933 resultados para test data generation


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Красимир Манев, Антон Желязков, Станимир Бойчев - В статията е представена имплементацията на последната фаза на автоматичен генератор на тестови данни за структурно тестване на софтуер, написан на обектно-ориентиран език за програмиране – генерирането на изходен код на тестващия модул. Някои детайли от имплементацията на останалите фази, които са важни за имплементацията на последната фаза, са представени първо. След това е описан и алгоритъмът за генериране на кода на тестващия модул.


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Basis path testing is a very powerful structural testing criterion. The number of test paths equals to the cyclomatic complexity of program defined by McCabe. Traditional test generation methods select the paths either without consideration of the constraints of variables or interactively. In this note, an efficient method is presented to generate a set of feasible basis paths. The experiments show that this method can generate feasible basis paths for real-world C programs automatically in acceptable time.


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Many testing methods are based on program paths. A well-known problem with them is that some paths are infeasible. To decide the feasibility of paths, we may solve a set of constraints. In this paper, we describe constraint-based tools that can be used for this purpose. They accept constraints expressed in a natural form, which may involve variables of different types such as integers, Booleans, reals and fixed-size arrays. The constraint solver is an extension of a Boolean satisfiability checker and it makes use of a linear programming package. The solving algorithm is described, and examples are given to illustrate the use of the tools. For many paths in the testing literature, their feasibility can be decided in a reasonable amount of time.


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结构性测试是标识测试用例的基本方法之一.由于程序语言的复杂性以及被测程序的多样性,自动生成结构测试数据的一种有效方法是根据程序运行结果指导生成过程,通过不断迭代,生成符合要求的测试数据集.提出一种基于Messy GA的结构测试数据自动生成方法,将测试覆盖率表示为测试输入集X的函数F(X),并利用Messy GA不需要染色体模式排列的先验知识即可进行优化求解的性质对F(X)的进行迭代寻优,进一步提高了搜索的并行性,并最终提高测试覆盖率.对一组标准测试程序和若干实际应用程序的实验结果表明,较之现有基于遗传算法的生成方法,该方法能够以更高的效率生成更高质量的测试数据,并适用于较大规模的程序.


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软件测试是保证软件质量的重要手段. 随着软件技术的发展, 软件的规模越来越大, 程序的复杂度也逐渐增加. 软件测试也由原来的人工操作逐渐走向自动化. 自动化软件测试已经成为国内外软件工程研究的热点之一. 本文研究了自动软件测试中的两个问题, 它们分别属于自动测试数据生成和错误查找两方面. 主要贡献如下: 本文提出了一种对含有字符串和字符串函数调用的C语言程序自动生成测试数据的方法. 具体做法是将C语言程序中的字符变量看成是取值范围在0~255之间的整数, 并使用字符数组来表示字符串, 同时将字符串函数建模成一阶逻辑公式和赋值语句. 通过使用前置条件和后置条件来描述函数调用语句, 将程序中的字符串函数调用语句替换成逻辑公式和赋值语句, 之后使用路径分析技术自动生成程序的测试数据. 此外, 本文还实现了一个自动化工具, 能够为真实的C程序自动生成测试数据. 另一方面, 本文还提出了一种自动检查程序中是否含有死循环的方法. 该方法基于静态代码分析, 结合了循环展开和路径可行性分析技术. 具体做法是首先通过遍历控制流图生成待查循环的检验路径, 之后通过分析检验路径的可行性以及路径之间的联系, 判断这些路径是否符合死循环模式. 在此基础上, 本文实现了原型工具, 并对一组基准程序进行测试. 实验结果表明, 工具能高效地检测出C语言程序中的死循环, 准确率较高. 工具的自动化程度较高, 能处理复杂的控制流以及嵌套的循环.


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Красимир Манев, Нели Манева, Хараламби Хараламбиев - Подходът с използване на бизнес правила (БП) беше въведен в края на миналия век, за да се улесни специфицирането на фирмен софтуер и да може той да задоволи по-добре нуждите на съответния бизнес. Днес повечето от целите на подхода са постигнати. Но усилията, в научно-изследователски и практически аспект, за постигане на „’формална основа за обратно извличане на БП от съществуващи системи “продължават. В статията е представен подход за извличане на БП от програмен код, базиран на методи за статичен анализ на кода. Посочени са някои предимства и недостатъци на такъв подход.


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Las líneas de productos software son familias de productos que están íntimamente relacionados entre sí, normalmente formados por combinaciones de un conjunto de características software. Generalmente no es factible testar todos los productos de la familia, ya que el número de productos es muy elevado debido a la explosión combinatoria de características. Por este motivo, se han propuesto criterios de cobertura que pretenden probar al menos todas las interacciones entre características sin necesidad de probar todos los productos, por ejemplo todos los pares de características (emph{pairwise coverage}). Además, es deseable testar primero los productos compuestos por un conjunto de características prioritarias. Este problema es conocido como emph{Prioritized Pairwise Test Data Generation}. En este trabajo proponemos una técnica basada en programación lineal entera para generar este conjunto de pruebas priorizado. Nuestro estudio revela que la propuesta basada en programación lineal entera consigue mejores resultados estadísticamente tanto en calidad como en tiempo de computación con respecto a las técnicas existentes para este problema.


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The dynamic interaction between building systems and external climate is extremely complex, involving a large number of difficult-to-predict variables. In order to study the impact of global warming on the built environment, the use of building simulation techniques together with forecast weather data are often necessary. Since all building simulation programs require hourly meteorological input data for their thermal comfort and energy evaluation, the provision of suitable weather data becomes critical. Based on a review of the existing weather data generation models, this paper presents an effective method to generate approximate future hourly weather data suitable for the study of the impact of global warming. Depending on the level of information available for the prediction of future weather condition, it is shown that either the method of retaining to current level, constant offset method or diurnal modelling method may be used to generate the future hourly variation of an individual weather parameter. An example of the application of this method to the different global warming scenarios in Australia is presented. Since there is no reliable projection of possible change in air humidity, solar radiation or wind characters, as a first approximation, these parameters have been assumed to remain at the current level. A sensitivity test of their impact on the building energy performance shows that there is generally a good linear relationship between building cooling load and the changes of weather variables of solar radiation, relative humidity or wind speed.


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A large number of methods have been published that aim to evaluate various components of multi-view geometry systems. Most of these have focused on the feature extraction, description and matching stages (the visual front end), since geometry computation can be evaluated through simulation. Many data sets are constrained to small scale scenes or planar scenes that are not challenging to new algorithms, or require special equipment. This paper presents a method for automatically generating geometry ground truth and challenging test cases from high spatio-temporal resolution video. The objective of the system is to enable data collection at any physical scale, in any location and in various parts of the electromagnetic spectrum. The data generation process consists of collecting high resolution video, computing accurate sparse 3D reconstruction, video frame culling and down sampling, and test case selection. The evaluation process consists of applying a test 2-view geometry method to every test case and comparing the results to the ground truth. This system facilitates the evaluation of the whole geometry computation process or any part thereof against data compatible with a realistic application. A collection of example data sets and evaluations is included to demonstrate the range of applications of the proposed system.


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Classification of large datasets is a challenging task in Data Mining. In the current work, we propose a novel method that compresses the data and classifies the test data directly in its compressed form. The work forms a hybrid learning approach integrating the activities of data abstraction, frequent item generation, compression, classification and use of rough sets.


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Classification of large datasets is a challenging task in Data Mining. In the current work, we propose a novel method that compresses the data and classifies the test data directly in its compressed form. The work forms a hybrid learning approach integrating the activities of data abstraction, frequent item generation, compression, classification and use of rough sets.


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Novel techniques have been developed for increasing the value of cloud-affected sequences of Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sea-surface temperature (SST) data and Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) ocean colour data for visualising dynamic physical and biological oceanic processes such as fronts, eddies and blooms. The proposed composite front map approach is to combine the location, strength and persistence of all fronts observed over several days into a single map, which allows intuitive interpretation of mesoscale structures. This method achieves a synoptic view without blurring dynamic features, an inherent problem with conventional time-averaging compositing methods. Objective validation confirms a significant improvement in feature visibility on composite maps compared to individual front maps. A further novel aspect is the automated detection of ocean colour fronts, correctly locating 96% of chlorophyll fronts in a test data set. A sizeable data set of 13,000 AVHRR and 1200 SeaWiFS scenes automatically processed using this technique is applied to the study of dynamic processes off the Iberian Peninsula such as mesoscale eddy generation, and many additional applications are identified. Front map animations provide a unique insight into the evolution of upwelling and eddies.


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The problem of "model selection" for expressing a wide range of constitutive behaviour adequately using hot torsion test data was considered here using a heuristic approach. A model library including several nested parametric linear and non-linear models was considered and applied to a set of hot torsion test data for API-X 70 micro-alloyed steel with a range of strain rates and temperatures. A cost function comprising the modelled hot strength data and that of the measured data were utilized in a heuristic model selection scheme to identify the optimum models. It was shown that a non-linear rational model including ten parameters is an optimum model that can accurately express the multiple regimes of hardening and softening for the entire range of the experiment. The parameters for the optimum model were estimated and used for determining variations of hot strength of the samples with deformation.


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Both creative industries and innovation are slippery fish to handle conceptually, to say nothing of their relationship. This paper faces, first, the problems of definitions and data that can bedevil clear analysis of the creative industries. It then presents a method of data generation and analysis that has been developed to address these problems while providing an evidence pathway supporting the movement in policy thinking from creative output (through industry sectors) to creative input to the broader economy (through a focus on occupations/activity). Facing the test of policy relevance, this work has assisted in moving the ongoing debates about the creative industries toward innovation thinking by developing the concept of creative occupations as input value. Creative inputs as 'enablers' arguably has parallels with the way ICTs have been shown to be broad enablers of economic growth. We conclude with two short instantiations of the policy relevance of this concept: design as a creative input; and creative human capital and education.


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Although accountability in the form of high stakes testing is in favour in the contemporary Australian educational context, this practice remains a highly contested source of debate. Proponents for high stakes tests claim that higher standards in teaching and learning result from their implementation, whereas others believe that this type of testing regime is not required and may even in fact be counterproductive. Regardless of what side of the debate you sit on, the reality is that at present, high stakes testing appears to be here to stay. It could therefore be argued it is essential that teachers understand accountability and possess the specific skills to interpret and use test data beneficially.