uma boa correlação entre a condutividade e a dureza, sendo que a condutividade é essencialmente determinada pelo tamanho de grão, e pela morfologia da fase ferrítica. A ferrite Witmanstatten facilita a passagem de corrente eléctrica ao contrário da ferrite poligonal que constitui um obstáculo à passagem de electrões. Pode confirmar-se que a medição dos perfis de condutividade é uma técnica com elevado potencial para complementar, ou em alguns casos substituir, a medição de durezas em ligas de aço soldadas por fusão.


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Electrical welding torch, MAG-torch, MIG-torch, TIG-torch


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Nickel-base alloys, hot-crack behaviour, nitrogenous shielding gas, PVR-test, TIG welding, pulsed gas metal-arc welding


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Homologous genes are classified into orthologs and paralogs, depending on whether they arose by speciation or duplication. It is widely assumed that orthologs share similar functions, whereas paralogs are expected to diverge more from each other. But does this assumption hold up on further examination? We present evidence that orthologs and paralogs are not so different in either their evolutionary rates or their mechanisms of divergence. We emphasize the importance of appropriately designed studies to test models of gene evolution between orthologs and between paralogs. Thus, functional change between orthologs might be as common as between paralogs, and future studies should be designed to test the impact of duplication against this alternative model.


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Recent studies have revealed that our sex chromosomes differentiated relatively recently from ancestral autosomes in the common ancestor of placental and marsupial mammals (therians). Here, we show that the therian X started to accumulate new retroduplicate genes with overall sex-biased expression upon therian sex chromosome differentiation. This process reached its peak within the first approximately 90 million years of sex chromosome evolution and then leveled off. Taken together, our observations suggest that the major sex-related functional remodeling of the X was completed relatively soon after the origination of therian sex chromosomes.


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DNA must constantly be repaired to maintain genome stability. Although it is clear that DNA repair reactions depend on cell type and developmental stage, we know surprisingly little about the mechanisms that underlie this tissue specificity. This is due, in part, to the lack of adequate study systems. This review discusses recent progress toward understanding the mechanism leading to varying rates of instability at expanded trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) in different tissues. Although they are not DNA lesions, TNRs are hotspots for genome instability because normal DNA repair activities cause changes in repeat length. The rates of expansions and contractions are readily detectable and depend on cell identity, making TNR instability a particularly convenient model system. A better understanding of this type of genome instability will provide a foundation for studying tissue-specific DNA repair more generally, which has implications in cancer and other diseases caused by mutations in the caretakers of the genome.


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Ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) represent one of the most successful eusocial taxa in terms of both their geographic distribution and species number. The publication of seven ant genomes within the past year was a quantum leap for socio- and ant genomics. The diversity of social organization in ants makes them excellent model organisms to study the evolution of social systems. Comparing the ant genomes with those of the honeybee, a lineage that evolved eusociality independently from ants, and solitary insects suggests that there are significant differences in key aspects of genome organization between social and solitary insects, as well as among ant species. Altogether, these seven ant genomes open exciting new research avenues and opportunities for understanding the genetic basis and regulation of social species, and adaptive complex systems in general.


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Although homology is a fundamental concept in biology and is one of the shared channels of communication universal to all biology, it is difficult to find a consensus definition. Indeed, the interpretations of homology have changed as biology has progressed. New terms, such as paramorphism, have been introduced into the literature with mixed success. In addition, different research fields operate with different definitions of homology, for example the mechanistic usage of evo-devo is not strictly historical and would not be acceptable in cladistics. This makes a global understanding of homology complex, whereas the integration of evolutionary concepts into bioinformatics and genomics is increasingly important. We propose an ontology organizing homology and related concepts and hope this solution will also facilitate the integration and sharing of knowledge among the community.


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The detection of odour stimuli in the environment is universally important for primal behaviours such as feeding, mating, kin interactions and escape responses. Given the ubiquity of many airborne chemical signals and the similar organisation of animal olfactory circuits, a fundamental question in our understanding of the sense of smell is how species-specific behavioural responses to odorants can evolve. Recent comparative genomic, developmental and physiological studies are shedding light on this problem by providing insights into the genetic mechanisms that underlie anatomical and functional evolution of the olfactory system. Here we synthesise these data, with a particular focus on insect olfaction, to address how new olfactory receptors and circuits might arise and diverge, offering glimpses into how odour-evoked behaviours could adapt to an ever-changing chemosensory world.


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Global human genetic variation is greatly influenced by geography, with genetic differentiation between populations increasing with geographic distance and within-population diversity decreasing with distance from Africa. In fact, these 'clines' can explain most of the variation in human populations. Despite this, population genetics inferences often rely on models that do not take geography into account, which could result in misleading conclusions when working at global geographic scales. Geographically explicit approaches have great potential for the study of human population genetics. Here, we discuss the most promising avenues of research in the context of human settlement history and the detection of genomic elements under natural selection. We also review recent technical advances and address the challenges of integrating geography and genetics.


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Duplicated sequences are substrates for the emergence of new genes and are an important source of genetic instability associated with rare and common diseases. Analyses of primate genomes have shown an increase in the proportion of interspersed segmental duplications (SDs) within the genomes of humans and great apes. This contrasts with other mammalian genomes that seem to have their recently duplicated sequences organized in a tandem configuration. In this review, we focus on the mechanistic origin and impact of this difference with respect to evolution, genetic diversity and primate phenotype. Although many genomes will be sequenced in the future, resolution of this aspect of genomic architecture still requires high quality sequences and detailed analyses.


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En este documento se realiza una descripción de los trastornos de identidad de género (TIG) y de su situación a nivel nacional e internacional, teniendo en cuenta la legislación y epidemiología, con el objetivo de consolidar así una base teórica para el estudio. Se diferencian también otras patologías similares para evitar confusión o errores. Se propone un estudio cuantitativo, observacional, transversal, descriptivo y correlacional que tiene como objetivos principales evaluar los conocimientos, habilidades y actitudes necesarios del personal de enfermería para el cuidado de las personas con TIG y comparar las competencias de la enfermería de distintos niveles asistenciales. Como método de recogida de datos se utiliza un cuestionario de elaboración propia, de preguntas cerradas con múltiples opciones de respuesta. El análisis de los datos será inferencial y descriptivo, ya que el objetivo es realizar una estimación a partir de los resultados obtenidos de la muestra sobre el conjunto total de la población con la finalidad de realizar el contraste de la hipótesis formulada; para ello, se realizará la prueba no paramétrica de Chi-­‐ cuadrado.


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Suojakaasun päätehtävänä on suojata hitsaustapahtumaa ympäröivän ilman vaikutukselta. Päätehtävän lisäksi suojakaasullavoidaan vaikuttaa suoraan tai välillisesti lähes kaikkiin hitsauksen asioihin, joista laatu, tehokkuus ja taloudellisuus muodostuvat. Suojakaasuja tarvitsevat hitsausmenetelmät ovat: kaasukaarihitsausprosessit (MIG/MAG-, TIG- ja plasmahitsaus), laserhitsaus sekä näiden yhdistelmät eli hybridihitsausmenetelmät sekä MIG-juotto. Hitsaussuojakaasujen peruskaasu tänä päivänä on argon, johon hitsausprosessista tai materiaalistariippuen sekoitetaan hiilidioksidia, heliumia, vetyä tai happea. Pääsääntöisesti hitsaussuojakaasut ovat kahden komponentin kaasuja, mutta 3-komponenttikaasut ovat yleistymässä. Sopivalla suojakaasuseostuksella saadaan erittäin merkittävä hyöty tuottavuuden lisääntyessä ja laadun parantuessa. Suojakaasujen oikealla toimitusmuodolla on merkittävä vaikutus kokonaiskustannuksiin. Uudet, kehittyneet sekoitinlaitteet mahdollistavat tarkat osakomponenttien sekoittamiset hitsauspaikalla. Seokset ovat jatkuvasti analysoitavissa ja jäljitettävissä. Suojakaasujen kierrätys on erityisesti kalliiden kaasujen, kuten helium ja argon, kohdalta tulevaisuuden haaste ja mahdollisuus. Suojakaasulla on suuri merkitys hitsauksen tuottavuuteen, taloudellisuuteen ja myös hitsausympäristöön ja työturvallisuuteen. Robottihitsauksen lisääntyminen asettaa vaatimuksia, joihinoikein valitulla suojakaasulla voidaan myönteisesti vaikuttaa. Tehokashitsaus on valmistusprosessin tärkeä osa, jossa oikein valituilla suojakaasuilla saavutetaan merkittävä tuottavuuden lisäys vaikuttamalla kaariominaisuuksiin, tunkeumaan, roiskeisiin, nopeuteen, hitsimetallurgiaan, lämmöntuontiin ja hitsausympäristöön. Diplomityössä tutkittiin casena Peikko Finland Oy:n suojakaasujärjestelmät, niiden tehokkuus, toimivuus ja sopivuus konepajan tuotantoon ja erityisesti robottihitsaukseen.


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Diplomityön tavoitteena on selvittää kylmälujitetusta austeniittisesta ruostumattomasta teräksestä valmistettavan putkipalkin pituussuunnassa hitsaamalla tapahtuvaa valmistusta. Työssä tarkastellaan eri hitsausprosessien lämmöntuonnin ja putkipalkin kylmämuovaamalla tapahtuvan valmistuksen ja hitsin jälkikäsittelynvaikutuksia putkipalkin pituushitsin mekaanisiin ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosassa on perehdytty austeniittisen ruostumattoman teräksen hitsaukseen, kylmämuokkaamalla lujitetun teräksen käyttäytymiseen hitsauksessa, monipoltinkaari-, TIG-suurtaajuuspulssi- ja kaariavusteiseen laserhitsaukseen. Kokeellisessa osassaon suoritettu koehitsauksia edellä mainituilla menetelmillä kylmälujitetulle austeniittiselle ruostumattomalle teräkselle ja suoritettu saatujen koehitsien mekaanisien ominaisuuksien arviointia. Saatujen koetulosten perusteella ontodettu, että huolimatta hitsauksen lämmöntuonnin kylmämuokatun teräksen lujuusarvoja alentavasta vaikutuksesta on mahdollista valmistaa hitsin osalta perusaineen lujuusluokituksen täyttäviä putkipalkkeja. Tämä johtuu putkipalkin kylmämuovaamalla tapahtuvan valmistuksen ja hitsin jälkikäsittelyn hitsauksessa pehmentyneen vyöhykkeen lujuusarvoja takaisin perusaineen tasolle palauttavasta vaikutuksesta.