994 resultados para splice site variants


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Background: Deficiency of 11 beta-hydroxylase results in the impairment of the last step of cortisol synthesis. In females, the phenotype of this disorder includes different degrees of genital ambiguity and arterial hypertension. Mutations in the CYP11B1 gene are responsible for this disease. Objective: The objective of the study was to screen the CYP11B1 gene for mutations in two unrelated Brazilian females with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency. Design: The coding and intron-exon junction regions of CYP11B1 were totally sequenced. A putative splice mutation was further investigated by minigene transcription. Results: We report two novel CYP11B1 mutations in these Brazilian patients. An Arabian Lebanese descendent female was found to be homozygous for a cytosine insertion at the beginning of exon 8, changing the 404 arginine to proline. It alters the open reading frame, creating a putative truncated protein at 421 residue, which eliminates the domain necessary for the association of heme prosthetic group. A severely virilized female was homozygous for the g. 2791G>A transition in the last position of exon 4. This nucleotide is also part of 5` intron 4 donor splice site consensus sequence. Minigene experiments demonstrated that g. 2791G>A activated an alternative splice site within exon 4, leading to a 45-bp deletion in the transcript. The putative translation of such modified mRNA indicates a truncated protein at residue 280. Conclusions: We describe two novel mutations, g. 4671_4672insC and g. 2791G>A, that drastically affects normal protein structure. These mutations abolish normal enzyme activity, leading to a severe phenotype of congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to 11 beta-hydroxylase deficiency. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 94: 3481-3485, 2009)


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von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant hereditary cancer syndrome that predisposes to the development of a variety of benign and malignant tumours, especially cerebellar haemangioblastomas, retinal angiomas and clear-cell renal cell carcinomas (RCC). The etiology and manifestations are due to germline and somatic mutations in the VHL tumour suppressor gene. VHL disease is classified into type 1 and type 2, showing a clear genotype-phenotype correlation, as type 2 is associated with phaeochromocytoma and essentially caused by missense mutations. The aim of this study is to characterize the phenotype and genotype of families with VHL disease. Eighteen of twenty patients from ten unrelated families underwent genetic testing, nine of them fulfilled VHL disease criteria and one had an apparently sporadic cerebellar haemangioblastoma. Four different germline mutations in the VHL gene were identified: c.226_228delTTC (p.Phe76del); c.217C > T (p.Gln73X); IVS1-1 G > A and IVS2-1 G > C. The first three mutations were associated with type 1 disease and the last one with type 2B, which had never been identified in the germline. The transcriptional processing of a novel splice-site mutation was characterised. Three type 1 VHL families showed large deletions of the VHL gene, two of them encompassed the FANCD2/C3orf10 genes and were not associated with renal lesions. We also suggest that such families should be subclassified according to the risk of RCC and the extent of the VHL gene deletions. This study highlights the need for a through clinical and molecular characterisation of families with VHL disease to better delineate its genotype-phenotype correlation.


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It has been previously observed that the intrinsically weak variant GC donor sites, in order to be recognized by the U2-type spliceosome, possess strong consensus sequences maximized for base pair formation with U1 and U5/U6 snRNAs. However, variability in signal strength is a fundamental mechanism for splice site selection in alternative splicing. Here we report human alternative GC-AG introns (for the first time from any species), and show that while constitutive GC-AG introns do possess strong signals at their donor sites, a large subset of alternative GC-AG introns possess weak consensus sequences at their donor sites. Surprisingly, this subset of alternative isoforms shows strong consensus at acceptor exon positions 1 and 2. The improved consensus at the acceptor exon can facilitate a strong interaction with U5 snRNA, which tethers the two exons for ligation during the second step of splicing. Further, these isoforms nearly always possess alternative acceptor sites and always possess alternative acceptor sites and exhibit particularly weak polypyrimidine tracts characteristic of AG-dependent introns. The acceptor exon nucleotides are part of the consensus required for the U2AF(35)-mediated recognition of AG in such introns. Such improved consensus at acceptor exons is not found in either normal or alternative GT-AG introns having weak donor sites or weak polypyrimidine,tracts. The changes probably reflect mechanisms that allow GC-AG alternative intron isoforms to cope with two conflicting requirements, namely an apparent need for differential splice strength to direct the choice of alternative sites and a need for improved donor signals to compensate for the central mismatch base pair (C-A) in the RNA duplex of U1 snRNA and the pre-mRNA. The other important findings include (i) one in every twenty alternative introns is a GC-AG intron, and (ii) three of every five observed GC-AG introns are alternative isoforms.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Molecular Biology


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Disease-causing alterations within the F8 gene were identified in 177 hemophilia A families of Portuguese origin. The spectrum of non-inversion F8 mutations in 101 families included 67 different alterations, namely: 36 missense, 8 nonsense and 4 splice site mutations, as well as 19 insertions/deletions. Thirty-four of these mutations are novel. Molecular modeling allowed prediction of the conformational changes introduced by selected amino acid substitutions and their correlation with the patients' phenotypes. The relatively frequent, population-specific, missense mutations together with de novo alterations can lead to significant differences in the spectrum of F8 mutations among different populations.


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Night vision requires signaling from rod photoreceptors to adjacent bipolar cells in the retina. Mutations in the genes NYX and GRM6, expressed in ON bipolar cells, lead to a disruption of the ON bipolar cell response. This dysfunction is present in patients with complete X-linked and autosomal-recessive congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) and can be assessed by standard full-field electroretinography (ERG), showing severely reduced rod b-wave amplitude and slightly altered cone responses. Although many cases of complete CSNB (cCSNB) are caused by mutations in NYX and GRM6, in approximately 60% of the patients the gene defect remains unknown. Animal models of human diseases are a good source for candidate genes, and we noted that a cCSNB phenotype present in homozygous Appaloosa horses is associated with downregulation of TRPM1. TRPM1, belonging to the family of transient receptor potential channels, is expressed in ON bipolar cells and therefore qualifies as an excellent candidate. Indeed, mutation analysis of 38 patients with CSNB identified ten unrelated cCSNB patients with 14 different mutations in this gene. The mutation spectrum comprises missense, splice-site, deletion, and nonsense mutations. We propose that the cCSNB phenotype in these patients is due to the absence of functional TRPM1 in retinal ON bipolar cells.


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Aquest treball es basa en l’estudi de dues malalties lisosòmiques: la malaltia de Niemann-Pick A/B (NPAB) i la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C (NPC). En relació a la malaltia de NPAB, s’ha realitzat l’expressió in vitro d’algunes de les mutacions de canvi d’aminoàcid trobades en pacients espanyols per tal de detectar les activitats enzimàtiques residuals. Totes les mutacions presenten una activitat molt baixa, gairebé nul•la, excepte la p.L225P i la R608del que tenen un 11% i 20% d’activitat respectivament. Els resultats obtinguts són coherents amb la severitat del fenotip que presenten els pacients. D’altra banda, s’ha caracteritzat un al•lel amb una mutació que afecta a una posició poc conservada d’un donador de splicing i que produeix la generació de trànscrits aberrants corresponents a trànscrits minoritaris de SMPD1, prèviament descrits, que no codifiquen per proteïna funcional. Respecte a malaltia de NPC, s’ha realitzat una anàlisi molecular de pacients espanyols prèviament estudiats identificant, en la majoria dels casos, la segona mutació responsable de la patologia. S’ha descrit per primer cop per aquesta malaltia una gran deleció que inclou el gen NPC1 i altres gens flanquejants i s’ha estudiat l’efecte que tenen les mutacions de splicing trobades a nivell de RNA. Per una d’aquestes mutacions, c.1554-1009G&A, s’ha assajat amb èxit una estratègia terapèutica basada en la utilització d’oligonuclèotids antisentit. D’altra banda, s’està desenvolupant un model cel•lular neuronal de la malaltia de Niemann-Pick tipus C, basat en la utilització de RNAs d’interferència, sobre el qual es podran assajar possibles estratègies terapèutiques en un futur.


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Glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is caused by mutations in the SLC2A1 gene in the majority of patients and results in impaired glucose transport into the brain. From 2004-2008, 132 requests for mutational analysis of the SLC2A1 gene were studied by automated Sanger sequencing and multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification. Mutations in the SLC2A1 gene were detected in 54 patients (41%) and subsequently in three clinically affected family members. In these 57 patients we identified 49 different mutations, including six multiple exon deletions, six known mutations and 37 novel mutations (13 missense, five nonsense, 13 frame shift, four splice site and two translation initiation mutations). Clinical data were retrospectively collected from referring physicians by means of a questionnaire. Three different phenotypes were recognized: (i) the classical phenotype (84%), subdivided into early-onset (<2 years) (65%) and late-onset (18%); (ii) a non-classical phenotype, with mental retardation and movement disorder, without epilepsy (15%); and (iii) one adult case of glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome with minimal symptoms. Recognizing glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome is important, since a ketogenic diet was effective in most of the patients with epilepsy (86%) and also reduced movement disorders in 48% of the patients with a classical phenotype and 71% of the patients with a non-classical phenotype. The average delay in diagnosing classical glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome was 6.6 years (range 1 month-16 years). Cerebrospinal fluid glucose was below 2.5 mmol/l (range 0.9-2.4 mmol/l) in all patients and cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was below 0.50 in all but one patient (range 0.19-0.52). Cerebrospinal fluid lactate was low to normal in all patients. Our relatively large series of 57 patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome allowed us to identify correlations between genotype, phenotype and biochemical data. Type of mutation was related to the severity of mental retardation and the presence of complex movement disorders. Cerebrospinal fluid : blood glucose ratio was related to type of mutation and phenotype. In conclusion, a substantial number of the patients with glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome do not have epilepsy. Our study demonstrates that a lumbar puncture provides the diagnostic clue to glucose transporter-1 deficiency syndrome and can thereby dramatically reduce diagnostic delay to allow early start of the ketogenic diet.


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BACKGROUND: Jeune asphyxiating thoracic dystrophy (JATD) is a rare, often lethal, recessively inherited chondrodysplasia characterised by shortened ribs and long bones, sometimes accompanied by polydactyly, and renal, liver and retinal disease. Mutations in intraflagellar transport (IFT) genes cause JATD, including the IFT dynein-2 motor subunit gene DYNC2H1. Genetic heterogeneity and the large DYNC2H1 gene size have hindered JATD genetic diagnosis. AIMS AND METHODS: To determine the contribution to JATD we screened DYNC2H1 in 71 JATD patients JATD patients combining SNP mapping, Sanger sequencing and exome sequencing. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: We detected 34 DYNC2H1 mutations in 29/71 (41%) patients from 19/57 families (33%), showing it as a major cause of JATD especially in Northern European patients. This included 13 early protein termination mutations (nonsense/frameshift, deletion, splice site) but no patients carried these in combination, suggesting the human phenotype is at least partly hypomorphic. In addition, 21 missense mutations were distributed across DYNC2H1 and these showed some clustering to functional domains, especially the ATP motor domain. DYNC2H1 patients largely lacked significant extra-skeletal involvement, demonstrating an important genotype-phenotype correlation in JATD. Significant variability exists in the course and severity of the thoracic phenotype, both between affected siblings with identical DYNC2H1 alleles and among individuals with different alleles, which suggests the DYNC2H1 phenotype might be subject to modifier alleles, non-genetic or epigenetic factors. Assessment of fibroblasts from patients showed accumulation of anterograde IFT proteins in the ciliary tips, confirming defects similar to patients with other retrograde IFT machinery mutations, which may be of undervalued potential for diagnostic purposes.


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Purpose: Previously we reported on a premature termination mutation in SLC16A12 that leads to dominant juvenile cataract and renal glucosuria. To assess the mutation rate and genotype-phenotype correlations of SLC16A12 in juvenile or age-related forms of cataract, we performed a mutation screen in cataract patients. Methods: Clinical data of approximately 660 patients were collected, genomic DNA was isolated and analyzed. Exons 3 to 8 including flanking intron sequences of SLC16A12 were PCR amplified and DNA sequence was determined. Selected mutations were tested by cell culture assays, in silico analysis and RT-PCR. Results: We found sequence alterations at a rate of approximately 1/75 patients. None of them was found in 360 control alleles. Alterations affect splice site and regulatory region but most mutations caused an amino acid substitution. The majority of the coding region mutations maps to trans-membrane domains. One mutation located to the 5'UTR. It affects translational efficiency of SLC16A12. In addition, we identified a cataract-predisposing SNP in the non-coding region that causes allele-specific splicing of the 5'UTR region. Conclusions: Altered translational efficiency of the solute carrier SLC16A12 and its allele-specific splicing strongly support a model of challenged homeostasis to cause various forms of cataract. In addition, the pathogenic property of the here reported sequence alterations is supported by the lack of known sequence variations within the coding region of SLC16A12. Due to the relatively high mutation rate, we suggest to include SLC16A12 in diagnostic cataract screening. Generally, our data recommend the assessment of regulatory sequences for diagnostic purposes.


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Metachondromatosis (MC) is a rare, autosomal dominant, incompletely penetrant combined exostosis and enchondromatosis tumor syndrome. MC is clinically distinct from other multiple exostosis or multiple enchondromatosis syndromes and is unlinked to EXT1 and EXT2, the genes responsible for autosomal dominant multiple osteochondromas (MO). To identify a gene for MC, we performed linkage analysis with high-density SNP arrays in a single family, used a targeted array to capture exons and promoter sequences from the linked interval in 16 participants from 11 MC families, and sequenced the captured DNA using high-throughput parallel sequencing technologies. DNA capture and parallel sequencing identified heterozygous putative loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 in 4 of the 11 families. Sanger sequence analysis of PTPN11 coding regions in a total of 17 MC families identified mutations in 10 of them (5 frameshift, 2 nonsense, and 3 splice-site mutations). Copy number analysis of sequencing reads from a second targeted capture that included the entire PTPN11 gene identified an additional family with a 15 kb deletion spanning exon 7 of PTPN11. Microdissected MC lesions from two patients with PTPN11 mutations demonstrated loss-of-heterozygosity for the wild-type allele. We next sequenced PTPN11 in DNA samples from 54 patients with the multiple enchondromatosis disorders Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome, but found no coding sequence PTPN11 mutations. We conclude that heterozygous loss-of-function mutations in PTPN11 are a frequent cause of MC, that lesions in patients with MC appear to arise following a "second hit," that MC may be locus heterogeneous since 1 familial and 5 sporadically occurring cases lacked obvious disease-causing PTPN11 mutations, and that PTPN11 mutations are not a common cause of Ollier disease or Maffucci syndrome.


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Opsismodysplasia (OPS) is a severe autosomal-recessive chondrodysplasia characterized by pre- and postnatal micromelia with extremely short hands and feet. The main radiological features are severe platyspondyly, squared metacarpals, delayed skeletal ossification, and metaphyseal cupping. In order to identify mutations causing OPS, a total of 16 cases (7 terminated pregnancies and 9 postnatal cases) from 10 unrelated families were included in this study. We performed exome sequencing in three cases from three unrelated families and only one gene was found to harbor mutations in all three cases: inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1 (INPPL1). Screening INPPL1 in the remaining cases identified a total of 12 distinct INPPL1 mutations in the 10 families, present at the homozygote state in 7 consanguinous families and at the compound heterozygote state in the 3 remaining families. Most mutations (6/12) resulted in premature stop codons, 2/12 were splice site, and 4/12 were missense mutations located in the catalytic domain, 5-phosphatase. INPPL1 belongs to the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase family, a family of signal-modulating enzymes that govern a plethora of cellular functions by regulating the levels of specific phosphoinositides. Our finding of INPPL1 mutations in OPS, a severe spondylodysplastic dysplasia with major growth plate disorganization, supports a key and specific role of this enzyme in endochondral ossification.


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The Lpin1 gene encodes the phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP1) enzyme Lipin 1, which plays a critical role in lipid metabolism. In this study we describe the identification and characterization of a rat model with a mutated Lpin1 gene (Lpin1(1Hubr)), generated by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis. Lpin1(1Hubr) rats are characterized by hindlimb paralysis and mild lipodystrophy that are detectable from the second postnatal week. Sequencing of Lpin1 identified a point mutation in the 5'-end splice site of intron 18 resulting in mis-splicing, a reading frameshift, and a premature stop codon. As this mutation does not induce nonsense-mediated decay, it allows the production of a truncated Lipin 1 protein lacking PAP1 activity. Lpin1(1Hubr) rats developed hypomyelination and mild lipodystrophy rather than the pronounced demyelination and adipocyte defects characteristic of Lpin1(fld/fld) mice, which carry a null allele for Lpin1. Furthermore, biochemical, histological, and molecular analyses revealed that these lesions improve in older Lpin1(1Hubr) rats as compared with young Lpin1(1Hubr) rats and Lpin1(fld/fld) mice. We observed activation of compensatory biochemical pathways substituting for missing PAP1 activity that, in combination with a possible non-enzymatic Lipin 1 function residing outside of its PAP1 domain, may contribute to the less severe phenotypes observed in Lpin1(1Hubr) rats as compared with Lpin1(fld/fld) mice. Although we are cautious in making a direct parallel between the presented rodent model and human disease, our data may provide new insight into the pathogenicity of recently identified human LPIN1 mutations.


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Opsismodysplasia (OPS) is a severe autosomal-recessive chondrodysplasia characterized by pre- and postnatal micromelia with extremely short hands and feet. The main radiological features are severe platyspondyly, squared metacarpals, delayed skeletal ossification, and metaphyseal cupping. In order to identify mutations causing OPS, a total of 16 cases (7 terminated pregnancies and 9 postnatal cases) from 10 unrelated families were included in this study. We performed exome sequencing in three cases from three unrelated families and only one gene was found to harbor mutations in all three cases: inositol polyphosphate phosphatase-like 1 (INPPL1). Screening INPPL1 in the remaining cases identified a total of 12 distinct INPPL1 mutations in the 10 families, present at the homozygote state in 7 consanguinous families and at the compound heterozygote state in the 3 remaining families. Most mutations (6/12) resulted in premature stop codons, 2/12 were splice site, and 4/12 were missense mutations located in the catalytic domain, 5-phosphatase. INPPL1 belongs to the inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate 5-phosphatase family, a family of signal-modulating enzymes that govern a plethora of cellular functions by regulating the levels of specific phosphoinositides. Our finding of INPPL1 mutations in OPS, a severe spondylodysplastic dysplasia with major growth plate disorganization, supports a key and specific role of this enzyme in endochondral ossification.


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The Lpin1 gene encodes the phosphatidate phosphatase (PAP1) enzyme Lipin 1, which plays a critical role in lipid metabolism. In this study we describe the identification and characterization of a rat with a mutated Lpin1 gene (Lpin11Hubr ), generated by N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea mutagenesis. Lpin11Hubr rats are characterized by hindlimb paralysis that is detectable from the second postnatal week. Sequencing of Lpin1 identified a missense mutation in the 5'-end splice site of exon 18 resulting in mis-splicing, a reading frame shift and a premature stop codon. As this mutation does not induce nonsense-mediated decay, it allows the production of a truncated Lipin 1 protein lacking PAP1 activity. As a consequence, Lpin11Hubr rats develop hypomyelination rather than the pronounced demyelination defect characteristic of Lpin1fld/fld mice, which carry a null allele for Lpin1. Furthermore, histological and molecular analyses revealed that this lesion improve in older Lpin11Hubr rats as compared to young Lpin11Hubr rats and Lpin1fld/fld mice. The observed differences between the murine Lpin1fld/fld mutant, with a complete loss of Lipin 1 function, and the Lpin1Hubr rat, with a truncated PAP1 activitydeficient form of Lipin 1, provide additional evidence for suggested non-enzymatic Lipin1 function residing outside of its PAP1 domain. While we are cautious in making a direct parallel between the presented rodent model and human disease, our data may provide new insight into pathogenicity of recently identified human Lpin1 mutations. *These authors contributed equally.