139 resultados para taktil massage


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Syfte: Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva vilka effekter massage har hos cancerpatienter som lider av ångest. Metod: Examensarbetet utfördes som en litteraturöversikt med 16 vetenskapliga artiklar varav tre med kvalitativ ansats och tretton med kvantitativ ansats. Datainsamling gjordes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar och via manuell sökning. Huvudresultat: Resultatet presenterades i fem kategorier för att beskriva vilka effekter massage har hos cancerpatienter som lider av ångest. De fem kategorierna var; lindring av ångest, lindring av fysiska och psykiska symtom, ökad livskvalitet, ökad inre ro och ingen lindring av ångest. Ångesten lindrades hos patienter genom närvaro av personal som gav massage. Massage upplevdes av patienten som ett sätt att finna en inre ro inte bara under massagen utan även tiden efter massagen. Nivåerna av ångest sjönk och livskvaliteten förbättrades generellt av massagen. Patienterna upplevde effekter av muskelavslappning, bättre sömn, mindre smärta, bättre cirkulation, reducerad ångest och stress. Slutsats: Massage kunde i de flesta fall lindra lidandet hos cancerpatienter genom att lindra patientens ångest, lindra fysiska och psykiska symtom, öka livskvaliteten och öka patientens inre ro. Vårdpersonal bör tänka på att mjuk massage kan förstärka effekten av den medicinska behandlingen mot ångest.


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Föreliggande systematiska litteraturstudie syftade till att kartlägga vad som fanns beskrivet i litteraturen om effekter av massage/beröring hos dementa respektive icke dementa äldre personer. Syftet var även att kartlägga personalens inställning till massage/beröring och denna omvårdnads- åtgärds effekter empiriskt. Artiklarna har sökts i Högskolan Dalarnas fulltextdatabas ELIN för vidare granskning. Artiklarna som valdes var från åren 1999-2009. Sökorden som användes var massage, older, elder, old*, geriatric, demen*, touch, effects, tactil. Av resultatet framkom att i större delen av studierna har massage/beröring en positiv effekt på välmående hos äldre dementa och icke dementa människor. Särskilt kunde noteras att massage kunde vara en metod att minska agiterat beteende och vandrande hos dementa personer. Personalens inställning till massage/beröring sågs som positiv i den bemärkelsen att massage/beröring gynnade patientens välmående och att personalen kunde interagera med patienten på ett mer positivt sätt. I det empiriska tillägget var huvudfyndet att massage/ beröring hade bättre effekt för sömnen för dementa än för icke dementa. Uttryckt i Martinsens omvårdnadsteoretiska termer måste omvårdnaden ha som utgångspunkt den andres bästa. För att komma fram till vad som är bäst för den andre måste man vara öppen och närvarande hos honom samt sträva efter att tolka hans situation och behov. Föreliggande studies resultat bidrar till kunskap om massage/beröring som metod för äldre med särskild betoning på demens.


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Introduction: The Temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is greatly prevalent in the population and can be associated with bruxism. This disorder produces several signs and symptoms. Among them, pain is one of the most important because it reduces life quality and productivity of people who have such disorder. The aim of this research was to study if massage causes pain relief and/or electromyographic (EMG) changes. Materials and methods: The subjects were chosen by a questionnaire and divided into 2 different groups. Their ages varied from 19 to 22 years. The experimental group consisted of 6 TMD patients, who were submitted to the massage treatment and 4 EMG-sessions (the 1 st EMG-session occurred before the treatment and the others in the 1 st, 15 th and 30 th days after the treatment). The control group consisted of 6 TMD patients, who were submitted to the same 4 EMG-sessions. While EMG activity was recorded, subjects were asked to keep mandibular rest position (MRP) and to perform maximal voluntary clenching (MVC). The treatment consisted of 15 massage-sessions on face and neck and in application of Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) for measuring pain level. The massage sessions had 30 minutes of duration and were performed daily. The EMG data were processed to obtain the Root Mean Square (RMS), which were normalized by MVC. Results: It was demonstrated that (1) RMS-MRP of the right masseter in experimental group at the 1 st EMG-session was higher than at the 2 nd EMG-session and (2) statistically significant reduction was found for VAS values after massage session. Conclusion: Unfortunately the sample is insufficient to draw any conclusions, therefore, more studies regarding the use of massage in the management of myogenic TMD are necessary.


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Objective: To understand the meaning of the aromatherapy massage intervention in mental health for the patient during psychiatric hospitalization.Methods: A qualitative study including 22 participants with a diagnosis of personality disorder hospitalized in a psychiatric unit of a general hospital. We used semi-structured interviews with a guiding question for participants, for whom the aromatherapy massage intervention was performed. The content of the interviews was assessed according to content analysis.Results: Among the study subjects, there was a predominance of females and the majority presented a diagnosis of Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder. Two categories that emerged were identified from qualitative data: "Identifying the benefits of aromatherapy" and "Enabling self-knowledge."Conclusion: The meaning of the aromatherapy massage intervention was represented by improvements in nursing care and treatment during psychiatric hospitalization, while assisting in the reduction of anxiety symptoms and coping with mental illness.


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This is a clinical trial which aims to evaluate the efficiency of massage in the reduction of occupational low back pain, and its influence on the performance of work and life activities for the nursing team. The sample consisted of 18 employees who received seven to eight sessions after their work period. From the Numerical Pain Rating Scale, significant improvements were found between the 3rd and 1st evaluations (p=0.000) and between the 3rd and 2nd (p=0.004), using the Wilcoxon test. Regarding the Oswestry Disability Index, the paired t test showed a statistical difference (p=0.02) between the baseline, with a mean of 21.33% and the second evaluation (18.78%), which was also seen between the second and third evaluation (16.67%). The score for the Handling and Transfer Risk Evaluation Scale was 18 points (medium risk). It is concluded that massage was effective in reducing occupational low back pain, and provided improvement in activities of work and life. Clinical Trials Identifier: NCT01315197.


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Carotid sinus massage (CSM) is commonly used to identify carotid sinus hypersensitivity (CSH) as a possible cause for syncope, especially in older patients. However, CSM itself could provoke classical vasovagal syncope (VVS) in pre disposed subjects.


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Abstract BACKGROUND: The purpose of this paper is to describe the transdiaphragmatic approach to the heart for open CPR in patients that arrest at laparotomy and to present a first case series of patients that have undergone this procedure. METHODS: All patients who had undergone intraperitoneal transdiaphragmatic open CPR between January 1, 2002 and December 31, 2012 were retrieved from the operation registry at Bern University Hospital, Switzerland. Transdiaphragmatic access to the heart is initiated with a 10-cm-long anterocaudal incision in the central tendon of the diaphragm--approximately at 2 o'clock. Internal cardiac compression through the diaphragmatic incision can be performed from both sides of the patient. From the right side of the patient, cardiac massage is performed with the right hand and vice versa. RESULTS: A total of six patients were identified that suffered cardiac arrest during laparotomy with open CPR performed through the transdiaphragmatic approach. Four patients suffered cardiac arrest during orthotopic liver transplantation and two trauma patients suffered cardiac arrest during damage control laparotomy. In three patients, cardiac activity was never reestablished. However, three patients regained a perfusion heart rhythm and two of these survived to the ICU. One patient ultimately survived to discharge. CONCLUSIONS: In patients suffering cardiac arrest during laparotomy, the transdiaphragmatic approach allows for a rapid, technically easy, and almost atraumatic access to the heart, with excellent CPR performance. After this potentially life-saving procedure, pulmonary or surgical site complications are expected to occur much less compared with the conventionally performed emergency department left-sided thoracotomy.


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Correction of complex deformities is a challenging procedure. Long-term wearing of a fixator after correction and lengthening are inconvenient and has a high rate of complication. The goals of the surgical treatment in the presented case were: (1) correction of the deformity and lengthening of the left leg by the Taylor spatial frame (TSF, Smith and Nephew, Marl, Germany); (2) reduction in the time the patient wears the TSF by changing the fixation system to a plate (lengthening then plating-LTP) and using a locking compression plate in conjunction with the 5.0 dynamic locking screws in order to accelerate bone healing.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Description based on: Bd. 8 (1901)