975 resultados para shear turbulent model


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Wave propagation around various geometric expansions, structures, and obstacles in cardiac tissue may result in the formation of unidirectional block of wave propagation and the onset of reentrant arrhythmias in the heart. Therefore, we investigated the conditions under which reentrant spiral waves can be generated by high-frequency stimulation at sharp-edged obstacles in the ten Tusscher-Noble-Noble-Panfilov (TNNP) ionic model for human cardiac tissue. We show that, in a large range of parameters that account for the conductance of major inward and outward ionic currents of the model fast inward Na+ current (INa), L-type slow inward Ca2+ current (I-CaL), slow delayed-rectifier current (I-Ks), rapid delayed-rectifier current (I-Kr), inward rectifier K+ current (I-K1)], the critical period necessary for spiral formation is close to the period of a spiral wave rotating in the same tissue. We also show that there is a minimal size of the obstacle for which formation of spirals is possible; this size is similar to 2.5 cm and decreases with a decrease in the excitability of cardiac tissue. We show that other factors, such as the obstacle thickness and direction of wave propagation in relation to the obstacle, are of secondary importance and affect the conditions for spiral wave initiation only slightly. We also perform studies for obstacle shapes derived from experimental measurements of infarction scars and show that the formation of spiral waves there is facilitated by tissue remodeling around it. Overall, we demonstrate that the formation of reentrant sources around inexcitable obstacles is a potential mechanism for the onset of cardiac arrhythmias in the presence of a fast heart rate.


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We perform numerical experiments to study the shear dynamo problem where we look for the growth of a large-scale magnetic field due to non-helical stirring at small scales in a background linear shear flow in previously unexplored parameter regimes. We demonstrate the large-scale dynamo action in the limit where the fluid Reynolds number (Re) is below unity while the magnetic Reynolds number (Rm) is above unity; the exponential growth rate scales linearly with shear, which is consistent with earlier numerical works. The limit of low Re is particularly interesting, as seeing the dynamo action in this limit would provide enough motivation for further theoretical investigations, which may focus attention on this analytically more tractable limit of Re < 1 compared to the more formidable limit of Re > 1. We also perform simulations in the regimes where (i) both (Re, Rm) < 1, and (ii) Re > 1 and Rm < 1, and compute all of the components of the turbulent transport coefficients (alpha(ij) and alpha(ij)) using the test-field method. A reasonably good agreement is observed between our results and the results of earlier analytical works in similar parameter regimes.


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A three-phase piezoelectric cylinder model is proposed and an exact solution is obtained for the model under a farfield antiplane mechanical load and a far-field inplane electrical load. The three-phase model can serve as a fiber/interphase layer/matrix model, in terms of which a lot of interesting mechanical and electrical coupling phenomena induced by the interphase layer are revealed. It is found that much more serious stress and electrical field concentrations occur in the model with the interphase layer than those without any interphase layer. The three-phase model can also serve as a fiber/matrix/composite model, in terms of which a generalized self-consistent approach is developed for predicting the effective electroelastic moduli of piezoelectric composites. Numerical examples are given and discussed in detail.


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Adopting Yoshizawa's two-scale expansion technique, the fluctuating field is expanded around the isotropic field. The renormalization group method is applied for calculating the covariance of the fluctuating field at the lower order expansion. A nonlinear Reynolds stress model is derived and the turbulent constants inside are evaluated analytically. Compared with the two-scale direct interaction approximation analysis for turbulent shear flows proposed by Yoshizawa, the calculation is much more simple. The analytical model presented here is close to the Speziale model, which is widely applied in the numerical simulations for the complex turbulent flows.


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According to the experimental results, there exist large-scale coherent structures in the outer region of a turbulent boundary layer, which have been studied by many authors.As experimental results, Antonia (1990) showed the phase- aver aged streamlines and isovorticity lines of the large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer for different Reynolds numbers. Based on the hydrodynamic stability theory, the 2-D theoretical model for the large-scale structures was proposed by Luo and Zhou, in which the eddy viscosity was defined as a complex function of the position in the normal direction. The theoretical results showed in ref. were in agreement with those in ref. However, there were two problems in the results. One is that in the experimental results, there were divergent focuses between two saddle points in the streamlines, but in the theoretical results, there were centers. The other is that the stretched parts of the isovorticity lines appear at the location of centers in the theoretical results, while in the experimental results they located somewhere between the focuses and saddle points. The reason is that the computations were based on a 2-D model.