202 resultados para terveysliikunta - lua


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A vida que existe na Terra resulta de um conjunto de circunstâncias muito particulares e raras nas quais se inclui a presença da Lua. A Lua é o satélite natural da Terra e os dois planetas influenciam-se mutuamente. Apesar de ser um pequeno planeta a Lua é responsável por vários fenómenos terrestres como as marés que afetam a velocidade de rotação da Terra. O seu afastamento, apesar de lento é constante e provocará alterações nas condições do planeta que permitem sustentar a vida e afectará algumas espécies em particular.


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A lua de mel de um governo temporário (a ser efetivado pelos senadores em até 180 dias) do vice Michel Temer com o mercado e parcela expressiva da sociedade tende a ter curta duração. Enquanto pesquisas apontam para sua baixa popularidade e grupos resistentes ao impeachment de Dilma Rousseff apresentam-se como adversários do peemedebista, o tempo também jogará contra a agenda de reformas que a nova equipe tentará implementar. Essa é a avaliação do cientista político e professor da Diretoria de Análise de Políticas Públicas da Fundação Getulio Vargas Luís Felipe da Graça.


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Reaberto ao público em 2001 o convento dos Capuchos encontra-se num avançado estado de deterioração, nomeadamente ao nível dos revestimentos. Neste sentido foi possível identificar, sob pinturas murais do Séc. XVIII, a existência de uma cor negra que revestiria – barramento - a generalidade dos espaços interiores. No âmbito do diagnóstico de conservação conduzido pela empresa In-Situ a pedido da Parques de Sintra-Monte da Lua foram recolhidas amostras de materiais de revestimento e decoração quinhentista do convento (argamassas, barramentos, embrechados e embutido), com vista à sua caracterização.


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O artigo busca discutir um novo padrão migratório da Bolívia para o Brasil e para a Argentina, especialmente vinculado à precarização do trabalho e à inserção desses imigrantes em formas de trabalho precário. Esse padrão & aparentemente novo em relação à integração dos contingentes migrantes ao longo do século XX & vem produzindo consequências que ainda estão por ser mapeadas. Uma delas é a presença de um contingente de bolivianos confinado ao setor de costura, trabalhando e vivendo em oficinas clandestinas, com pouca visibilidade pública, como face de uma precarização mundializada, resultante do assim chamado “custo chinês”. Resultante de um balanço bibliográfico e de uma incursão exploratória na pesquisa de campo tanto em São Paulo como em Buenos Aires, o artigo pretende apontar para aspectos específicos do fenômeno, combinando olhares e perspectivas que cruzam as dimensões migratórias, geracionais e de gênero.


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Rapid accumulation of few polyhedra (FP) mutants was detected during serial passaging of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) in cell culture. 100% FP infected cells were observed by passage 6. The specific yield decreased from 178 polyhedra per cell at passage 2 to two polyhedra per cell at passage 6. The polyhedra at passage 6 were not biologically active, with a 28-fold reduction in potency compared to passage 3. Electron microscopy studies revealed that very few polyhedra were produced in an FP infected cell (< 10 polyhedra per section) and in most cases these polyhedra contained no virions. A specific failure in the intranuclear nucleocapsid envelopment process in the FP infected cells, leading to the accumulation of naked nucleocapsids, was observed. Genomic restriction endonuclease digestion profiles of budded virus DNA from all passages did not indicate any large DNA insertions or deletions that are often associated with such FP phenotypes for the extensively studied Autographa californica nucleopolyhedrovirus and Gaileria mellonella nucleopolyhedrovirus. Within an HaSNPV 25K FP gene homologue, a single base-pair insertion (an adenine residue) within a region of repetitive sequences (seven adenine residues) was identified in one plaque-purified HaSNPV FP mutant. Furthermore, the sequences obtained from individual clones of the 25KFP gene PCR products of a late passage revealed point mutations or single base-pair insertions occurring throughout the gene. The mechanism of FP mutation in HaSNPV is likely similar to that seen for Lymantria dispar nucleopolyhedrovirus, involving point mutations or small insertions/deletions of the 25K FP gene.


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Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is commonly used to extract polyhedra from infected cells and diseased dead larval tissues. It was found, however, that 80% of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) polyhedra produced via cell culture were damaged after 30 min of 0.5% SDS treatment whereas only 20% of in vivo produced polyhedra were damaged by the same treatment. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the damaged polyhedra had lost their polyhedron envelopes and virions were dislodged from the polyhedrin matrix, leaving empty spaces that were previously occupied by the occluded virions. Up to 20% in vitro produced polyhedra were resistant to SDS and remained intact, even after a 24 h exposure to SDS. This sensitivity to SDS was observed across a range of cell culture media, including serum supplemented media. Electron microscopy also revealed that the inferior polyhedron envelope of in vitro produced polyhedra is likely due to poor interaction between the polyhedron envelope, polyhedron envelope protein (PEP), and polyhedrin matrix. The PEP gene was cloned and sequenced and mutations in this gene were ruled out as an explanation. In vitro produced polyhedra that were passed through insect larva once were resistant to SDS, indicating that a critical component is lacking in insect cell culture medium used for producing HaSNPV or the cells growing in culture are inefficient in some ways in relation to production of polyhedra. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.


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Rapid formation and selection of FP (few polyhedra) mutants occurs during serial passaging of Helicoverpa armigera nucleopolyhedrovirus (HaSNPV) in insect cell culture. The production of HaSNPV for use as biopesticides requires the passaging of the virus over a number of passages to produce enough virus inoculum for large-scale fermentation. During serial passaging in cell culture, FP mutants were rapidly selected, resulting in declined productivity and reduced potency of virus. Budded virus (BV) is usually harvested between 72 and 96 h postinfection (hpi) in order to obtain a high titer virus stock. In this study, the effect of tine of harvest (TOH) for BV on the selection rate of HaSNPV FP mutants during serial passaging was investigated. BV were harvested at different times postinfection, and each series was serially passaged for six passages. The productivity and percentage of FP mutants at each passage were determined. It was found that the selection of FP mutants can he reduced by employing an earlier TOH for BV. Serial passaging with BV harvested at 48 hpi showed a slower accumulation of FP mutants compared to that of BV harvested after 48 hpi. Higher cell specific yields were also maintained when BV were harvested at 48 hpi. When BV that were formed between 48 and 96 hpi were harvested and serially passaged, FP mutants quickly dominated the virus population. This suggests that the V formed and released between 48 and 96 hpi are most likely from FP mutant infected cells.