836 resultados para theories of value
The objective of this study was to examine how customers purchase complex industrial solutions in mining industry, and what kind of value they perceive during different phases of the solution life cycle. In addition, a systematic method for understanding customer value was developed, which can be applied for other company’s offerings as well. The method includes step-by-step instructions for 1) the collection of customer value data and 2) implementation of the findings. The theoretical part of the study focuses on solution and customer value literature in business-to-business markets. In this study qualitative embedded multiple-case study was used as a research method. The primary data was collected through in-depth interviews in two market areas and by participating in customer meetings as an external observer. The results show that there are two ways of buying solutions that needs to be treated individually. Customers prefer to buy solutions from engineering companies as they think that suppliers still need to work on their solution capabilities. Therefore, Outotec should focus more on marketing itself as a solution provider. Customers buy solutions that create the most value with the lowest risk and they need to be supported throughout the solution lifecycle. References that demonstrate previous experience are the most effective way to reduce customers’ risk. However, the customer-perceived values and challenges differ between the market areas, and thus, suppliers should have divergent strategies for specific market areas.
This article aims to discuss the needs and problems of marolo value chain, as well as to evaluate the rehydration process of this fruit as a possibility of using it as a by-product during the interharvest growth periods. The study of the value chain included interviews with producers, handlers, and fruit and by-product sellers. In order to evaluate the rehydration process of this fruit, marolo was dehydrated using a conventional procedure and freeze-drying. The experiments were conducted in a completely randomized design and a triple factorial scheme (2 × 2 × 6). ANOVA was performed, followed by the Tukey's test (p < 0.05). Regression models were generated and adjusted for the time factor. The precariousness of the value chain of marolo was observed. The best procedure for marolo dehydration should be determined according to the intended use of the dehydrated product since the water-absorption capacity of the flour is higher and convective hot-air-drying is more effective in retaining soluble solids and reducing damage to the fruit. These results aim at contributing to the marolo value chain and to the preservation of native trees in the Brazilian savanna biome and can be used to analyze other underutilized crops.
In this paper we extend Kaldors Neo-Pasinetti theorem to the scope of budgetary interventions based on political orientations. First, we take into account a system of taxes and expenditures. Second, we introduce different reaction functions for public spending showing the political role of the State in Cambridge theory of distribution. It turns out that the validity of Kaldorian results depends on the political orientation adopted by government, which diminishes the range of application of the Neo-Pasinetti theorem.
This thesis investigates the performance of value and momentum strategies in the Swedish stock market during the 2000-2015 sample period. In addition the performance of some value and value-momentum combination is examined. The data consists of all the publicly traded companies in the Swedish stock market between 2000-2015. P/E, P/B, P/S, EV/EBITDA, EV/S ratios and 3, 6 and 12 months value criteria are used in the portfolio formation. In addition to single selection criteria, combination of P/E and P/B (aka. Graham number), the average ranking of the five value criteria and EV/EBIT – 3 month momentum combination is used as a portfolio-formation criterion. The stocks are divided into quintile portfolios based on each selection criterion. The portfolios are reformed once a year using the April’s price information and previous year’s financial information. The performance of the portfolios is examined based on average annual return, the Sharpe ratio and the Jensen alpha. The results show that the value-momentum combination is the best-performing portfolio both during the whole sample period and during the sub-period that started after the 2007-financial crisis.
Implicit theories of shyness refer to a beUef that shyness is a fixed trait versus the belief that shyness is changeable and controllable. In this study, I explored the association between overall shyness and children's implicit self-theories of shyness, as well as between implicit self-theories of shyness and children's other shyness-related beliefs (perceptions of others' theories of shyness, shyness as a perceived problem, and ideas about treatment for shyness). Forty-six 10-12- year- old children (M = 10.74, SD = .88) were interviewed individually, filled out a set of questionnaires, and completed a computer-presented task. ' "^ As was expected, in ambiguous social situations, children perceived others' theories of shyness in a way that confirmed their own theories. The hypothesized curvilinear relation between shy and implicit self-theories of shyness was not found; instead, a linear positive relationship between these two variables emerged. Although implicit self-theories of shyness were not effective in predicting either the children's views of shyness as a perceived problem or children's ideas about treatment for shyness, some interesting results were found. Specifically, children's motivation to change their shyness correlated with their views of shyness as a problem for children in general and their perceptions of others' theories of shyness. Specific agents and strategies were regarded by children as having different effectiveness in their potential to change shyness. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings were discussed. Suggestions for future research were provided.
Rapport de stage (maîtrise en finance mathématique et computationnelle)
Cette dissertation traite la danse comme une catégorie d’analyse permettant de réorienter ou de ré-chorégraphier les théories postcoloniales du corps. Mon étude montre qu’ Edward Said, par exemple, décrit la danse seulement à travers le regard impérial, et que Homi Bhabha et Gayatri Spivak négligent complètement le rôle de la dance dans la construction de la subjectivité postcoloniale. Mon étude explique que Stavros Karayanni récemment explore la danse masculine et féminine comme espaces de résistance contre la domination coloniale. Toutefois, l’analyse de Karayanni met l’accent seulement sur le caractère insaisissable de la danse qui produit une ambigüité et une ambivalence dans le regard du sujet impériale. Contrairement aux approches de Said et de Karayanni, ma dissertation explore la danse comme un espace ou le corps du sujet colonisé chorégraphie son histoire collective que l’amnésie coloniale ne cesse de défigurer au moyen de l’acculturation et de marchandisation. Je soutiens que la danse nous offre la possibilité de concevoir le corps colonisé non seulement dans son ambiguïté, comme le souligne Karayanni, mais aussi dans son potentiel de raconter corporellement sa mémoire collective de l’intérieur de la domination impériale. Ma dissertation soutient que les catégories de l’ambiguïté et de l’insaisissabilité mystifient et fétichisent le corps dansant en le décrivant comme un élément évasif et évanescent. Ma dissertation inclut plusieurs traditions culturelles de manière à réorienter la recherche ethnographique qui décrit la dance comme articulation codée par une culture postcoloniale spécifique. Mon étude montre comment le corps colonisé produit un savoir culturel à partir de sa différence. Cette forme de savoir corporelle présente le corps colonisé en tant que sujet et non seulement objet du désir colonial. Méthodologiquement, cette dissertation rassemble des théories occidentales et autochtones de la danse. Mon étude considère aussi les théories postcoloniales du corps dansant à partir des perspectives hétérosexuelles et homosexuelles. En outre, mon étude examine les manières dont les quelles les théories contemporaines de la danse, postulées par Susan Foster et André Lepecki par exemple, peuvent être pertinentes dans le contexte postcolonial. Mon étude explore également le potentiel politique de l’érotique dans la danse à travers des représentations textuelles et cinématographiques du corps. L’introduction de ma dissertation a trois objectifs. Premièrement, elle offre un aperçu sur les théories postcoloniales du corps. Deuxièmement, elle explique les manières dans lesquelles on peut appliquer des philosophies contemporaines de la danse dans le contexte postcoloniale. Troisièmement, l’introduction analyse le rôle de la dance dans les œuvres des écrivains postcoloniales célèbres tels que Frantz Fanon, Wole Soyinka, Arundhati Roy, et Wilson Harris. Le Chapitre un remet en question les théories de l’ambiguïté et de l’insaisissabilité de la danse à partir de la théorie de l’érotique postulé par Audre Lorde. Ce chapitre examine le concept de l’érotique dans le film Dunia de Jocelyne Saab. Le Chapitre deux ouvre un dialogue entre les théories occidentales et autochtones de la danse à partir d’une étude d’un roman de Tomson Highway. Le Chapitre trois examine comment l’écrivain Trinidadien Earl Lovelace utilise la danse de carnaval comme espace culturel qui reflète l’homogénéité raciale et l’idéologie nationaliste à Trinidad et en les remettant également en question.
Accurately calibrated effective field theories are used to compute atomic parity nonconserving (APNC) observables. Although accurately calibrated, these effective field theories predict a large spread in the neutron skin of heavy nuclei. Whereas the neutron skin is strongly correlated to numerous physical observables, in this contribution we focus on its impact on new physics through APNC observables. The addition of an isoscalar-isovector coupling constant to the effective Lagrangian generates a wide range of values for the neutron skin of heavy nuclei without compromising the success of the model in reproducing well-constrained nuclear observables. Earlier studies have suggested that the use of isotopic ratios of APNC observables may eliminate their sensitivity to atomic structure. This leaves nuclear structure uncertainties as the main impediment for identifying physics beyond the standard model. We establish that uncertainties in the neutron skin of heavy nuclei are at present too large to measure isotopic ratios to better than the 0.1% accuracy required to test the standard model. However, we argue that such uncertainties will be significantly reduced by the upcoming measurement of the neutron radius in 208^Pb at the Jefferson Laboratory.
In recent years, several experiments have shown individuals exhibit authentic reciprocal behaviour in anonymous one-shot interactions. As reciprocity has been shown to be relevant in several economic fields, there have also been several attempts to model reciprocal bahaviour. I review the intention-based models of reciprocity and present an example of teacher management in the public sector in which the government offers an incentive scheme to implement a program. The incentive scheme has a prisoner´s dilemma structure. In both simultaneous and sequential games, equilibrium results may differ from those predicted by standard theory.