981 resultados para sandy soil


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Agricultural soils are a major source of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions and an understanding of factors regulating such emissions across contrasting soil types is critical for improved estimation through modelling and mitigation of N2O. In this study we investigated the role of soil texture and its interaction with plants in regulating the N2O fluxes in agricultural systems. A measurement system that combined weighing lysimeters with automated chambers was used to directly compare continuously measured surface N2O fluxes, leaching losses of water and nitrogen and evapotranspiration in three contrasting soils types of the Riverine Plain, NSW, Australia. The soils comprised a deep sand, a loam and a clay loam with and without the presence of wheat plants. All soils were under the same fertilizer management and irrigation was applied according to plant water requirements. In fallow soils, texture significantly affected N2O emissions in the order clay loam > loam > sand. However, when planted, the difference in N2O emissions among the three soils types became less pronounced. Nitrous oxide emissions were 6.2 and 2.4 times higher from fallow clay loam and loam cores, respectively, compared with cores planted with wheat. This is considered to be due to plant uptake of water and nitrogen which resulted in reduced amounts of soil water and available nitrogen, and therefore less favourable soil conditions for denitrification. The effect of plants on N2O emissions was not apparent in the coarse textured sandy soil probably because of aerobic soil conditions, likely caused by low water holding capacity and rapid drainage irrespective of plant presence resulting in reduced denitrification activity. More than 90% of N2O emissions were derived from denitrification in the fine-textured clay loam-determined for a two week period using K15NO3 fertilizer. The proportion of N2O that was not derived from K15NO3 was higher in the coarse-textured sand and loam, which may have been derived from soil N through nitrification or denitrification of mineralized N. Water filled pore space was a poorer predictor of N2O emissions compared with volumetric water content because of variable bulk density among soil types. The data may better inform the calibration of greenhouse gas prediction models as soil texture is one of the primary factors that explain spatial variation in N2O emissions by regulating soil oxygen. Defining the significance of N2O emissions between planted and fallow soils may enable improved yield scaled N2O emission assessment, water and nitrogen scheduling in the pre-watering phase during early crop establishment and within rotations of irrigated arable cropping systems.


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The soil carbon under Amazonian forests has an important roles in global changing, making information on the soil content and depths of these stocks are considerable interest in efforts to quantify soil carbon emissions to the atmosphere.This study quantified the content and soil organic carbon stock under primary forest up to 2 m depth, at different topographic positions, at Cuieiras Biological Reserve, Manaus/ ZF2, km 34, in the Central Amazon, evaluating the soil attributes that may influence the permanence of soil carbon. Soil samples were collected along a transect of 850 m on topographic gradient Oxisol (plateau), Ultisol (slope) and Spodosol (valley). The stocks of soil carbon were obtained by multiplying the carbon content, soil bulk density and trickiness of soil layers. The watershed was delimited by using STRM and IKONOS images and the carbon contend obtained in the transects was extrapolated as a way to evaluate the potential for carbon stocks in an area of 2678.68 ha. The total SOC was greater in Oxisol followed by Spodosol and Ultisol. It was found direct correlations between the SOC and soil physical attributes. Among the clay soils (Oxisol and Ultisol), the largest stocks of carbon were observed in Oxisol at both the transect (90 to 175.5 Mg C ha-1) as the level of watershed (100.2 to 195.2 Mg C ha-1). The carbon stocks under sandy soil (Spodosol) was greater to clay soils along the transect (160-241 Mg C ha-1) and near them in the Watershed (96.90 to 146.01 Mg C ha-1).


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Piggery pond sludge (PPS) was applied, as-collected (Wet PPS) and following stockpiling for 12 months (Stockpiled PPS), to a sandy Sodosol and clay Vertosol at sites on the Darling Downs of Queensland. Laboratory measures of N availability were carried out on unamended and PPS-amended soils to investigate their value in estimating supplementary N needs of crops in Australia's northern grains region. Cumulative net N mineralised from the long-term (30 weeks) leached aerobic incubation was described by a first-order single exponential model. The mineralisation rate constant (0.057/week) was not significantly different between Control and PPS treatments or across soil types, when the amounts of initial mineral N applied in PPS treatments were excluded. Potentially mineralisable N (No) was significantly increased by the application of Wet PPS, and increased with increasing rate of application. Application of Wet PPS significantly increased the total amount of inorganic N leached compared with the Control treatments. Mineral N applied in Wet PPS contributed as much to the total mineral N status of the soil as did that which mineralised over time from organic N. Rates of C02 evolution during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation indicated that the Stockpiled PPS was more stabilised (19-28% of applied organic C mineralised) than the WetPPS (35-58% of applied organic C mineralised), due to higher lignin content in the former. Net nitrate-N produced following 12 weeks of aerobic non-leached incubation was highly correlated with net nitrate-N leached during 12 weeks of aerobic incubation (R^2 = 0.96), although it was <60% of the latter in both sandy and clayey soils. Anaerobically mineralisable N determined by waterlogged incubation of laboratory PPS-amended soil samples increased with increasing application rate of Wet PPS. Anaerobically minemlisable N from field-moist soil was well correlated with net N mineralised during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation (R^2 =0.90 sandy soil; R^2=0.93 clay soil). In the clay soil, the amount of mineral N produced from all the laboratory incubations was significantly correlated with field-measured nitrate-N in the soil profile (0-1.5 m depth) after 9 months of weed-free fallow following PPS application. In contrast, only anaerobic mineralisable N was significantly correlated with field nitrate-N in the sandy soil. Anaerobic incubation would, therefore, be suitable as a rapid practical test to estimate potentially mineralisable N following applications of different PPS materials in the field.


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The issue of the usefulness of different prosopis species versus their status as weeds is a matter of hot debate around the world. The tree Prosopis juliflora had until 2000 been proclaimed weedy in its native range in South America and elsewhere in the dry tropics. P. juliflora or mesquite has a 90-year history in Sudan. During the early 1990s a popular opinion in central Sudan and the Sudanese Government had begun to consider prosopis a noxious weed and a problematic tree species due to its aggressive ability to invade farmlands and pastures, especially in and around irrigated agricultural lands. As a consequence prosopis was officially declared an invasive alien species also in Sudan, and in 1995 a presidential decree for its eradication was issued. Using a total economic valuation (TEV) approach, this study analysed the impacts of prosopis on the local livelihoods in two contrasting irrigated agricultural schemes. Primarily a problem-based approach was used in which the derivation of non-market values was captured using ecological economic tools. In the New Halfa Irrigation Scheme in Kassala State, four separate household surveys were conducted due to diversity between the respective population groups. The main aim was here to study the magnitude of environmental economic benefits and costs derived from the invasion of prosopis in a large agricultural irrigation scheme on clay soil. Another study site, the Gandato Irrigation Scheme in River Nile State represented impacts from prosopis that an irrigation scheme was confronted with on sandy soil in the arid and semi-arid ecozones along the main River Nile. The two cases showed distinctly different effects of prosopis but both indicated the benefits to exceed the costs. The valuation on clay soil in New Halfa identified a benefit/cost ratio of 2.1, while this indicator equalled 46 on the sandy soils of Gandato. The valuation results were site-specific and based on local market prices. The most important beneficial impacts of prosopis on local livelihoods were derived from free-grazing forage for livestock, environmental conservation of the native vegetation, wood and non-wood forest products, as well as shelterbelt effects. The main social costs from prosopis were derived from weeding and clearing it from farm lands and from canalsides, from thorn injuries to humans and livestock, as well as from repair expenses vehicle tyre punctures. Of the population groups, the tenants faced most of the detrimental impacts, while the landless population groups (originating from western and eastern Sudan) as well as the nomads were highly dependent on this tree resource. For the Gandato site the monetized benefit-cost ratio of 46 still excluded several additional beneficial impacts of prosopis in the area that were difficult to quantify and monetize credibly. In River Nile State the beneficial impact could thus be seen as completely outweighing the costs of prosopis. The results can contributed to the formulation of national and local forest and agricultural policies related to prosopis in Sudan and also be used in other countries faced with similar impacts caused by this tree.


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Acacia senegal, the gum arabic producing tree, is the most important component in traditional dryland agroforestry systems in the Blue Nile region, Sudan. The aim of the present study was to provide new knowledge on the potential use of A. senegal in dryland agroforestry systems on clay soils, as well as information on tree/crop interaction, and on silvicultural and management tools, with consideration on system productivity, nutrient cycling and sustainability. Moreover, the aim was also to clarify the intra-specific variation in the performance of A. senegal and, specifically, the adaptation of trees of different origin to the clay soils of the Blue Nile region. In agroforestry systems established at the beginning of the study, tree and crop growth, water use, gum and crop yields, nutrient cycling and system performance were investigated for a period of four years (1999 to 2002). Trees were grown at 5 x 5 m and 10 x 10 m spacing alone or in mixture with sorghum or sesame; crops were also grown in sole culture. The symbiotic biological N2 fixation by A. senegal was estimated using the 15N natural abundance (δ15N) procedure in eight provenances collected from different environments and soil types of the gum arabic belt and grown in clay soil in the Blue Nile region. Balanites aegyptiaca (a non-legume) was used as a non-N-fixing reference tree species, so as to allow 15N-based estimates of the proportion of the nitrogen in trees derived from the atmosphere. In the planted acacia trees, measurements were made on shoot growth, water-use efficiency (as assessed by the δ13C method) and (starting from the third year) gum production. Carbon isotope ratios were obtained from the leaves and branch wood samples. The agroforestry system design caused no statistically significant variation in water use, but the variation was highly significant between years, and the highest water use occurred in the years with high rainfall. No statistically significant differences were found in sorghum or sesame yields when intercropping and sole crop systems were compared (yield averages were 1.54 and 1.54 ha-1 for sorghum and 0.36 and 0.42 t ha-1 for sesame in the intercropped and mono-crop plots, respectively). Thus, at an early stage of agroforestry system management, A. senegal had no detrimental effect on crop yield, but the pattern of resource capture by trees and crops may change as the system matures. Intercropping resulted in taller trees and larger basal and crown diameters as compared to the development of sole trees. It also resulted in a higher land equivalent ratio. When gum yields were analysed it was found that a significant positive relationship existed between the second gum picking and the total gum yield. The second gum picking seems to be a decisive factor in gum production and could be used as an indicator for the total gum yield in a particular year. In trees, the concentrations of N and P were higher in leaves and roots, whereas the levels of K were higher in stems, branches and roots. Soil organic matter, N, P and K contents were highest in the upper soil stratum. There was some indication that the P content slightly increased in the topsoil as the agroforestry plantations aged. At a stocking of 400 trees ha-1 (5 x 5 m spacing), A. senegal accumulated in the biomass a total of 18, 1.21, 7.8 and 972 kg ha-1of N, P, K and OC, respectively. Trees contributed ca. 217 and 1500 kg ha-1 of K and OC, respectively, to the top 25-cm of soil over the first four years of intercropping. Acacia provenances of clay plain origin showed considerable variation in seed weight. They also had the lowest average seed weight as compared to the sandy soil (western) provenances. At the experimental site in the clay soil region, the clay provenances were distinctly superior to the sand provenances in all traits studied but especially in basal diameter and crown width, thus reflecting their adaptation to the environment. Values of δ13C, indicating water use efficiency, were higher in the sand soil group as compared to the clay one, both in leaves and in branch wood. This suggests that the sand provenances (with an average value of -28.07 ) displayed conservative water use and high drought tolerance. Of the clay provenances, the local one (Bout) displayed a highly negative (-29.31 ) value, which indicates less conservative water use that resulted in high productivity at this particular clay-soil site. Water use thus appeared to correspond to the environmental conditions prevailing at the original locations for these provenances. Results suggest that A. senegal provenances from the clay part of the gum belt are adapted for a faster growth rate and higher biomass and gum productivity as compared to provenances from sand regions. A strong negative relationship was found between the per-tree gum yield and water use efficiency, as indicated by δ13C. The differences in water use and gum production were greater among provenance groups than within them, suggesting that selection among rather than within provenances would result in distinct genetic gain in gum yield. The relative δ15N values ( ) were higher in B. aegyptiaca than in the N2-fixing acacia provenances. The amount of Ndfa increased significantly with age in all provenances, indicating that A. senegal is a potentially efficient nitrogen fixer and has an important role in t agroforestry development. The total above-ground contribution of fixed N to foliage growth in 4-year-old A. senegal trees was highest in the Rahad sand-soil provenance (46.7 kg N ha-1) and lowest in the Mazmoom clay-soil provenance (28.7 kg N ha-1). This study represents the first use of the δ15N method for estimating the N input by A. senegal in the gum belt of Sudan. Key words: Acacia senegal, agroforestry, clay plain, δ13C, δ15N, gum arabic, nutrient cycling, Ndfa, Sorghum bicolor, Sesamum indicum


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Nitrate contamination of groundwater arises from anthropogenic activities, such as, fertilizer and animal manure applications and infiltration of wastewater/leachates. During migration of wastewater and leachates, the vadose zone (zone residing above the groundwater table), is considered to facilitate microbial denitrification. Particle voids in vadose zone are deficient in dissolved oxygen as the voids are partially filled by water and the remainder by air. Discontinuities in liquid phase would also restrict oxygen diffusion and therefore facilitate denitrification in the vadose/unsaturated soil zone. The degree of saturation of soil specimen (S (r)) quantifies the relative volume of voids filled with air and water. Unsaturated specimens have S (r) values ranging between 0 and 100 %. Earlier studies from naturally occurring nitrate losses in groundwater aquifers in Mulbagal town, Kolar District, Karnataka, showed that the sub-surface soils composed of residually derived sandy soil; hence, natural sand was chosen in the laboratory denitrification experiments. With a view to understand the role of vadose zone in denitrification process, experiments are performed with unsaturated sand specimens (S (r) = 73-90 %) whose pore water was spiked with nitrate and ethanol solutions. Experimental results revealed 73 % S (r) specimen facilitates nitrate reduction to 45 mg/L in relatively short durations of 5.5-7.5 h using the available natural organic matter (0.41 % on mass basis of sand); consequently, ethanol addition did not impact rate of denitrification. However, at higher S (r) values of 81 and 90 %, extraneous ethanol addition (C/N = 0.5-3) was needed to accelerate the denitrification rates.


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The study examines the integration of cultural, economic and environmental requirements for fish production in Borno State, Nigeria. A reconnaissance survey was conducted transferring some selected Local Government Areas. 60 questionnaires were administered in the six Local Governments representing Southern Borno State with Biu and Shani, central Borno with Konduga & Jere and Northern Borno with Gubia and Kukawa respectively. There is no cultural constraint to fish production but about 63% prefers to invest in other farming activities than in fish farming. 33% are not aware that fish can be cultured apart from getting it from the wild. 35% have the impression that fish farming ventures can be handled by government only. The economic earnings for fish production are high especially in some parts of Northern Borno, but the Local market potentials throughout the state are great. Nigeria has suitable soil for ponds apart from few locations at the central and Northern Borno that are made by sandy soil. Numerous perennial and seasonal rivers, streams, lakes, pools and flood plains adequate for fish culture especially in Southern Borno exist. The mean annual rainfall can result in some water storage in ponds. In areas where the annual precipitation is less than 550mm, exist few flow boreholes with potentials for fish production. The temperature regime may support growth and survival of fish even during the hottest months of the year (March, April and May). With the understanding and manipulation of these requirements, fish production in Nigeria can be greatly enhanced


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O óleo lubrificante mineral é amplamente utilizado no cenário mundial no funcionamento de máquinas e motores. No entanto, o ciclo de vida deste petro-derivado resulta na geração de um resíduo (óleo lubrificante usado), o qual é nocivo ao meio ambiente quando não descartado adequadamente ou reciclado. No Brasil, apesar das normas que tratam especificamente do armazenamento, recolhimento e destino de óleo lubrificante usado, grande parte do mesmo ainda é despejado diretamente no meio ambiente, sem qualquer tratamento, sendo de grande importância estudos que visem o entendimento dos processos e o desenvolvimento de tecnologias de remediação de áreas contaminadas por esse resíduo. O objetivo geral do presente trabalho foi conduzir estudos de tratabilidade de solo arenoso contaminado experimentalmente com 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante usado, através de duas diferentes estratégias de biorremediação: bioestímulo e bioaumento. Foram conduzidos dois experimentos. No primeiro, foi avaliada a atividade microbiana aeróbia na biodegradação do OLU através do método respirométrico de Bartha. No segundo, foram montados três biorreatores de fase sólida simulando biopilhas estáticas com aeração forçada, cada um contendo 125 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1 seco) de óleo lubrificante automotivo usado, os quais receberam como tratamento: bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade (BIOSca); bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto maduro (BIOA1ca) ; e bioestímulo por ajuste de pH e umidade associado ao bioaumento com a adição de composto jovem (BIOA2ca). Foram também montados três biorreatores de bancada simulando biopilhas estáticas sem aeração forçada, cada um contendo 3 kg de solo e 5% (m m-1) do mesmo contaminante, sendo que o primeiro continha solo sem contaminação - CONTsa, o segundo, solo contaminado com ajuste de pH BIOSsa e o terceiro, solo contaminado com adição de 0,3% de azida sódica - ABIOsa. Os tratamentos foram avaliados pela remoção de hidrocarbonetos totais de petróleo (HTPs) e após 120 dias de experimento obteve-se remoções de HTPs de 84,75%, 99,99% e 99,99%, com BIOS, BIOA1 e BIOA2, respectivamente, demonstrando que a estratégia de bioestímulo associada ao bioaumento foram promissoras na remediação do solo contaminado pelo óleo lubrificante usado. Os tratamentos que receberam composto (BIOA1 e BIOA2) não apresentaram diferenças quanto à remoção de HTPs, evidenciando que a fase de maturação dos compostos não apresentou influência na eficiência do processo. No entanto, verificou-se uma eficiência nos tratamentos que receberam composto quando comparado ao tratamento sem adição de composto


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34-, 17-, 4-, 1.5-year old natural algal crusts were collected from Shapotou Scientific Station of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 40-day old field and greenhouse artificial algal crusts were in situ developed in the same sandy soil and the same place (37degrees27'N, 104degrees57'E). Their different cohesions both against wind force and pressure were measured respectively by a sandy wind-tunnel experiment and a penetrometer. On the basis of these algal crusts, the cementing mechanism was revealed from many subjects and different levels. The results showed that in the indoor artificial crusts with the weakest cohesion bunchy algal filaments were distributed in the surface of the crusts, produced few extracellular polymers (EPS), the binding capacity of the crusts just accomplished by mechanical bundle of algal filaments. For field crusts, most filaments grew toward the deeper layers of algal crusts, secreted much more EPS, and when organic matter content was more than 2.4 times of chlorophyll a, overmuch organic matter (primarily is EPS) began to gather onto the surface of the crusts and formed an organic layer in the relatively lower micro-area, and this made the crust cohesion increase 2.5 times. When the organic layer adsorbed and intercepted amounts of dusts, soil particles and sand grains scattered down from wind, it changed gradually into an inorganic layer in which inorganic matter dominated, and this made the crusts cohesion further enhanced 2-6 times. For crust-building species Microcoleus vaginatus, 88.5% of EPS were the acidic components, 78% were the acidic proteglycan of 380 kD. The uronic acid content accounted for 8% of proteglycan, and their free carboxyls were important sites of binding with metal cations from surrounding matrix.


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从投资回收期和益本比2个方面,对靖边县沙地马铃薯半固定式喷灌、滴灌、大型喷灌机喷灌3种灌溉方式进行经济效益分析,在经济分析的基础上,采用层次分析法,对3种灌溉方式进行综合效益评价。结果表明,半固定式喷灌、滴灌、大型喷灌机喷灌的投资回收期分别为2.1 a,0.6 a,0.9 a,效益费用比分别为2.6,7.9,7.6,滴灌的经济效益十分明显;3种灌溉方式的优劣排序为:滴灌最好,半固定式喷灌次之,大型喷灌机喷灌较差。


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The latest two extreme scenarios of last glacial maximum and Holocene climatic optimum marked extreme situations in China. This paper aims to reconstruct the fossil extensions and paleoclimate of deserts in eastern China during this typical period. Aeolian sequence responds the climate change by virtue of alternation of aeolian sand layer and sandy soil layer, which correspond aridity and humidity, respectively. There is a set of contrastive deposits made up of loose sand layer and overlying dark sandy soil below land surface. This developed soil and underlying deep aeolian sand respond to H.O. and late last glacial, i.e. LGM. The typical bottom sand layers of about 50 profiles of Hulun Buir Desert, Horqin Desert and Otindag Desert were dated using OSL to confirm that they did deposid in LGM. Based on the locations of these LGM sand, distrution of gobi-desert-loess and landform control, the distribution in LGM of the three deserts were reconstructed. For the block of eastern mountain, the extreme eastern boundary of Hulun Buir Desert and Otindag Desert are not just functioned by climate background. The east of Horqin Desert is plain, hence eastern boundary of this desert is maily controlled by climate. It is considered that quite a lot of aeolian sand of LGM origined from fluvial deposit by observing regional distribution of river and SEM of sand grains. The environment alternation of of LGM-H.O. is featured by extensive expanse of active dune in LGM and grassland in H.O. Combined grain-size, susceptibility, TOC, colour and SEM measurement, the OSL chronology of relatively continued profiles since LGM of the three deserts are divided into four periods: eolian sand (15-10ka)- sandy soil (10-5ka)- alternation of black sand and yellow sand- reworking of LGM sand as destroy of soil.


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© 2015 Published by Elsevier B.V.Tree growth resources and the efficiency of resource-use for biomass production determine the productivity of forest ecosystems. In nutrient-limited forests, nitrogen (N)-fertilization increases foliage [N], which may increase photosynthetic rates, leaf area index (L), and thus light interception (IC). The product of such changes is a higher gross primary production and higher net primary production (NPP). However, fertilization may also alter carbohydrate partitioning from below- to aboveground, increasing aboveground NPP (ANPP). We analyzed effects of long-term N-fertilization on NPP, and that of long-term carbon storing organs (NPPS) in a Pinus sylvestris forest on sandy soil, a wide-ranging forest type in the boreal region. We based our analyses on a combination of destructive harvesting, consecutive mensuration, and optical measurements of canopy openness. After eight-year fertilization with a total of 70gNm-2, ANPP was 27±7% higher in the fertilized (F) relative to the reference (R) stand, but although L increased relative to its pre-fertilization values, IC was not greater than in R. On the seventh year after the treatment initiation, the increase of ANPP was matched by the decrease of belowground NPP (78 vs. 92gCm-2yr-1; ~17% of NPP) and, given the similarity of IC, suggests that the main effect of N-fertilization was changed carbon partitioning rather than increased canopy photosynthesis. Annual NPPS increased linearly with growing season temperature (T) in both treatments, with an upward shift of 70.2gCm-2yr-1 by fertilization, which also caused greater amount of unexplained variation (r2=0.53 in R, 0.21 in F). Residuals of the NPPS-T relationship of F were related to growing season precipitation (P, r2=0.48), indicating that T constrains productivity at this site regardless of fertility, while P is important in determining productivity where N-limitation is alleviated. We estimated that, in a growing season average T (11.5±1.0°C; 33-year-mean), NPPS response to N-fertilization will be nullified with P 31mm less than the mean (325±85mm), and would double with P 109mm greater than the mean. These results suggest that inter-annual variation in climate, particularly in P, may help explaining the reported large variability in growth responses to fertilization of pine stands on sandy soils. Furthermore, forest management of long-rotation systems, such as those of boreal and northern temperate forests, must consider the efficiency of fertilization in terms of wood production in the context of changes in climate predicted for the region.


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Water retention and transport in soils is dependent upon the surface tension of the aqueous phase. Surfactants present in aqueous solution reduce the surface tension of aqueous phase. In soil–water systems, this can result in water drainage and reductions in field capacity and hydraulic conductivity. In this investigation, the surface tension of surfactant solutions mixed with soil—in a constant fixed ratio—was measured as a function of surfactant concentration. Two anionic surfactants were used: sodium dodecyl sulphate and sodium bis (2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuccinate. Two soils were also used—a clay soil and a sandy soil. The key observation made by this investigation was that the addition of soil to the surfactant solution provided a further component of surface tension reduction. Neither soil sample reduced the surface tension of water when surfactant was absent from the aqueous phase, though both soils released soil organic matter at low surfactant concentrations as shown by measurement of the chemical oxygen demand of the supernatant solutions. Furthermore, both surfactants were shown to be weakly adsorbed by soil as shown by the use of a methylene blue assay. It is therefore proposed that the additional reduction in surface tension arises from synergistic interactions between the surfactants and dissolved soil organic matter.