991 resultados para spectral ridge feature


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We describe a novel method for human activity segmentation and interpretation in surveillance applications based on Gabor filter-bank features. A complex human activity is modeled as a sequence of elementary human actions like walking, running, jogging, boxing, hand-waving etc. Since human silhouette can be modeled by a set of rectangles, the elementary human actions can be modeled as a sequence of a set of rectangles with different orientations and scales. The activity segmentation is based on Gabor filter-bank features and normalized spectral clustering. The feature trajectories of an action category are learnt from training example videos using Dynamic Time Warping. The combined segmentation and the recognition processes are very efficient as both the algorithms share the same framework and Gabor features computed for the former can be used for the later. We have also proposed a simple shadow detection technique to extract good silhouette which is necessary for good accuracy of an action recognition technique. © 2008 IEEE.


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Low-frequency multipath is still one of the major challenges for high precision GPS relative positioning. In kinematic applications, mainly, due to geometry changes, the low-frequency multipath is difficult to be removed or modeled. Spectral analysis has a powerful technique to analyze this kind of non-stationary signals: the wavelet transform. However, some processes and specific ways of processing are necessary to work together in order to detect and efficiently mitigate low-frequency multipath. In this paper, these processes are discussed. Some experiments were carried out in a kinematic mode with a controlled and known vehicle movement. The data were collected in the presence of a reflector surface placed close to the vehicle to cause, mainly, low-frequency multipath. From theanalyses realized, the results in terms of double difference residuals and statistical tests showed that the proposed methodology is very efficient to detect and mitigate low-frequency multipath effects. © 2008 IEEE.


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Two late Paleozoic glacial rhythmite successions from the Itarare Group (Parana Basin, Brazil) were examined for paleoclimate variations. Paleomagnetic (characteristic remanent magnetization, ChRM) and magnetic susceptibility (K(z)) measurements taken from the rhythmites are interpreted as paleoclimatic proxies. Ratios of low-frequency components in the K(z) variations suggest Milankovitch periodicities; this leads to recognition of other, millennial-scale variations reminiscent of abrupt climate changes during late Quaternary time, and are suggestive of Bond cycles and the 2.4 k.y. solar cycle. We infer from these patterns that millennial-scale climate change is not restricted to the Quaternary Period, and that millennial forcing mechanisms may have been prevalent throughout geologic time.


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Background: The biorhythm of serum uric acid was evaluated in a large sample of a clinical laboratory database by spectral analysis and the influence of the gender and age on uric acid variability. Methods: Serum uric acid values were extracted from a large database of a clinical laboratory from May 2000 to August 2006. Outlier values were excluded from the analysis and the remaining data (n = 73,925) were grouped by gender and age ranges. Rhythm components were obtained by the Lomb Scargle method and Cosinor analysis. Results: Serum uric acid was higher in men than in women older than 13 years (p<0.05). Compared with 0-12 year group, uric acid increased in men but not in women older than 13 years (p<0.05). Circannual (12 months) and transyear (17 months) rhythm components were detected, but they were significant only in adult individuals (>26 years, p<0.05). Cosinor analysis showed that midline estimating statistic of rhythm (MESOR) values were higher in men (range: 353-368 mu mol/L) than in women (range: 240-278 mu mol/L; p<0.05), independent of the age and rhythm component. The extent of predictable change within a cycle, approximated by the double amplitude, represented up to 20% of the corresponding MESOR. Conclusions: Serum uric acid biorhythm is dependent on gender and age and it may have relevant influence on preanalytical variability of clinical laboratory results.


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The present work belongs to the PRANA project, the first extensive field campaign of observation of atmospheric emission spectra covering the Far InfraRed spectral region, for more than two years. The principal deployed instrument is REFIR-PAD, a Fourier transform spectrometer used by us to study Antarctic cloud properties. A dataset covering the whole 2013 has been analyzed and, firstly, a selection of good quality spectra is performed, using, as thresholds, radiance values in few chosen spectral regions. These spectra are described in a synthetic way averaging radiances in selected intervals, converting them into BTs and finally considering the differences between each pair of them. A supervised feature selection algorithm is implemented with the purpose to select the features really informative about the presence, the phase and the type of cloud. Hence, training and test sets are collected, by means of Lidar quick-looks. The supervised classification step of the overall monthly datasets is performed using a SVM. On the base of this classification and with the help of Lidar observations, 29 non-precipitating ice cloud case studies are selected. A single spectrum, or at most an average over two or three spectra, is processed by means of the retrieval algorithm RT-RET, exploiting some main IR window channels, in order to extract cloud properties. Retrieved effective radii and optical depths are analyzed, to compare them with literature studies and to evaluate possible seasonal trends. Finally, retrieval output atmospheric profiles are used as inputs for simulations, assuming two different crystal habits, with the aim to examine our ability to reproduce radiances in the FIR. Substantial mis-estimations are found for FIR micro-windows: a high variability is observed in the spectral pattern of simulation deviations from measured spectra and an effort to link these deviations to cloud parameters has been performed.


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Spectrum sensing is currently one of the most challenging design problems in cognitive radio. A robust spectrum sensing technique is important in allowing implementation of a practical dynamic spectrum access in noisy and interference uncertain environments. In addition, it is desired to minimize the sensing time, while meeting the stringent cognitive radio application requirements. To cope with this challenge, cyclic spectrum sensing techniques have been proposed. However, such techniques require very high sampling rates in the wideband regime and thus are costly in hardware implementation and power consumption. In this thesis the concept of compressed sensing is applied to circumvent this problem by utilizing the sparsity of the two-dimensional cyclic spectrum. Compressive sampling is used to reduce the sampling rate and a recovery method is developed for re- constructing the sparse cyclic spectrum from the compressed samples. The reconstruction solution used, exploits the sparsity structure in the two-dimensional cyclic spectrum do-main which is different from conventional compressed sensing techniques for vector-form sparse signals. The entire wideband cyclic spectrum is reconstructed from sub-Nyquist-rate samples for simultaneous detection of multiple signal sources. After the cyclic spectrum recovery two methods are proposed to make spectral occupancy decisions from the recovered cyclic spectrum: a band-by-band multi-cycle detector which works for all modulation schemes, and a fast and simple thresholding method that works for Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK) signals only. In addition a method for recovering the power spectrum of stationary signals is developed as a special case. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed spectrum sensing algorithms can significantly reduce sampling rate without sacrifcing performance. The robustness of the algorithms to the noise uncertainty of the wireless channel is also shown.


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An integrated approach for multi-spectral segmentation of MR images is presented. This method is based on the fuzzy c-means (FCM) and includes bias field correction and contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and accounts for the non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space. The bias field is modeled as a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of intensity are added into the FCM cost functions. To reduce the computational complexity, the contextual regularizations are separated from the clustering iterations. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measure adopted in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) algorithm is used instead of the Euclidean distance, to account for the non-spherical shape of the clusters in the feature space. These algorithms are quantitatively evaluated on MR brain images using the similarity measures.


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Intensity non-uniformity (bias field) correction, contextual constraints over spatial intensity distribution and non-spherical cluster's shape in the feature space are incorporated into the fuzzy c-means (FCM) for segmentation of three-dimensional multi-spectral MR images. The bias field is modeled by a linear combination of smooth polynomial basis functions for fast computation in the clustering iterations. Regularization terms for the neighborhood continuity of either intensity or membership are added into the FCM cost functions. Since the feature space is not isotropic, distance measures, other than the Euclidean distance, are used to account for the shape and volumetric effects of clusters in the feature space. The performance of segmentation is improved by combining the adaptive FCM scheme with the criteria used in Gustafson-Kessel (G-K) and Gath-Geva (G-G) algorithms through the inclusion of the cluster scatter measure. The performance of this integrated approach is quantitatively evaluated on normal MR brain images using the similarity measures. The improvement in the quality of segmentation obtained with our method is also demonstrated by comparing our results with those produced by FSL (FMRIB Software Library), a software package that is commonly used for tissue classification.


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Twenty-two trace elements in 355 sediment samples from Site 997 on the Blake Ridge were examined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry, for respective fractions of acid-soluble and insoluble compositions. Downhole profiles of these elements exhibit complicated fluctuations throughout late Miocene to Pleistocene, principally due to the variations in the acid-soluble fraction. Noncarbonate composition is given from the acid-insoluble residues, which permits us to recognize secular feature of selected element variance for four intervals. These intervals (I: 0-183 mbsf; II: 183- 440 mbsf; III: 440-618 mbsf; and IV: 618-750 mbsf) are interpreted to have originated from changes in the suite of sediments of particular sources and chemical composition, sedimentation rate, dilution of biogenic carbonate abundance, and possibly the current system that controlled deposition and reworking of the terrigenous materials.


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Broken Ridge, in the eastern Indian Ocean,is overlain by about 1600 m of middle Cretaceous to Pleistocene tuffaceous and carbonate sediments that record the oceanographic history of southern hemisphere mid-to high-latitude regions. Prior to about 42 Ma, Broken Ridge formed the northern part of the broad Kerguelen-Broken Ridge Plateau. During the middle Eocene, this feature was split by the newly forming Southeast Indian Ocean Ridge; since then, Broken Ridge has drifted north from about 55° to 31°S. The lower part of the sedimentary section is characterized by Turonian to Santonian tuffs that contain abundant glauconite and some carbonate. The tuffs record a large but apparently local volcanic input that characterized the central part of Broken Ridge into the early Tertiary. Maestrichtian shallow-water(several hundred to 1000 m depth) limestones and cherts accumulated at some of the highest rates ever documented from the open ocean, 4 to 5 g/cm**2/kyr. A complete (with all biostratigraphic zones) Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary section was recovered from site 752. The first 1.5 m.y. of the Tertiary is characterized by an order-of-magnitude reduction in the flux of biogenic sediments, indicating a period of sharply reduced biological productivity at 55°S, following which the carbonate and silica sedimentation rates almost reach the previous high values of the latest Cretaceous. We recovered a complete section through the Paleocene that contains all major fossil groups and is more than 300 m thick, perhaps the best pelagic Paleocene section encountered in ocean drilling. About 42 Ma, Broken Ridge was uplifted 2500 m in response to the intra-plateau rifting event; subsequent erosion and deposition has resulted in a prominent Eocene angular unconformity atop the ridge. An Oligocene disconformity characterized by a widespread pebble layer probably represents the 30 Ma sea-level fall. The Neogene pelagic ooze on Broken Ridge has been winnowed, and thus its grain size provides a direct physical record of the energy of the southern hemisphere drift current in the Indian Ocean for the past 30 m.y.


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Five sections drilled in multiple holes over a depth transect of more than 2200 m at the Walvis Ridge (SE Atlantic) during Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Leg 208 resulted in the first complete early Paleogene deep-sea record. Here we present high-resolution stratigraphic records spanning a ~4.3 million yearlong interval of the late Paleocene to early Eocene. This interval includes the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) as well as the Eocene thermal maximum (ETM) 2 event. A detailed chronology was developed with nondestructive X-ray fluorescence (XRF) core scanning records and shipboard color data. These records were used to refine the shipboard-derived spliced composite depth for each site and with a record from ODP Site 1051 were then used to establish a continuous time series over this interval. Extensive spectral analysis reveals that the early Paleogene sedimentary cyclicity is dominated by precession modulated by the short (100 kyr) and long (405 kyr) eccentricity cycles. Counting of precession-related cycles at multiple sites results in revised estimates for the duration of magnetochrons C24r and C25n. Direct comparison between the amplitude modulation of the precession component derived from XRF data and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity suggests that the onset of the PETM and ETM2 are related to a 100-kyr eccentricity maximum. Both events are approximately a quarter of a period offset from a maximum in the 405-kyr eccentricity cycle, with the major difference that the PETM is lagging and ETM2 is leading a 405-kyr eccentricity maximum. Absolute age estimates for the PETM, ETM2, and the magnetochron boundaries that are consistent with recalibrated radiometric ages and recent models of Earth's orbital eccentricity cannot be precisely determined at present because of too large uncertainties in these methods. Nevertheless, we provide two possible tuning options, which demonstrate the potential for the development of a cyclostratigraphic framework based on the stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle for the entire Paleogene.


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Selected basalts from a suite of dredged and drilled samples (IPOD sites 525, 527, 528 and 530) from the Walvis Ridge have been analysed to determine their rare earth element (REE) contents in order to investigate the origin and evolution of this major structural feature in the South Atlantic Ocean. All of the samples show a high degree of light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, quite unlike the flat or depleted patterns normally observed for normal mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORBs). Basalts from Sites 527, 528 and 530 show REE patterns characterised by an arcuate shape and relatively low (Ce/Yb)N ratios (1.46-5.22), and the ratios show a positive linear relationship to Nb content. A different trend is exhibited by the dredged basalts and the basalts from Site 525, and their REE patterns have a fairly constant slope, and higher (Ce/Yb)N ratios (4.31-8.50). These differences are further reflected in the ratios of incompatible trace elements, which also indicate considerable variations within the groups. Mixing hyperbolae for these ratios suggest that simple magma mixing between a 'hot spot' type of magma, similar to present-day volcanics of Tristan da Cunha, and a depleted source, possibly similar to that for magmas being erupted at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, was an important process in the origin of parts of the Walvis Ridge, as exemplified by Sites 527, 528 and 530. Site 525 and dredged basalts cannot be explained by this mixing process, and their incompatible element ratios suggest either a mantle source of a different composition or some complexity to the mixing process. In addition, the occurrence of different types of basalt at the same location suggests there is vertical zonation within the volcanic pile, with the later erupted basalts becoming more alkaline arid more enriched in incompatible elements. The model proposed for the origin and evolution of the Walvis Ridge involves an initial stage of eruption in which the magma was essentially a mixture of enriched and depleted end-member sources, with the N-MORB component being small. The dredged basalts and Site 525, which represent either later-stage eruptives or those close to the hot spot plume, probably result from mixing of the enriched mantle source with variable amounts and variable low degrees of partial melting of the depleted mantle source. As the volcano leaves the hot spot, these late-stage eruptives continue for some time. The change from tholeiitic to alkalic volcanism is probably related either to evolution in the plumbing system and magma chamber of the individual volcano, or to changes in the depth of origin of the enriched mantle source melt, similar to processes in Hawaiian volcanoes.


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Well-developed Campanian to Maestrichtian pelagic cyclic sediments were recovered from Hole 762C on the Exmouth Plateau, off northwest Australia, during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 122. The cycles consist of nannofossil chalk (light beds) and clayey nannofossil chalk (dark beds). Both light and dark beds are strongly to moderately bioturbated, alternate on a decimeter scale, and exhibit gradual boundaries. Bioturbation introduces materials from a bed of one color into an underlying bed of another color, indicating that diagenesis is not responsible for the cyclicity. Differences in composition between the light and dark beds, revealed by calcium carbonate measurement and X-ray diffraction analysis, together with trace fossil evidence, indicate that the cycles in the sediments are a depositional feature. Diagenetic processes may have intensified the appearance of the cycles. Spectral analysis was applied to the upper Campanian to lower Maestrichtian cyclic sediments to examine the regularity of the cycles. Power spectra were calculated from time series using Walsh spectral analysis. The most predominant wavelengths of the color cycles are 34-41 cm and 71-84 cm. With an average sedimentation rate of 1.82 cm/k.y. in this interval, we found the time durations of the cycles to be around 41 k.y. and 21 k.y., respectively, comparable to the obliquity and precession periods of the Earth's rotation, which strongly suggests an orbital origin for the cycles. On the basis of sedimentological evidence and plate tectonic reconstruction, we propose the following mechanism for the formation of the cyclic sediments from Hole 762C. During the Late Cretaceous, when there was no large-scale continental glaciation, the cyclic variations in insolation, in response to cyclic orbital changes, controlled the alternation of two prevailing climates in the area. During the wetter, equable, and warmer climatic phases under high insolation, more clay minerals and other terrestrial materials were produced on land and supplied by higher runoff to a low bioproductivity ocean, and the dark clayey beds were deposited. During the drier and colder climatic phases under low insolation, fewer clay minerals were produced and put into the ocean, where bioproductivity was increased and the light beds were deposited.