77 resultados para taxol


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Mit der Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die detailierten Analyse von Migrationsdynamiken epithelilaler Monolayer anhand zweier neuartiger in vitro Biosensoren verfolgt, der elektrischen Zell-Substrat Impedanz Spektroskopie (electrical cell-substrate impedance sensing, ECIS) sowie der Quarz Kristall Mikrowaage (quartz crystal microbalance, QCM). Beide Methoden erwiesen sich als sensitiv gegenüber der Zellmotilität und der Nanozytotoxizität.rnInnerhalb des ersten Projektes wurde ein Fingerprinting von Krebszellen anhand ihrer Motilitätsdynamiken und der daraus generierten elektrischen oder akkustischen Fluktuationen auf ECIS oder QCM Basis vorgenommen; diese Echtzeitsensoren wurdene mit Hilfe klassicher in vitro Boyden-Kammer Migrations- und Invasions-assays validiert. Fluktuationssignaturen, also Langzeitkorrelationen oder fraktale Selbstähnlichkeit aufgrund der kollektiven Zellbewegung, wurden über Varianz-, Fourier- sowie trendbereinigende Fluktuationsanalyse quantifiziert. Stochastische Langzeitgedächtnisphänomene erwiesen sich als maßgebliche Beiträge zur Antwort adhärenter Zellen auf den QCM und ECIS-Sensoren. Des weiteren wurde der Einfluss niedermolekularer Toxine auf die Zytoslelettdynamiken verfolgt: die Auswirkungen von Cytochalasin D, Phalloidin und Blebbistatin sowie Taxol, Nocodazol und Colchicin wurden dabei über die QCM und ECIS Fluktuationsanalyse erfasst.rnIn einem zweiten Projektschwerpunkt wurden Adhäsionsprozesse sowie Zell-Zell und Zell-Substrat Degradationsprozesse bei Nanopartikelgabe charackterisiert, um ein Maß für Nanozytotoxizität in Abhangigkeit der Form, Funktionalisierung Stabilität oder Ladung der Partikel zu erhalten.rnAls Schlussfolgerung ist zu nennen, dass die neuartigen Echtzeit-Biosensoren QCM und ECIS eine hohe Zellspezifität besitzen, auf Zytoskelettdynamiken reagieren sowie als sensitive Detektoren für die Zellvitalität fungieren können.


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Sphingosine kinases (SK) catalyze the phosphorylation of proapoptotic sphingosine to the prosurvival factor sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P), thereby promoting oncogenic processes. Breast (MDA-MB-231), lung (NCI-H358), and colon (HCT 116) carcinoma cells were transduced with shRNA to downregulate SK-1 expression or treated with a pharmacologic SK-1 inhibitor. The effects of SK-1 targeting were investigated by measuring the level of intracellular sphingosine, the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and cell cycle regulators, and the mitotic index. Functional assays included measurement of cell proliferation, colony formation, apoptosis, and cell cycle analysis. Downregulation of SK-1 or its pharmacologic inhibition increased intracellular sphingosine and decreased PKC activity as shown by reduced phosphorylation of PKC substrates. In MDA-MB-231 cells this effect was most pronounced and reduced cell proliferation and colony formation, which could be mimicked using exogenous sphingosine or the PKC inhibitor RO 31-8220. SK-1 downregulation in MDA-MB-231 cells increased the number of cells with 4N and 8N DNA content, and similar effects were observed upon treatment with sphingosine or inhibitors of SK-1 or PKC. Examination of cell cycle regulators unveiled decreased cdc2 activity and expression of Chk1, which may compromise spindle checkpoint function and cytokinesis. Indeed, SK-1 kd cells entered mitosis but failed to divide, and in the presence of taxol also failed to sustain mitotic arrest, resulting in further increased endoreduplication and apoptosis. Our findings delineate an intriguing link between SK-1, PKC and components of the cell cycle machinery, which underlines the significance of SK-1 as a target for cancer therapy.


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The interaction of bovine cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was explored using human embryo kidney (HEK) 293 cell line stably transduced with bovine toll-like receptor-4 (TLR4) alone or in combination with bovine MD-2. These lines and mock-transduced HEK293 cells were tested by flow cytometry for LPS-fluorescein isothiocyanate (LPS-FITC) binding, nuclear factor kappa B (NFkappaB) activation, interleukin-8 (IL-8) production and interferon-beta mRNA expression/interferon (IFN) type I production. Whereas bovine TLR4 was sufficient to promote binding of high concentrations of LPS-FITC, both bovine TLR4 and MD-2 were required for activation by LPS, as assessed by NFkappaB activation and IL-8 production. Induction of IFN bioactivity was not observed in doubly transduced HEK293 cells, and no evidence for IFN-beta mRNA induction in response to LPS was obtained, although cells responded by IFN-beta mRNA expression to stimulation by Sendai virus and poly-inosinic acid-poly-cytidylic acid (poly(I:C)). Cells stably transduced with both bovine TLR4 and bovine MD-2 responded to LPS by IL-8 production, in decreasing order, in the presence of fetal bovine serum (FCS), of human serum, and of human serum albumin (HSA). The reduced activity in the presence of HSA could be restored by the addition of soluble CD14 (sCD14) but not of LPS binding protein (LBP). This is in contrast to macrophages which show a superior response to LPS in the presence of HSA when compared with macrophages stimulated by LPS in the presence of FCS. This suggests that macrophages but not HEK293 cells express factors rendering LPS stimulation serum-independent. Stably double-transduced cells reacted, in decreasing order, to LPS from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, to LPS from Escherichia coli, to synthetic lipd-IVa (compound 406), to diphosphoryl-lipid-A (S. minnesota) and to monophosphoryl-lipid-A (S. minnesota). They failed to react to the murine MD-2/TLR4 ligand taxol. This resembles the reactivity of bovine macrophages with regard to sensitivity (ED(50)) and order of potency but is distinct from the reactivity pattern of other species. This formally establishes that in order to react to LPS, cattle cells require serum factors (e.g. sCD14) and cell-expressed factors such as MD-2 and TLR4. The cell lines described are the first of a series expressing defined pattern recognition receptors (PRR) of bovine origin. They will be useful in the study of the interaction of the bovine TLR4-MD-2 complex and Gram-negative bovine pathogens, e.g. the agents causing Gram-negative bovine mastitis.


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Paclitaxel (Taxol) has been successfully combined with the monoclonal antibody trastuzumab (Herceptin) in the treatment of ErbB2 overexpressing cancers. However, this combination therapy showed an unexpected synergistic increase in cardiac dysfunction. We have studied the mechanisms of paclitaxel/anti-ErbB2 cardiotoxicity in adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVM). Myofibrillar organization was assessed by immunofluorescence microscopy and cell viability was tested by the TUNEL-, LDH- and MTT-assay. Oxidative stress was measured by DCF-fluorescence and myocyte contractile function by video edge-detection and fura-2 fluorescence. Treatment of ARVM with paclitaxel or antibodies to ErbB2 caused a significant increase in myofilament degradation, similarly as observed with an inhibitor of MAPK-signaling, but not apoptosis, necrosis or changes in mitochondrial activity. Paclitaxel-treatment and anti-ErbB2 reduced Erk1/2 phosphorylation. Paclitaxel increased diastolic calcium, shortened relaxation time and reduced fractional shortening in combination with anti-ErbB2. A minor increase in oxidative stress by paclitaxel or anti-ErbB2 was found. We conclude, that concomitant inhibition of ErbB2 receptors and paclitaxel treatment has an additive worsening effect on adult cardiomyocytes, mainly discernible in changes of myofibrillar structure and function, but in the absence of cell death. A potential mechanism is the modulation of the MAPK/Erk1/2 signaling by both drugs.


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This review article provides an overview on the current state of research in the area of microtubule-stabilizing agents from natural sources, with a primary focus on the biochemistry, biology, and pharmacology associated with these compounds. A variety of natural products have been discovered over the last decade to inhibit human cancer cell proliferation through a taxol-like mechanism. These compounds represent a whole new range of structurally diverse lead structures for anticancer drug discovery.


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Epothilones are macrocyclic bacterial natural products with potent microtubule-stabilizing and antiproliferative activity. They have served as successful lead structures for the development of several clinical candidates for anticancer therapy. However, the structural diversity of this group of clinical compounds is rather limited, as their structures show little divergence from the original natural product leads. Our own research has explored the question of whether epothilones can serve as a basis for the development of new structural scaffolds, or chemotypes, for microtubule stabilization that might serve as a basis for the discovery of new generations of anticancer drugs. We have elaborated a series of epothilone-derived macrolactones whose overall structural features significantly deviate from those of the natural epothilone scaffold and thus define new structural families of microtubule-stabilizing agents. Key elements of our hypermodification strategy are the change of the natural epoxide geometry from cis to trans, the incorporation of a conformationally constrained side chain, the removal of the C3-hydroxyl group, and the replacement of C12 with nitrogen. So far, this approach has yielded analogs 30 and 40 that are the most advanced, the most rigorously modified, structures, both of which are potent antiproliferative agents with low nanomolar activity against several human cancer cell lines in vitro. The synthesis was achieved through a macrolactone-based strategy or a high-yielding RCM reaction. The 12-aza-epothilone ("azathilone" 40) may be considered a "non-natural" natural product that still retains most of the overall structural characteristics of a true natural product but is structurally unique, because it lies outside of the general scope of Nature's biosynthetic machinery for polyketide synthesis. Like natural epothilones, both 30 and 40 promote tubulin polymerization in vitro and at the cellular level induce cell cycle arrest in mitosis. These facts indicate that cancer cell growth inhibition by these compounds is based on the same mechanistic underpinnings as those for natural epothilones. Interestingly, the 9,10-dehydro analog of 40 is significantly less active than the saturated parent compound, which is contrary to observations for natural epothilones B or D. This may point to differences in the bioactive conformations of N-acyl-12-aza-epothilones like 40 and natural epothilones. In light of their distinct structural features, combined with an epothilone-like (and taxol-like) in vitro biological profile, 30 and 40 can be considered as representative examples of new chemotypes for microtubule stabilization. As such, they may offer the same potential for pharmacological differentiation from the original epothilone leads as various newly discovered microtubule-stabilizing natural products with macrolactone structures, such as laulimalide, peloruside, or dictyostatin.


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Over-expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase ErbB2 is prevalent in approximately 30% of human breast carcinomas and confers Taxol resistance. In breast cancer cells, Taxol induces tubulin polymerization and hyperstable microtubule formation. This in turn prematurely activates Cdc2 kinase allowing early entry into the G2/M phase of the cell cycle resultant in mitotic catastrophe followed by apoptosis. Over-expression of ErbB2 upregulates p21Cip1, which inhibits Cdc2 activation, and leads to Taxol resistance in patients. However, the mechanism of ErbB2-mediated p21 Cip1 upregulation is unclear. Here in this study, we investigated the mechanism of ErbB2 downstream signaling events leading to upregulation. The CDKN1A (p21Cip1) gene promoter contains numerous cis-elements including a Signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) Inducable Element (SIE) located at -679 kb. Our studies showed ErbB2 overexpressing cells had increased activated levels of STAT3, and therefore we hypothesized that STAT3 is responsible for the upregulation of the p21Cip1 promoter by ErbB2. EMSA and ChIP assays confirmed the binding of STAT3 to the p21Cip1 promoter and luciferase assays showed higher p21 Cip1 promoter activity in ErbB2 over-expressing transfectants when compared to parental cells, in a STAT3 binding site dependant manner. Additionally, reduced level of STAT3 led to reduced p21Cip1 protein expression and promoter activity indicating that both the STAT3 binding site and STAT3 protein are required for ErbB2-mediated p21Cip1 upregulation. Further investigation of ErbB2 downstream signaling showed increased Src kinase activity in ErbB2 over-expressing cells which was required for ErbB2-mediated STAT3 activation and p21Cip1 increase. Treatment of ErbB2 over-expressing resistant cells with STAT3 inhibitor peptides sensitized the cells to Taxol. In addition to classical signal transduction pathways, I identified a novel ErbB2 mediated regulatory mechanism of p21Cip1. I found that a nuclear ErbB2 and STAT3 complex binds directly to the p21Cip1 promoter offering a non-classical mechanism of p21Cip1 promoter regulation. These data suggest that ErbB2 over-expression can confer Taxol resistance of breast cancer cells by transcriptional upregulation of p21 Cip1 via activation of STAT3 by Src kinase and also by cooperation with nuclear ErbB2. The data suggest a potential clinical mechanism for STAT3 inhibitors in sensitizing ErbB2 over-expressing breast cancers to Taxol. ^


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The mechanisms responsible for anti-cancer drug (including Taxol) treatment failure have not been identified. In cell culture model systems, many β-tubulin, but very few α-tubulin, mutations have been associated with resistance to Taxol. To test what, if any, mutations in α-tubulin can cause resistance, we transfected a randomly mutagenized α-tubulin cDNA into Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and isolated drug resistant cell lines. A total of 12 mutations were identified in this way and all of them were confirmed to confer Taxol resistance. Furthermore, all cells expressing mutant α-tubulin had less microtubule polymer. Some cells also had abnormal nuclei and enlarged cell bodies. The data indicate that α-tubulin mutations confer Taxol resistance by disrupting microtubule assembly, a mechanism consistent with a large number of previously described β-tubulin mutations. ^ Because α- and β-tubulin are almost identical in their three dimensional structure, we hypothesized that mutations discovered in one subunit, when introduced into the other, would produce similar effects on microtubule assembly and drug resistance. 9 α- and 2 β-tubulin mutations were tested. The results were complex. Some mutations produced similar changes in microtubule assembly and drug resistance irrespective of the subunit in which they were introduced, but others produced opposite effects. Still one mutation produced resistance when present in one subunit, yet had no effect when present on the other; and one mutation that produced Taxol resistance when present in α-tubulin, resulted in assembly-defective tubulin when it was present in β-tubulin. The results suggest that in most cases, the same amino acid modification in α- and β-tubulin affects the microtubule structure and assembly in a similar way. ^ Finally, we tested whether three β-tubulin mutations found in patient tumors could confer resistance to Taxol by recreating the mutations in a β-tubulin cDNA and transfecting it into CHO cells. We found that all three mutations conferred Taxol resistance, but to different extents. Again, microtubule assembly in the transfectants was disrupted, suggesting that mutations in β-tubulin are a potential problem in cancer therapeutics. ^


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Overexpression of the receptor tyrosine kinase p185ErbB2 confers taxol resistance in breast cancers and activation of p34Cdc2 is required for taxol-induced apoptosis and cytotoxicity. Here, we investigated the underlying mechanisms and found that overexpression of p185 ErbB2 inhibits taxol-induced apoptosis through two branches to inhibit activation of p34Cdc2. ^ Overexpression of p185ErbB2 in MDA-MB-435 cells by transfection transcriptionally upregulated p21Cip1, which associates with p34Cdc2, inhibits taxol-mediated p34Cdc2 activation, delays cell entrance to G2/M phase, and thereby inhibits taxol-induced apoptosis. In p21Cip1 antisense-transfected MDA-MB-435 cells or in p21−/− MEF cells, p185ErbB2 was unable to inhibit taxol-induced apoptosis. Therefore, p21Cip1 participates in the regulation of a G2/M checkpoint that contributes to resistance to taxol-induced apoptosis in p185ErbB2-overexpressing breast cancer cells. ^ Direct phosphorylation on Tyrosine-15 of p34Cdc2 by p185 ErbB2 receptor tyrosine kinase inhibits p34Cdc2 activation. The wild-type p185ErbB2 but not the kinase-defective mutant, when overexpressed in breast cancer cells, can phosphorylate p34Cdc2 on tyrosine (Tyr)15, an inhibitory phosphorylation site of p34 Cdc2. The kinase domain of the ErbB2 receptor was sufficient for binding to p34Cdc2 and directly phosphorylating the recombinant Cdc2. Phosphospecific Cdc2-Tyr15 immunoblot analyses, immunocomplex kinase assays, and phospho-amino acid analyses revealed that p185ErbB2 specifically phosphorylates Cdc2 on Tyr15. Phosphorylation of Cdc2-Tyr15 by ErbB2 is modulated during cell cycle and corresponded with delayed cell entry into G2/M phase. The kinase-defective p185ErbB2, which incapable of phosphorylating Cdc2-Tyr15, failed to inhibit taxol-induced activation and apoptosis, whereas the wild-type and the constitutive-active p185ErbB2 did. Increased Cdc2-Tyr15 phosphorylation was found in Erb132-overexpressing tumors from breast cancer patients. Thus, direct phosphorylation of Cdc2-Tyr15 by p185 ErbB2 RTK in breast cancer cells inhibits taxol-induced p34 Cdc2 activation and apoptosis, thereby conferring taxol resistance. ^


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To ensure the success of systemic gene therapy, it is critical to enhance the tumor specificity and activity of the promoter. In the current study, we identified the breast cancer-specific activity of the topoisomerase IIα promoter. We further showed that cdk2 and cyclin A activate topoisomerase IIα promoter in a breast cancer-specific manner. An element containing an inverted CCAAT box (ICB) was shown to respond this signaling. When the ICB-harboring topoisomerase IIα minimal promoter was linked with an enhancer sequence from the cytomegalovirus immediate early gene promoter (CMV promoter), this composite promoter, CT90, exhibited activity comparable to or higher than the CMV promoter in breast cancer cells in vitro and in vivo, yet expresses much lower activity in normal cell lines and normal organs than the CMV promoter. A CT90-driven construct expressing BikDD, a potent pro-apoptotic gene, was shown to selectively kill breast cancer cells in vitro and to suppress mammary tumor development in an animal model of intravenously administrated, liposome-delivered gene therapy. Expression of BikDD was readily detectable in the tumors but not in the normal organs of CT90-BikDD-treated animals. Finally, we demonstrated that CT90-BikDD treatment potentially enhanced the sensitivity of breast cancer cells to chemotherapeutic agents, especially doxorubicin and taxol. The results indicate that liposomal CT90-BikDD is a novel and effective systemic breast cancer-targeting gene therapy, and its combination with chemotherapy may further improve the current adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. ^


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The efficacy of chemotherapeutic agents may be determined by a number of different factors, including the genotype of the tumor cell. The p53 tumor suppressor gene frequently is mutated in human tumors, and this may contribute to chemotherapeutic resistance. We tested the requirement for wild-type p53 in the response of tumor cells to treatment with paclitaxel (trade name Taxol), an antineoplastic agent that stabilizes cellular microtubules. Although paclitaxel is broadly effective against human tumor xenografts in mice, including some known to carry p53 mutations, we found that p53-containing mouse tumor cells were significantly more sensitive to direct treatment with this drug than were p53-deficient tumor cells. In an attempt to reconcile this apparent discrepancy, we examined the requirement for p53 in the cytotoxic effects of tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α), a cytokine released from murine macrophages upon paclitaxel treatment. Conditioned medium from paclitaxel-treated macrophages was capable of inducing p53-independent apoptosis when applied to transformed mouse embryonic fibroblasts and was inhibitable by antibodies against TNF-α. Furthermore, in response to direct treatment with TNF-α, both wild-type and p53-deficient tumor cells underwent apoptosis to similar extents and with similar kinetics. Our results suggest that the efficacy of paclitaxel in vivo may be due not only to its microtubule-stabilizing activity, but its ability to activate local release of an apoptosis-inducing cytokine.


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The cellular targets for estramustine, an antitumor drug used in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer, are believed to be the spindle microtubules responsible for chromosome separation at mitosis. Estramustine only weakly inhibits polymerization of purified tubulin into microtubules by binding to tubulin (Kd, ≈30 μM) at a site distinct from the colchicine or the vinblastine binding sites. However, by video microscopy, we find that estramustine strongly stabilizes growing and shortening dynamics at plus ends of bovine brain microtubules devoid of microtubule-associated proteins at concentrations substantially below those required to inhibit polymerization of the microtubules. Estramustine strongly reduced the rate and extent both of shortening and growing, increased the percentage of time the microtubules spent in an attenuated state, neither growing nor shortening detectably, and reduced the overall dynamicity of the microtubules. Significantly, the combined suppressive effects of vinblastine and estramustine on the rate and extent of shortening and dynamicity were additive. Thus, like the antimitotic mechanisms of action of the antitumor drugs vinblastine and taxol, the antimitotic mechanism of action of estramustine may be due to kinetic stabilization of spindle microtubule dynamics. The results may explain the mechanistic basis for the benefit derived from combined use of estramustine with vinblastine or taxol, two other drugs that target microtubules, in the treatment of hormone-refractory prostate cancer.


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We identify an actin-based protrusive structure in growth cones termed “intrapodium.” Unlike filopodia, intrapodia are initiated exclusively within lamellipodia and elongate in a continuous (nonsaltatory) manner parallel to the plane of the dorsal plasma membrane causing a ridge-like protrusion. Intrapodia resemble the actin-rich structures induced by intracellular pathogens (e.g., Listeria) or by extracellular beads. Cytochalasin B inhibits intrapodial elongation and removal of cytochalasin B produced a burst of intrapodial activity. Electron microscopic studies revealed that lamellipodial intrapodia contain both short and long actin filaments oriented with their barbed ends toward the membrane surface or advancing end. Our data suggest an interaction between microtubule endings and intrapodia formation. Disruption of microtubules by acute nocodazole treatment decreased intrapodia frequency, and washout of nocodazole or addition of the microtubule-stabilizing drug Taxol caused a burst of intrapodia formation. Furthermore, individual microtubule ends were found near intrapodia initiation sites. Thus, microtubule ends or associated structures may regulate these actin-dependent structures. We propose that intrapodia are the consequence of an early step in a cascade of events that leads to the development of F-actin-associated plasma membrane specializations.


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When ciliogenesis first occurs in sea urchin embryos, the major building block proteins, tubulin and dynein, exist in substantial pools, but most 9+2 architectural proteins must be synthesized de novo. Pulse-chase labeling with [3H]leucine demonstrates that these proteins are coordinately up-regulated in response to deciliation so that regeneration ensues and the tubulin and dynein pools are replenished. Protein labeling and incorporation into already-assembled cilia is high, indicating constitutive ciliary gene expression and steady-state turnover. To determine whether either the synthesis of tubulin or the size of its available pool is coupled to the synthesis or turnover of the other 9+2 proteins in some feedback manner, fully-ciliated mid- or late-gastrula stage Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis embryos were pulse labeled in the presence of colchicine or taxol at concentrations that block ciliary growth. As a consequence of tubulin autoregulation mediated by increased free tubulin, no labeling of ciliary tubulin occurred in colchicine-treated embryos. However, most other proteins were labeled and incorporated into steady-state cilia at near-control levels in the presence of colchicine or taxol. With taxol, tubulin was labeled as well. An axoneme-associated 78 kDa cognate of the molecular chaperone HSP70 correlated with length during regeneration; neither colchicine nor taxol influenced the association of this protein in steady-state cilia. These data indicate that 1) ciliary protein synthesis and turnover is independent of tubulin synthesis or tubulin pool size; 2) steady-state incorporation of labeled proteins cannot be due to formation or elongation of cilia; 3) substantial tubulin exchange takes place in fully-motile cilia; and 4) chaperone presence and association in steady-state cilia is independent of background ciliogenesis, tubulin synthesis, and tubulin assembly state.


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We analyzed the distribution of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) aphid transmission factor (ATF), produced via a baculovirus recombinant, within Sf9 insect cells. Immunogold labeling revealed that the ATF colocalizes with an atypical cytoskeletal network. Detailed observation by electron microscopy demonstrated that this network was composed of microtubules decorated with paracrystalline formations, characteristic of the CaMV ATF. A derivative mutant of the ATF, unable to self-assemble into paracrystals, was also analyzed. This mutant formed a net-like structure, with a mesh of four nanometers, tightly sheathing microtubules. Both the ATF– and the derivative mutant–microtubule complexes were highly stable. They resisted dilution-, cold-, and calcium-induced microtubule disassembly as well as a combination of all three for over 6 hr. CaMV ATF cosedimented with microtubules and, surprisingly, it bound to Taxol-stabilized microtubules at high ionic strength, thus suggesting an atypical interaction when compared with that usually described for microtubule-binding proteins. Using immunofluorescence double labeling we also demonstrated that the CaMV ATF colocalizes with the microtubule network when expressed in plant cells.