947 resultados para social choice correspondence


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Les Tableaux de Bord de la Performance ont été acclamés avec raison depuis leur introduction en 1992, mais les intellectuels continuent encore à étudier leurs aspects pragmatiques. Ce papier contribue à la littérature sur les Tableaux de Bord de la Performance, tout d’abord, en offrant une explication logique quant à leur succès et ensuite, en présentant un cadre de travail contextuel de tableaux de bord de la performance pour une structure de gestion hiérarchisée. Le cadre de travail contextuel réforme la perspective d’apprentissage et de croissance du tableau de bord de la performance (i) en effectuant la transition de référence (subjective/objective), et (ii) en reconnaissant que la Perspective d’Apprentissage et de Croissance implique avant tout une incidence de formulation stratégique d’une extra-entité. Le transfert de l’incidence (intra-entité/extra-entité) réconcilie l’évolution de la position de politique de gestion non ordonnée [Contenu: (Contenu: Contexte): Contexte] qu’est la Perspective d’Apprentissage et de Croissance Concomitante. Le cadre de travail supplante également les Perspectives des Tableaux de Bord de la Performances développés par Kaplan et Norton en ajoutant la perspective de politique sociale qui manquait. La perspective manquante implique une transition de référence objective [(position endogène, perspective exogène): (position exogène, perspective exogène)]. De tels signaux de transition [Contenu: (Contenu: Contexte): Contexte] ordonnent l’évolution de la position de politique de gestion.


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We consider the following question: does market failure justify redistribution? We argue that the general answer to this question is no, in the sense that policies for correcting market failures do not aim at producing a "desirable" income distribution. This follows from the fact that, by construction, market failure is a deviation from "efficiency" that does not involve any notion of a desirable distribution of welfare (or income). However, there are special cases where a "corrective measure" involving redistribution can offset a market failure, so this can provide a form of efficiency- based justification for redistribution.


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Ordered conflict resolution: understanding her tenets cost Keynes his life and Arrow to live under extortionate threat. Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has conquered the Informal Capital Market Cartel’s stranglehold on academic freedom, the literature can now vindicate impossibility- resolved social choice theory in the venue of a marriage between ethics and economics; as Sen has pled need be the case. This paper introduces ordered conflict resolution and her two impossibility-resolving axioms in effecting (individual: societal) well-being transitivity.


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Ordered conflict resolution: understanding her tenets cost Keynes his life and Arrow to live under extortionate threat. Now that the Supreme Court of the United States has conquered the Informal Capital Market Cartel’s stranglehold on academic freedom, the literature can now vindicate impossibility- resolved social choice theory in the venue of a marriage between ethics and economics; as Sen has pled need be the case. This paper introduces ordered conflict resolution and her two impossibility-resolving axioms in effecting (individual: societal) well-being transitivity.


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In order to analyze a unicellular-multicellular evolutionary transition, a multicellular organism is identified with the vector of viabilities and fecundities of its constituent cells. The Michod–Viossat–Solari–Hurand–Nedelcu index of group fitness for a multicellular organism is a function of these cell viabilities and fecundities. The MVSHN index has been used to analyze the germ-soma specialization and the fitness decoupling between the cell and organism levels that takes place during the transition to multicellularity. In this article, social choice theory is used to provide an axiomatic characterization of the group fitness ordering of vectors of cell viabilities and fecundities underlying the MVSHN index.


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La literatura sobre desarrollo económico y pobreza de los últimos años ha enfatizado en el tema de los derechos de propiedad, las instituciones informales y su relación con el mercado de capitales. Este trabajo busca modelar algunos aspectos de la obra del economista Hernando De Soto en el tema de la informalidad, específicamente ¿cómo es que el establecimiento de un sistema de propiedad permite a la gente elegir de entre un conjunto mayor de socios comerciales?, y ¿por qué la decisión individual costo-beneficio de expedir un títulolegal de propiedad es considerada un asunto de redes? Para modelar este problema, se utilizó un enfoque deteoría de juegos: los pagos están relacionados con la distribución de la población total entre sectores formales e informales, y surgen fenómenos de retroalimentación positiva y externalidades. Las conclusiones incluyen análisis de política para el caso de la vivienda en Colombia.


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Existen disparidades importantes entre los departamentos expresadas en el acceso a los servicios públicos y sociales, en el ingreso per cápita regional, etc. Debido a esto la Constitución de 1.991 fortaleció el proceso de descentralización y aumentó las transferencias de recursos a las regiones más pobres para disminuir las brechas de desarrollo económico y social. La descentralización genera mayor cercanía entre ciudadanos, servicios y gobierno permitiendo una mayor eficiencia en la provisión de los bienes y servicios públicos con un mayor control ciudadano. Así “La descentralización tiene sentido desde el punto de vista económico en la medida en que permite captar mejor las generalmente muy diversas necesidades y preferencias de los ciudadanos.


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When allocating a resource, geographical and infrastructural constraints have to be taken into account. We study the problem of distributing a resource through a network from sources endowed with the resource to citizens with claims. A link between a source and an agent depicts the possibility of a transfer from the source to the agent. Given the supplies at each source, the claims of citizens, and the network, the question is how to allocate the available resources among the citizens. We consider a simple allocation problem that is free of network constraints, where the total amount can be freely distributed. The simple allocation problem is a claims problem where the total amount of claims is greater than what is available. We focus on consistent and resource monotonic rules in claims problems that satisfy equal treatment of equals. We call these rules fairness principles and we extend fairness principles to allocation rules on networks. We require that for each pair of citizens in the network, the extension is robust with respect to the fairness principle. We call this condition pairwise robustness with respect to the fairness principle. We provide an algorithm and show that each fairness principle has a unique extension which is pairwise robust with respect to the fairness principle. We give applications of the algorithm for three fairness principles: egalitarianism, proportionality and equal sacrifice.


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La literatura económica ha abordado la discusión sobre el crecimiento y la equidad en distintas líneas. La necesidad de tener una sociedad más equitativa es una de las opciones y este escrito intenta aportar nuevas ideas a la discusión dando prioridad a la equidad. Para este efecto, discute, el espacio en el que se trabajará la desigualdad, las causalidades existentes frente a la relación crecimiento y equidad, y las fortalezas y debilidades de sobre los indicadores convencionalmente utilizados para su medición.


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En este documento se quiere demostrar que una teoría que pretenda fundamentar la política social que no permita las comparaciones interpersonales es inadecuada. Por esta razón, el punto de partida es una crítica a la economía normativa neoclásica. Esta crítica consiste, en últimas, en una crítica al concepto de bienestar de los utilitaristas. Se plantea que el bienestar entendido como utilidad excluye información relevante para juzgar el bienestar de las personas, y se propone que el concepto de bienestar del profesor Amartya Sen es adecuado como base de una teoría para la política social.


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We define and experimentally test a public provision mechanism that meets three basic ethical requirements and allows community members to influence, via monetary bids, which of several projects is implemented. For each project, participants are assigned personal values, which can be positive or negative. We provide either public or private information about personal values. This produces two distinct public provision games, which are experimentally implemented and analyzed for various projects. In spite of the complex experimental task, participants do not rely on bidding their own personal values as an obvious simple heuristic whose general acceptance would result in fair and efficient outcomes. Rather, they rely on strategic underbidding. Although underbidding is affected by projects’ characteristics, the provision mechanism mostly leads to the implementation of the most efficient project.


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The importance of good health of a population is crucial when determining social welfare. A new health-adjusted national income indicator that explores the relationships between economic growth, health and social welfare in Bangkok, Thailand from 1975 to 1999 is applied. This new approach to social welfare analysis is based on normative social choice theory, cost–benefit and systems analysis and is called (new)3 welfare economics. This paper argues that traditional measures of welfare, such as national income, fail to reflect accurately the impact of health on social welfare.


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The implications of diversity still raise confusion in the cultural debate. We address them from both a formal and conceptual viewpoints, putting in check the validity of some arguments. We conclude that: measuring diversity demands key decisions and careful statistical procedures; ignorance on optimal diversity levels and on ways to generate them is widespread in the cultural field; there is no support for cultural diversity as something associated to fair economic and political systems; restriction to sheer economics requires the establishment of links between diversity and measurable properties – something rather incipient. Diversity, as a social choice, should be distinguished from it as an economic value.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)