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Aims Claudins are integral transmembrane proteins of the tight junctions, critical for maintaining cell adhesion and polarity. Alterations in the expression of individual claudins have been detected in carcinomas and appear to correlate with tumour progression. Methods In this study, a panel of anti-claudin antibodies (anti-claudins 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7) was employed to map claudin expression in 136 cases of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) organised in a tissue microarray. Results Claudins were expressed in a reticular pattern up to the prickle layer in normal mucosal epithelium. In OSCC, claudins were strongly present in well-differentiated tumours, they presented mild and low expression in moderately differentiated OSCC, and were negative in poorly differentiated OSCC; the absences of claudin 1 (p = 0.002) and claudin 4 (p<0.001) were associated with moderately/poorly differentiated tumours. Strong expression of claudin 4 was associated with decreased perineural infiltration (p = 0.024). Claudins 5 and 7 were mostly negative or weakly expressed in all cases studied. Expression of claudin 7 was associated with the early clinical stages of the disease, whereas loss of claudin 7 tended to be more frequent in advanced stages of OSCC (p = 0.054). Absence of claudin 7 was also associated with absent vascular infiltration (p = 0.045) and with presence of recurrence (p = 0.052). Conclusions Claudin expression patterns showed a strong correlation with histological type of OSCC; claudin expression was decreased in areas of invasion, and negative in poorly differentiated tumours. This pattern may be related to evolution and prognosis of these tumours, especially in the case of claudin 7, which seems to be associated with a poor prognosis in OSCC.


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Considers the relevance of A.K. Sen’s theory of entitlements to the situation facing indigenous tribal people, its relationship to institutionalism, and to theories of property rights. Changing world views about the resource entitlements that should be given to local communities are outlined concentrating on the views expressed by the World Conservation Union (IUCN). These changing views have relevance for the resource entitlements of indigenous tribal communities and are reflected in differences in the policy approaches inherent in the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and the more recent Convention on Biological Diversity. The latter embodies the view that provision of greater resource entitlements to local communities can provide economic incentives for nature conservation. There is a case for Indigenous Australians to be given greater rights to market the natural produce from their lands. Despite progress with land rights, they are not entitled to market much of the natural produce from their land. The socioeconomic status of Australian Aborigines is outlined. Their standard of living and their life expectancy are low by world standards and in comparison to other Australians. This is partly a result of historical events that have restricted their rights. These events are outlined briefly. Views differ about the appropriate development paths for Indigenous Australians and these are assessed. Concern on environmental and economic grounds is expressed about the view that the economic development of Australian Aboriginal communities would be accelerated by replacing their communal land titles by private land titles and encouraging Western-style agriculture and commercial development of their lands. Some comparisons are also made with the situation of India’s Tribals.


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The status and composition of the Diplosentidae Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 are reviewed. The type species of the type genus, Diplosentis amphacanthi Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 from Siganus canaliculatus (Park, 1797) in the Philippines, is concluded to have been described inaccurately,in supposedly possessing, only two cement glands and lemnisci enclosed in a membranous sac. The species is almost certainly very close to species of Neorhadinorhynchus yamaguti, 1939 and Sclerocollum Schmidt of Paperna, 1978 which have also been reported from siganids from the tropical Indo-Pacific. Species of these genera have four cement glands and unexceptional lemnisci. As a result, Diplosentis Tubangui et Masilungan, 1937 is best considered to have affinities with the Cavisomidae Meyer, 1932. The Cavisomidae has priority over the Diplosentidae; thus the Diplosentidae becomes a synonym of the Cavisomidae. Neorhadinorhynchus and Sclerocollum are considered synonyms of Diplosentis. The affinities of the other species and genera formerly included in the Diplosentidae (other species of Diplosentis, Allorhadinorhynchus Yamaguti, 1959, Amapacanthus Salgado-Maldonado et Santos, 2000, Pararhadinorhynchus Johnston et Edmonds, 1947, Golvanorhynchus Noronha, do Fabio et Pinto, 1978 and Slendrorhynchus Amin et Soy, 1996) are discussed. It is concluded that all but Pararhadinorhynchus, two species of Diplosentis and Amapacanthus can be accommodated elsewhere satisfactorily. A new family, Transvenidae, is proposed for a small group of acanthocephalans that genuinely possess only two cement glands. Transvena annulospinosa gen. n., sp. n. is described from the labrids Anampses neoguinaicus Bleeker, 1878 (type host), A. geographicus Valenciennes, 1840, A. caeruleopunctatus Ruppell, 1829, Hemigymnus fasciatus (Bloch, 1792), and H. melapterus (Bloch, 1791) from the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland, Australia. Transvena gen. n. is distinguished from all other acanthocephalan genera by having a combination of a single ring of small spines on its trunk near or at the junction between the neck and trunk, two cement glands, a double-walled proboscis receptacle and hooks which decrease in length from the apex to the base of the proboscis. A second new genus within the Transvenidae, Trajectura, is proposed for T. perinsolens sp. n. from Anampses neoguinaicus, also from the Great Barrier Reef. Trajectura gen. n. is distinguished by the possession of only two cement glands and an anterior conical projection (function unknown) on the females. Diplosentis ikedai Machida, 1992 shares these characters and is recombined as Trajectura ikedai comb. n. Pararhadinorhynchus is transferred to the Transvenidae and Diplosentis manteri Gupta et Fatma, 1979 is recombined as Pararhadinorhynchus manteri comb. n.


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This paper describes the background and current status of an OMERACT facilitated effort to improve the consistency of adverse event reporting in rheumatology clinical trials, The overall goal is the development of an adverse event assessment tool that would provide a basis for use of common terminology and improve the consistency of reporting severity of side effects within rheumatology clinical trials and during postmarketing surveillance. The resulting Rheumatology Common Toxicity Criteria Index encompassed the following organ systems: allergic/immunologic, cardiac, ENT, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, neuropsychiatric, ophthalmologic, pulmonary and skin/integument. Before this tool is widely accepted, its validity, consistency, and feasibility need to be assessed in clinical trials.


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The relationships between catalytic activity of cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6), polymorphism of CYP2A6 gene, gender and levels of body iron stores were analysed in a sample group of 202 apparently healthy Thais, aged 1947 years. Eleven individuals were found to have high activity of CYP2A6, judged by the relatively large amounts (11.2-14.6 mg) of 7-hydroyxcoumarin (7-OHC) excreted 3 h following administration of 15 mg of coumarin. Ten individuals, however, did not excrete any 7-OHC. Of these 10, four were found to have no CYP2A6 gene (whole gene deletion; CYP2A6*4 allele). The frequency of the CYP2A6 alleles; *1A, *1B and *4 in the whole sample group was 52, 40 and 8% while the frequency of the CYP2A6 gene types; *1A/* 1A, *1A/* 1B, *1B/* 1B, *1A/* 4, *1BI* 4, *4/* 4 was 29, 41, 16, 7, 5 and 2%. Subjects having CYP2A6* 1A/* 1B gene-type group were found to have higher rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation compared with those of the CYP2A6* 1B/* 1B and CYP2A6* 1A/* 4 gene types. The inter-individual variability in CYP2A6 catalytic activity was therefore attributed in part to the CYP2A6 genetic polymorphism. Variation in CYP2A6 activity in this sample group was not associated with gender but, interestingly, it did show an inverse association with plasma ferritin; an indicator of body iron stores. Higher rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation were found in individuals with low body iron stores (plasma ferritin < 20 μg/l) compared with subjects having normal body iron store status. Subjects (n = 16) with iron overload (plasma ferritin > 300 mug/l) also tended to have elevated rates of coumarin 7-hydroxylation. These results suggest an increased CYP2A6 expression in subjects who have excessive body iron stores. Further investigations into the underlying factors that may lead to increased expression of CYP2A6 in association with abnormal body iron stores are currently in progress in our laboratory. Pharmacogenetics 12:241-249 (C) 2002 Lippincott Williams Wilkins.


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A range of lasers. is now available for use in dentistry. This paper summarizes key current and emerging applications, for lasers in clinical practice. A major diagnostic application of low power lasers is the detection of caries, using fluorescence elicited from hydroxyapatite or from bacterial by-products. Laser fluorescence is an effective method for detecting and quantifying incipient occlusal and cervical,carious lesions, and with further refinement could be used in the, same manner for proximal lesions. Photoactivated dye techniques have been developed which use low power lasers to elicit a photochemical reaction, Photoactivated dye techniques' can be used to disinfect root canals, periodontal pockets, cavity preparations and sites of peri-implantitis. Using similar principles, more powerful lasers tan be used for photodynamic therapy in the treatment of malignancies of the oral mucosa. Laser-driven photochemical reactions can also be used for tooth whitening. In combination with fluoride, laser irradiation can improve the resistance of tooth structure to demineralization, and this application is of particular benefit for susceptible sites in high caries risk patients. Laser technology for caries' removal, cavity preparation and soft tissue surgery is at a high state of refinement, having had several decades of development up to the present time. Used in conjunction with or as a replacement for traditional methods, it is expected that specific laser technologies will become an essential component of contemporary dental practice over the next decade.


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The tests that are currently available for the measurement of overexpression of the human epidermal growth factor-2 (HER2) in breast cancer have shown considerable problems in accuracy and interlaboratory reproducibility. Although these problems are partly alleviated by the use of validated, standardised 'kits', there may be considerable cost involved in their use. Prior to testing it may therefore be an advantage to be able to predict from basic pathology data whether a cancer is likely to overexpress HER2. In this study, we have correlated pathology features of cancers with the frequency of HER2 overexpression assessed by immunohistochemistry (IHC) using HercepTest (Dako). In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) has been used to re-test the equivocal cancers and interobserver variation in assessing HER2 overexpression has been examined by a slide circulation scheme. Of the 1536 cancers, 1144 (74.5%) did not overexpress HER2. Unequivocal overexpression (3+ by IHC) was seen in 186 cancers (12%) and an equivocal result (2+ by IHC) was seen in 206 cancers (13%). Of the 156 IHC 3+ cancers for which complete data was available, 149 (95.5%) were ductal NST and 152 (97%) were histological grade 2 or 3. Only 1 of 124 infiltrating lobular carcinomas (0.8%) showed HER2 overexpression. None of the 49 'special types' of carcinoma showed HER2 overexpression. Re-testing by FISH of a proportion of the IHC 2+ cancers showed that only 25 (23%) of those assessable exhibited HER2 gene amplification, but 46 of the 47 IHC 3+ cancers (98%) were confirmed as showing gene amplification. Circulating slides for the assessment of HER2 score showed a moderate level of agreement between pathologists (kappa 0.4). As a result of this study we would advocate consideration of a triage approach to HER-2 testing. Infiltrating lobular and special types of carcinoma may not need to be routinely tested at presentation nor may grade 1 NST carcinomas in which only 1.4% have been shown to overexpress HER2. Testing of these carcinomas may be performed when HER2 status is required to assist in therapeutic or other clinical/prognostic decision-making. The highest yield of HER2 overexpressing carcinomas is seen in the grade 3 NST subgroup in which 24% are positive by IHC. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Reportamos atividades de pesca comerciais no complexo insular mais afastado da costa brasileira: Ilha da Trindade e Arquipélago Martin Vaz. As atividades foram estudadas através de embarques e entrevistas com os mestres e pescadores das embarcações durante uma expedição cientifica realizada entre fevereiro e abril de 2007. Quatro modalidades de atividades de pesca são realizadas na região, capturando ao menos sete espécies que possuem algum risco de extinção. O estabelecimento de normas específicas de restrição para atividades que pescam sobre os recifes das ilhas é uma alternativa para a conservação das espécies ameaçadas. O monitoramento das embarcações pode ocorrer via satélite através do programa nacional de rastreamento de embarcações pesqueiras (PREPS).


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The combined use of precision agriculture and the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) allows the spatial monitoring of coffee nutrient balance to provide more balanced and cost-effective fertilizer recommendations. The objective of this work was to evaluate the spatial variability in the nutritional status of two coffee varieties using the Mean Nutritional Balance Index (NBIm) and its relationship with their respective yields. The experiment was conducted in eastern Minas Gerais in two areas, one planted with variety Catucaí and another with variety Catuaí. The NBIm of the two varieties and their yields were analyzed through geostatistics and, based on the models and parameters of the variograms, were interpolated to obtain their spatial distribution in the studied areas. Variety Catucai, with grater spatial variability, was more nutritional unbalanced than variety Catuai, and consequently produced lower yields. Excess of Fe and Mn makes these elements limiting yield factors.