967 resultados para stabi-lity of flows


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Practically all extant work on flows over obstacle arrays, whether laboratory experiments or numerical modelling, is for cases where the oncoming wind is normal to salient faces of the obstacles. In the field, however, this is rarely the case. Here, simulations of flows at various directions over arrays of cubes representing typical urban canopy regions are presented and discussed. The computations are of both direct numerical simulation and large-eddy simulation type. Attention is concentrated on the differences in the mean flow within the canopy region arising from the different wind directions and the consequent effects on global properties such as the total surface drag, which can change very significantly—by up to a factor of three in some circumstances. It is shown that for a given Reynolds number the typical viscous forces are generally a rather larger fraction of the pressure forces (principally the drag) for non-normal than for normal wind directions and that, dependent on the surface morphology, the average flow direction deep within the canopy can be largely independent of the oncoming wind direction. Even for regular arrays of regular obstacles, a wind direction not normal to the obstacle faces can in general generate a lateral lift force (in the direction normal to the oncoming flow). The results demonstrate this and it is shown how computations in a finite domain with the oncoming flow generated by an appropriate forcing term (e.g. a pressure gradient) then lead inevitably to an oncoming wind direction aloft that is not aligned with the forcing term vector.


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This paper investigates the relationship between capital flows, turnover and returns for the UK private real estate market. We examine a number of possible implication of capital flows and turnover on capital returns testing for evidence of a price pressure effect, ‘return chasing’ behaviour and information revelation. The main tool of analysis is a panel vector autoregressive (VAR) regression model in which institutional capital flows, turnover and returns are specified as endogenous variables in a two equation system in which we also control for macro-economic variables. Data on flows, turnover and returns are obtained for the 10 market segments covering the main UK commercial real estate sectors. Our results do not support the widely-held belief among practitioners that capital flows have a ‘price pressure’ effect. Although there is some evidence of return chasing behaviour, the short timescales involved suggest this finding may be due to delayed recording of flows relative to returns given the difficulties of market entry. We find a significant positive relationship between lagged turnover and contemporaneous capital returns, suggesting that asset turnover provides pricing information.


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Andrews (1984) has shown that any flow satisfying Arnol'd's (1965, 1966) sufficient conditions for stability must be zonally-symmetric if the boundary conditions on the flow are zonally-symmetric. This result appears to place very strong restrictions on the kinds of flows that can be proved to be stable by Arnol'd's theorems. In this paper, Andrews’ theorem is re-examined, paying special attention to the case of an unbounded domain. It is shown that, in that case, Andrews’ theorem generally fails to apply, and Arnol'd-stable flows do exist that are not zonally-symmetric. The example of a circular vortex with a monotonic vorticity profile is a case in point. A proof of the finite-amplitude version of the Rayleigh stability theorem for circular vortices is also established; despite its similarity to the Arnol'd theorems it seems not to have been put on record before.


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On 7 December 1992, a moderate substorm was observed by a variety of satellites and ground-based instruments. Ionospheric flows were monitored near dusk by the Goose Bay HF radar and near midnight by the EISCAT radar. The observed flows are compared here with magnetometer observations by the IMAGE array in Scandinavia and the two Greenland chains, the auroral distribution observed by Freja and the substorm cycle observations by the SABRE radar, the SAMNET magnetometer array and LANL geosynchronous satellites. Data from Galileo Earth-encounter II are used to estimate the IMF B-z component. The data presented show that the substorm onset electrojet at midnight was confined to closed field lines equatorward of the preexisting convection reversal boundaries observed in the dusk and midnight regions. No evidence of substantial closure of open flux was detected following this substorm onset. Indeed the convection reversal boundary on the duskside continued to expand equatorward after onset due to the continued presence of strong southward IMF, such that growth and expansion phase features were simultaneously present. Clear indications of closure of open flux were not observed until a subsequent substorm intensification 25 min after the initial onset. After this time, the substorm auroral bulge in the nightside hours propagated well poleward of the pre-existing convection reversal boundary, and strong flow perturbations were observed by the Goose Bay radar, indicative of flows driven by reconnection in the tail.


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Starting from an improved understanding of the relationship between gender labour market stocks and the business cycle, we analyse the contributing role of flows in the US and UK. Focusing on the post 2008 recession period, the subsequent greater rise in male unemployment can mostly be explained by a less cyclical response of flows between employment and unemployment for women, especially the entry into unemployment. Across gender and country, the inactivity rate is generally not sensitive to the state of the economy. However, a flows based analysis reveals a greater importance of the participation margin over the cycle. Changes in the rates of flow between unemployment and inactivity can each account for around 0.8-1.1 percentage points of the rise in US male and female unemployment rates during the latest downturn. For the UK, although the participation flow to unemployment similarly contributed to the increase of the female unemployment rate, this was not the case for men. The countercyclical flow rate from inactivity to employment was also more significant for women, especially in the US, where it accounted for approximately all of the fall in employment, compared with only 40% for men.


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We provide an affirmative answer to the C(r)-Closing Lemma, r >= 2, for a large class of flows defined on every closed surface.


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The Orange River, South Africa’s largest river, is a critical water resource for the country. In spite of the clear economic benefits of regulating river flows through a series of impoundments, one of the significant undesirable ecological consequences of this regulation has been the regular outbreaks of the pest blackfly species Simulium chutteri and S. damnosum s.l. (Diptera: Simuliidae). The current control programme, carried out by the South African National Department of Agriculture, uses regular applications, by helicopter, of the target-specific bacterial larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis. While cost-benefit analyses show significant benefits to the control programme, benefits could potentially be further increased through applying smaller volumes of larvicide in an optimised manner, which incorporates upstream residual amounts of pesticide through downstream carry. Using an optimisation technique applied in the West African Onchocerciasis Control Programme, to a 136 km stretch of the Orange River which includes 31 blackfly breeding sites, we demonstrate that 28.5% less larvicide could be used to potentially achieve the same control of blackfly. This translates into potential annual savings of between R540 000 and R1 800 000. A comparison of larvicide volumes estimated using traditional vs. optimised approaches at different discharges, illustrates that the savings on optimisation decline linearly with increasing flow volumes. Larvicide applications at the lowest discharge considered (40 m3·s-1) showed the greatest benefits from optimisations, with benefits remaining but decreasing to a theoretical 30% up to median flows of 100 m3·s-1. Given that almost 70% of flows in July are less than 100 m3·s-1, we suggest that an optimised approach is appropriate for the Orange River Blackfly Control Programme, particularly for flow volumes of less than 100 m3·s-1. We recommend that trials be undertaken over two reaches of the Orange River, one using the traditional approach, and another using the optimised approach, to test the efficacy of using optimised volumes of B.t.i.


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Includes bibliography


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The subject of this work is the diffusion of turbulence in a non-turbulent flow. Such phenomenon can be found in almost every practical case of turbulent flow: all types of shear flows (wakes, jet, boundary layers) present some boundary between turbulence and the non-turbulent surround; all transients from a laminar flow to turbulence must account for turbulent diffusion; mixing of flows often involve the injection of a turbulent solution in a non-turbulent fluid. The mechanism of what Phillips defined as “the erosion by turbulence of the underlying non-turbulent flow”, is called entrainment. It is usually considered to operate on two scales with different mechanics. The small scale nibbling, which is the entrainment of fluid by viscous diffusion of turbulence, and the large scale engulfment, which entraps large volume of flow to be “digested” subsequently by viscous diffusion. The exact role of each of them in the overall entrainment rate is still not well understood, as it is the interplay between these two mechanics of diffusion. It is anyway accepted that the entrainment rate scales with large properties of the flow, while is not understood how the large scale inertial behavior can affect an intrinsically viscous phenomenon as diffusion of vorticity. In the present work we will address then the problem of turbulent diffusion through pseudo-spectral DNS simulations of the interface between a volume of decaying turbulence and quiescent flow. Such simulations will give us first hand measures of velocity, vorticity and strains fields at the interface; moreover the framework of unforced decaying turbulence will permit to study both spatial and temporal evolution of such fields. The analysis will evidence that for this kind of flows the overall production of enstrophy , i.e. the square of vorticity omega^2 , is dominated near the interface by the local inertial transport of “fresh vorticity” coming from the turbulent flow. Viscous diffusion instead plays a major role in enstrophy production in the outbound of the interface, where the nibbling process is dominant. The data from our simulation seems to confirm the theory of an inertially stirred viscous phenomenon proposed by others authors before and provides new data about the inertial diffusion of turbulence across the interface.


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Shipboard examination of volcanic and sedimentary strata at Site 786 suggested that at least four types of breccias are present: flow-top breccias, associated with cooling and breakup on the upper surface of lava flows; autobreccias, formed by in-situ alteration at the base of flows; fault-gouge breccias; and true sedimentary breccias derived from weathering and erosion of underlying flows. It is virtually impossible to assess the origin of breccia matrix by textural and mineralogical analyses alone. However, it is fundamental for our understanding of breccia provenance to determine the source component of the matrix material. Whether the matrix is uniquely clastderived can be determined by geochemical fingerprinting. Trace elements that are immobile during weathering and alteration do not change their relative abundances. A contribution to the matrix from any source with an immobile trace element signature different from that of the clasts would appear as a perturbation of the trace element signature of the matrix. Trace element analysis of bulk samples from clasts and matrix material in individual breccia units was undertaken in a fashion similar to that used by Brimhall and Dietrich (1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6) in analyzing soil provenance: (1) to help distinguish between sedimentary and volcanic breccias, (2) to determine the degree of mixing and depth of erosion in sedimentary breccias, and (3) to analyze the local provenance of the individual breccia components (matrix and clasts). The following elements were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF): Rb, Sr, Ba, U, Zr, Cu, Zn, Ti, Cr, and V. Of these elements, Zr and Ti probably exhibit truly immobile behavior (Humphris and Thompson, 1978, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(78)90222-3 ). The remaining elements are useful as a reference for the extent of compositional change during the formation of matrix material (Brimhall and Dietrich, 1987, doi:10.1016/0016-7037(87)90070-6).


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Oceanic basalts and other related igneous rocks are considered excellent recorders of the Earth's paleomagnetic field. Consequently, basalt core paleomagnetic data are valuable for the constraints they provide on plate tectonic motions, especially for oceanic plates such as the Pacific. Unfortunately, few Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) and Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) boreholes have been cored very deeply into the ocean crust. The result is that there are only a few sites at which a large enough number of basalt flows have been cored to properly average secular variation (e.g., Kono, 1980, doi:10.2973/dsdp.proc.55.135.1980; Cox and Gordon, 1984, doi:10.1029/RG022i001p00047). Furthermore, there are a number of sites where basaltic core samples were retrieved but the cores were not measured. Often this occurs because leg scientists had more important sections to work on, or the section was ignored because it was too short to record enough time to average secular variation and obtain a reliable paleolatitude. Even though it may not be possible to determine a precise paleolatitude from such short sections, measurements from a small number of flows are important because they can be combined with other coeval paleomagnetic data from the same plate to calculate a paleomagnetic pole (Gordon and Cox, 1980, doi:10.1111/j.1365-246X.1980.tb02642.x; Cox and Gordon, 1984, doi:10.1029/RG022i001p00047). For this reason, I obtained samples for paleomagnetic measurements from eight Pacific sites (169, 170, 171, 581, 597, 800, 803, and 865), most of which have not been previously measured for paleomagnetism.


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During Ocean Drilling Program Leg 104 a 900-m-thick sequence of volcanic rocks was drilled at Hole 642E on the Vøring Plateau, Norwegian Sea. This sequence erupted in two series (upper and lower series) upon continental basement. The upper series corresponds to the seaward-dipping seismic reflectors and comprises a succession of about 122 flows of transitional oceanic tholeiite composition. They have been subdivided into several formations consisting of flows related to each other by crystal fractionation processes, magma mixing, or both. Major- and trace-element chemistry indicates affinities to Tertiary plateau lavas of northeast Greenland and to Holocene lavas from shallow transitional segments of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, such as Reykjanes Ridge. The tholeiitic magmas have been derived from a slightly LREE-depleted mantle source. Two tholeiitic dikes that intruded the lower series derive from an extremely depleted mantle source. Interlayered volcaniclastic sediments are dominantly ferrobasaltic and more differentiated. They appear to come from a LREE-enriched mantle source, and may have been erupted in close vicinity of the Vøring Plateau during hydroclastic eruptions. The two tholeiitic dikes that intruded the lower series as well as some flows at the base of the upper series show evidence of assimilation of continental upper crustal material.


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Basement rocks from the Ontong Java Plateau are tholeiitic basalts that appear to record very high degrees of partial melting, much like those found today in the vicinity of Iceland. They display a limited range of incompatible element and isotopic variation, but small differences are apparent between sampled sites and between upper and lower groups of flows at Ocean Drilling Program Site 807.40Ar-39Ar ages of lavas from Site 807 and Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 289 are indistinguishable about an early Aptian mean of 122 Ma (as are preliminary data for the island of Malaita at the southern edge of the plateau), indicating that plateau-building eruptions ended more or less simultaneously at widely separated locations. Pb-Nd-Sr isotopes for lavas from Sites 289, 803, and 807, as well as southern Malaita, reflect a hotspot-like source with epsilon-Nd(T) = +4.0 to +6.3, (87Sr/86Sr)T = 0.70423-0.70339, and 206Pb/204Pb = 18.245-18.709 and possessing consistently greater 208Pb/204Pb for a given 206Pb/204Pb than Pacific MORB. The combination of hotspot-like mantle source, very high degrees of melting, and lack of a discernible age progression is best explained if the bulk of the plateau was constructed rapidly above a surfacing plume head, possibly that of the Louisville hotspot. Basalt and feldspar separates indicate a substantially younger age of ~90 Ma for basement at Site 803; in addition, volcaniclastic layers of mid-Cenomanian through Coniacian age occur at DSDP Site 288, and beds of late Aptian-Albian age are found at Site 289. Therefore, at least some volcanism continued on the plateau for 30 m.y. or more. The basalts at Site 803 are chemically and isotopically very similar to those at the ~122 Ma sites, suggesting that hot plume-type mantle was present beneath the plateau for an extended period or at two different times. Surviving seamounts of the Louisville Ridge formed between 70 and 0 Ma have much higher 206Pb/204Pb than any of the plateau basalts. Thus, assuming the Louisville hotspot was the source of the plateau lavas, a change in the hotspot's isotopic composition may have occurred between roughly 70 and 90 Ma; such a change may have accompanied the plume-head to plume-tail transition. Similar shifts from early, lower 206Pb/204Pb to subsequently higher 206Pb/204Pb values are found in several other oceanic plateau-hotspot and continental flood basalt-hotspot systems, and could reflect either a reduction in the supply of low 206Pb/204Pb mantle or an inability of some off-ridge plume-tails to melt refractory low 206Pb/204Pb material.


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Environmental constraints imposed on hydropoweroperation are usually given in the form of minimum environmental flows and maximum and minimum rates of change of flows, or ramp rates. One solution proposed to mitigate the environmental impact caused by the flows discharged by a hydropower plant while reducing the economic impact of the above-mentioned constraints consists in building a re-regulationreservoir, or afterbay, downstream of the power plant. Adding pumpingcapability between the re-regulationreservoir and the main one could contribute both to reducing the size of the re-regulationreservoir, with the consequent environmental improvement, and to improving the economic feasibility of the project, always fulfilling the environmental constraints imposed to hydropoweroperation. The objective of this paper is studying the contribution of a re-regulationreservoir to fulfilling the environmental constraints while reducing the economic impact of said constraints. For that purpose, a revenue-driven optimization model based on mixed integer linear programming is used. Additionally, the advantages of adding pumpingcapability are analysed. In order to illustrate the applicability of the methodology, a case study based on a real hydropower plant is presented


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Changes in the geomorphology of rivers have serious repercussions, causing losses in the dynamics and naturalness of their forms, going in many cases, from a type of meandering channel, with constant erosion and sedimentation processes, to a channelized narrow river with rigid and stable margins, where the only possibility of movement occurs in the vertical, causing the only changes in channel geometry occur in the river bed. On the other hand, these changes seriously affect the naturalness of the banks, preventing the development of riparian vegetation and reducing the cross connectivity of the riparian corridor. Common canalizations and disconnections of meanders increase the slope, and therefore speed, resulting in processes of regressive erosion, effect increased as a result of the narrowing of the channel and the concentration of flows. This process of incision may turn the flood plain to be "hung", being completely disconnected from the water table, with important consequences for vegetation. As an example of the effects of these changes, it has been chosen the case of the Arga River The Arga river has been channelized and rectified, as it passes along the meander RamalHondo and Soto Gil (Funes, Navarra). The effects on fish habitat and riparian vegetation by remeandering the Arga River are presented. and Ttwo very contrasting situationsrestoration hypothesis, in terms of geomorphology concerns, have been established to assess the effects these changes have on the habitat of one of the major fish species in the area (Luciobabus graellsii) and on the riparian vegetation. To accomplish this goal, it has been necessary to used the a digital elevation model provided by LIDAR flight, bathymetric data, flow data, as inputs, and a hydraulic simulation model 2D (Infoworks RS). The results obtained not only helped to evaluate the effects of the past alterations of geomorphologic characteristics, but also to predict fish and vegetation habitat responses to this type of changes.