997 resultados para short rotation forestry


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O nitrogênio e um dos nutrientes mais demandados pelas espécies vegetais, sua presença no solo, sob formas orgânicas ou minerais disponíveis para as plantas, está vinculada à qualidade e quantidade dos resíduos vegetais aportados ao solo. O estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar a influência do cultivo do eucalipto e da acácia na composição das formas orgânicas e inorgânicas de N e, na abundância natural de 15N em um Argissolo Amarelo. Para isso, foram coletadas amostras de solo e serapilheira em monocultivos do Eucalyptus urograndis (clone do Eucalyptus urophylla S. T. Blake x Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Spreng) de ciclo curto (sete anos), sistemas de cultivo de rotação com acácia ( Acacia mangium Willd.) após monocultivo de eucalipto, monocultivo de eucalipto de ciclo longo (24 anos) e mata nativa (Mata Atlântica) como condição original de solo do litoral Norte do Espírito do Santo. Foram avaliados os teores de C orgânico total, N total, N-NH4+, N-NO3-, relação C/N, fracionamento do N orgânico e abundância natural de 15N no solo e serapilheira. Das formas de N-orgânico hidrolisado, o N-amino foi a fração que apresentou maior contribuição (39%), seguida pela fração de N-não identificado (27%), da fração N-amida (18%) e N-hexosamina (15%). O povoamento de acácia promoveu menor abundância natural de 15N e maiores teores de N total e C orgânico no solo e aumentou as formas orgânicas de N-hidrolisado, quando comparado àqueles de eucalipto de ciclo curto. Isso indica o aumento de formas lábeis de N orgânico no solo para as plantas e redução da humificação da matéria orgânica do solo (MOS) de acácia. Nesse sentido, a rotação de cultivos florestais com acácia após eucalipto de ciclo curto contribuiu para o aumento de formas orgânicas no solo, importantes para a nutrição de plantas, por serem potenciais fontes de nutrientes às plantas em curto período de tempo.


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Forestry and other activities are increasing in the boreal mixedwood of Alberta, with a concomitant decrease in older forest. The Barred Owl (Strix varia) is an old-growth indicator species in some jurisdictions in North America. Hence, we radio-tagged Barred Owls in boreal mixedwood in Alberta to determine whether harvesting influenced habitat selection. We used three spatial scales: nest sites, i.e., nest tree and adjacent area of 11.7 m radius around nests, nesting territory of 1000 m radius around nests, and home range locations within 2000 m radius of the home range center. Barred Owls nested primarily in balsam poplar (Populus balsamifera) snags > 34 cm dbh and nest trees were surrounded by large, > 34 cm dbh, balsam poplar trees and snags. Nesting territories contained a variety of habitats including young < 80-yr-old, deciduous-dominated stands, old deciduous and coniferous-dominated stands, treed bogs, and recent clear-cuts. However, when compared to available habitat in the study area, they were more likely to contain old conifer-dominated stands and recent cutblocks. We assumed this is because all of the recent harvest occurred in old stands, habitat preferred by the owls. When compared with random sites, locations used for foraging and roosting at the home range scale were more likely to be in young deciduous-dominated stands, old conifer-dominated stands and cutblocks > 30 yr old, and less likely to occur in old deciduous-dominated stands and recent cutblocks. Hence, although recent clearcuts occurred in territories, birds avoided these microhabitats during foraging. To meet the breeding requirements of Barred Owls in managed forests, 10–20 ha patches of old deciduous and mixedwood forest containing large Populus snags or trees should be maintained. In our study area, nest trees had a minimum dbh of 34 cm. Although cut areas were incorporated into home ranges, the amount logged was low, i.e., 7%, in our area. Hence more research is required to determine harvest levels tolerated by owls over the long term.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of different manual techniques on cervical ranges of 17 motion and pressure pain sensitivity in subjects with latent trigger point of the upper trapezius muscle. 18 Methods: One hundred seventeen volunteers, with a unilateral latent trigger point on upper trapezius due to computer 19 work, were randomly divided into 5 groups: ischemic compression (IC) group (n = 24); passive stretching group (n = 20 23); muscle energy technique group (n = 23); and 2 control groups, wait-and-see group (n = 25) and placebo group 21 (n = 22). Cervical spine range of movement was measured using a cervical range of motion instrument as well as 22 pressure pain sensitivity by means of an algometer and a visual analog scale. Outcomes were assessed pretreatment, 23 immediately, and 24 hours after the intervention and 1 week later by a blind researcher. A 4 × 5 mixed repeated- 24 measures analysis of variance was used to examine the effects of the intervention and Cohen d coefficient was used. 25 Results: A group-by-time interaction was detected in all variables (P b .01), except contralateral rotation. The 26 immediate effect sizes of the contralateral flexion, ipsilateral rotation, and pressure pain threshold were large for 3 27 experimental groups. Nevertheless, after 24 hours and 1 week, only IC group maintained the effect size. 28 Conclusions: Manual techniques on upper trapezius with latent trigger point seemed to improve the cervical range of 29 motion and the pressure pain sensitivity. These effects persist after 1 week in the IC group. (J Manipulative Physiol 301 Ther 2013;xx:1-10)


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The work conelete of a survey of the mvaewe plants which appeared during the first six months of seedling stage in foreet plantations of second and third rotation, in the Jari area, Brazil. The resulting list showed two types of invasives: (1) true weeds - those cosmopolitan species that are typical of disturbed habitats; and (2) pioneer species - those which were probably remnants from the original natural vegetation of the studied area.


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BACKGROUND: Both systolic and diastolic dysfunction have been observed in patients with anterolateral myocardial infarction. Diastolic dysfunction is related to disturbances in relaxation and diastolic filling. OBJECTIVE: To analyse cardiac rotation, regional shortening and diastolic relaxation in patients with anterolateral infarction. METHODS: Cardiac rotation and relaxation in controls and patients with chronic anterolateral infarction were assessed by myocardial tagging. Myocardial tagging is based on magnetic resonance imaging and allows us to label specific myocardial regions for imaging cardiac motion (rotation, translation and radial displacement). A rectangular grid was placed on the myocardium (basal, equatorial and apical short-axis plane) of each of 18 patients with chronic anterolateral infarction and 13 controls. Cardiac rotation, change in area and shortening of circumference were determined in each case. RESULTS: The left ventricle in controls performs a systolic wringing motion with a clockwise rotation at the base and a counterclockwise rotation at the apex when viewed from the apex. During relaxation a rotational motion in the opposite direction (namely untwisting) can be observed. In patients with anterolateral infarction, there is less systolic rotation at the apex and diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged in comparison with controls. In the presence of a left ventricular aneurysm (n = 4) apical rotation is completely lost. There is less shortening of circumference in infarcted and remote regions. CONCLUSIONS: The wringing motion of the myocardium might be an important mechanism involved in maintaining normal cardiac function with minimal expenditure of energy. This mechanism no longer operates in patients with left ventricular aneurysms and operates significantly less than normal in those with anterolateral hypokinaesia. Diastolic untwisting is significantly delayed and prolonged in patients with anterolateral infarction, which could explain the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction in these patients.


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BACKGROUND: Diastolic dysfunction with delayed relaxation and abnormal passive elastic properties has been described in patients with severe pressure overload hypertrophy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course of rotational motion of the left ventricle in patients with aortic valve stenosis using myocardial tagging. METHODS: Myocardial tagging is a non-invasive method based on magnetic resonance which makes it possible to label ('tag') specific myocardial regions. From the motion of the tag's cardiac rotation, radial displacement and translational motion can be determined. In 12 controls and 13 patients with severe aortic valve stenosis systolic and diastolic wall motion was assessed in an apical and basal short axis plane. RESULTS: The normal left ventricle performs a systolic wringing motion around the ventricular long axis with clockwise rotation at the base (-4.4+/-1.6 degrees) and counter-clockwise rotation at the apex (+6.8+/-2.5 degrees) when viewed from the apex. During early diastole an untwisting motion can be observed which precedes diastolic filling. In patients with aortic valve stenosis systolic rotation is reduced at the base (-2.4+/-2.0 degrees; P<0.01) but increased at the apex (+12.0+/-6.0 degrees; P<0.05). Diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged with a decrease in normalized rotation velocity (-6.9+/-1.1 s(-1)) when compared to controls (-10.7+/-2.2 s(-1); P<0.001). Maximal systolic torsion is 8.0+/-2.1 degrees in controls and 14.1+/-6.4 degrees (P<0.01) in patients with aortic valve stenosis. CONCLUSIONS: Left ventricular pressure overload hypertrophy is associated with a reduction in basal and an increase in apical rotation resulting in increased torsion of the ventricle. Diastolic untwisting is delayed and prolonged. This may explain the occurrence of diastolic dysfunction in patients with severe pressure overload hypertrophy.


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Electro-rotation can be used to determine the dielectric properties of cells, as well as to observe dynamic changes in both dielectric and morphological properties. Suspended biological cells and particles respond to alternating-field polarization by moving, deforming or rotating. While in linearly polarized alternating fields the particles are oriented along their axis of highest polarizability, in circularly polarized fields the axis of lowest polarizability aligns perpendicular to the plane of field rotation. Ellipsoidal models for cells are frequently applied, which include, beside sphere-shaped cells, also the limiting cases of rods and disks. Human erythrocyte cells, due to their particular shape, hardly resemble an ellipsoid. The additional effect of rouleaux formation with different numbers of aggregations suggests a model of circular cylinders of variable length. In the present study, the induced dipole moment of short cylinders was calculated and applied to rouleaux of human erythrocytes, which move freely in a suspending conductive medium under the effect of a rotating external field. Electro-rotation torque spectra are calculated for such aggregations of different length. Both the maximum rotation speeds and the peak frequencies of the torque are found to depend clearly on the size of the rouleaux. While the rotation speed grows with rouleaux length, the field frequency nup is lowest for the largest cell aggregations where the torque shows a maximum.


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The objective of the present study was to describe, for the first time in Brazil, the use by a non-ophthalmologist of a community-based marginal rotation procedure by a posterior approach in the indigenous population from the Upper Rio Negro basin. Seventy-three upper eyelids of 46 Indians (11 males and 35 females) with cicatricial upper eyelid entropion and trichiasis were operated in the Indian communities using a marginal rotational procedure by a posterior approach by a non-ophthalmologist physician who had general surgery experience but only an extremely short period (one week) of ophthalmic training. Subjects were reevaluated 6 months after surgery. Results were classified according to the presence and location of residual trichiasis and symptoms were assessed according to a three-level subjective scale (better, worse or no change). Fifty-six eyelids (76.7%) were free from trichiasis, whereas residual trichiasis was observed in 17 eyelids (23.3%) of 10 subjects. In these cases, trichiasis was either lateral or medial to the central portion of the lid. Of these 10 patients, only 4 reported that the surgery did not improve the irritative symptoms. We conclude that marginal rotation by a posterior approach is an effective and simple procedure with few complications, even when performed by non-specialists. Due to its simplicity the posterior approach is an excellent option for community-based upper eyelid entropion surgery.


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Les décisions de localisation sont souvent soumises à des aspects dynamiques comme des changements dans la demande des clients. Pour y répondre, la solution consiste à considérer une flexibilité accrue concernant l’emplacement et la capacité des installations. Même lorsque la demande est prévisible, trouver le planning optimal pour le déploiement et l'ajustement dynamique des capacités reste un défi. Dans cette thèse, nous nous concentrons sur des problèmes de localisation avec périodes multiples, et permettant l'ajustement dynamique des capacités, en particulier ceux avec des structures de coûts complexes. Nous étudions ces problèmes sous différents points de vue de recherche opérationnelle, en présentant et en comparant plusieurs modèles de programmation linéaire en nombres entiers (PLNE), l'évaluation de leur utilisation dans la pratique et en développant des algorithmes de résolution efficaces. Cette thèse est divisée en quatre parties. Tout d’abord, nous présentons le contexte industriel à l’origine de nos travaux: une compagnie forestière qui a besoin de localiser des campements pour accueillir les travailleurs forestiers. Nous présentons un modèle PLNE permettant la construction de nouveaux campements, l’extension, le déplacement et la fermeture temporaire partielle des campements existants. Ce modèle utilise des contraintes de capacité particulières, ainsi qu’une structure de coût à économie d’échelle sur plusieurs niveaux. L'utilité du modèle est évaluée par deux études de cas. La deuxième partie introduit le problème dynamique de localisation avec des capacités modulaires généralisées. Le modèle généralise plusieurs problèmes dynamiques de localisation et fournit de meilleures bornes de la relaxation linéaire que leurs formulations spécialisées. Le modèle peut résoudre des problèmes de localisation où les coûts pour les changements de capacité sont définis pour toutes les paires de niveaux de capacité, comme c'est le cas dans le problème industriel mentionnée ci-dessus. Il est appliqué à trois cas particuliers: l'expansion et la réduction des capacités, la fermeture temporaire des installations, et la combinaison des deux. Nous démontrons des relations de dominance entre notre formulation et les modèles existants pour les cas particuliers. Des expériences de calcul sur un grand nombre d’instances générées aléatoirement jusqu’à 100 installations et 1000 clients, montrent que notre modèle peut obtenir des solutions optimales plus rapidement que les formulations spécialisées existantes. Compte tenu de la complexité des modèles précédents pour les grandes instances, la troisième partie de la thèse propose des heuristiques lagrangiennes. Basées sur les méthodes du sous-gradient et des faisceaux, elles trouvent des solutions de bonne qualité même pour les instances de grande taille comportant jusqu’à 250 installations et 1000 clients. Nous améliorons ensuite la qualité de la solution obtenue en résolvent un modèle PLNE restreint qui tire parti des informations recueillies lors de la résolution du dual lagrangien. Les résultats des calculs montrent que les heuristiques donnent rapidement des solutions de bonne qualité, même pour les instances où les solveurs génériques ne trouvent pas de solutions réalisables. Finalement, nous adaptons les heuristiques précédentes pour résoudre le problème industriel. Deux relaxations différentes sont proposées et comparées. Des extensions des concepts précédents sont présentées afin d'assurer une résolution fiable en un temps raisonnable.


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The use of crop rotation and manure application can provide sustainability for an agricultural production system by improving soil quality and increasing nutrient use efficiency. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of mineral, organic and mineral+organic fertilization on grain yield and on soil phosphorus and potassium balance, in two crop systems under no-till, with and without rotation of cover crops. The experiment was carried out from 2006 to 2008 on a clayey Rhodic Hapludox in Marechal Candido Rondon, Parana State, Brazil. The cropping sequence in the rotation system involving cover crops was black oat + hairy vetch + forage turnip/corn/pigeon pea/wheat/mucuna + brachiaria + sunn hemp, and in the succession system was wheat/corn/wheat/soybean. Organic and mineral+organic fertilizations consisted of the application of solely manure and manure combined with mineral fertilizer, respectively. Soil P and K balances were calculated after the second year of the experiment, up to a depth of 0.40 m. First year corn yields were higher in the crop succession system accompanied by mineral fertilization. In the second year, wheat and soybean yield did not vary between crop systems and nutrient sources, demonstrating the residual effect of crop rotation and manure use. Crop rotation with cover crops resulted in an increase in soil K levels by promoting the recycling of this nutrient in the soil. In both crop systems, the application of mineral and organic fertilizers - either in isolation or in combination - resulted in a negative soil P and K balance in the short term. This represents a threat to the sustainability of the agricultural production system in the long term, due to the depletion of soil nutrient reserves.


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This paper deals with an energy pumping that occurs in a (MEMS) Gyroscope nonlinear dynamical system, modeled with a proof mass constrained to move in a plane with two resonant modes, which are nominally orthogonal. The two modes are ideally coupled only by the rotation of the gyro about the plane's normal vector. We also developed a linear optimal control design for reducing the oscillatory movement of the nonlinear systems to a stable point.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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This paper presents a mathematical model adapted from literature for the crop rotation problem with demand constraints (CRP-D). The main aim of the present work is to study metaheuristics and their performance in a real context. The proposed algorithms for solution of the CRP-D are a genetic algorithm, a simulated annealing and hybrid approaches: a genetic algorithm with simulated annealing and a genetic algorithm with local search algorithm. A new constructive heuristic was also developed to provide initial solutions for the metaheuristics. Computational experiments were performed using a real planting area and semi-randomly generated instances created by varying the number, positions and dimensions of the lots. The computational results showed that these algorithms determined good feasible solutions in a short computing time as compared with the time spent to get optimal solutions, thus proving their efficacy for dealing with this practical application of the CRP-D.


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We describe the multidisciplinary findings in a pre-Columbian mummy head from Southern Peru (Cahuachi, Nazca civilisation, radiocarbon dating between 120 and 750 AD) of a mature male individual (40-60 years) with the first two vertebrae attached in pathological position. Accordingly, the atlanto-axial transition (C1/C2) was significantly rotated and dislocated at 38° angle associated with a bulging brownish mass that considerably reduced the spinal canal by circa 60%. Using surface microscopy, endoscopy, high-resolution multi-slice computer tomography, paleohistology and immunohistochemistry, we identified an extensive epidural hematoma of the upper cervical spinal canal-extending into the skull cavity-obviously due to a rupture of the left vertebral artery at its transition between atlas and skull base. There were no signs of fractures of the skull or vertebrae. Histological and immunohistochemical examinations clearly identified dura, brain residues and densely packed corpuscular elements that proved to represent fresh epidural hematoma. Subsequent biochemical analysis provided no evidence for pre-mortal cocaine consumption. Stable isotope analysis, however, revealed significant and repeated changes in the nutrition during his last 9 months, suggesting high mobility. Finally, the significant narrowing of the rotational atlanto-axial dislocation and the epidural hematoma probably caused compression of the spinal cord and the medulla oblongata with subsequent respiratory arrest. In conclusion, we suggest that the man died within a short period of time (probably few minutes) in an upright position with the head rotated rapidly to the right side. In paleopathologic literature, trauma to the upper cervical spine has as yet only very rarely been described, and dislocation of the vertebral bodies has not been presented.