973 resultados para site-direct mutagenesis


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The relative contributions to the specificity and catalysis of aglycone, of residues E190, E194, K201 and M453 that form the aglycone-binding site of a beta-glycosidase from Spodoptera frugiperda (EC, were investigated through site-directed mutagenesis and enzyme kinetic experiments. The results showed that E190 favors the binding of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones (up to the sixth methylene group) and also the first glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones, whereas a balance between interactions with E194 and K201 determines the preference for glucose units versus alkyl moieties. E194 favors the binding of alkyl moieties, whereas K201 is more relevant for the binding of glucose units, in spite of its favorable interaction with alkyl moieties. The three residues E190, E194 and K201 reduce the affinity for phenyl moieties. In addition, M453 favors the binding of the second glucose unit of oligosaccharidic aglycones and also of the initial portion of alkyl-type aglycones. None of the residues investigated interacted with the terminal portion of alkyl-type aglycones. It was also demonstrated that E190, E194, K201 and M453 similarly contribute to stabilize ES double dagger. Their interactions with aglycone are individually weaker than those formed by residues interacting with glycone, but their joint catalytic effects are similar. Finally, these interactions with aglycone do not influence glycone binding.


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Phospholipases A(2) constitute the major components from Bothrops snake venoms and have been extensively investigated not only because they are relatively very abundant in these venoms but mainly because they display a range of many relevant biological effects, including: myotoxic, cytotoxic, edema-inducing, artificial membrane disrupting, anticoagulant, neuromuscular, platelet aggregation inhibiting, hypotensive, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-tumoural, anti-malarial and anti-parasitic. The primary structures of several PLA(2)s have been elucidated through direct amino acid sequencing or, inderectly, through the corresponding nucleotide sequencing. Two main subgroups were thus described: (i) Asp49 PLA(2)s, showing low (basic, highly myotoxic) to relatively high (acidic, less or non myotoxic) Ca++-dependent hydrolytic activity upon artificial substrates; (ii) Lys49 PLA(2)s (basic, highly myotoxic) , showing no detectable hydrolytic activity on artificial substrates. Several crystal structures of Lys49 PLAs from genus Bothrops have already been solved, revealing very similar fold patterns. Lack of catalytic activity of myotoxic Lys49-PLA(2)s, first related solely with the fact that Lys49 occupies the position of the calcium ion in the catalyticly active site of Asp49 PLA(2)s, is now also attributed to Lys122 which interacts with the carbonyl of Cys29 hyperpolarising the peptide bond between Cys29 and Gly30 and trapping the fatty acid product in the active site, thus interrupting the catalytic cycle. This hypothesis, supported for three recent structures, is also discussed here. All Asp49 myotoxins showed to be pharmacologically more potent when compared with the Lys49 variants, but phospholipid hydrolysis is not an indispensable condition for the myotoxic, cytotoxic, bactericidal, anti-HIV, anti-parasitic, liposome disrupting or edema-inducing activities. Recent studies on site directed mutagenesis of the recombinant Lys49 myotoxin from Bothrops jararacussu revealed the participation of important amino acid residues in the membrane damaging and myotoxic activities.


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Beetle luciferases emit a wide range of bioluminescence colors, ranging from green to red. Firefly luciferases can shift the spectrum to red in response to pH and temperature changes, whereas click beetle and railroadworm luciferases do not. Despite many studies on firefly luciferases, the origin of pH-sensitivity is far from being understood. Through comparative site-directed mutagenesis and modeling studies, using the pH-sensitive luciferases (Macrolampis and Cratomorphus distinctus fireflies) and the pH-insensitive luciferases (Pyrearinus termitilluminans, Phrixotrix viviani and Phrixotrix hirtus) cloned by our group, here we show that substitutions dramatically affecting bioluminescence colors in both groups of luciferases are clustered in the loop between residues 223-235 (Photinus pyralis sequence). The substitutions at positions 227, 228 and 229 (P. pyralis sequence) cause dramatic redshift and temporal shift in both groups of luciferases, indicating their involvement in labile interactions. Modeling studies showed that the residues Y227 and N229 are buried in the protein core, fixing the loop to other structural elements participating at the bottom of the luciferin binding site. Changes in pH and temperature (in firefly luciferases), as well as point mutations in this loop, may disrupt the interactions of these structural elements exposing the active site and modulating bioluminescence colors. © 2007 The Authors.


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Das fakultativ anaerobe Enterobakterium Escherichia coli nutzt C4-Dicarboxylate sowohl unter aeroben als auch anaeroben Bedingungen als Kohlenstoff- und Energiequelle. Die Aufnahme der C4-Dicarboxylaten und die Energiekonservierung mittels Fumaratatmung wird durch das Zweikomponentensystem DcuSR reguliert. Die Sensorhistidinkinase DcuS und der nachgeschaltete Responseregulator DcuR aktivieren bei Verfügbarkeit von C4-Dicarboxylaten die Expression der Gene für den Succinat Transporter DctA, den anaeroben Fumarat/Succinat Antiporter DcuB, die Fumarase B sowie die Fumaratreduktase FrdABCD. Die Transportproteine DctA und DcuB wiederum regulieren die Expression der DcuSR-abhängigen Gene negativ. Fehlen von DctA oder DcuB resultiert bereits ohne Effektor in einer maximalen Expression von dctA bzw. dcuB. Durch gerichtete und ungerichtete Mutagenese wurde gezeigt, dass die Transportfunktion des Carriers DcuB unabhängig von seiner regulatorischen Funktion ist. DcuB kann daher als Cosensor des DcuSR Systems angesehen werden.rnUnter Verwendung von Reportergenfusionen von C-terminal verkürzten Konstrukten von DcuB mit der Alkalischen Phosphatase und der β-Galactosidase wurde die Topologie des Multitransmembranproteins DcuB bestimmt. Zusätzlich wurde die Zugänglichkeit bestimmter Aminosäurereste durch chemische Modifikation mit membran-durchlässigen und membran-undurchlässigen Thiolreagenzien untersucht. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse deuten auf die Existenz eines tief in die Membran reichenden, hydrophilen Kanal hin, welcher zum Periplasma hin geöffnet ist. Mit Hilfe der Topologie-Studien, des Hydropathie-Blots und der Sekundärstruktur-Vorhersage wurde ein Modell des Carriers erstellt. DcuB besitzt kurze, periplasmatisch liegende Proteinenden, die durch 12 Transmembranhelices und zwei große hydrophile Schleifen jeweils zwischen TM VII/VIII und TM XI/XII verbunden sind. Die regulatorisch relevanten Reste K353, T396 und D398 befinden sich innerhalb von TM XI sowie auf der angrenzenden cytoplasmatischen Schleife XI-XII. Unter Berücksichtigung der strukturellen und funktionellen Aspekte wurde ein Regulationsmodell erstellt, welches die gemeinsam durch DcuB und DcuS kontrollierte C4-Dicarboxylat-abhängige Genexpression darstellt. rnDer Effekt von DctA und DcuSR auf die Expression einer dctA´-´lacZ Reportergenfusion und auf die aerobe C4-Dicarboxylat-Aufnahme wurde untersucht. In-vivo FRET-Messungen weisen auf eine direkte Wechselwirkung zwischen dem Carrier DctA und dem Sensor DcuS hin. Dieses Ergebnis stützt die Theorie der Regulation von DcuS durch C4-Dicarboxylate und durch die Cosensoren DctA bzw. DcuB mittels direkter Protein-Protein Interaktion.rn


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Die lösliche Epoxidhydrolase (sEH) gehört zur Familie der Epoxidhydrolase-Enzyme. Die Rolle der sEH besteht klassischerweise in der Detoxifikation, durch Umwandlung potenziell schädlicher Epoxide in deren unschädliche Diol-Form. Hauptsächlich setzt die sEH endogene, der Arachidonsäure verwandte Signalmoleküle, wie beispielsweise die Epoxyeicosatrienoic acid, zu den entsprechenden Diolen um. Daher könnte die sEH als ein Zielenzym in der Therapie von Bluthochdruck und Entzündungen sowie diverser anderer Erkrankungen eingesetzt werden. rnDie sEH ist ein Homodimer, in dem jede Untereinheit aus zwei Domänen aufgebaut ist. Das katalytische Zentrum der Epoxidhydrolaseaktivität befindet sich in der 35 kD großen C-terminalen Domäne. Dieser Bereich der sEH s wurde bereits im Detail untersucht und nahezu alle katalytischen Eigenschaften des Enzyms sowie deren dazugehörige Funktionen sind in Zusammenhang mit dieser Domäne bekannt. Im Gegensatz dazu ist über die 25 kD große N-terminale Domäne wenig bekannt. Die N-terminale Domäne der sEH wird zur Haloacid Dehalogenase (HAD) Superfamilie von Hydrolasen gezählt, jedoch war die Funktion dieses N-terminal Domäne lange ungeklärt. Wir haben in unserer Arbeitsgruppe zum ersten Mal zeigen können, dass die sEH in Säugern ein bifunktionelles Enzym ist, welches zusätzlich zur allgemein bekannten Enzymaktivität im C-terminalen Bereich eine weitere enzymatische Funktion mit Mg2+-abhängiger Phosphataseaktivität in der N-terminalen Domäne aufweist. Aufgrund der Homologie der N-terminalen Domäne mit anderen Enzymen der HAD Familie wird für die Ausübung der Phosphatasefunktion (Dephosphorylierung) eine Reaktion in zwei Schritten angenommen.rnUm den katalytischen Mechanismus der Dephosphorylierung weiter aufzuklären, wurden biochemische Analysen der humanen sEH Phosphatase durch Generierung von Mutationen im aktiven Zentrum mittels ortsspezifischer Mutagenese durchgeführt. Hiermit sollten die an der katalytischen Aktivität beteiligten Aminosäurereste im aktiven Zentrum identifiziert und deren Rolle bei der Dephosphorylierung spezifiziert werden. rnrnAuf Basis der strukturellen und möglichen funktionellen Ähnlichkeiten der sEH und anderen Mitgliedern der HAD Superfamilie wurden Aminosäuren (konservierte und teilweise konservierte Aminosäuren) im aktiven Zentrum der sEH Phosphatase-Domäne als Kandidaten ausgewählt.rnVon den Phosphatase-Domäne bildenden Aminosäuren wurden acht ausgewählt (Asp9 (D9), Asp11 (D11), Thr123 (T123), Asn124 (N124), Lys160 (K160), Asp184 (D184), Asp185 (D185), Asn189 (N189)), die mittels ortsspezifischer Mutagenese durch nicht funktionelle Aminosäuren ausgetauscht werden sollten. Dazu wurde jede der ausgewählten Aminosäuren durch mindestens zwei alternative Aminosäuren ersetzt: entweder durch Alanin oder durch eine Aminosäure ähnlich der im Wildtyp-Enzym. Insgesamt wurden 18 verschiedene rekombinante Klone generiert, die für eine mutante sEH Phosphatase Domäne kodieren, in dem lediglich eine Aminosäure gegenüber dem Wildtyp-Enzym ersetzt wurde. Die 18 Mutanten sowie das Wildtyp (Sequenz der N-terminalen Domäne ohne Mutation) wurden in einem Expressionsvektor in E.coli kloniert und die Nukleotidsequenz durch Restriktionsverdau sowie Sequenzierung bestätigt. Die so generierte N-terminale Domäne der sEH (25kD Untereinheit) wurde dann mittels Metallaffinitätschromatographie erfolgreich aufgereinigt und auf Phosphataseaktivität gegenüber des allgemeinen Substrats 4-Nitophenylphosphat getestet. Diejenigen Mutanten, die Phosphataseaktivität zeigten, wurden anschließend kinetischen Tests unterzogen. Basiered auf den Ergebnissen dieser Untersuchungen wurden kinetische Parameter mittels vier gut etablierter Methoden berechnet und die Ergebnisse mit der „direct linear blot“ Methode interpretiert. rnDie Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die meisten der 18 generierten Mutanten inaktiv waren oder einen Großteil der Enzymaktivität (Vmax) gegenüber dem Wildtyp verloren (WT: Vmax=77.34 nmol-1 mg-1 min). Dieser Verlust an Enzymaktivität ließ sich nicht durch einen Verlust an struktureller Integrität erklären, da der Wildtyp und die mutanten Proteine in der Chromatographie das gleiche Verhalten zeigten. Alle Aminosäureaustausche Asp9 (D9), Lys160 (K160), Asp184 (D184) und Asn189 (N189) führten zum kompletten Verlust der Phosphataseaktivität, was auf deren katalytische Funktion im N-terminalen Bereich der sEH hindeutet. Bei einem Teil der Aminosäureaustausche die für Asp11 (D11), Thr123 (T123), Asn124 (N124) und Asn185 (D185) durchgeführt wurden, kam es, verglichen mit dem Wildtyp, zu einer starken Reduktion der Phosphataseaktivität, die aber dennoch für die einzelnen Proteinmutanten in unterschiedlichem Ausmaß zu messen war (2 -10% and 40% of the WT enzyme activity). Zudem zeigten die Mutanten dieser Gruppe veränderte kinetische Eigenschaften (Vmax allein oder Vmax und Km). Dabei war die kinetische Analyse des Mutanten Asp11  Asn aufgrund der nur bei dieser Mutanten detektierbaren starken Vmax Reduktion (8.1 nmol-1 mg-1 min) und einer signifikanten Reduktion der Km (Asp11: Km=0.54 mM, WT: Km=1.3 mM), von besonderem Interesse und impliziert eine Rolle von Asp11 (D11) im zweiten Schritt der Hydrolyse des katalytischen Zyklus.rnZusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse, dass alle in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Aminosäuren für die Phosphataseaktivität der sEH nötig sind und das aktive Zentrum der sEH Phosphatase im N-terminalen Bereich des Enzyms bilden. Weiterhin tragen diese Ergebnisse zur Aufklärung der potenziellen Rolle der untersuchten Aminosäuren bei und unterstützen die Hypothese, dass die Dephosphorylierungsreaktion in zwei Schritten abläuft. Somit ist ein kombinierter Reaktionsmechanismus, ähnlich denen anderer Enzyme der HAD Familie, für die Ausübung der Dephosphorylierungsfunktion denkbar. Diese Annahme wird gestützt durch die 3D-Struktur der N-terminalen Domäne, den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit sowie Resultaten weiterer biochemischer Analysen. Der zweistufige Mechanismus der Dephosphorylierung beinhaltet einen nukleophilen Angriff des Substratphosphors durch das Nukleophil Asp9 (D9) des aktiven Zentrums unter Bildung eines Acylphosphat-Enzym-Zwischenprodukts, gefolgt von der anschließenden Freisetzung des dephosphorylierten Substrats. Im zweiten Schritt erfolgt die Hydrolyse des Enzym-Phosphat-Zwischenprodukts unterstützt durch Asp11 (D11), und die Freisetzung der Phosphatgruppe findet statt. Die anderen untersuchten Aminosäuren sind an der Bindung von Mg 2+ und/oder Substrat beteiligt. rnMit Hilfe dieser Arbeit konnte der katalytischen Mechanismus der sEH Phosphatase weiter aufgeklärt werden und wichtige noch zu untersuchende Fragestellungen, wie die physiologische Rolle der sEH Phosphatase, deren endogene physiologische Substrate und der genaue Funktionsmechanismus als bifunktionelles Enzym (die Kommunikation der zwei katalytischen Einheiten des Enzyms) wurden aufgezeigt und diskutiert.rn


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Aminolevulinic acid synthase 1 (ALAS1) is the rate-limiting enzyme of heme synthesis in the liver and is highly regulated to adapt to the metabolic demand of the hepatocyte. In the present study, we describe human hepatic ALAS1 as a new direct target of the bile acid-activated nuclear receptor farnesoid X receptor (FXR). Experiments in primary human hepatocytes and in human liver slices showed that ALAS1 messenger RNA (mRNA) and activity is increased upon exposure to chenodeoxycholic acid (CDCA), the most potent natural FXR ligand, or the synthetic FXR-specific agonist GW4064. Moreover, overexpression of a constitutively active form of FXR further increased ALAS1 mRNA expression. In agreement with these observations, an FXR response element was identified in the 5' flanking region of human ALAS1 and characterized in reporter gene assays. A highly conserved FXR binding site (IR1) within a 175-bp fragment at -13 kilobases upstream of the transcriptional start site was able to trigger an FXR-specific increase in luciferase activity upon CDCA treatment. Site-directed mutagenesis of IR1 abolished this effect. Binding of FXR/retinoid acid X receptor heterodimers was demonstrated by mobility gel shift experiments. Conclusion: These data strongly support a role of bile acid-activated FXR in the regulation of human ALAS1 and, consequently, hepatic porphyrin and heme synthesis. These data also suggest that elevated endogenous bile acids may precipitate neuropsychiatric attacks in patients with acute hepatic porphyrias.


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BACKGROUND J-wave syndromes have emerged conceptually to encompass the pleiotropic expression of J-point abnormalities including Brugada syndrome (BrS) and early repolarization syndrome (ERS). KCNJ8, which encodes the cardiac K(ATP) Kir6.1 channel, recently has been implicated in ERS following identification of the functionally uncharacterized missense mutation S422L. OBJECTIVE The purpose of this study was to further explore KCNJ8 as a novel susceptibility gene for J-wave syndromes. METHODS Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, comprehensive open reading frame/splice site mutational analysis of KCNJ8 was performed in 101 unrelated patients with J-wave syndromes, including 87 with BrS and 14 with ERS. Six hundred healthy individuals were examined to assess the allelic frequency for all variants detected. KCNJ8 mutation(s) was engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and coexpressed heterologously with SUR2A in COS-1 cells. Ion currents were recorded using whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique. RESULTS One BrS case and one ERS case hosted the identical missense mutation S422L, which was reported previously. KCNJ8-S422L involves a highly conserved residue and was absent in 1,200 reference alleles. Both cases were negative for mutations in all known BrS and ERS susceptibility genes. K(ATP) current of the Kir6.1-S422L mutation was increased significantly over the voltage range from 0 to 40 mV compared to Kir6.1-WT channels (n = 16-21; P <.05). CONCLUSION These findings further implicate KCNJ8 as a novel J-wave syndrome susceptibility gene and a marked gain of function in the cardiac K(ATP) Kir6.1 channel secondary to KCNJ8-S422L as a novel pathogenic mechanism for the phenotypic expression of both BrS and ERS.


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BACKGROUND Functional characterization of mutations involving the SCN5A-encoded cardiac sodium channel has established the pathogenic mechanisms for type 3 long QT syndrome and type 1 Brugada syndrome and has provided key insights into the physiological importance of essential structure-function domains. OBJECTIVE This study sought to present the clinical and biophysical phenotypes discerned from compound heterozygosity mutations in SCN5A on different alleles in a toddler diagnosed with QT prolongation and fever-induced ventricular arrhythmias. METHODS A 22-month-old boy presented emergently with fever and refractory ventricular tachycardia. Despite restoration of sinus rhythm, the infant sustained profound neurological injury and died. Using polymerase chain reaction, denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography, and direct DNA sequencing, comprehensive open-reading frame/splice mutational analysis of the 12 known long QT syndrome susceptibility genes was performed. RESULTS The infant had 2 SCN5A mutations: a maternally inherited N-terminal frame shift/deletion (R34fs/60) and a paternally inherited missense mutation, R1195H. The mutations were engineered by site-directed mutagenesis and heterologously expressed transiently in HEK293 cells. As expected, the frame-shifted and prematurely truncated peptide, SCN5A-R34fs/60, showed no current. SCN5A-R1195H had normal peak and late current but abnormal voltage-dependent gating parameters. Surprisingly, co-expression of SCN5A-R34fs/60 with SCN5A-R1195H elicited a significant increase in late sodium current, whereas co-expression of SCN5A-WT with SCN5A-R34fs/60 did not. CONCLUSIONS A severe clinical phenotype characterized by fever-induced monomorphic ventricular tachycardia and QT interval prolongation emerged in a toddler with compound heterozygosity involving SCN5A: R34fs/60, and R1195H. Unexpectedly, the 94-amino-acid fusion peptide derived from the R34fs/60 mutation accentuated the late sodium current of R1195H-containing Na(V)1.5 channels in vitro.


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The recA gene is essential for homologous recombination and for inducible DNA repair in Escherichia coli. The level of recA expression is important for these functions. The growth defect of a lambda phage carrying a recA-lacZ fusion was used to select mutations that reduced recA expression. Nine of these mutations were single base changes in the recA promoter; each reduced both induced and basal (repressed) levels of expression, indicating that only one promoter is used under both circumstances. Deletion analysis of the promoter region and S1 mapping of transcripts confirmed that there is only one promoter responsible for both basal and induced expression. Some of the mutants, however, displayed a ratio of induced to repressed expression that was much lower than wild-type. For one of these mutants (recA1270) LexA binding studies showed that this was not due to a change in the affinity of LexA repressor for the operator site. The extent of binding of RNA polymerase to this mutant promoter, however, was much reduced, and the complexes formed were qualitatively different. Further binding experiments provided some evidence that LexA does not block RNA polymerase binding to the recA promoter, but inhibits a later step in initiation. Behavior of the mutants with altered induction ratios could be explained if LexA binding to the operator actually increases RNA polymerase binding to the promoter in a closed complex compensating for defects in polymerase binding caused by the mutations.^ In a study of mutations in the recA structural gene, site-directed mutagenesis was used to replace cysteine codons at positions 90, 116, and 129 with a number of different codons. In vivo analysis of the replacements showed that none of the cysteines is absolutely essential and that they do not have a direct role as catalysts in ATP hydrolysis. Some amino acid substitutions abolished all RecA functions, while a few resulted in partial or altered function. Amino acids at positions 90 and 129 tended to affect all functions equally, while the amino acid at position 116 appeared to have a particular effect on the protease activity of the protein. ^


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Involvement of E. coli 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) in decoding of termination codons was first indicated by the characterization of a 23S rRNA mutant that causes UGA-specific nonsense suppression. The work described here was begun to test the hypothesis that more 23S rRNA suppressors of specific nonsense mutations can be isolated and that they would occur non-randomly in the rRNA genes and be clustered in specific, functionally significant regions of rRNA.^ Approximately 2 kilobases of the gene for 23S rRNA were subjected to PCR random mutagenesis and the amplified products screened for suppression of nonsense mutations in trpA. All of the suppressor mutations obtained were located in a thirty-nucleotide part of the GTPase center, a conserved rRNA sequence and structure, and they and others made in that region by site-directed mutagenesis were shown to be UGA-specific in their suppression of termination codon mutations. These results proved the initial hypothesis and demonstrated that a group of nucleotides in this region are involved in decoding of the UGA termination codon. Further, it was shown that limitation of cellular availability or synthesis of L11, a ribosomal protein that binds to the GTPase center rRNA, resulted in suppression of termination codon mutations, suggesting the direct involvement of L11 in termination in vivo.^ Finally, in vivo analysis of certain site-specific mutations made in the GTPase center RNA demonstrated that (a) the G$\cdot$A base pair closing the hexanucleotide hairpin loop was not essential for normal termination, (b) the "U-turn" structure in the 1093 to 1098 hexaloop is critical for normal termination, (c) nucleotides A1095 and A1067, necessary for the binding to ribosomes of thiostrepton, an antibiotic that inhibits polypeptide release factor binding to ribosomes in vitro, are also necessary for normal peptide chain termination in vivo, and (d) involvement of this region of rRNA in termination is determined by some unique subset structure that includes particular nucleotides rather than merely by a general structural feature of the GTPase center.^ This work advances the understanding of peptide chain termination by demonstrating that the GTPase region of 23S rRNA participates in recognition of termination codons, through an associated ribosomal protein and specific conserved nucleotides and structural motifs in its RNA. ^


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Sensory rhodopsins I and II (SRI and SRII) are visual pigment-like phototaxis receptors in the archaeon Halobacterium salinarum. The receptor proteins each consist of a single polypeptide that folds into 7 $\alpha$-helical membrane-spanning segments forming an internal pocket where the chromophore retinal is bound. They transmit signals to their tightly bound transducer proteins, HtrI and HtrII, respectively, which in turn control a phosphotransfer pathway modulating the flagellar motors. SRI-HtrI mediates attractant responses to orange-light and repellent responses to UV light, while SRII-HtrII mediates repellent response to blue light. Experiments were designed to analyze the molecular processes in the SR-Htr complexes responsible for receptor activation, which previously had been shown by our laboratory to involve proton transfer reactions of the retinylidene Schiff base in the photoactive site, transfer of signals from receptor to transducer, and signaling specificity by the receptor-transducer complex.^ Site-directed mutagenesis and laser-flash kinetic spectroscopy revealed that His-166 in SRI (i) plays a role in the proton transfers both to and from the Schiffbase, either as a structurally critical residue or possibly as a direct participant, (ii) is involved in the modulation of SIU photoreaction kinetics by HtrI, and (iii) modulates the pKa of Asp-76, an important residue in the photoactive site, through a long-distance electrostatic interaction. Computerized cell tracking and motion analysis demonstrated that (iv) His-166 is crucial in phototaxis signaling: a spectrum of substitutions either eliminate signaling or greatly perturb the activation process that produces attractant and repellent signaling states of the receptor.^ The signaling states of SRI are communicated to HtrI, whose oligomeric structure and conformational changes were investigated by engineered sulfhydryl probes. It was found that signaling by the SRI-HtrI complex involves reversible conformational changes within a preexisting HtrI dimer, which is likely accomplished through a slight winding or unwinding of the two HtrT monomers via their loose coiled coil association. To elucidate which domains of the Htr dimers confer specificity for interaction with SRI or SRII, chimeras of HtrI and HtrII were constructed. The only determinant needed for functional and specific interaction with SRI or SRII was found to be the four transmembrane segments of the HtrI or HtrII dimers, respectively. The entire cytoplasmic parts of HtrI and HtrII, which include the functionally important signaling and adaptation domains, were interchangeable.^ These observations support a model in which SRI and SRII undergo conformational changes coupled to light-induced proton transfers in their photoactive sites, and that lateral helix-helix interactions with their cognate transducers' 4-helix bundle in the membrane relay these conformational changes into different states of the Htr proteins which regulate the down-stream phosphotransfer pathway. ^


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Cytochromes P450 are a superfamily of heme-thiolate proteins that function in a concert with another protein, cytochrome P450 reductase, as terminal oxidases of an enzymatic system catalyzing the metabolism of a variety of foreign compounds and endogenous substrates. In order to better understand P450s catalytic mechanism and substrate specificity, information about the structure of the active site is necessary. Given the lack of a crystal structure of mammalian P450, other methods have been used to elucidate the substrate recognition and binding site structure in the active center. In this project I utilized the photoaffinity labeling technique and site-directed mutagenesis approach to gain further structural insight into the active site of mammalian cytochrome P4501AI and examine the role of surface residues in the interaction of P4501A1 with the reductase. ^ Four crosslinked peptides were identified by photoaffinity labeling using diazido benzphetamine as a substrate analog. Alignment of the primary structure of cytochrome P4501A1 with that of bacterial cytochrome P450102 (the crystal structure of which is known) revealed that two of the isolated crosslinked peptides can be placed in the vicinity of heme (in the L helix region and β10-β11 sheet region of cytochrome P450102) and could be involved in substrate binding. The other two peptides were located on the surface of the protein with the label bound specifically to Lys residues that were proposed to be involved in reductase-P450 interaction. ^ Alternatively, it has been shown that some of the organic hydroperoxides can support P450 catalyzed reactions in the absence of NADPH, O2 and reductase. By means of photoaffinity labeling the cumene hydroperoxide binding region was identified. Using azidocumene as the photoaffinity label, the tripeptide T501-L502-K503 was shown to be the site where azidocumene covalently binds to P4501A1. The sequence alignment of cytochrome P4501A1 with cytochrome P450102 predicts that this region might correspond to β-sheet structure localized on the distal side of the heme ring near the I helix and the oxygen binding pocket. The role of Thr501 in the cumene hydroperoxide binding was confirmed by mutations of this residue and kinetic analysis of the effects of the mutations. ^ In addition, the role of two lysine residues, Lys271 and Lys279, in the interaction with reductase was examined by means of site-directed mutagenesis. The lysine residues were substituted with isoleucine and enzymatic activity of the wild type and the mutants were compared in reductase- and cumene hydroperoxide-supported systems. The lysine 279 residue has been shown to play a critical role in the P4501A1-reductase interaction. ^


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The sigma (σ) subunit of eubacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP) is required for specific recognition of promoter DNA sequences and transcription initiation. Regulation of bacterial gene expression can be achieved by modulating a factor activity. The Bacillus subtilis sporulation a σ factor, σ K, controls gene expression of the late sporulation regulon. σ K is synthesized as an inactive precursor protein, pro-σ K, with a 20 amino acid pro sequence. Proteolytic processing of the pro sequence produces the active form, σK, which is able to bind to the core subunits of RNAP to direct gene expression. Thus, the pro sequence renders σK inactive in vivo. After processing, the amino terminus of σK consists of region 1.2, which is conserved among various σ factors. To understand the role of the amino terminus of σK, namely the pro sequence and region 1.2, mutagenesis of both regions was pursued. NH 2-terminal truncations of pro-σK were constructed to address how the pro sequence silences σK activity. The work described here shows that the pro sequence inhibits the ability of σ K to associate with the core subunits and that a deletion of only six amino acids of the pro sequence is sufficient to activate pro-σ K for DNA binding and transcription initiation to levels similar to σ K. Additionally, site directed mutagenesis was used to obtain single amino acid substitutions in region 1.2 to address the role of region 1.2 in σ K transcriptional activity. Two mutations were isolated, converting a lysine (K) to an alanine (A) at position three, and an asparagine (N) to a tyrosine (Y) at position five, both of which alter the efficiency of transcription initiation by RNAP containing the mutant σKs. Surprisingly, σ KK3A increased transcript production when compared to wild type. This increase is due to improvement in DNA affinity and increased stability of RNAP-DNA promoter open complexes. σKN5Y showed a decrease in transcription activity that is related to defects in the ability of RNAP to make the transition from the closed to open RNAP-DNA complex. Results of both the pro sequence and region 1.2 analyses indicate that the amino terminus of σK is important for transcription activity and this work adds to the increasing body of evidence that the amino termini of many σ factors modulate transcription initiation by RNAP. ^


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In this thesis, I investigated the effect of cylic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA) on v-Mos kinase activity. Increase in PKA activity in vivo brought about either by forskolin treatment or by overexpression of the PKA catalytic subunit resulted in a significant inhibition of v-Mos kinase activity. The purified PKA catalytic subunit was able to phosphorylate recombinant p37$\rm\sp{v-mos}$ in vitro, suggesting that the mechanism of in vivo inhibition of v-Mos kinase involves direct phosphorylation by PKA. Ser-263 was identified as a residue that is normally phosphorylated at a very low level but whose phosphorylation is dramatically increased upon forskolin treatment. Consistent with the inhibitory role of Ser-263 phosphorylation, the Ala-263 mutant of v-Mos was not inhibited by forskolin treatment. Based on our results, we propose that the known inhibitory role of PKA in the initiation of oocyte maturation could be explained at least in part by its inhibition of Mos kinase.^ Combining tryptic phosphopeptide two-dimensional mapping analysis and in vitro mutagenesis studies, I identified Ser-56 as the major in vivo phosphorylation site on v-Mos. I studied the interrelationship between Ser-34 and Ser-56 phosphorylation in regulating v-Mos function. After site-directed mutagenesis to substitute serine residues with alanine or glutamic acid in different combinations to mimick unphosphorylated and phosphorylated serines respectively, various v-Mos mutants were expressed in COS-1 cells. As expected, Ala-34 mutant of v-Mos had very low (less 5% of wild type) kinase activity. The Ala-56 mutant had kinase activity 50% that of wild type. Surprisingly, the Ala-34 Ala-56 double mutant and the Ala-56 mutant exhibited identical kinase activity. On the other hand, Ala-34 Glu-56 double mutant had reduced kinase activity comparable to Ala-34 mutant. These results suggest that the phosphorylation at Ser-56 may serve to inhibit the activation of newly synthesized Mos protein. As predicted from Xenopus c-Mos studies, Glu-34 mutant of v-Mos was highly active (125% that of wild type). Interestingly, consistant with the model involving an inhibitory role of Ser-56 phosphorylation, the Glu-34 Glu-56 double mutant was totally inactive as a kinase. Moreover in my experiments, there was a perfect correlation between the level of v-Mos kinase activity of various mutants and their transforming activity. The latter is dependent upon MEK1 phosphorylation/ activation in v-mos transformed cells. Residues corresponding to both v-Mos Ser-34 and Ser-56 are evolutionarily conserved in c-Mos. Therefore, the cytostatic factor function of c-Mos may be regulated in the same manner as v-Mos kinase activity.^ It has been known that v-mos transforms cells by affecting G1 phase progression of the cell cycle. Here I showed that mos induces cyclin D1 expression in mos transformed NIH 3T3 cells and NRK 6m2 cells, and this induced level was found to be unaffected by serum starvation. Consequently, cyclin D1-Cdk4 and cyclin E-Cdk2 activities increase, and retinoblastoma protein is hyperphosphorylated. Based on studies from several laboratories, these findings suggest that increased amount of cyclin D1-Cdk4 complexes ties up the limited amount of cyclin E-Cdk2 inhibitors (e.g. p27), causing the activation of cyclin E-Cdk2. My results indicate that activation of key cell cycle regulators of G1 phase may be important for cellular transformation by mos. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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Cytochrome P450 3A4 is generally considered to be the most important human drug-metabolizing enzyme and is known to catalyze the oxidation of a number of substrates in a cooperative manner. An allosteric mechanism is usually invoked to explain the cooperativity. Based on a structure–activity study from another laboratory using various effector–substrate combinations and on our own studies using site-directed mutagenesis and computer modeling of P450 3A4, the most likely location of effector binding is in the active site along with the substrate. Our study was designed to test this hypothesis by replacing residues Leu-211 and Asp-214 with the larger Phe and Glu, respectively. These residues were predicted to constitute a portion of the effector binding site, and the substitutions were designed to mimic the action of the effector by reducing the size of the active site. The L211F/D214E double mutant displayed an increased rate of testosterone and progesterone 6β-hydroxylation at low substrate concentrations and a decreased level of heterotropic stimulation elicited by α-naphthoflavone. Kinetic analyses of the double mutant revealed the absence of homotropic cooperativity with either steroid substrate. At low substrate concentrations the steroid 6β-hydroxylase activity of the wild-type enzyme was stimulated by a second steroid, whereas L211F/D214E displayed simple substrate inhibition. To analyze L211F/D214E at a more mechanistic level, spectral binding studies were carried out. Testosterone binding by the wild-type enzyme displayed homotropic cooperativity, whereas substrate binding by L211F/D214E displayed hyperbolic behavior.