995 resultados para similarity at call site


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The tobacco N and Arabidopsis RPS2 genes, among several recently cloned disease-resistance genes, share highly conserved structure, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS). Using degenerate oligonucleotide primers for the NBS region of N and RPS2, we have amplified and cloned the NBS sequences from soybean. Each of these PCR-derived NBS clones detected low-or moderate-copy soybean DNA sequences and belongs to 1 of 11 different classes. Sequence analysis showed that all PCR clones encode three motifs (P-loop, kinase-2, and kinase-3a) of NBS nearly identical to those in N and RPS2. The intervening region between P-loop and kinase-3a of the 11 classes has high (26% average) amino acid sequence similarity to the N gene although not as high (19% average) to RPS2. These 11 classes represent a superfamily of NBS-containing soybean genes that are homologous to N and RPS2. Each class or subfamily was assessed for its positional association with known soybean disease-resistance genes through near-isogenic line assays, followed by linkage analysis in F2 populations using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Five of the 11 subfamilies have thus far been mapped to the vicinity of known soybean genes for resistance to potyviruses (Rsv1 and Rpv), Phytophthora root rot (Rps1, Rps2, and Rps3), and powdery mildew (rmd). The conserved N- or RPS2-homologous NBS sequences and their positional associations with mapped soybean-resistance genes suggest that a number of the soybean disease-resistance genes may belong to this superfamily. The candidate subfamilies of NBS-containing genes identified by genetic mapping should greatly facilitate the molecular cloning of disease-resistance genes.


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D-amino acid oxidase is the prototype of the FAD-dependent oxidases. It catalyses the oxidation of D-amino acids to the corresponding alpha-ketoacids. The reducing equivalents are transferred to molecular oxygen with production of hydrogen peroxide. We have solved the crystal structure of the complex of D-amino acid oxidase with benzoate, a competitive inhibitor of the substrate, by single isomorphous replacement and eightfold averaging. Each monomer is formed by two domains with an overall topology similar to that of p-hydroxybenzoate hydroxylase. The benzoate molecule lays parallel to the flavin ring and is held in position by a salt bridge with Arg-283. Analysis of the active site shows that no side chains are properly positioned to act as the postulated base required for the catalytic carboanion mechanism. On the contrary, the benzoate binding mode suggests a direct transfer of the substrate alpha-hydrogen to the flavin during the enzyme reductive half-reaction.The active site Of D-amino acid oxidase exhibits a striking similarity with that of flavocytochrome b2, a structurally unrelated FMN-dependent flavoenzyme. The active site groups (if these two enzymes are in fact superimposable once the mirror-image of the flavocytochrome b2 active site is generated with respect to the flavin plane. Therefore, the catalytic sites of D-amino acid oxidase and flavocytochrome b2 appear to have converged to a highly similar but enantiomeric architecture in order to catalvze similar reactions (oxidation of alpha-amino acids or alpha-hydroxy acids), although with opposite stereochemistry.


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The alpha subunit of the karyopherin heterodimer functions in recognition of the protein import substrate and the beta subunit serves to dock the trimeric complex to one of many sites on nuclear pore complex fibers. The small GTPase Ran and the Ran interactive protein, p10, function in the release of the docked complex. Repeated cycles of docking and release are thought to concentrate the transport substrate for subsequent diffusion into the nucleus. Ran-GTP dissociates the karyopherin heterodimer and forms a stoichiometric complex with Ran-GTP. Here we report the mapping of karyopherin beta's binding sites both for Ran-GTP and for karyopherin alpha. We discovered that karyopherin beta's binding site for Ran-GTP shows a striking sequence similarity to the cytoplasmic Ran-GTP binding protein, RanBP1. Moreover, we found that Ran-GTP and karyopherin alpha bind to overlapping sites on karyopherin beta. Having a higher affinity to the overlapping site, Ran-GTP displaces karyopherin alpha and binds to karyopherin beta. Competition for overlapping binding sites may be the mechanism by which GTP bound forms of other small GTPases function in corresponding dissociation-association reactions. We also mapped Ran's binding site for karyopherin beta to a cluster of basic residues analogous to those previously shown to constitute karyopherin alpha's binding site to karyopherin beta.


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The N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) subtype of ionotropic glutamate receptors is a heterooligomeric membrane protein composed of homologous subunits. Here, the contribution of the M3-M4 loop of the NR1 subunit to the binding of glutamate and the co-agonist glycine was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of the phenylalanine residues at positions 735 or 736 of the M3-M4 loop produced a 15- to 30-fold reduction in apparent glycine affinity without affecting the binding of glutamate and the competitive glycine antagonist 7-chlorokynurenic acid; mutation of both residues caused a >100-fold decrease in glycine affinity. These residues are found in a C-terminal region of the M3-M4 loop that shows significant sequence similarity to bacterial amino acid-binding proteins. Epitope tagging revealed both the N-terminus and the M3-M4 loop to be exposed extracellularly, whereas a C-terminal epitope was localized intracellularly. These results indicate that the M3-M4 loop is part of the ligand-binding pocket of the NR1 subunit and provide the basis for a refined model of the glycine-binding site of the NMDA receptor.


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Two CO-isotope sensitive lines have been detected in the overtone region of the resonance Raman spectra of CO-bound hemeproteins. One line is assigned as the overtone of the Fe-CO stretching mode and is located in the 1000- to 1070-cm-1 region. The other line is found in the 1180- to 1210-cm-1 region and is assigned as a combination between a porphyrin mode, nu 7, and the Fe-CO stretching mode. The high intensities of these lines, which in the terminal oxidase class of proteins are of the same order as those of the fundamental stretching mode, indicate that the mechanism of enhancement for modes involving the Fe-CO moiety is different from that for the modes of the porphyrin macrocycle and call for reexamination of Raman theory of porphyrins as applied to axial ligands. The anharmonicity of the electronic potential function was evaluated, revealing that in the terminal oxidases the anharmonicity is greater than in the other heme proteins that were examined, suggesting a distinctive interaction of the bound CO with its distal environment in this family. Furthermore, the anharmonicity correlates with the frequency of the C-O stretching mode, demonstrating that both of these parameters are sensitive to the Fe-CO bond energy. The overtone and combination lines involving the bound CO promise to be additional probes of heme protein structural properties.


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Planktic foraminiferal census data, faunal sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and oxygen isotopic and lithic records from a site in the northeast Atlantic were analyzed to study the interglacial dynamics of Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 11, a period thought to closely resemble the Holocene on the basis of orbital forcing. Interglacial conditions during MIS 11 persisted for approximately 26 ka. After the main deglacial meltwater processes ceased, a 10- to 12-ka-long transitional period marked by significant water mass circulation changes occurred before surface waters finally reached their thermal maximum. This SST peak occurred between 400 and 397 ka, inferred from the abundance of the most thermophilic foraminiferal species and was coincident with lowest sea level according to benthic isotope values. The ensuing stepwise SST decrease characterizes the overall climate deterioration preceding the increase in global ice volume by ab. 3 ka. This cooling trend was followed by a more pronounced cold event that began at 388 ka, and that terminated in the recurrence of icebergs at the site around 382 ka. Because the water mass configuration of early MIS 11 evolved quite differently from that of the early Holocene, there is little evidence that MIS 11 can serve as an appropriate analogue for a future Holocene climate, despite the similarity in some orbital parameters.


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This study provided a thorough test of the acoustic adaptation hypothesis using a within-species comparison of call structure involving a wide range of habitat types, an objective measure of habitat density and direct measures of habitat-related attenuation. The structure of the bower advertisement call of the satin bowerbird was measured in 16 populations from throughout the species' range and related to the habitat type and density at each site. Transmission of white noise, pure tones and different bowerbird dialects was measured in five of six habitat types inhabited by satin bowerbirds. Bowerbird advertisement call structure converged in similar habitats but diverged among different habitats; this pattern was apparent at both continent-wide and local geographical scales. Bowerbirds' call structures differed with changes in habitat density, consistent with the acoustic adaptation hypothesis. Lower frequencies and less frequency modulation were utilized in denser habitats such as rainforest and higher frequencies and more frequency modulation were used in the more open eucalypt-dominated habitats. The white noise and pure tone transmission measurements indicated that different habitats varied in their sound transmission properties in a manner consistent with the observed variation in satin bowerbird vocalizations. There was no effect of geographical proximity of recording locations, nor was there the predicted inverse relationship between frequency and body size. These findings indicate that the transmission qualities of different habitats have had a major influence on variation in vocal phenotypes in this species. In addition, previously published molecular data for this species suggest that there is no effect of genetic relatedness on call similarity among satin bowerbird populations.


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G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) are highly flexible and dynamic proteins, which are able to interact with diverse ligands, effectors, and regulatory proteins. Site-directed mutagenesis (SDM) is a powerful tool for providing insight into how these proteins actually work, both in its own right and when used in conjunction with information provided by other techniques such as crystallography or molecular modelling. Mutagenesis has been used to identify and characterise a myriad of functionally important residues, motifs and domains within the GPCR architecture, and to identify aspects of similarity and differences between the major families of GPCRs. This chapter presents the necessary information for undertaking informative SDM of these proteins. Whilst this is relevant to protein structure/function studies in -general, specific pitfalls and protocols suited to investigating GPCRs in particular will be highlighted.


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Modelling class B G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) using class A GPCR structural templates is difficult due to lack of homology. The plant GPCR, GCR1, has homology to both class A and class B GPCRs. We have used this to generate a class A-class B alignment, and by incorporating maximum lagged correlation of entropy and hydrophobicity into a consensus score, we have been able to align receptor transmembrane regions. We have applied this analysis to generate active and inactive homology models of the class B calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) receptor, and have supported it with site-directed mutagenesis data using 122 CGRP receptor residues and 144 published mutagenesis results on other class B GPCRs. The variation of sequence variability with structure, the analysis of polarity violations, the alignment of group-conserved residues and the mutagenesis results at 27 key positions were particularly informative in distinguishing between the proposed and plausible alternative alignments. Furthermore, we have been able to associate the key molecular features of the class B GPCR signalling machinery with their class A counterparts for the first time. These include the [K/R]KLH motif in intracellular loop 1, [I/L]xxxL and KxxK at the intracellular end of TM5 and TM6, the NPXXY/VAVLY motif on TM7 and small group-conserved residues in TM1, TM2, TM3 and TM7. The equivalent of the class A DRY motif is proposed to involve Arg(2.39), His(2.43) and Glu(3.46), which makes a polar lock with T(6.37). These alignments and models provide useful tools for understanding class B GPCR function.


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Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes (d13C and d18O) of foraminiferal tests are amongst the most important tools in paleoceanography but the extent to which recrystallization can alter the isotopic composition of the tests is not well known. Here, we compare three middle Miocene (16-13 Ma) benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records from eastern equatorial Pacific sites with different diagenetic histories to investigate the effect of recrystallization. To test an extreme case, we analyzed stable isotope compositions of benthic foraminifera from Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Site U1336, for which the geochemistry of bulk carbonates and associated pore waters indicate continued diagenetic alteration in sediments > 14.7 Ma. Despite this diagenetic overprinting, the amplitudes and absolute values of the analyzed U1336 stable isotopes agree well with high resolution records from better preserved Sites U1337 and U1338 nearby. Our results suggest that although benthic foraminiferal tests of all three sites show some degree of textural changes due to recrystallization, they have retained their original stable isotope signatures. The good agreement of the benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records demonstrates that recrystallization occurred extremely rapidly (<100 kyr) after deposition. This is confirmed by the preservation of orbital cyclicities in U1336 stable isotope data and d18O values being different to inorganic calcite that would precipitate from U1336 pore waters during late recrystallization. The close similarity of the benthic foraminiferal stable isotope records between the sites allows the well resolved paleo-magnetic results of Site U1336 to be transferred to Sites U1337 and U1338 improving the global Geological Timescale.


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Nitrogen isotopes of chlorins, degradation products of chlorophyll, reflect the isotopic composition of nutrient N utilized by marine phytoplankton communities. Here we show that in sediments of the eastern Mediterranean Pleistocene and Holocene, values of d15N for chlorins and total nitrogen vary in concert, with a consistent offset of ~5 per mil reflecting the fractionation imparted during chlorophyll biosynthesis. Samples from the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Sites 964 and 969 were analyzed at a sampling resolution of ~4-10 cm, clustered around sapropel events 2, 3, 4 and 5 (~100-170 ka). In low organic content sediments, chlorin values of ~0 per mil coincident with total nitrogen values of ~+ 5 per mil indicate that the latter reflects the original biomass and is not a consequence of diagenetic isotope enrichment. In sapropel horizons, the chlorin and total nitrogen values are 5 per mil more negative (~-5 per mil and ~ 0 per mil, respectively), resembling previously-reported, modern-day water-column particulates (~0 per mil). We suggest that nutrient conditions in the Eastern Mediterranean correspond to three scenarios and that the similarity between sapropel and modern-day bulk d15N is coincidental. Organic-poor marl sediments formed under oligotrophic conditions where surface productivity resulted from upwelling of Atlantic-sourced nitrate. Sapropels were characterized by enhanced diazotrophy that was likely fueled by increased riverine P fluxes to surface waters. Present-day conditions are dominated by anthropogenic N sources. These scenarios agree with a model of sapropel formation in which stratification caused by increased fresh-water inputs led to N fixation due to P:N nutrient imbalance. Enhanced production combined with stratification promoted and maintained anoxic deep waters, consequently increasing organic matter preservation. Such a model may be relevant to interpreting other episodes of intense organic matter deposition in past oceans.


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The search for patterns or motifs in data represents an area of key interest to many researchers. In this paper we present the Motif Tracking Algorithm, a novel immune inspired pattern identification tool that is able to identify unknown motifs which repeat within time series data. The power of the algorithm is derived from its use of a small number of parameters with minimal assumptions. The algorithm searches from a completely neutral perspective that is independent of the data being analysed and the underlying motifs. In this paper the motif tracking algorithm is applied to the search for patterns within sequences of low level system calls between the Linux kernel and the operating system’s user space. The MTA is able to compress data found in large system call data sets to a limited number of motifs which summarise that data. The motifs provide a resource from which a profile of executed processes can be built. The potential for these profiles and new implications for security research are highlighted. A higher level system call language for measuring similarity between patterns of such calls is also suggested.


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