882 resultados para social reproduction


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This thesis aims to uncover the dynamics, causes and outcomes of women's reliance on unregulated home-based child care in Ontario, Canada, and the implications ofthis form of care for women's equality. Drawing on a longitudinal qualitative study, I examine the diverse experience of 14 women using home-based child care and engaged in both paid work/training and care work for children under the age of six, and draw comparisons with users of other forms of child care. I argue that home-based child care involves high levels of instability for continuity of care and is chosen largely as a default position based on economic considerations. It represents a compromise between the demands of social reproduction and paid work/training that entangles mothers in relations of exploitation with care providers. Doing so leaves both mothers and care providers socially and economically vulnerable and relying on social networks to fill in the gaps.


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This qualitative research project uses a Deleuzo-Guattarian theoretical framework to address the question: “How are the politically oriented social forums in Gaia Online experienced as a continuum of overlapping of lines, including molar lines, lines of flight, and molecular lines?” Although smooth lines of flight may occur in Gaia, there are always mechanisms that work to re-territorialize them as more striated molar operations. Conversely, while more striated molar lines may be evident in Gaia, there are also smooth lines of flight that attempt to deterritorialize them as smooth space. Founded in 2003, Gaia is a virtual community in which members use 3D avatars to socialize with others, create content, and play games. Deleuze and Guattari (1987) have defined space with three systems: on one end is state-oriented static space, on the other end is nomadic fluid space, and situated in the middle is molecular space which contains both smooth and striating elements. While state-oriented striated space is based on routines, rules, and specifications, nomadic smooth space is flexible, always changing, and full of possibility. Some of the smoother operations that are evident in Gaia include becoming other, decentred communications, desire as resistance, and lines of flight. Some of the more striated operations include social reproduction of gender norms/expectations, capitalist mechanisms, violence and intolerance linked to categories and binaries (racism/sexism/ageism), the regulation of desire, and the organisation of bodies.


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Nous avons constaté, au Québec, que les grands-parents étaient les grands oubliés de la littérature sur la famille. En effet, les recherches sociologiques sur les grands-parents au Québec sont trop peu nombreuses et il nous semble donc important de les développer davantage. Avec les changements que connaissent les familles aujourd’hui (divorce, recomposition, etc.), les relations entre grands-parents et petits-enfants en sont des plus affectées. Cette relation est souvent laissée au bon vouloir des parents qui ont le rôle de génération intermédiaire. Ces derniers contrôlent l’accès de leurs enfants aux relations avec leurs grands-parents et aux représentations qu’ils en ont. Manifestement, il semble que la relation grand-parent et petit-enfant soit à penser de manière triangulaire. Il peut sembler alors que cette triangulation caractérise la qualité de la relation entre les grands-parents et leurs petits-enfants. En fait, il est des plus intéressant d’étudier l’importance du rôle médiateur que jouent les parents, à l’intersection du lien grands-parents et petits-enfants dans la transmission des valeurs au Québec. Il ressort également de l’analyse le rapport à la grand-parentalité à travers plusieurs générations ainsi que le résultat de reproduction sociale du rôle de grands-parents.


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Le développement des sociétés à travers le monde est influencé par des dynamiques de pouvoir social. D’une perspective de genre, les relations patriarcales ont contribué à la réorganisation du développement par un accès inégal aux ressources, à l’espace et à la mobilité. La société mexicaine, caractérisée par un fort patriarcat et une pauvreté endémique, a vu émerger de multiples outils de développement pour pallier aux inégalités de genre. Plus récemment, les programmes de microfinance sont devenus un instrument de choix pour lutter contre la marginalisation des femmes et les inégalités de genre. La littérature scientifique présente des lacunes au sujet de la nature des relations de genre dans les ménages qui bénéficient de la microfinance. Plusieurs études portent sur les impacts de la microfinance sur la vie des femmes, mais peu offrent une vision holistique considérant la microfinance comme un outil de développement capable de changer la nature spatiale des inégalités de genre. Cette recherche est basée sur une comparaison qualitative de deux études de cas de groupes de microfinance de San Miguel Tenextatiloyan et d’Émilio Carranza, deux communautés de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexique). Son objectif principal est d’évaluer le degré selon lequel les programmes de microfinance ont changé la place des femmes dans la société. Pour répondre à cette question, un portrait de l’organisation spatiale du genre sera tracé, puis, les impacts des programmes de microfinance sur la place des femmes dans les espaces domestiques, de travail et communautaires seront évalués. L’étude mène à la conclusion que les programmes de microfinance du CESDER n’ont pas beaucoup changé la place des femmes dans la société. La recherche dévoile plutôt que, dans un contexte de pauvreté, la microfinance stabilise les ménages et offre des lieux d’échange et de réseautage, mais elle n’offre pas aux femmes une véritable chance d’acquérir plus de contrôle sur leur vie. Deuxièmement, les résultats démontrent que les tâches associées à la reproduction sociale – largement assumée par les femmes - engendrent une barrière structurante à l’empowerment des femmes, un obstacle que la microfinance ne parvient pas entièrement à surmonter. Mots-clés : Géographie du genre, relations de pouvoir, développement, microfinance, spatialité, néolibéralisme, Mexique.


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Le 29 février 1704, une force de 250 alliés franco-amérindiens attaque le petit village frontalier de Deerfield au Massachusetts et enlève 112 habitants. De ce nombre, 89 parviennent vivants en Nouvelle-France. À la fin de la guerre de Succession d’Espagne, 25 d’entre eux finissent par s’installer parmi les Français ou les Amérindiens. Pendant longtemps, ils auront le statut de captifs, d’Anglais ou simplement, d’étrangers. Ce travail vise à reconstituer le parcours de vie et d’intégration des anciens captifs de Deerfield dans la colonie française. Nous identifierons pour commencer les participants de l’attaque de Deerfield. Passant ensuite aux captifs, nous étudierons le processus d’intégration à la colonie et d’assimilation par la religion. Nous aborderons les modalités de l’adoption des captifs par les Français et les Amérindiens. Nous verrons quelle a été l’influence du mariage quant à l’insertion des captifs dans les réseaux sociaux. Finalement, nous analyserons le statut socioprofessionnel et la reproduction sociale de la descendance immédiate de certains de ces captifs.


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Estudio cualitativo que analiza los abordajes teóricos utilizados por diferentes autores en la comprensión de la influencia de los recursos económicos en la actividad física desde los modelos de determinantes y determinación social.


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RESUMO: Este estudo tem como propósito compreender as ideologias, os valores, as representações sociais e os estereótipos difundidos pelos manuais escolares de Língua Portuguesa. Para atingirmos esta finalidade procedemos, inicialmente, à definição do corpus e, em seguida, à análise de conteúdo dos textos de sete manuais, do 7º ano de escolaridade, ainda em vigor. A análise dos mesmos foi realizada a partir de oito categorias que estabelecemos após uma leitura flutuante: família, religião, educação, amor, amizade, ética ambiental, poder e sonho. Os dados recolhidos foram trabalhados quantitativa e qualitativamente de acordo com a metodologia proposta por Lawrence Bardin (1997). Os manuais escolares estudados evidenciaram-se detentores de paradigmas ideológicos repressivos e homogéneos assim como reprodutores de valores tradicionalistas implícitos que visam a consubstanciação de uma mundividência ocidental que luta pela inalterabilidade das relações de género, dos valores morais, éticos e religiosos que prevalecem na sociedade e servem os desígnios da classe dominante. Confidentes de um poder simbólico que os caracteriza os manuais escolares visam a conservação das relações sociais e a sua unificação, ignorando a diversidade cultural, o multiculturalismo e as relações interculturais inerentes ao mundo social. ABSTRACT: This study aims to understand the ideologies, values, social representations and stereotypes disseminated by the Portuguese language textbooks. To achieve this purpose we began by defining the corpus and then we analyzed the content of seven 7th grade textbooks still in use. The analysis was done in eight categories established from an initial reading: family, religion, education, love, friendship, environmental ethics, power and dream. The data collected was analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively according to the methodology proposed by Lawrence Bardin (1997). The textbooks studied contained repressive and homogeneous ideological paradigms, as well as traditionalist implicit breeding values which pursue the implementation of a Western worldview that struggles to maintain both gender relations and moral, ethical and religious values that prevail in society and serve the ambitions of the ruling class. Confident of a symbolic power that characterize school textbooks, they aim to preserve social relationships and their unification, ignoring cultural diversity, multiculturalism and the intercultural relations that exist in the social world.


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The present essay’s central argument or hypothesis is, consequently, that the mechanisms accelerating a wealth concentrating and exclusionary economy centred on the benefit and overprotection of big business—with a corresponding plundering of resources that are vital for life—generated forms of loss and regression in the right to healthcare and the dismantling of institutional protections. These are all expressed in indicators from 1990-2005, which point not only to the deterioration of healthcare programs and services but also to the undermining of the general conditions of life (social reproduction) and, in contrast to the reports and predictions of the era’s governments, a stagnation or deterioration in health indicators, especially for those most sensitive to the crisis. The present study’s argument is linked together across distinct chapters. First, we undertake the necessary clarification of the categories central to the understanding of a complex issue; clarifying the concept of health itself and its determinants, emphasizing the necessity of taking on an integral understanding as a fundamental prerequisite to unravelling what documents and reports from this era either leave unsaid or distort. Based on that analysis, we will explain the harmful effects of global economic acceleration, the monopolization and pillaging of strategic healthcare goods; not only those which directly place obstacles on the access to health services, but also those like the destructuration of small economies, linked to the impoverishment and worsening of living modes. Thinking epidemiologically, we intend to show signs of the deterioration of broad collectivities’ ways of life as a result of the mechanisms of acceleration and pillage. We will then collect disparate evidence of the deterioration of human health and ecosystems to, finally, establish the most urgent conclusions about this unfortunate period of our social and medical history.


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This thesis is based on fieldwork I carried out between December 1987 and June 1989 while living with the residents of a small Warlpiri Outstation Community situated ca. 75 km north-west of Tennant Creek in the Northern Territory of Australia. Colonialism is a process whereby incommensurate gender regimes impact differently on women and men and this is reflected in the indigenous response which affects the socialization of Western things. The notion of the indigenous KIRDA-KURDUNGURLU reciprocity is shown to be consistent with a gender system and to articulate all exchange relations as pro-creative social relationships. This contrasts with the Western capitalist system of production and social reproduction of gendered individuals in that it does not ascribe gender to biological differences between women and men but is derived from a land based social division between Sister-Brother. Social relationships are put under great strain in an effort to socialize Western things for Warlpiri internal use, I argue that the colonization of Aboriginal societies is an ongoing process. Despite the historical shift from a physical all-male frontier to the present day cross-cultural negotiations between Aborigines and Non-Aborigines, men still privilege men. The negotiation process for ownership of a Community Toyota is the most recent phenomenon where this can be observed. Male privilege is established by linking control over the access to the Community Toyota with traditional rights to land. However, the Toyota as Western object has a Western gender identity as well. By pitting women against men it engages people in social conflict which is brought into existence through an organisation of Western concepts based on an alien gender regime. But Western things, especially the Community Toyota, resist socialization because the Warlpiri do not produce these things. Warlpiri people know this and, to satisfy their need for Western things, they engage them in a process of social differentiation. By this process they can be seen actively to maintain the Western system in an effort to maintain themselves as Warlpiri and to secure the production of Western things. This investigation of the cultural response to Western influences shows that indigenous gender relations are only maintained through a socially stressful process of socializing Western things.


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Apresentamos neste trabalho um estudo sobre a processualidade das relações da escola pública com a comunidade, enfocando os agenciamentos que operam na constituição de diferentes modos de relação em uma instituição situada na região metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Sob os referenciais de Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, procuramos pensar as relações como acontecimentos, efeitos de sentidos, agenciados coletivamente por instâncias heterogêneas que compõem o real social. Nosso problema se inscreve no âmbito do discurso e da subjetividade, partindo da hipótese de que é possível pensar as relações nas instituições, para além das representações individuais, para além das relações interpessoais, para além do pressuposto da reprodução social. Procuramos articular conhecimentos da Análise de Discurso na vertente Francesa com as discussões empreendidas por Deleuze e Guattari sobre uma Filosofia da Linguagem e uma Teoria da Subjetividade. Utilizamos o recurso cartográfico proposto por estes autores, trabalhando com os discursos produzidos no encontro da escola com a comunidade. Para tal acompanhamos as atividades de uma escola durante um ano, realizando entrevistas, observações, leitura de documentos, participando de reuniões e encontros festivos. Encontramos em nosso estudo algumas dobras das relações da escola com a comunidade, dobras que nos falam da sua complexidade, a qual temos deixado escapar, ao entendermos as relações, marcados pelo modo-indivíduo de subjetivação, que ganhou força desde a modernidade. Nossa cartografia registrou várias dobras, algumas um pouco mais intensas, como a dobra burocrática, a qual impede que outras forças possam ser potencializadas na escola. Procuramos aqui construir um modo de pensar as relações nas instituições, um pensar nas dobras, para regar um pouco o campo da Análise Institucional no âmbito da Psicologia e da Educação.


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Over the last years we have seen a significant increase in scholarly production within the organization studies field in Brazil. However it is still not representative. The tendency to consume foreign and fashionable ideas unrestrainedly, to make use of imported, universal and non-contextualized explanations to inquiry phenomenon which are essentially local and particular, make it difficult to develop a true Brazilian tradition. This work is a result of an ambitious ethnographic adventure" of an acknowledged apprentice of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's large body of knowledge. It is about taking reflexivity to the limit. It is about learning "through the body" in an effort - both theoretical and empirical - to investigate a Brazilian organizational phenomenon which reproduces the hierarchical side of our society and, under the disguise of the legitimacy offered by organizational discourse, help keeping the very structure of our society in a silent but powerful way. I also want this work to be an alert for the importance of contextualization as a means to avoid a recurring distortion of the scholarly production in administrative science: the mobilization of theoretical references in such a safe way that make explicitness totally unnecessary, the appropriation of concepts whose essence is strange to the nature of the very phenomenon which they aim to explain, and the insistence in the impersonal style, in third-voice narratives, as if it were possible to produce knowledge in social sciences with absolute impartiality. "


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O presente trabalho destina-se a caracterizar e a delinear o conteúdo expresso no texto da Lei n9 5.692/71 enfatizando a questão do ensino profissionalizante. O estudo está esquematizado em seis capitulos. O primeiro, discorre sobre o processo educativo como vem ocorrendo em nossa sociedade capitalista. O segundo segue a linha de contextualização histórica e tem como escopo aflorar a ideologia do texto da Lei n9 5.692/71. O terceiro, apresenta o problema e a metodologia de um estudo de caso reali zado em são Luís do Maranhão sendo seus resultados descritos no quarto capítulo e analisados no quinto. O último capítulo contém as conclusões da autora. A pesquisa torna evidente que o texto da Lei em estudo empreende perfeitamente as funções ideológicas trabalhadas pelo Estado para atender à realidade da sociedade através da ordem vigente e dos mecanismos de conservaçao e de reprodução sociais, apesar de ser constatada a alienação dos alunos pela sua não absorçao pelo mercado de trabalho, deixando transparecer que as diferenças intelectuais e o desempenho escolar são as barreiras que ficam evidentes na sociedade de classes, permitindo ao aparelho escolar ficar livre para manter suas funções. O resultado da pesquisa nos mostra que a escola assegura a preparação da mão-de-obra, através do mecanismo camuflado de "não profissionalização" uma vez que a grande maioria dos alunos egressos se encontram desempregados. A conclusão mostra a necessidade de dinamizar o ensino profissionalizante para que ele possa contribuir mais ativa e poderosamente em relação as necessidades do contexto, pois a profissionalização como hoje é feita, não se distingue muito da confecção de máquinas ou ferramentas de produção, porque ela está muito mais a serviço do sistema de produção do que do homem, tanto assim que nela não está incluída a garantia de emprego, levando por conseguinte a "desominização" do homem.


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O trabalho destina-se a caracterizar e a delinear o conteúdo expresso no texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola, respectivamente, Decreto-lei n9 4.073 de 30 de janeiro de 1942, Decreto-lei n9 6.141 de 28 de dezembro de 1943 e Decreto-lei n9 9.613 de 20 de agosto de 1946 e a sua vinculação com o contexto politico-socio-econômico-administrativo-educacional. O estudo e esquematizado em quatro capitulos. Os dois pr1me1ros capitulos seguem a linha de investigaçao historica, sendo focalizadas as evoluções do ensino profi~ sional brasileiro e dos variados aspectos do contexto para posicionar o texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola. Os dois últimos capitulas tem como escopo aflorar a ideologia do texto dessas leis orgânicas, sendo que o terceiro capitulo apresenta a anilise de discurso do texto em evid~ncia, enquanto que o quarto capitulo analisa e interpreta as premissas ideologicas entre o texto das leis organicas e o contexto. Os quatro capItulas visam aos fatos e as ideias formuladas e sedimenta das pelo contexto, através do texto das Leis Orgânicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola. A pesquisa evidencia que o texto das Leis Orginicas dos Ensinos Industrial, Comercial e Agricola empreende perfeitamente as funções ideologicas elaboradas pelo gover no para atender i realidade do Estado Novo atraves da sedi mentação da ordem vigente e dos mecanismos de conservaçao e de reprodução sociais, apesar de ser constatada eial alienação is necessidades da efetivação do a parprocesso de industrialização no Pais e da construção de um modelo de sistema educacional adequado ao sistema geral de produçao e de acordo com o progresso social exigido pelo contex to.


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This study aims to the evaluate the determinants for rural households northeastern be pluriactive, in 2011. For this, at first, we conducted a review of national and international literature in order to get beyond the theoretical part which refers to the study of pluriactivity identify possible determinants of the phenomenon. In this rescue, it was the observed determinants could be macroeconomic in nature and / or microeconomics. Therefore, it became necessary to describe the characteristics of the region under study, the Northeast. In order to identify the determinants were two estimated Probit models, one based on the literature review and the second with a variable characteristic of the Northeast, the transfers. For this, we used the PNAD in 2011. The results indicate both the microeconomic determinants are : gender, race, age, years of education, hours worked, number of family members, per capita income, transfer the macroeconomic in nature: living conditions (water, energy, sanitation ), housing location. In addition to identifying the determinants, the Econometric model allows to know the probability of each variable on the dependent variable, which stood out: the transfer variable, gender, per capita income, number of family members, housing conditions and housing location. Therefore, it is concluded that it is the set of determinants (macro and micro) allow rural families become northeastern pluriactive. However, one can not fail to consider may also have other determinants were not captured due to the availability of data, which may be indications for future studies. In summary, the pluriactivity in the Brazilian Northeast is a phenomenon distinct from found in Europe and southern Brazil. It is a pluriactivity survival that is part of the strategies of rural households in the Northeast to ensure their social reproduction amid the poverty of the region


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The purpose of this work is to analyze the knowledge relationships that articulate in projects of maintainable rural development construction for the paraiban semi-arid, analyzing the farmers daily practices and their relationship with the technological practices spread by ONGs. We took as empirical object the rural community of Lajedo de Timbaúba, municipal district of Soledade-PB, located in the very small region of paraiban Curimataú. It is a community where registers one of the first cases of maintainable rural development planning in the state of Paraíba. The analysis was centered on the farmers experiences of life in sustainability experience, trying to understand how they acquire new knowledge and how they interact with them. In methodological terms, it was considered feasible to place the knowledge interaction between the farmers and technicians from ONGs by placing the analysis according to Paulo Freire s questioning (2006): extension or communication? To understand the farmers daily practices, it was resorted to the theoretical contribution by Michel de Certeau (2008) in order to discern a microresistance movement of inversion/rejection/changing by the farmers in relation to their external knowledge. Just from the theoretical point of view and resorting to the imaginary social by Cornelius Castoriadis (1982), it was considered the way of living of the farmers researched, having as reference the experience in the material and symbolic production of their lives. It became indispensable, therefore, not to dissociate the knowledge relationships between farmers and technicians from ONGs from the sustainability concepts, maintainable rural development, and rural extension. The results of the study revealed that the farmers from Lajedo de Timbaúba while dealing with the technological practices proposed by ONGs that work in the community, express those practices from their daily logic, and they constitute them in survival strategies that are inserted in their own idiosyncrasy. It was verified, therefore, that the external knowledge presented by the proposals of sociability alternatives with the droughts in the perspective of maintainable development while placed in the farmers daily relationship, they are judged as advantageous or disadvantageous when they are confronted with their peculiar way of doing their daily work. The technological practices are incorporated, denied, or recreated starting from evaluative criteria related to the preservation of the soil and to the economical and social reproduction of the unit of production of family agriculture