930 resultados para solid sampling technique


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Understanding of the shape and size of different features of the human body from scanned data is necessary for automated design and evaluation of product ergonomics. In this paper, a computational framework is presented for automatic detection and recognition of important facial feature regions, from scanned head and shoulder polyhedral models. A noise tolerant methodology is proposed using discrete curvature computations, band-pass filtering, and morphological operations for isolation of the primary feature regions of the face, namely, the eyes, nose, and mouth. Spatial disposition of the critical points of these isolated feature regions is analyzed for the recognition of these critical points as the standard landmarks associated with the primary facial features. A number of clinically identified landmarks lie on the facial midline. An efficient algorithm for detection and processing of the midline, using a point sampling technique, is also presented. The results obtained using data of more than 20 subjects are verified through visualization and physical measurements. A color based and triangle skewness based schemes for isolation of geometrically nonprominent features and ear region are also presented. [DOI: 10.1115/1.3330420]


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Nonlinear vibration analysis is performed using a C-0 assumed strain interpolated finite element plate model based on Reddy's third order theory. An earlier model is modified to include the effect of transverse shear variation along the plate thickness and Von-Karman nonlinear strain terms. Monte Carlo Simulation with Latin Hypercube Sampling technique is used to obtain the variance of linear and nonlinear natural frequencies of the plate due to randomness in its material properties. Numerical results are obtained for composite plates with different aspect ratio, stacking sequence and oscillation amplitude ratio. The numerical results are validated with the available literature. It is found that the nonlinear frequencies show increasing non-Gaussian probability density function with increasing amplitude of vibration and show dual peaks at high amplitude ratios. This chaotic nature of the dispersion of nonlinear eigenvalues is also r


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The compound Bi3W2O10.5 was synthesized by the solid-state technique from Bi2O3 and WO3 in stoichiometric quantities. Single crystals were grown by the melt-cooling technique and the crystal structure was solved in the tetragonal 141in space group with a = 3.839 (1) A, c = 16-3S2 (5) A, V = 241.4 (1) angstrom(3), Z = 4 and was refined to an R index of 0.0672. The structure represents a modification of the Aurivillius phase and consists of [Bi2O2](2+) units separated by WO8 polyhedra. a.c. impedance studies indicate oxide ion conductivity of 2.91 10(-5) cm(-1) at 600 degrees C.


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A method of precise measurement of on-chip analog voltages in a mostly-digital manner, with minimal overhead, is presented. A pair of clock signals is routed to the node of an analog voltage. This analog voltage controls the delay between this pair of clock signals, which is then measured in an all-digital manner using the technique of sub-sampling. This sub-sampling technique, having measurement time and accuracy trade-off, is well suited for low bandwidth signals. This concept is validated by designing delay cells, using current starved inverters in UMC 130nm CMOS process. Sub-mV accuracy is demonstrated for a measurement time of few seconds.


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We have performed fully atomistic classical molecular dynamics simulations to calculate the effective interaction between two polyamidoamine dendrimers. Using the umbrella sampling technique, we have obtained the potential of mean force (PMF) between the dendrimers and investigated the effects of protonation level and dendrimer size on the PMF. Our results show that the interaction between the dendrimers can be tuned from purely repulsive to partly attractive by changing the protonation level. The PMF profiles are well-fitted by the sum of an exponential and a Gaussian function with the weight of the exponential function dominating over that of the Gaussian function. This observation is in disagreement with the results obtained in previous analytic C. Likos, M. Schmidt, H. Lowen, M. Ballauff, D. Potschke, and P. Lindner, Macromolecules 34, 2914 (2001)] and coarse-grained simulation I. Gotze, H. Harreis, and C. Likos, J. Chem. Phys. 120, 7761 (2004)] studies which predicted the effective interaction to be Gaussian. (C) 2014 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Fiction stir processing (FSP) is a solid state technique used for material processing. Tool wear and the agglomeration of ceramic particles have been serious issues in FSP of metal matrix composites. In the present study, FSP has been employed to disperse the nanoscale particles of a polymer-derived silicon carbonitride (SiCN) ceramic phase into copper by an in-situ process. SiCN cross linked polymer particles were incorporated using multi-pass ESP into pure copper to form bulk particulate metal matrix composites. The polymer was then converted into ceramic through an in-situ pyrolysis process and dispersed by ESP. Multi-pass processing was carried out to remove porosity from the samples and also for the uniform dispersion of polymer derived ceramic particles. Microstructural observations were carried out using Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscopy (FE-SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) of the composite. The results indicate a uniform distribution of similar to 100 nm size particles of the ceramic phase in the copper matrix after ESP. The nanocomposite exhibits a five fold increase in microhardness (260HV(100)) which is attributed to the nano scale dispersion of ceramic particles. A mechanism has been proposed for the fracturing of PDC particles during multi pass FSP. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved


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Co-management is a system or a process in which responsibility and authority for the management of common resources is shared between the state, local users of the resources as well as other stakeholders, and where they have the legal authority to administer the resource jointly. Co-management has received increasing attention in recent years as a potential strategy for managing fisheries. This paper presents and discusses results of a survey undertaken in the Kenyan part of Lake Victoria to assess the conditions - behaviour, attitude and characteristics of resource users, as well as community institutions - that can support co-management. It analyses the results of this survey with respect to a series of parameters, identified by Pinkerton (1989), as necessary preconditions for the successful inclusion of communities involvement in resource management. The survey was implemented through a two-stage stratified random sampling technique based on district and beach size strata. A total of 405 fishers, drawn from 25 fish landing beaches, were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The paper concludes that while Kenya's lake Victoria fishery would appear to qualify for a number of these preconditions, it would appear that it fails to qualify in others. Preconditions in this latter category include the definition of boundaries in fishing grounds, community members' rights to the resource, delegation and legislation of local responsibility and authority. Additional work is required to further elaborate and understand these shortcomings


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The study focused on men and women involved in artisanal fisheries in some selected areas of Ikorodu Local government in Lagos State. The random sampling technique was used to select 50 fishermen each at Ibeshe and Baiyeku sites. The results revealed that majority of the fishermen were male, christian, semi-illiterate, and married. Data were collected on capital sources, labour used, income, gear techniques and type of fish caught. Analysis showed that the highest sources of capital were from personal savings (50%). Majority of labour used were hired labour, 44% at Ibeshe and 50% at Baiyeku. Highest monthly income ranged between N10, 000 - N25, 000 at both sites. Planks were mostly used at both sites for fishing boats as well as means of transport (Ibeshe 68%, Baiyeku 72%). Common fishing gear was the gill net, The fishes caught were found to be of various tyupes. Ethalmalosa fimbriata constituted the highest fish species caught by weight and number at both sites (50%). However, the problems of capital source were most peculiar coupled with high cost of fishing materials and labour scarcity


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The search for reliable proxies of past deep ocean temperature and salinity has proved difficult, thereby limiting our ability to understand the coupling of ocean circulation and climate over glacial-interglacial timescales. Previous inferences of deep ocean temperature and salinity from sediment pore fluid oxygen isotopes and chlorinity indicate that the deep ocean density structure at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, approximately 20,000 years BP) was set by salinity, and that the density contrast between northern and southern sourced deep waters was markedly greater than in the modern ocean. High density stratification could help explain the marked contrast in carbon isotope distribution recorded in the LGM ocean relative to that we observe today, but what made the ocean's density structure so different at the LGM? How did it evolve from one state to another? Further, given the sparsity of the LGM temperature and salinity data set, what else can we learn by increasing the spatial density of proxy records?

We investigate the cause and feasibility of a highly and salinity stratified deep ocean at the LGM and we work to increase the amount of information we can glean about the past ocean from pore fluid profiles of oxygen isotopes and chloride. Using a coupled ocean--sea ice--ice shelf cavity model we test whether the deep ocean density structure at the LGM can be explained by ice--ocean interactions over the Antarctic continental shelves, and show that a large contribution of the LGM salinity stratification can be explained through lower ocean temperature. In order to extract the maximum information from pore fluid profiles of oxygen isotopes and chloride we evaluate several inverse methods for ill-posed problems and their ability to recover bottom water histories from sediment pore fluid profiles. We demonstrate that Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo parameter estimation techniques enable us to robustly recover the full solution space of bottom water histories, not only at the LGM, but through the most recent deglaciation and the Holocene up to the present. Finally, we evaluate a non-destructive pore fluid sampling technique, Rhizon samplers, in comparison to traditional squeezing methods and show that despite their promise, Rhizons are unlikely to be a good sampling tool for pore fluid measurements of oxygen isotopes and chloride.


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Devido a sua alta incidência, mortalidade e custos elevados, o câncer de mama feminino é considerado um problema de saúde pública no Brasil. Sua etiologia envolve uma interação de diversos fatores denominados de risco os quais podem ser ambientais e genéticos. A história familiar positiva para câncer de mama é um importante fator de risco para o desenvolvimento dessa patologia. Conhecer esses fatores e as medidas de proteção permite que mulheres com risco elevado possam criar estratégias pessoais que venham minimizar os danos causados pela doença. Diante do exposto, o presente estudo tem como objetivos avaliar o nível de conhecimento de mulheres acerca do risco de desenvolverem câncer de mama em decorrência do vínculo familiar com a população portadora desta neoplasia matriculada no Hospital do Câncer III, unidade do Instituto Nacional de Câncer (INCA) especializada no tratamento e controle do câncer de mama, localizada no município do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; descrever as características sociodemográficas das mulheres familiares de pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama e descrever a história reprodutiva e hormonal, bem como seus hábitos de cuidado com a saúde. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo exploratório sob a perspectiva quantitativa, transversal e descritiva com 52 mulheres que acompanhavam suas familiares internadas em unidade clínica e cirúrgica do Hospital do Câncer III. A coleta de dados ocorreu no período entre julho e agosto de 2011. A técnica de amostragem adotada foi a não probabilística, intencional Para o cálculo amostral aplicou-se a fórmula de população infinita. Foram selecionadas as seguintes variáveis para compor o estudo: aspectos sociodemográficos, aspectos da vida reprodutiva e hormonal, aspectos de cuidados com a saúde e aspectos de esclarecimento relacionados à patologia/doença. Realizou-se entrevista estruturada com utilização de um formulário composto por 63 questões. A descrição das variáveis foi feita através de frequência simples e porcentagem. Resultados: 61,5% eram filhas, 34,6% eram irmãs e 3,8% eram mães, 40,4% moram no município do Rio de Janeiro, 86,4% encontram-se na faixa etária entre 29 e acima de 51 anos de idade, 32% são pardas, 46,1% apresentavam 2 grau completo, 46,2% são do lar, 15,4% tiveram menarca precoce, 7,7 % tiveram na menopausa tardia, 7,7% fizeram Terapia de Reposição Hormonal, 38,5% nunca engravidaram, 3,8% engravidaram após 30 anos, 3,8% não amamentaram, 42,4% usam anticoncepcional hormonal por mais de 5 anos e 40,4% nunca fizeram descanso ou faz por tempo inferior a 6 meses, 7,7% e 7,6% nunca fizeram e apresenta mais de 24 meses que fizeram exame ginecológico. Quanto ao grau de esclarecimento 34% concordaram com as afirmativas sobre fatores de risco, 65% concordaram com medidas preventivas e os profissionais de saúde foram os que mais transmitiram informação sobre o câncer de mama. Conclusão: ser familiar de primeiro grau associado à falta de esclarecimento sobre a doença torna essas mulheres mais vulneráveis em relação à população geral feminina. Torna-se oportuno para a enfermagem estratégias educativas que visem à promoção da saúde e que contribuam para a modificação do panorama da doença, em razão da detecção mais precoce.


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Compostos carbonílicos representam uma das principais classes de poluentes atmosféricos e são frequentemente reportados em estudos de poluição atmosférica de interiores. São emitidos para a atmosfera a partir de uma variedade de fontes naturais e antropogênicas. Em projeto empreendido em 2011 pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Estado do Rio de Janeiro,foi implementada a climatização em todas as salas de aula de todas as escolas da rede pública estadual. A escala de exposição de ocupantes à climatização, em salas de aula, não apresenta precedentes em nosso estado e representa uma tendência de todo o país. Como é um projeto recente, não há dados a respeito da qualidade do ar interior nesses ambientes e, portanto, das consequências na saúde dos ocupantes. Os procedimentos foram baseados na metodologia TO-11A da U.S.EPA. A técnica de amostragem foi por via seca com reação química, empregando-se cartuchos de sílica revestidos de octadecil (SiO2-C18) impregnados com 2,4-dinitrofenilhidrazina. As carbonilas foram analisados através de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência com detecção por UV. Foram encontradas concentrações de formaldeído na faixa de 3,59 a 26,62 μg m-3 (interior) e 0,74 a 23,47 μg m-3 (exterior), acetaldeído na faixa de 0,19 a 259,47 μg m-3 (interior) e 1,19 a 127,51 μg m-3 (exterior), acetona+acroleína na faixa de 0,00 a 48,45 μg m-3 (interior) e 0,00 a 37,00 μg m-3 (exterior). Os valores encontrados geralmente não ultrapassaram os limites determinados por organismos internacionais


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O objeto deste estudo trata das manifestações de violência no cotidiano das mulheres cadeirantes. Ao reportarmos este fenômeno para Pessoas com Deficiência (PcD) faz-se necessário considerar uma sociedade segregante que valoriza o belo e que atravessa um processo de transformação para a aceitação da diversidade. Compreende-se que estruturas sociais vulnerabilizantes, isolamento, preconceito e violação de direitos aumentam a vulnerabilidade deste grupo e podem deflagrar situações de violência. A violência às mulheres com deficiência é parte da questão maior que envolve a violência às PcD, pois associa fatores socioculturais com as desigualdades de gênero. Partindo do desafio em desvelar a relação das mulheres com sua própria deficiência, com a cadeira de rodas - que traz consigo um importante arsenal simbólico, e suas percepções acerca da violência cotidiana, delimitou-se como participantes deste estudo mulheres com deficiência física cadeirantes. A relevância e as particularidades da violência às mulheres cadeirantes definiu o objetivo geral: discutir as violências vivenciadas por mulheres cadeirantes em seu cotidiano, considerando a perspectiva de gênero e dos estigmas sociais. Objetivos específicos: descrever as perspectivas da mulher cadeirante sobre sua condição; analisar as situações de violência vivenciadas pela mulher cadeirante, em seu cotidiano. Desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa descritivo-exploratória, com abordagem qualitativa, onde optou-se pelo método denominado Narrativa de Vida - referencial metodológico de Daniel Bertaux que contempla de forma ampla a expressão das participantes selecionadas. Para produção dos dados realizou-se treze entrevistas, em dois cenários que atendem PcD. Para complementar a captação das participantes, utilizou-se a técnica "bola de neve". Deste processo emergiram duas categorias analíticas: "A condição de mulher e cadeirante: necessidades e possibilidades" e "As violências cotidianas vivenciadas pela mulher cadeirante". Categorias estas que contemplam nossos objetivos. À guisa da conclusão, verificou-se que o entendimento destas mulheres acerca das manifestações de violência revelou aspectos que fazem parte de seus cotidianos que, primariamente não seriam consideradas situações de violência, e sim situações que envolvem a relação mulher-deficiência, o reconhecimento de um "novo corpo" e sua ligação com a cadeira de rodas. Destacaram-se questões concernentes à gênero que para mulheres com deficiência seriam ainda mais complexas, principalmente no que se referem as questões relativas à sexualidade/maternidade. Quanto às percepções das situações de violência, emergiram manifestações intrafamiliares, interpessoais e sexuais. No entanto, as violências institucionais e as que se relacionam com o cuidado em saúde prevaleceram. Grande parte das manifestações encontradas se relacionariam de alguma forma com a natureza psicológica da violência. Situações estigmatizantes narradas expuseram episódios reveladores, no que se refere ao comportamento de uma sociedade excludente que reage às diferenças. Conhecer o processo de "construção de uma situação de violência" pode significar um instrumento fundamental para a formação de vínculos e uma futura relação dialógica com os profissionais de saúde, particularmente enfermeiros. A enfermagem e suas práticas reúnem subsídios que podem dar início ao preenchimento da lacuna da assistência em saúde à estas mulheres, no tocante à violência.


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Assessing the status of widely distributed marine species can prove difficult because virtually every sampling technique has assumptions, limitations, and biases that affect the results of the study. These biases often are overlooked when the biological and nonbiological implications of the results are discussed. In a recent review, Thompson (1988) used mostly unpublished population census data derived from studies conducted by the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to draw conclusions about the status of Kemp's ridley, Lepidochelys kempi; Atlantic coast green turtles, Chelonia mydas; and the loggerhead sea turtle, Caretta caretta.


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The study was designed to determine the costs, returns and relative profitability of pond fish and nursery fish production. In order to attain this objective, a total of 70 producers: 35 producing pond fish and 35 producing nursery fish were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 6 villages under two Upazilas (Sujanagar and Santhia) of Pabna district. It was estimated that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production was Tk 65,918 while gross return and net return were Tk 91,707 and Tk 25,789 respectively. Per hectare per year gross cost of nursery fish production was Tk 87,489 while gross return and net return were Tk 1,39,272 and Tk 51,783 respectively. The findings revealed that nursery fish production was more profitable than pond fish production. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish and nursery fish production. It was observed that most of the included variables had significant impact on pond fish and nursery fish production. Out of five variables included in the function, all the variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production but stock value of pond, material cost and pond area had positive impact on return from nursery fish production.


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The study was conducted to determine the cost, return and relative profitability of pond fish production of Mymensingh and Jessore districts. A total of 75 ponds were selected on the basis of purposive random sampling technique from 7 villages under 2 Upazila (Trishal and Gouripur) of Mymensingh districts and 8 villages under 4 Upazila (Monimmpur, Jhikorgacha, Chowgacha and Sadar) of Jessore district. It was found that per hectare per year gross cost of pond fish production in Mymensingh and Jessore were Tk 333457.75 and Tk 54327.74, while gross return were Tk 434131.16 and Tk. 96640.00 and net return were Tk 100673.41 and Tk. 42312.26, respectively. The findings of this study revealed that the pond fish production in Jessore district was more profitable than that of Mymensingh district. Cobb-Douglas production function was applied to realize the specific effect of the factors on pond fish production. Out of six variables included in the function three variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production, in Mymensingh district but five variables had positive impact on return from pond fish production in Jessore district