998 resultados para symmetry group


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A realistic quantum many-body system, characterized by a generic microscopic Hamiltonian, is accessible only through approximation methods. The mean field theories, as the simplest practices of approximation methods, commonly serve as a powerful tool, but unfortunately often violate the symmetry of the Hamiltonian. The conventional BCS theory, as an excellent mean field approach, violates the particle number conservation and completely erases quantumness characterized by concurrence and quantum discord between different modes. We restore the symmetry by using the projected BCS theory and the exact numerical solution and find that the lost quantumness is synchronously reestablished. We show that while entanglement remains unchanged with the particle numbers, quantum discord behaves as an extensive quantity with respect to the system size. Surprisingly, discord is hardly dependent on the interaction strengths. The new feature of discord offers promising applications in modern quantum technologies.


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A symmetry-extended Maxwell treatment of the net mobility of periodic bar-and-joint frameworks is used to derive a sufficient condition for auxetic behaviour of a 2D material. The type of auxetic behaviour that can be detected by symmetry has Poisson's ratio -1, with equal expansion/contraction in all directions, and is here termed equiauxetic. A framework may have a symmetry-detectable equiauxetic mechanism if it belongs to a plane group that includes rotational axes of order n = 6, 4, or 3. If the reducible representation for the net mobility contains mechanisms that preserve full rotational symmetry (A modes), these are equiauxetic. In addition, for n = 6, mechanisms that halve rotational symmetry (B modes) are also equiauxetic. © EPLA, 2013.


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A symmetry-adapted version of the Maxwell rule appropriate to periodic bar-and-joint frameworks is obtained, and is further extended to body-and-joint systems. The treatment deals with bodies and forces that are replicated in every unit cell, and uses the point group isomorphic to the factor group of the space group of the framework. Explicit expressions are found for the numbers and symmetries of detectable mechanisms and states of self-stress in terms of the numbers and symmetries of framework components. This approach allows detection and characterization of mechanisms and states of self-stress in microscopic and macroscopic materials and meta-materials. Illustrative examples are described. The notion of local isostaticity of periodic frameworks is extended to include point-group symmetry.


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Starting from effective mass Hamiltonian, we systematically investigate the symmetry of low-dimensional structures with spin-orbit interaction and transverse magnetic field. The position-dependent potentials are assumed to be space symmetric, which is ever-present in theory and experiment research. By group theory, we analyze degeneracy in different cases. Spin-orbit interaction makes the transition between Zeeman sub-levels possible, which is originally forbidden within dipole approximation. However, a transition rule given in this paper for the first time shows that the transition between some levels is forbidden for space symmetric potentials. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Mode characteristics for two-dimensional equilateral-polygonal microresonators are investigated based on symmetry analysis and finite-difference time-domain numerical simulation. The symmetries of the resonators can be described by the point group C-Nv, accordingly, the confined modes in these resonators can be classified into irreducible representations of the point group C-Nv. Compared with circular resonators, the modes in equilateral-polygonal resonators have different characteristics due to the break of symmetries, such as the split of double-degenerate modes, high field intensity in the center region, and anomalous traveling-wave modes, which should be considered in the designs of the polygonal resonator microlasers or optical add-drop filters.


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We provide a detailed expression of the vibrational potential for the lattice dynamics of single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT's) satisfying the requirements of the exact rigid translational as well as rotational symmetries, which is a nontrivial generalization of the valence force model for the planar graphene sheet. With the model, the low-frequency behavior of the dispersion of the acoustic modes as well as the flexure mode can be precisely calculated. Based upon a comprehensive chiral symmetry analysis, the calculated mode frequencies (including all the Raman- and infrared-active modes), velocities of acoustic modes, and the polarization vectors are systematically fitted in terms of the chiral angle and radius, where the restrictions of various symmetry operations of SWCNT's are fulfilled.


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Modes in equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) are analyzed and classified according to the irreducible representations of the point group C-3v., Both the analytical method based on the far field emission and the numerical method by FDTD technique are used to calculate the quality factors (Q-factors) of the doubly degenerate states in ETR. Results obtained from the two methods are in reasonable agreement. Considering the different symmetry properties of the doubly degenerate eigenstates, we also discuss the ETR joined with an output waveguide at one of the vertices by FDTD technique and the Pade approximation. The variation of Q-factors versus width of output waveguide is analyzed. The numerical results show that doubly degenerate eigenstates of TM0.36 and TM0.38 whose wavelengths are around 1.5 mu m in the resonator with side-length of 5 mu m have the Q-factors larger than 1000 when the width of the output waveguide is smaller than 0.4 mu m. When the width of the output waveguide is set to 0.3 mu m, the symmetrical states that are more efficiently coupled to output waveguide have Q-factors about 8000, which are over 3 times larger than those of asymmetric state.


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It is necessary to generate the automorphism group of a chemical graph in computer-aided structure elucidation. In this paper, an algorithm was developed by the all-paths topological symmetry algorithm to build the automorphism group of a chemical graph. A comparison of several topological symmetry algorithms reveals that the all-paths algorithm (APA) could yield the correct class of a chemical graph. It lays a foundation for the ESESOC system in computer-aided structure elucidation.


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It is necessary to generate automorphism group of chemical graph in computer-aided structure eluciation. In this paper, an algorithm is developed by all-path topological symmetry algorithm to build automorphism group of chemical graph. A comparison of several topological symmetry algorithm reveals that all-path algorthm can yield correct of class of chemical graph. It lays a foundation for ESESOC system for computer-aided structure elucidation.


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Thin film dielectrics based on titanium, zirconium or hafnium oxides are being introduced to increase the permittivity of insulating layers in transistors for micro/nanoelectronics and memory devices. Atomic layer deposition (ALD) is the process of choice for fabricating these films, as it allows for high control of composition and thickness in thin, conformal films which can be deposited on substrates with high aspect-ratio features. The success of this method depends crucially on the chemical properties of the precursor molecules. A successful ALD precursor should be volatile, stable in the gas-phase, but reactive on the substrate and growing surface, leading to inert by-products. In recent years, many different ALD precursors for metal oxides have been developed, but many of them suffer from low thermal stability. Much promise is shown by group 4 metal precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl (Cp = C5H5-xRx) ligands. One of the main advantages of Cp precursors is their thermal stability. In this work ab initio calculations were carried out at the level of density functional theory (DFT) on a range of heteroleptic metallocenes [M(Cp)4-n(L)n], M = Hf/Zr/Ti, L = Me and OMe, in order to find mechanistic reasons for their observed behaviour during ALD. Based on optimized monomer structures, reactivity is analyzed with respect to ligand elimination. The order in which different ligands are eliminated during ALD follows their energetics which was in agreement with experimental measurements. Titanocene-derived precursors, TiCp*(OMe)3, do not yield TiO2 films in atomic layer deposition (ALD) with water, while Ti(OMe)4 does. DFT was used to model the ALD reaction sequence and find the reason for the difference in growth behaviour. Both precursors adsorb initially via hydrogen-bonding. The simulations reveal that the Cp* ligand of TiCp*(OMe)3 lowers the Lewis acidity of the Ti centre and prevents its coordination to surface O (densification) during both of the ALD pulses. Blocking this step hindered further ALD reactions and for that reason no ALD growth is observed from TiCp*(OMe)3 and water. The thermal stability in the gas phase of Ti, Zr and Hf precursors that contain cyclopentadienyl ligands was also considered. The reaction that was found using DFT is an intramolecular α-H transfer that produces an alkylidene complex. The analysis shows that thermal stabilities of complexes of the type MCp2(CH3)2 increase down group 4 (M = Ti, Zr and Hf) due to an increase in the HOMO-LUMO band gap of the reactants, which itself increases with the electrophilicity of the metal. The reverse reaction of α-hydrogen abstraction in ZrCp2Me2 is 1,2-addition reaction of a C-H bond to a Zr=C bond. The same mechanism is investigated to determine if it operates for 1,2 addition of the tBu C-H across Hf=N in a corresponding Hf dimer complex. The aim of this work is to understand orbital interactions, how bonds break and how new bonds form, and in what state hydrogen is transferred during the reaction. Calculations reveal two synchronous and concerted electron transfers within a four-membered cyclic transition state in the plane between the cyclopentadienyl rings, one π(M=X)-to-σ(M-C) involving metal d orbitals and the other σ(C-H)-to-σ(X-H) mediating the transfer of neutral H, where X = C or N. The reaction of the hafnium dimer complex with CO that was studied for the purpose of understanding C-H bond activation has another interesting application, namely the cleavage of an N-N bond and resulting N-C bond formation. Analysis of the orbital plots reveals repulsion between the occupied orbitals on CO and the N-N unit where CO approaches along the N-N axis. The repulsions along the N-N axis are minimized by instead forming an asymmetrical intermediate in which CO first coordinates to one Hf and then to N. This breaks the symmetry of the N-N unit and the resultant mixing of MOs allows σ(NN) to be polarized, localizing electrons on the more distant N. This allowed σ(CO) and π(CO) donation to N and back-donation of π*(Hf2N2) to CO. Improved understanding of the chemistry of metal complexes can be gained from atomic-scale modelling and this provides valuable information for the design of new ALD precursors. The information gained from the model decomposition pathway can be additionally used to understand the chemistry of molecules in the ALD process as well as in catalytic systems.


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In this dissertation, we explore the use of pursuit interactions as a building block for collective behavior, primarily in the context of constant bearing (CB) cyclic pursuit. Pursuit phenomena are observed throughout the natural environment and also play an important role in technological contexts, such as missile-aircraft encounters and interactions between unmanned vehicles. While pursuit is typically regarded as adversarial, we demonstrate that pursuit interactions within a cyclic pursuit framework give rise to seemingly coordinated group maneuvers. We model a system of agents (e.g. birds, vehicles) as particles tracing out curves in the plane, and illustrate reduction to the shape space of relative positions and velocities. Introducing the CB pursuit strategy and associated pursuit law, we consider the case for which agent i pursues agent i+1 (modulo n) with the CB pursuit law. After deriving closed-loop cyclic pursuit dynamics, we demonstrate asymptotic convergence to an invariant submanifold (corresponding to each agent attaining the CB pursuit strategy), and proceed by analysis of the reduced dynamics restricted to the submanifold. For the general setting, we derive existence conditions for relative equilibria (circling and rectilinear) as well as for system trajectories which preserve the shape of the collective (up to similarity), which we refer to as pure shape equilibria. For two illustrative low-dimensional cases, we provide a more comprehensive analysis, deriving explicit trajectory solutions for the two-particle "mutual pursuit" case, and detailing the stability properties of three-particle relative equilibria and pure shape equilibria. For the three-particle case, we show that a particular choice of CB pursuit parameters gives rise to remarkable almost-periodic trajectories in the physical space. We also extend our study to consider CB pursuit in three dimensions, deriving a feedback law for executing the CB pursuit strategy, and providing a detailed analysis of the two-particle mutual pursuit case. We complete the work by considering evasive strategies to counter the motion camouflage (MC) pursuit law. After demonstrating that a stochastically steering evader is unable to thwart the MC pursuit strategy, we propose a (deterministic) feedback law for the evader and demonstrate the existence of circling equilibria for the closed-loop pursuer-evader dynamics.


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Quantum and global discord in a spin-1 Heisenberg chain subject to single-ion anisotropy (uniaxial field) are studied using exact diagonalisation and the density matrix renormalisation group (DMRG). We find that these measures of quantum non-classicality are able to detect the quantum phase transitions confining the symmetry protected Haldane phase and show critical scaling with universal exponents. Moreover, in the case of thermal states, we find that quantum discord can increase with increasing temperature.


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Bipedal gaits have been classified on the basis of the group symmetry of the minimal network of identical differential equations (alias cells) required to model them. Primary bipedal gaits (e.g., walk, run) are characterized by dihedral symmetry, whereas secondary bipedal gaits (e.g., gallop-walk, gallop- run) are characterized by a lower, cyclic symmetry. This fact has been used in tests of human odometry (e.g., Turvey et al. in P Roy Soc Lond B Biol 276:4309–4314, 2009, J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 38:1014–1025, 2012). Results suggest that when distance is measured and reported by gaits from the same symmetry class, primary and secondary gaits are comparable. Switching symmetry classes at report compresses (primary to secondary) or inflates (secondary to primary) measured distance, with the compression and inflation equal in magnitude. The present research (a) extends these findings from overground locomotion to treadmill locomotion and (b) assesses a dynamics of sequentially coupled measure and report phases, with relative velocity as an order parameter, or equilibrium state, and difference in symmetry class as an imperfection parameter, or detuning, of those dynamics. The results suggest that the symmetries and dynamics of distance measurement by the human odometer are the same whether the odometer is in motion relative to a stationary ground or stationary relative to a moving ground.


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Ultrasonic is a good tool to investigate the elastic properties of crystals. It enables one to determine all the elastic constants, Poisson’s ratios, volume compressibility and bulk modulus of crystals from velocity measurements. It also enables one to demonstrate the anisotropy of elastic properties by plotting sections of the surfaces of phase velocity, slowness, group velocity, Young’s modulus and linear compressibility along the a-b, b-c and a-c planes. They also help one to understand more about phonon amplification and help to interpret various phenomena associated with ultrasonic wave propagation, thermal conductivity, phonon transport etc. Study of nonlinear optical crystals is very important from an application point of view. Hundreds of new NLO materials are synthesized to meet the requirements for various applications. Inorganic, organic and organometallic or semiorganic classes of compounds have been studied for several reasons. Semiorganic compounds have some advantages over their inorganic and inorganic counterparts with regard to their mechanical properties. High damage resistance, high melting point, good transparency and non-hygroscopy are some of the basic requirements for a material to be suitable for device fabrication. New NLO materials are being synthesized and investigation of the mechanical and elastic properties of these crystals is very important to test the suitability of these materials for technological applications