122 resultados para thiocyanate guanidinium
Two simple, rapid and cost-effective methods based on titrimetric and spectrophotometric techniques are described for the assay of RNH in bulk drug and in dosage forms using silver nitrate, mercury(II)thiocyanate and iron(III)nitrate as reagents. In titrimetry, an aqueous solution of RNH is treated with measured excess of silver nitrate in HNO3 medium, followed by determination of unreacted silver nitrate by Volhard method using iron(III) alum indicator. Spectrophotometric method involve the addition a known excess of mercury(II)thiocyanate and iron(III)nitrate to RNH, followed by the measurement of the absorbance of iron(III)thiocyante complex at 470 nm. Titrimetric method is applicable over 4-30 mg range and the reaction stoichiometry is found to be 1:1 (RNH: AgNO3). In the spectrophotometric method, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with concentration of RNH which is corroborated by the correlation coefficient of 0.9959. The system obey Beer's law for 5-70 µg mL-1. The calculated apparent molar absorptivity and sandell sensitivity values are found to be 3.27 ´ 10³ L mol-1 cm-1, 0.107 µg cm-2 respectively. The limits of detection and quantification are also reported for the spectrophotometric method. Intra-day and inter-day precision and accuracy of the methods were evaluated as per ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the assay of RNH in formulations and the results were compared with those of a reference method by applying Student's t and F-tests. No interference was observed from common pharmaceutical excipients. The accuracy of the methods was further ascertained by performing recovery tests by standard addition method.
Two sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of lansoprazole (LPZ) in bulk drug and in capsule formulation. The methods are based on the oxidation of lansoprazole by insitu generated bromine followed by determination of unreacted bromine by two different reaction schemes. In one procedure (method A), the residual bromine is treated with excess of iron (II), and the resulting iron (III) is complexed with thiocyanate and measured at 470 nm. The second approach (method B) involves treating the unreacted bromine with a measured excess of iron (II) and remaining iron (II) is complexed with orthophenanthroline at a raised pH, and measured at 510 nm. In both methods, the amount of bromine reacted corresponds to the amount of LPZ. The experimental conditions were optimized. In method A, the absorbance is found to decrease linearly with the concentration of LPZ (r = -0.9986) where as in the method B a linear increase in absorbance occurs (r = 0.9986) The systems obey Beer's law for 0.5-4.0 and 0.5-6.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively. The calculated molar absorptivity values are 3.97µ10(4) and 3.07µ10(4) L mol-1cm-1 for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding Sandell sensitivity values are 0.0039 and 0.0013 µg cm-2. The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) are also reported for both methods. Intra-day and inter-day precision, and accuracy of the methods were established as per the current ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the determination of LPZ in capsules and the results tallied well with the label claim and the results were statistically compared with those of a reference method by applying the Student's t-test and F-test. No interference was observed from the concomitant substances normally added to capsules. The accuracy and validity of the methods were further ascertained by performing recovery experiments via standard-addition method.
Two sensitive spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of simvastatin (SMT) in bulk drug and in tablets. The methods are based on the oxidation of SMT by a measured excess of cerium (IV) in acid medium followed by determination of unreacted oxidant by two different reaction schemes. In one procedure (method A), the residual cerium (IV) is reacted with a fixed concentration of ferroin and the increase in absorbance is measured at 510 nm. The second approach (method B) involves the reduction of the unreacted cerium (IV) with a fixed quantity of iron (II), and the resulting iron (III) is complexed with thiocyanate and the absorbance measured at 470 nm. In both methods, the amount of cerium (IV) reacted corresponds to SMT concentration. The experimental conditions for both methods were optimized. In method A, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with SMT concentration (r = 0.9995) whereas in method B, the same decreased (r = -0.9943). The systems obey Beer's law for 0.6-7.5 and 0.5-5.0 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively. The calculated molar absorptivity values are 2.7 X 10(4) and 1.06 X 10(5) Lmol-1 cm-1, respectively; and the corresponding sandel sensitivity values are 0.0153 and 0.0039µg cm-2, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) are reported for both methods. Intra-day and inter-day precision, and accuracy of the methods were established as per the current ICH guidelines. The methods were successfully applied to the determination of SMT in tablets and the results were statistically compared with those of the reference method by applying the Student's t-test and F-test. No interference was observed from the common excipients added to tablets. The accuracy and validity of the methods were further ascertained by performing recovery experiments via standard addition procedure.
Trypsin is a serino-protease with a polypeptide chain of 223 amino acid residues and contains six disulfide bridges. It is a globular protein with a predominance of antiparallel ß-sheet and helix in its secondary structure and has two domains with similar structures. We assessed the stability of ß-trypsin in the acid pH range using microcalorimetric (differential scanning calorimetry) techniques. Protein concentrations varied in the range of 0.05 to 2.30 mg/ml. Buffer solutions of 50.0 mM ß-alanine and 20.0 mM CaCl2 at different pH values (from 2.0 to 4.2) and concentrations of sorbitol (1.0 and 2.0 M), urea (0.5 M) or guanidinium hydrochloride (0.5 and 1.0 M) were used. The data suggest that we are studying the same conformational transition of the protein in all experimental situations using pH, sorbitol, urea and guanidinium hydrochloride as perturbing agents. The observed van't Hoff ratios (deltaHcal/deltaHvH) of 1.0 to 0.5 in the pH range of 3.2 to 4.2 suggest protein aggregation. In contrast, deltaHcal/deltaHvH ratios equal to one in the pH range of 2.0 to 3.2 suggest that the protein unfolds as a monomer. At pH 3.00, ß-trypsin unfolded with Tm = 54ºC and deltaH = 101.8 kcal/mol, and the change in heat capacity between the native and unfolded forms of the protein (deltaCp) was estimated to be 2.50 ± 0.07 kcal mol-1 K-1. The stability of ß-trypsin calculated at 298 K was deltaG D = 5.7 kcal/mol at pH 3.00 and deltaG D = 15.2 kcal/mol at pH 7.00, values in the range expected for a small globular protein.
Abstract The present study describes the in vitro antimicrobial and antioxidant activity of methanol and water extracts of sweet and bitter apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) kernels. The antioxidant properties of apricot kernels were evaluated by determining radical scavenging power, lipid peroxidation inhibition activity and total phenol content measured with a DPPH test, the thiocyanate method and the Folin method, respectively. In contrast to extracts of the bitter kernels, both the water and methanol extracts of sweet kernels have antioxidant potential. The highest percent inhibition of lipid peroxidation (69%) and total phenolic content (7.9 ± 0.2 µg/mL) were detected in the methanol extract of sweet kernels (Hasanbey) and in the water extract of the same cultivar, respectively. The antimicrobial activities of the above extracts were also tested against human pathogenic microorganisms using a disc-diffusion method, and the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of each active extract were determined. The most effective antibacterial activity was observed in the methanol and water extracts of bitter kernels and in the methanol extract of sweet kernels against the Gram-positive bacteria Staphylococcus aureus. Additionally, the methanol extracts of the bitter kernels were very potent against the Gram-negative bacteria Escherichia coli (0.312 mg/mL MIC value). Significant anti-candida activity was also observed with the methanol extract of bitter apricot kernels against Candida albicans, consisting of a 14 mm in diameter of inhibition zone and a 0.625 mg/mL MIC value.
This study was carried out to evaluate the antioxidant capacity of the agro-industrial waste from acerola. Hydroacetone, hydroethanolic, and hydromethanolic extracts were obtained using the sequential extraction process, and they were screened for their free radical DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrilhidrazil) and ABTS+ (2,2'-azino-bis-(3-etilbenzotiazolin 6-sulfonic acid) scavenging activity and their effect on the linoleic acid peroxidation by the ferric thiocyanate method. Soybean oil with the addition of the extracts (200 ppm) was submitted to Schaal oven test (60 °C, 28 days), in which the samples were analyzed for peroxide value and conjugated dienes. Hydroethanolic and hydromethanolic extracts exhibited good DPPH scavenging activity (low value of EC50 and TEC50 and high value of AE), good ABTS scavenging capacity (1445.1 and 1145.5 µMol TEAC.g-1, respectively), and high percentage inhibition of peroxidation of linoleic acid (96.12 and 91.84%, respectively) and showed the ability to retard the formation of peroxides and conjugated dienes.
The goal of this thesis was to study factors related to the development of Brassica juncea as a sustainable nematicide. Brassica juncea is characterized by the glycoside (glucosinolate) sinigrin. Various methods were developed for the determination of sinigrin in Brassica juncea tissue extracts. Sinigrin concentrations in plant tissues at various stages of growth were monitored. Sinigrin enzymatically breaks down into allylisothiocyanate (AITC). AITC is unstable in aqueous solution and degradation was studied in water and in soil. Finally, the toxicity of AITC against the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) was determined. A method was developed to extract sinigrin from whole Brassica j uncea tissues. The optimal time of extraction wi th boiling phosphate buffer (0.7mM, pH=6.38) and methanol/water (70:30 v/v) solutions were both 25 minutes. Methanol/water extracted 13% greater amount of sinigrin than phosphate buffer solution. Degradation of sinigrin in boiling phosphate buffer solution (0.13%/minute) was similar to the loss of sinigrin during the extraction procedure. The loss of sinigrin from boiling methanol/water was estimated to be O.Ol%/minute. Brassica juncea extract clean up was accomplished by an ion-pair solid phase extraction (SPE) method. The recovery of sinigrin was 92.6% and coextractive impurities were not detected in the cleaned up extract. Several high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods were developed for the determination of sinigrin. All the developed methods employed an isocratic mobile phase system wi th a low concentration of phosphate buffer solution, ammonium acetate solution or an ion-pair reagent solution. A step gradient system was also developed. The method involved preconditioning the analytical column with phosphate buffer solution and then switching the mobile phase to 100% water after sample injection.Sinigrin and benzyl-glucosinolate were both studied by HPLC particle beam negative chemical ionization mass spectrometry (HPLCPB- NCI-MS). Comparison of the mass spectra revealed the presence of fragments arising from the ~hioglucose moiety and glucosinolate side-chain. Variation in the slnlgrin concentration within Brassica juncea plants was studied (Domo and Cutlass cuItivars). The sinigrin concentration in the top three leaves was studied during growth of each cultivar. For Cutlass, the minimum (200~100~g/g) and maximum (1300~200~g/g) concentrations were observed at the third and seventh week after planting, respectively. For Domo, the minimum (190~70~g/g) and maximum (1100~400~g/g) concentrations were observed at the fourth and eighth week after planting, respectively. The highest sinigrin concentration was observed in flower tissues 2050±90~g/g and 2300±100~g/g for Cutlass and Domo cultivars, respectively. Physical properties of AITC were studied. The solubility of AITC in water was determined to be approximately 1290~g/ml at 24°C. An HPLC method was developed for the separation of degradation compounds from aqueous AITC sample solutions. Some of the degradation compounds identified have not been reported in the literature: allyl-thiourea, allyl-thiocyanate and diallyl-sulfide. In water, AITC degradation to' diallyl-thiourea was favored at basic pH (9.07) and degradation to diallyl-sulfide was favored at acidic pH (4 . 97). It wap necessary to amend the aqueous AITC sample solution with acetonitrile ?efore injection into the HPLC system. The acetonitrile amendment considerably improved AITC recovery and the reproducibility of the results. The half-life of aqueous AITC degradation at room temperature did not follow first-order kinetics. Beginning with a 1084~g/ml solution, the half-life was 633 hours. Wi th an ini tial AITC concentration of 335~g/ml the half-life was 865 hours. At 35°C the half-life AITC was 76+4 hours essentially independent of the iiisolution pH over the range of pH=4.97 to 9.07 (1000~g/ml). AITC degradation was also studied in soil at 35°C; after 24 hours approximately 75% of the initial AITC addition was unrecoverable by water extraction. The ECso of aqueous AITC against the root-lesion nematode (Pratylenchus penetrans) was determined to be approximately 20~g/ml at one hour exposure of the nematode to the test solution. The toxicological study was also performed with a myrosinase treated Brassica juncea extract. Myrosinase treatment of the Brassica juncea extract gave nearly quantitative conversion of sinigrin into AITC. The myrosinase treated extract was of the same efficacy as an aqueous AITC solution of equivalent concentration. The work of this thesis was focused upon understanding parameters relevant to the development of Brassica juncea as a sustainable nematicide. The broad range of experiments were undertaken in support of a research priority at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
Les transitions de spin provoquent des changements de propriétés physiques des complexes de métaux du bloc d les subissant, notamment de leur structure et propriétés spectroscopiques. Ce mémoire porte sur la spectroscopie Raman de composés du fer(II) et du fer(III), pour lesquels on induit une transition de spin par variation de la température ou de la pression. Trois complexes de fer(II) de type FeN4(NCS)2 avec des comportements de transition de spin différents ont été étudiés : Fe(Phen)2(NCS)2 (Phen : 1,10-Phénanthroline), Fe(Btz)2(NCS)2 (Btz : 2,2’-bi-4,5-dihydrothiazine) et Fe(pyridine)4(NCS)2. Un décalage de l’ordre de 50 cm-1 est observable pour la fréquence d’étirement C-N du ligand thiocyanate des complexes FeN4(NCS)2, lors de la transition de spin induite par variation de la température ou de la pression. Il est possible d’utiliser cette variation de fréquence afin de tracer un profil de transition. Quatre complexes isomères de type FeL222(CN)2 (L222 : 2,13- diméthyl-6,9-dioxa-3,12,18-triazabicyclo[12.3.1]-octadéca-1(18),2,12,14,16-pentaène) ont également été étudiés. Un taux de décalage de l’ordre d’environ 0,03 cm-1/K est observé pour plusieurs bandes du complexe FeL222(CN)2. La bande à 1415 cm-1 disparaît à plus haute température au profit d’une bande à 1400 cm-1. Pour le complexe de chiralité R,R’, les bandes à 1008 cm-1 et 1140 cm-1 se déplacent vers des fréquences plus élevées à partir de 223 K. Les transitions de spin sont observées dans certains complexes de fer(III). Dans cette famille de composés, le complexe Fe(EtDTC)3 (EtDTC : N,N-diéthyldithiocarbamate) a été étudié . Aucun changement n’a été observé dans l’intensité des bandes d’étirement fer-soufre sur les spectres à température variable. Cependant, la bande Fe-S associée à la forme bas-spin à 530 cm-1 augmente en intensité au profit de la bande associée à la forme haut-spin à 350 cm-1 lors des mesures à haute pression, passant d’un rapport d’amplitude de 50% à pression ambiante à 80% à 21 kbar. Un dédoublement de la bande d’étirement C-N du ligand dithiocarbamate à 1495 cm-1 est également observé à des pressions supérieures à 5 kbar. Une comparaison des changements des fréquences de vibration de tous les complexes est effectuée.
Coordination chemistry of schiff bases is of considerable interest due to their various magnetic, catalytic and biological applications. Here it describes the spectral characterization of schiff bases and its Mn (II), Cu (II) and Ni (II) complexes. Then synthesis and spectral characterization of Zn (II), Cd (II) and Co (II) complexes of schiff base derived from 3-Formylsalicilic Acid and 1,3-diaminopropane. Then it discusses the synthesis and spectral studies of Copper (II) complexes of 2-Hydroxyacetophenone N-phenyl semicarbazone. Finally it discusses the synthesis and spectral characterization of Co (III) complexes of salicylaldehyde N-phenyl semicarbazone. The preparation and characterization of Cobalt (III) complexes of salicylaldehyde, N-phenylthiosemicarbazone containing hetrocyclic bases phenalthroline and bipyridine. Thiocyanate, azide and perchlorate ions act as coligands. Elemental analysis suggests +3 state for Cobalt. HNMR, IR and UV-visible spectra characterize the complexes.
Semicarbazones and their transition metal complexes have been receiving considerable attention because of their biological relevance and applications in the field of analysis and in the field of organic NLO materials. Their structural diversity also attracted inorganic chemists. A good deal of work has been reported on the synthesis and structural investigation of semicarbazones and their complexes. This is due partially to their capability of acting as multidentate, NO, NNO, ONO and ONNO donors with the formation of either mono or bi or polynuclear complexes. Their chemistry and pharmacological applications have been extensively investigated. Appreciable biological applications as well as diverse stereochemistry of their metal complexes prompted us to synthesize two new tridentate ONO donor N4-phenyl semicarbazones derived from 2-hydroxy-4-methoxyacetophenone and 2-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzophenone and their transition metal complexes. These ketones were selected since they can provide a further binding site from phenolic–OH and can thus increase the denticity. Introduction of heterocyclic bases like 1,10-phenanthroline, 2,2′-bipyridine, 4,4′-dimethyl- 2,2′-bipyridine and 4-picoline and some pseudohalides like azide and thiocyanate ion can result in mixed ligand metal chelates with different geometries in coordination compounds In the present study, oxovanadium(IV), manganese(II), cobalt (II/III), nickel(II), copper(II) and zinc(II) complexes of 2-hydroxy-4- methoxyacetophenone-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2ASC) and 2-hydroxy-4- methoxybenzophenone-N4-phenylsemicarbazone (H2BSC) were synthesized and characterized.
The hexaazamacrocycle 7,22-dimethyl-3,7,11,18,22,26-hexaazatricyclo[,16)] tetratriaconta-1(30), 13,15,28,31,33- hexaene (Me-2[30] pbz(2)N(6)) was synthesized and characterised by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The macrocycle adopts a conformation with the two aromatic rings almost parallel at a distance of ca. 4.24 Angstrom, but displaced relative to each other by ca. 1.51 Angstrom. The protonation constants of this compound and the stability constants of its complexes with Cu2+ and Zn2+, were determined in water - methanol (9 : 1 v/v) at 25 degreesC with ionic strength 0.10 mol dm(-3) in KCl. The potentiometric and spectroscopic studies (NMR of zinc, cadmium and lead complexes, and EPR of the copper complexes) indicate the formation of only dinuclear complexes. The association constants of the dinuclear copper complex with anions ( thiocyanate, terephthalate and glyphosate) and neutral molecules (1,4-benzenedimethanol, p-xylylenediamine and terephthalic acid) were determined at 20 degreesC in methanol. The structural preferences of this ligand and of its dinuclear copper(II) complex with a variety of bridging ligands were evaluated theoretically by molecular mechanics calculations (MM) and molecular dynamics (MD) using quenching techniques.
Two sets of ligands, set-1 and set-2, have been prepared by mixing 1,3-diaminopentane and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively, and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate, Ni(II) thiocyanate and Ni(II) chloride. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2)(L = L-1 [N-3-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1 or L-2[N-3-pyridin-2-ylmethylene-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 2) in which the Schiff bases are monocondensed terdentate, whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL(SCN)(2)] (L = L-3[N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2- yl-ethylidine)-pentane-1,3-diamine] for complex 3 or L-4 [N,N'-bis(pyridin-2-ylmethyline)-pentane-1,3- diamine] for complex 4) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Complexes 5 {[NiL3(N-3)(2)]} and 6 {[NiL4(N-3)(2)]} are prepared by adding sodium azide to the methanol solution of complexes 1 and 2. Addition of Ni(II) chloride to the set-1 or set-2 ligands produces [Ni(pn)(2)]Cl-2, 7, as the major product, where pn = 1,3-diaminopentane. Formation of the complexes has been explained by the activation of the imine bond by the counter anion and thereby favouring the hydrolysis of the Schiff base. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses and spectral data. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies con. firm the structures of three representative members, 1, 4 and 7; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complex of terdentate ligands, 1, is the mer isomer, and complexes 4 and 7 possess trans geometry. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.
A new mononuclear Cu(II) complex, [CuL(ClO4)(2)] (1) has been derived from symmetrical tetradentate di-Schiff base, N,N'-bis-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidene)-propane-1,3-diamine (L) and characterized by X-ray crystallography. The copper atom assumes a tetragonally distorted octahedral geometry with two perchlorate oxygens coordinated very weakly in the axial positions. Reactions of I with sodium azide, ammonium thiocyanate or sodium nitrite solution yielded compounds [CuL(N-3)]ClO4 (2), [CuL(SCN)ClO4 (3) or [CuL(NO2)]-ClO4 (4), respectively, all of which have been characterized by X-ray analysis. The geometries of the penta-coordinated copper(H) in complexes 2-4 are intermediate between square pyramid and trigonal bipyramid (tbp) having the Addition parameters (tau) 0.47, 0.45 and 0.58, respectively. In complex 4, the nitrite ion is coordinated as a chelating ligand and essentially both the 0 atoms of the nitrite occupy one axial site. Complex 1 shows distinct preference for the anion in the order SCN- > N-3(-) > NO2- in forming the complexes 24 when treated with a SCN-/N-3(-)/NO2- mixture. Electrochemical electron transfer study reveals (CuCuI)-Cu-II reduction in acetonitrile solution. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V.. All rights reserved.
Two sets of Schiff base ligands, set-1 and set-2 have been prepared by mixing the respective diamine (1,2-propanediamine or 1,3-propanediamine) and carbonyl compounds (2-acetylpyridine or pyridine-2-carboxaldehyde) in 1:1 and 1:2 ratios, respectively and employed for the synthesis of complexes with Ni(II) perchlorate and Ni(II) thiocyanate. Ni(II) perchlorate yields the complexes having general formula [NiL2](ClO4)(2) (L = L-1 [N-1-(1-pyridin-2-yl-ethylidine)-propane-1,3-diamine] for complex 1, L-2 [N-1-pyridine-2-ylmethylene-propane1,3-diamine] for complex 2 or L-3 [N-1-(1-pyridine-2-yl-ethylidine)-propane-1,2-diamine] for complex 3) in which the Schiff bases are mono-condensed terdentate whereas Ni(II) thiocyanate results in the formation of tetradentate Schiff base complexes, [NiL](SCN)(2) (L=L-4 [N,N'-bis-(1-pyridine-2-yl-ethylidine)-propane-1,3-diamine] for complex 4, L-5 [NN'-bis(pyridine-2-ylmethyline)-propane-1, 3-diamine] for complex 5 or L-6 [NN'-bis-(1-pyridine-2-yl-ethylidine)-propane- 1, 2-diamine] for complex 6) irrespective of the sets of ligands used. Formation of the complexes has been explained by anion modulation of cation templating effect. All the complexes have been characterized by elemental analyses, spectral and electrochemical results. Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies confirm the structures of four representative members, 1, 3, 4 and 5; all of them have distorted octahedral geometry around Ni(II). The bis-complexes of terdentate ligands, I and 3 are the mer isomers and the complexes of tetradentate ligands, 4 and 5 possess trans geometry. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Condensations of 2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine with 4-methylimidazole-5-carboxaldehyde and 1-methyl-2-imidazolecarboxaldehyde generate the tridentate N donor ligands L and L' respectively. Reactions of Cu(NCS)(2) with L and L' yield respectively CuL(SCN)(NCS) (1) containing a CuN4S core and CuL'(NCS)(2) (2) having a CuN5 core. Both the cores are square pyramidal with SCN bound in 1 at the axial position through the S end. This differential behaviour of SCN in the two complexes despite the ligands being very similar, is investigated by DFT calculations at the B3LYP/TZV level. It is found that DFT calculations predict isolation of the Cu(ligand)(NCS)(2) species for both the ligands L and L'. Presence of an offsetting intermolecular H-bonding between the N atom of the thiocyanate and the N-H proton of the ligand L of an adjacent molecule makes the binding of SCN via the S end feasible in 1 resulting in the H-bonded-dimer Cu2L2(SCN)(2)(NCS)(2). The strength of the H-bond is estimated as 27.1 kJ mol (1) from the DFT calculations. The question of such H-bonding does not arise with L' as it lacks in a similar H atom. Dimeric 1 represents a case of two non-interacting spins. (C) 2008 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.