961 resultados para social meaning


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The detailed, rich and diverse Argaric funerary record offers an opportunity to explore social dimensions that usually remain elusive for prehistoric research, such us social rules on kinship rights and obligations, sexual tolerance and the role of funerary practices in preserving the economic and political organization. This paper addresses these topics through an analysis of the social meaning of Argaric double tombs by looking at body treatment and composition of grave goods assemblages according to gender and class affiliation. The Argaric seems to have been a conservative society, scarcely tolerant regarding homosexuality, and willing to celebrate ancestry associated to certain places as a means of asserting residence and property rights.


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Atualmente, o indivíduo está rodeado por inúmeros discursos sociais, e o trabalho literário é a maneira pela qual o escritor demonstra um ponto de vista. Essa característica define a literatura como uma ferramenta ideológica, negando sua existência como produção imparcial, característica que adiciona a qualquer produto literário um significado social. A ideologia do autor não é expressa somente através da narração, ela também é percebida pelo manejo com que ele/ela lida com os componentes estruturais do texto. Como qualquer prática social, o gênero literário é passível de mudanças em sua estrutura, acarretando novos significados. Levando em conta esse aspecto do discurso literário, esta dissertação irá observar no texto autobiográfico Bobbi Lee: Indian Rebel, de Lee Maracle, como a presença de traços oriundos da contação de estória altera a estrutura do texto autobiográfico, conforme definido por Philippe Lejeune, incorporando características do Künstlerroman. Junto a isso, serão observadas as ações da protagonista em busca de uma nova perspectiva que lhe possibilite definir-se como mulher indígena, em oposição ao comportamento de sua mãe e sua irmã Joyce. Através de sua trajetória pessoal, a protagonista mostra os esforços dos ameríndios para terem reconhecido seu lugar como sujeito político no Canadá.


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Building upon the renewed attention to the ways in which criminology may be ‘queered’ (or not), this article explores how a criminal justice paradigm has influenced lesbian and gay politics through an investigation of anti-homophobic research and lobbying focused on violence and harassment. It asks: What place does criminal justice occupy within sexual politics? Using the Australian state of Victoria as a case study, the article examines how the lesbian and gay anti-violence movement has utilized criminal justice theories, methodologies and approaches to explain and attempt to remedy ‘homophobic hate’. It provides three inter-connected examples of the permeation of criminal justice logics: (1) the victimization survey method, (2) the focus on police reform, and (3) elements of a punitive public discourse surrounding homophobic hate crime. These examples are nevertheless complicated by the persistence of institutionalized violence and state failure to ‘protect’ lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) lives. These discursive practices contribute to ‘queer penalities’, a term used to describe the ways in which lesbian and gay movements shape and contest the social meaning of terms such as ‘crime’, victimization and punishment.


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As políticas públicas na área do turismo tornaram-se uma prioridade dos governos dos países desenvolvidos e menos desenvolvidos a partir da década de 1970, quando os organismos estatais ligados ao sector do turismo deram início à definição de amplas agendas nacionais para o desenvolvimento da indústria do turismo para períodos de longo prazo, com descrições claras sobre a posição que o turismo ocupa no âmbito do desenvolvimento da economia nacional; sobre as metas que se pretendem alcançar e a forma como elas serão atingidas. O enorme crescimento do turismo, o envolvimento dos governos e os impactos negativos do turismo que foram registados nos países em desenvolvimento ajudou a trazer ao debate académico a análise sobre as políticas públicas do turismo no final dos anos 80 e início de 90 do séc. passado. Neste estudo inventariou-se o quadro legislativo das políticas públicas do turismo em Angola e fez-se o enquadramento sociológico da Política Nacional e do Plano Diretor do turismo em Angola; identificaram-se os atores que intervêm na execução das políticas públicas do turismo em Angola e o seu sentido social, assim como os fatores centrais propiciadores do desenvolvimento social e económico em contexto local (Huíla). Isto permitiu determinar o perfil e tipologias resultantes da contribuição do quadro de Políticas Públicas de turismo para o nível de promoção do desenvolvimento social local em Angola, ajudando-nos a tentar perceber até que ponto as políticas públicas do turismo em Angola se constituem como fator de desenvolvimento social local. Partindo do perfil e tipologias resultantes da contribuição do quadro de Políticas Públicas de turismo e com base nos resultados obtidos através da análise de conteúdo das entrevistas, construiu-se uma proposta de modelo de políticas públicas de turismo propiciadoras do desenvolvimento local sustentável em Angola baseada numa lógica de ação coletiva, capaz de salvaguardar a sustentabilidade económica, política, social e territorial; ABSTRACT: Public policies in tourism became a priority of developed country governments and less developed countries from the 1970s, when the state bodies linked to the tourism sector began the definition of a broad national agenda for the development of the tourism industry for long-term periods, with clear descriptions of the position that tourism occupies in the national economic development; on the goals they want to achieve and how they will be achieved. The tremendous growth of tourism, the involvement of governments and the negative impacts of tourism were registered in developing countries and helped to bring the academic debate analysis on public tourism policies, in the late 80s and early 90s of the past century. In the legislative framework, we inventoried public tourism policies in Angola that later became the sociological framework of the National Policy and Plan for tourism in Angola; we identified the actors involved in the execution of public tourism policies in Angola and its social meaning, as well as the central factors conductive to social and economic development in the local context (Huila). This allowed to determine the profile and types resulting from the tourism Public Policy framework contribution to the level of promotion of local social development in Angola, helping us in this way to try to understand to what extent public tourism policies in Angola work as a local social development factor. From the profile and types resulting from the tourism Public Policy framework contribution and based on the results obtained from the interviews, we constructed a proposed model of public policies which encourage a more sustainable local development kind of tourism in Angola, based on a logic of collective action, able to safeguard the economic, political, social and territorial capitals.


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Artists with disabilities working in Live Art paradigms often present performances which replay the social attitudes they are subject to in daily life as guerilla theatre in public spaces – including online spaces. In doing so, these artists draw spectators’ attention to the way their responses to disabled people contribute to the social construction of disability. They provide different theatrical, architectural or technological devices to encourage spectators to articulate their response to themselves and others. But – the use of exaggeration, comedy and confrontation in these practices notwithstanding – their blurry boundaries mean some spectators experience confusion as to whether they are responding to real life or a representation of it. This results in conflicted responses which reveal as much about the politics of disability as the performances themselves. In this paper, I examine how these conflicted responses play out in online forums. I discuss diverse examples, from blog comments on Liz Crow’s Resistance on the Plinth on YouTube, to Aaron Williamson and Katherine Araneillo’s Disabled Avant-Garde clips on YouTube, to Ju Gosling’s Letter Writing Project on her website, to segments of UK Channel 4’s mock reality show Cast Offs on YouTube. I demonstrate how online forums become a place not just for recording memories of an original performance (which posters may not have seen), but for a new performance, which goes well beyond re-membering/remediating the original. I identify trends in the way experience, memory and meaningmaking play out in these performative forums – moving from clarification of the original act’s parameters, to claims of disgust, insult or offense, to counter-claims confirming the comic or political efficacy of the act, often linked disclosure of personal memory or experience of disability. I examine the way these encounters at the interstices of live and/or online performance, memory, technology and public/private history negotiate ideas about disability, and what they tell us about the ethics and efficacy of the specific modes of performance and spectatorship these artists with disabilities are invoking.


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What are the most appropriate methodological approaches for researching the psychosocial determinants of health and wellbeing among young people from refugee backgrounds over the resettlement period? What kinds of research models can involve young people in meaningful reflections on their lives and futures while simultaneously yielding valid data to inform services and policy? This paper reports on the methods developed for a longitudinal study of health and wellbeing among young people from refugee backgrounds in Melbourne, Australia. The study involves 100 newly-arrived young people 12 to 18 years of age, and employs a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods implemented as a series of activities carried out by participants in personalized settlement journals. This paper highlights the need to think outside the box of traditional qualitative and/or quantitative approaches for social research into refugee youth health and illustrates how integrated approaches can produce information that is meaningful to policy makers, service providers and to the young people themselves.


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"Chapters II., III., and V. of this book were delivered in Edinburgh University as the Gunning lectures of 1910-11."--Pref.


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Demonstrating socially responsible behaviour has become increasingly important for corporations. Using the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) as its theoretical framework, this paper examines the meditational role of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on the relationship between sport participation motivation, event attachment and purchase intent of a sport event’s sponsors’ products. A questionnaire was distributed to a sample of sport event participants (N=689) to measure sport participation motivation (recreation and charity), attachment to the event, CSR, and purchase intent of sponsors’ products. Results reveal that CSR fully mediates the link between purchase intent and sport participation motivation and partially mediates the influence of attachment on purchase intent. The authors propose that corporations strategically align with sport events in which participants are attached to allow for CSR and the meaning elicited by the event to work jointly.


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In this chapter I propose a theoretical framework for understanding the role of mediation processes in the inculcation, maintenance, and change of evaluative meaning systems, or axiologies, and how such a perspective can provide a useful and complementary dimension to analysis for SFL and CDA. I argue that an understanding of mediation—the movement of meaning across time and space—is essential for the analysis of meaning. Using two related texts as examples, I show how an understanding of mediation can aid SFL and CDA practitioners in the analysis of social change.