981 resultados para stated preference survey


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This study is the first to compare random regret minimisation (RRM) and random utility maximisation (RUM) in freight transport application. This paper aims to compare RRM and RUM in a freight transport scenario involving negative shock in the reference alternative. Based on data from two stated choice experiments conducted among Swiss logistics managers, this study contributes to related literature by exploring for the first time the use of mixed logit models in the most recent version of the RRM approach. We further investigate two paradigm choices by computing elasticities and forecasting choice probability. We find that regret is important in describing the managers’ choices. Regret increases in the shock scenario, supporting the idea that a shift in reference point can cause a shift towards regret minimisation. Differences in elasticities and forecast probability are identified and discussed appropriately.


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Using the contingent valuation method, this study investigates the preferences of local people for a wind farm that is planned in the Province of Rome. We estimate the reductions in their bimonthly electrical bills over a period of time that respondents are willing to accept as compensation for the installation of the wind farm. Our results suggest that respondents who perceive that the wind farm generates substantial negative impacts on landscape beauty ask higher reductions than others, while respondents who believe that the wind farm produces economic benefits for local communities ask lower reductions than others. Finally, we find that the demand for compensative measures is influenced particularly by socio-economic factors such as age and education.


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To value something, you first have to know what it is. Bartkowski et al. (2015) reveal a critical weakness: that biodiversity has rarely, if ever, been defined in economic valuations of putative biodiversity. Here we argue that a precise definition is available and could help focus valuation studies, but that in using this scientific definition (a three-dimensional measure of total difference), valuation by stated-preference methods becomes, at best, very difficult.We reclassify the valuation studies reviewed by Bartkowski et al. (2015) to better reflect the biological definition of biodiversity and its potential indirect use value as the support for provisioning and regulating services. Our analysis shows that almost all of the studies reviewed by Bartkowski et al. (2015) were not about biodiversity, but rather were about the 'vague notion' of naturalness, or sometimes a specific biological component of diversity. Alternative economic methods should be found to value biodiversity as it is defined in natural science. We suggest options based on a production function analogy or cost-based methods. Particularly the first of these provides a strong link between economic theory and ecological research and is empirically practical. Since applied science emphasizes a scientific definition of biodiversity in the design and justification of conservation plans, the need for economic valuation of this quantitative meaning of biodiversity is considerable and as yet unfulfilled.


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The likelihood for the Logit model is modified, so as to take account of uncertainty associated with mis-reporting in stated preference experiments estimating willingness to pay (WTP). Monte Carlo results demonstrate the bias imparted to estimates where there is mis-reporting. The approach is applied to a data set examining consumer preferences for food produced employing a nonpesticide technology. Our modified approach leads to WTP that are substantially downwardly revised.


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Resource management decisions influence not only the output of the economy but also the distribution of utility between groups within the community. The theory of Benefit Cost Analysis provides a means of incorporating this distributional change through the application of distributional or welfare weights. This paper reports the results of research designed to estimate distributional weights suitable for inclusion in a Benefit Cost Analysis framework. The findings of a choice modelling experiment estimating community preferences with respect to intergenerational utility distribution are presented to illustrate this innovative application of a stated preference technique.


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Resource management decisions influence not only the output of the economy but also the distribution of utility between groups within the community. The theory of cost benefit analysis provides a means of incorporating distributional changes into the decision making calculus through the application of distributional or welfare weights. However, this practice has not been widely adopted in part due to difficulties in the estimation of distributional weights. This paper addresses this problem by using the stated preference method of choice modelling to estimate distributional weights suitable for inclusion in a cost benefit analysis framework. The findings of a choice modelling experiment designed to estimate community preferences with respect to intergenerational utility distribution illustrate the potential of this method in addressing distributional issues.


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This article presents supply elasticities for 10 major food crops produced and consumed in Fiji. The estimates were derived from a stated-intention survey of rural households. The results appear to be consistent with the dual nature of Fiji’s agricultural sector and show that agricultural supply response is own-price elastic for the commodities analysed.


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This paper presents analysis of the decision-making strategies adopted by respondents when confronted with potential policy options that include changes in both aggregate levels of welfare and equity in distribution. The analysis is based on the results of a choice experiment designed to estimate intergenerational distributional preferences. Non-linear welfare functions are employed within a conventional conditional logit framework. The heuristics employed by respondents in the stated preference context provide valuable insights into the application of welfare principles by respondents in determining trade-offs between the potential changes in the well-being of different generations.


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This thesis addresses the issue of estimating the willingness of members of low-income communities to contribute to the management of the invasion of exotic plant species by applying the stated preference method of a choice experiment in the buffer zone of Chitwan National Park in Nepal.


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Este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar e identificar a influência dos atributos que estruturam a escolha do transportador de carga geral fracionada pelos usuários, em uma determinada rota nacional, baseado na modelagem da demanda. xii A modelagem da demanda é efetuada com base em Modelos Comportamentais Desagregados, utilizando-se as técnicas de Preferência Declarada (Stated Preference), na obtenção dos dados. A determinação das preferências dos decisores são analisadas, buscandose assim quantificar o valor das variáveis que compõem o nível de serviço desejado pelos varejistas usuários. O estudo enfoca o comportamento do varejista usuário de serviços de transporte de cargas com relação a tomada de decisão sobre a transportadora que executará o serviço de transporte de carga. Esta tomada de decisão do varejista usuário leva em consideração que cada operador valoriza os atributos em diferentes graus e que estes fazem parte do nível de serviço de cada transportadora. As técnicas de Preferência Declarada forneceram dados para estimar as funções de Utilidade levando em consideração os diferentes níveis de atributos de cada transportadora. A partir da função de Utilidade de cada transportadora, é estimada a probabilidade de escolha de cada transportadora. A modelagem permite a realização de simulações, a partir de alterações no grau dos atributos das variáveis do modelo, na qual se determinará a parcela de mercado de cada transportadora e a sua respectiva participação no mercado em estudo. Dentre os principais resultados, pode se observar que a modelagem da demanda em transporte de cargas, apesar de pouco utilizada, é coerente com a realidade analisada, validando a metodologia utilizada neste estudo.


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Um dos produtos mais consumidos do mundo vem passando por grandes transformações, e a cerveja que conhecemos como tipo Pilsen (Light Lager) deixou de ser opção única nas prateleiras. Dado o potencial de crescimento do setor no Brasil, o objetivo deste trabalho é mapear as preferências do consumidor de cerveja artesanal, usando técnicas de preferência declarada, a partir da aplicação de questionários que convidam o entrevistado a elencar suas preferências diante das combinações dos atributos Cor, Paladar, Aroma e Álcool. A partir da estratificação da amostra em Idade e Experiência, os resultados indicam que Paladar, seguido da Cor e, por último, o Aroma são os atributos mais relevantes para o entrevistado Experiente, enquanto o Não Experiente atribui maior peso à Cor, seguida do Paladar, sendo o Aroma um atributo irrelevante em suas escolhas. O atributo Álcool revelou-se insignificante em todas as estratificações realizadas.


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This dissertation focuses on the leadership styles of managers, the impact these leadership styles have on the job satisfaction of staff nurses, and the proclivity of nurses to consider unionization. The aims of the dissertation include conducting a literature review on topics of leadership style, job satisfaction, and unionization; identifying and elucidating pertinent constructs with respect to shared interrelationships and how they could be measured; and developing a means of assessing if and to what extent transformational and transactional leadership styles affect nurse proclivity to unionize.^ The instrumentation selected includes the Multifactor Leadership Survey, Job Satisfaction Survey, and a newly created Union Preference Survey. Each survey instrument was evaluated as to its appropriateness to administer at a non-consultant level within a health care facility. Options other than self-administering the survey instruments include online access for participants, which provides confidentiality and encourages more responses. ^ The next part of the dissertation is a plan for health care facilities to use the survey tool by administering it themselves. The plan provides a general description of the survey tool, administering the instrument, rating the instrument, and leadership development. Integration of the three surveys is presented in a non-statistical format by coordinating the results of the three survey instrument responses. Recommendations are presented on how to improve leadership development warranted for improvement.^ The conclusions reached are that nurses’ preference for unions is influenced by the leadership style of direct report managers, as rated by staff nurses, and the nurses’ job satisfaction, which is in turn in part dependent on their managers’ leadership style. Thus, changes in leadership style can have a profound impact on nurse job satisfaction and on nurses’ preference for unionization.^


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In developed countries travel time savings can account for as much as 80% of the overall benefits arising from transport infrastructure and service improvements. In developing countries they are generally ignored in transport project appraisals, notwithstanding their importance. One of the reasons for ignoring these benefits in the developing countries is that there is insufficient empirical evidence to support the conventional models for valuing travel time where work patterns, particularly of the poor, are diverse and it is difficult to distinguish between work and non-work activities. The exclusion of time saving benefits may lead to a bias against investment decisions that benefit the poor and understate the poverty reduction potential of transport investments in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). This is because the poor undertake most travel and transport by walking and headloading on local roads, tracks and paths and improvements of local infrastructure and services bring large time saving benefits for them through modal shifts. The paper reports on an empirical study to develop a methodology for valuing rural travel time savings in the LDCs. Apart from identifying the theoretical and empirical issues in valuing travel time savings in the LDCs, the paper presents and discusses the results of an analysis of data from Bangladesh. Some of the study findings challenge the conventional wisdom concerning the time saving values. The Bangladesh study suggests that the western concept of dividing travel time savings into working and non-working time savings is broadly valid in the developing country context. The study validates the use of preference methods in valuing non-working time saving values. However, stated preference (SP) method is more appropriate than revealed preference (RP) method.


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This is a report on a study designed to test the applicability of conventional Stated Preference and Revealed Preference models for valuing the time savings of rural travellers in least developed countries and to develop and demonstrate a robust methodology for estimating values of travel time savings which could be used in developing countries.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of multimedia instruction on achievement of college students in AMR 2010 from exploration and discovery to 1865. A non-equivalent control group design was used. The dependent variable was achievement. The independent variables were learning styles, method of instruction, and visual clarifiers (notes). The study was conducted using two history sections from Palm Beach Community College, in Boca Raton, Florida, between August and December, 1998. Data were obtained by means of placement scores, posttests, the Productivity Environmental Preference Survey (PEPS), and a researcher-developed student survey. Statistical analysis of the data was done using SPSS statistical software. Demographic variables were compared using Chi square. T tests were run on the posttests to determine the equality of variances. The posttest scores of the groups were compared using the analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) at the .05 level of significance. The first hypothesis there is a significant difference in students' learning of U.S. History when students receive multimedia instruction was supported, F (1, 52) = 16.88, p < .0005, and F = (1, 53) = 8.52, p < .005 for Tests 2 and 3, respectively. The second hypothesis there is a significant difference on the effectiveness of multimedia instruction based on students' various learning preferences was not supported. The last hypotheses there is a significant difference on students' learning of U.S. History when students whose first language is other than English and students who need remediation receive visual clarifiers were not supported. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no difference between the groups on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3: F (1, 45) = .01, p < .940, F (1, 52) = .77, p < .385, and F (1, 53) =.17, p < .678, respectively, for language. Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) indicated no significant difference on Test 1, Test 2, or Test 3, between the groups on the variable remediation: F (1, 45) = .31, p < .580, F (1, 52) = 1.44, p < .236, and F (1, 53) = .21, p < .645, respectively. ^