996 resultados para same basic integrator


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The addition of a capped mini-exon [spliced leader (SL)] through trans-splicing is essential for the maturation of RNA polymerase (pol) II-transcribed polycistronic pre-mRNAs in all members of the Trypanosomatidae family. This process is an inter-molecular splicing reaction that follows the same basic rules of cis-splicing reactions. In this study, we demonstrated that mini-exons were added to precursor ribosomal RNA (pre-rRNA) are transcribed by RNA pol I, including the 5' external transcribed spacer (ETS) region. Additionally, we detected the SL-5' ETS molecule using three distinct methods and located the acceptor site between two known 5' ETS rRNA processing sites (A' and A1) in four different trypanosomatids. Moreover, we detected a polyadenylated 5' ETS upstream of the trans-splicing acceptor site, which also occurs in pre-mRNA trans-splicing. After treatment with an indirect trans-splicing inhibitor (sinefungin), we observed SL-5' ETS decay. However, treatment with 5-fluorouracil (a precursor of RNA synthesis that inhibits the degradation of pre-rRNA) led to the accumulation of SL-5' ETS, suggesting that the molecule may play a role in rRNA degradation. The detection of trans-splicing in these molecules may indicate broad RNA-joining properties, regardless of the polymerase used for transcription.


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Background: Magnetic hyperthermia is currently a clinical therapy approved in the European Union for treatment of tumor cells, and uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) under time-varying magnetic fields (TVMFs). The same basic principle seems promising against trypanosomatids causing Chagas disease and sleeping sickness, given that the therapeutic drugs available have severe side effects and that there are drug-resistant strains. However, no applications of this strategy against protozoan-induced diseases have been reported so far. In the present study, Crithidia fasciculata, a widely used model for therapeutic strategies against pathogenic trypanosomatids, was targeted with Fe3O4 MNPs in order to provoke cell death remotely using TVMFs. Methods: Iron oxide MNPs with average diameters of approximately 30 nm were synthesized by precipitation of FeSO4 in basic medium. The MNPs were added to C. fasciculata choanomastigotes in the exponential phase and incubated overnight, removing excess MNPs using a DEAE-cellulose resin column. The amount of MNPs uploaded per cell was determined by magnetic measurement. The cells bearing MNPs were submitted to TVMFs using a homemade AC field applicator (f = 249 kHz, H = 13 kA/m), and the temperature variation during the experiments was measured. Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess morphological changes after the TVMF experiments. Cell viability was analyzed using an MTT colorimetric assay and flow cytometry. Results: MNPs were incorporated into the cells, with no noticeable cytotoxicity. When a TVMF was applied to cells bearing MNPs, massive cell death was induced via a nonapoptotic mechanism. No effects were observed by applying TVMF to control cells not loaded with MNPs. No macroscopic rise in temperature was observed in the extracellular medium during the experiments. Conclusion: As a proof of principle, these data indicate that intracellular hyperthermia is a suitable technology to induce death of protozoan parasites bearing MNPs. These findings expand the possibilities for new therapeutic strategies combating parasitic infection.


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Background: In a classical study, Durkheim mapped suicide rates, wealth, and low family density and realized that they clustered in northern France. Assessing others variables, such as religious society, he constructed a framework for the analysis of the suicide, which still allows international comparisons using the same basic methodology. The present study aims to identify possible significantly clusters of suicide in the city of Sao Paulo, and then, verify their statistical associations with socio-economic and cultural characteristics. Methods: A spatial scan statistical test was performed to analyze the geographical pattern of suicide deaths of residents in the city of Sao Paulo by Administrative District, from 1996 to 2005. Relative risks and high and/or low clusters were calculated accounting for gender and age as co-variates, were analyzed using spatial scan statistics to identify geographical patterns. Logistic regression was used to estimate associations with socioeconomic variables, considering, the spatial cluster of high suicide rates as the response variable. Drawing from Durkheim's original work, current World Health Organization (WHO) reports and recent reviews, the following independent variables were considered: marital status, income, education, religion, and migration. Results: The mean suicide rate was 4.1/100,000 inhabitant-years. Against this baseline, two clusters were identified: the first, of increased risk (RR = 1.66), comprising 18 districts in the central region; the second, of decreased risk (RR = 0.78), including 14 districts in the southern region. The downtown area toward the southwestern region of the city displayed the highest risk for suicide, and though the overall risk may be considered low, the rate climbs up to an intermediate level in this region. One logistic regression analysis contrasted the risk cluster (18 districts) against the other remaining 78 districts, testing the effects of socioeconomic-cultural variables. The following categories of proportion of persons within the clusters were identified as risk factors: singles (OR = 2.36), migrants (OR = 1.50), Catholics (OR = 1.37) and higher income (OR = 1.06). In a second logistic model, likewise conceived, the following categories of proportion of persons were identified as protective factors: married (OR = 0.49) and Evangelical (OR = 0.60). Conclusions: This risk/ protection profile is in accordance with the interpretation that, as a social phenomenon, suicide is related to social isolation. Thus, the classical framework put forward by Durkheim seems to still hold, even though its categorical expression requires re-interpretation.


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Abstract Background How are morphological evolution and developmental changes related? This rather old and intriguing question had a substantial boost after the 70s within the framework of heterochrony (changes in rates or timing of development) and nowadays has the potential to make another major leap forward through the combination of approaches: molecular biology, developmental experimentation, comparative systematic studies, geometric morphometrics and quantitative genetics. Here I take an integrated approach combining life-history comparative analyses, classical and geometric morphometrics applied to ontogenetic series to understand changes in size and shape which happen during the evolution of two New World Monkeys (NWM) sister genera. Results Cebus and Saimiri share the same basic allometric patterns in skull traits, a result robust to sexual and ontogenetic variation. If adults of both genera are compared in the same scale (discounting size differences) most differences are small and not statistically significant. These results are consistent using both approaches, classical and geometric Morphometrics. Cebus is a genus characterized by a number of peramorphic traits (adult-like) while Saimiri is a genus with paedomorphic (child like) traits. Yet, the whole clade Cebinae is characterized by a unique combination of very high pre-natal growth rates and relatively slow post-natal growth rates when compared to the rest of the NWM. Morphologically Cebinae can be considered paedomorphic in relation to the other NWM. Geometric morphometrics allows the precise separation of absolute size, shape variation associated with size (allometry), and shape variation non-associated with size. Interestingly, and despite the fact that they were extracted as independent factors (principal components), evolutionary allometry (those differences in allometric shape associated with intergeneric differences) and ontogenetic allometry (differences in allometric shape associated with ontogenetic variation within genus) are correlated within these two genera. Furthermore, morphological differences produced along these two axes are quite similar. Cebus and Saimiri are aligned along the same evolutionary allometry and have parallel ontogenetic allometry trajectories. Conclusion The evolution of these two Platyrrhini monkeys is basically due to a size differentiation (and consequently to shape changes associated with size). Many life-history changes are correlated or may be the causal agents in such evolution, such as delayed on-set of reproduction in Cebus and larger neonates in Saimiri.


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The biomechanical roles of both tendons and ligaments are fulfilled by extracellular matrix of these tissues. In particular, tension is mainly transmitted and resisted by fibrous proteins (collagen, elastin), whereas compressive load is absorbed by water-soluble glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). GAGs spanning the interfibrillar spaces and interacting with fibrils also seem to play a part in transmitting and resisting tensile stresses. Apart from different functional roles and collagen array, tendons and ligaments share the same basic structure showing periodic undulations of collagen fibers or crimps. Each crimp is composed of many knots of each single fibril or fibrillar crimps. Fibrillar and fiber crimps act as shock absorbers during the initial elongation of both tendons and ligaments and assist the elastic recoil of fibrils and fibers when the tensile stress is removed. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate whether GAGs directly affect the 3D microstructural integrity of fibrillar crimp and fiber crimps in both tendons and ligaments. Achilles tendons and medial collateral ligaments of the knee from eight female Sprague-Dawley rats (90 days old) were digested with chondroitinase ABC to remove GAGs and observed under a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In addition, isolated fibrils from these tissues obtained by mechanical homogenization were analyzed by a transmission electron microscope (TEM). Both samples digested with chondroitinase ABC or mechanically disrupted still showed crimps and fibrillar crimps comparable to tissues with a normal GAGs content. All fibrils in the fibrillar crimp region always twisted leftwards, thus changing their running plane, and then sharply bent, changing their course on a new plane. These data suggest that GAGs do not affect structural integrity or fibrillar crimps functions that seem mainly related to the local fibril leftward twisting and the alternating handedness of collagen from a molecular to a supramolecular level.


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Eine wichtige Komponente des Standardmodells der Teilchenphysik bildet der Higgs-Mechanismus, der benötigt wird um den vom Standardmodell beschriebenen Teilchen Masse zu verleihen. Dieser Mechanismus beinhaltet jedoch ein weiteres schweres Elementarteilchen das bislang noch nich beobachtet werden konnte. Die Suche nach diesem Teilchen ist eines Hauptziele der derzeitigen Forschung an Teilchenbeschleunigern. Diese Arbeit untersucht die vom D0-Detektor am Tevatron des Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (FNAL) aufgezeichneten Daten von ppbar-Kollisionen bei einer Schwerpunktsenergie von sqrt{s}=1.96 TeV, um im Kanal WH -> enu bb nach einem leichten Higgs-Boson zu suchen. Darüber hinaus wird der Produktionswirkungsquerschnitt der Wbb-Produktion ermittelt. Für die Analyse stand eine integrierte Luminosität von L=255pb^{-1} zur Verfügung. Zur Selektion dieser Prozesse, werden Ereignisse ausgewählt, die Elektronen und fehlenden Transversalimpuls enthalten, sowie mindestens zwei Jets, die sich als b-Jets identifizieren lassen. Um eine effiziente Selektion zu erhalten, wurden Schnitte auf verschiedene Kenngrößen entwickelt, getestet und optimiert. Aus den selektierten Ereignissen wird der Wbb-Wirkungsquerschnitt ermittelt, der für Ereignisse angegeben wird, in denen die b-Quarks p_T>8 GeV und |eta|<3 erfüllen. Der unter Berücksichtigung des Verzweigungsverhältnisses BR(W->enu)=0.108 errechnete Wert ist sigma(Wbb)=21.8 pb (+15.5; -20.0 pb(sys+stat)). Wegen der geringen Signifikanz der Messung von etwa 1.2sigma wurden die Ereigniszahlen auch zur Berechnung einer oberen Grenze auf den Wirkungsquerschnitt verwendet, die sich bei einem Konfidenzniveau von 95% zu sigma^95(Wbb)=60.9pb ergibt. Ebenso wurden Grenzen auf den WH-Produktionswirkungsquerschnitt ermittelt. Dafür wurde die statistische Methode von Feldman und Cousins angewandt, nachdem sie nach den Vorschlägen von Conrad et al. erweitert worden war, um systematische Unsicherheiten zu berücksichtigen. Für ein Standardmodell Higgs-Boson der Masse 115 GeV kann eine obere Grenze auf den Produktionswirkungsquerschnitt von sigma^{95} (WH)=12.2pb angegeben werden. Für höhere Massen bis 135 GeV werden ähnliche Grenzen ermittelt.


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The present paper examines the syntactic and semantic properties of a group of constructions which carry an idiomatic interpretation of obtainment. In Polish and German, the constructions under consideration consist of a verb with a directional particle followed by an object NP, as exemplified in (1a)-(1b). (1a) Adam wynurkował starego buta. (Polish) Adam wy- snorkeled old shoe. ‘Adam found an old shoe while snorkeling.’ (1b) Michael erboxte sich den Titel. (German) Michael er- boxed REFL the title. ‘Michael boxed his way to the (championship) title.’ Sentences containing these constructions will be assumed to have the same basic interpretation “Subject obtains/produces Object by V-ing”. A constructional analysis of the constructions will be proposed, as they pose licensing problems and their interpretation cannot be accounted for in terms of the individual conceptual structures of the lexical items composing the sentence. Unlike most accounts of verb particle constructions based on implicit or explicit assumptions of straightforward semantic composition, the present study proposes an analysis under which the semantic structure of verb particle combinations is not a compositional function of the verb and the particle/prefix alone. It is argued that the construction comes with its own subcategorization frame (separate from that carried by the verb) which is motivated by the meaning of the construction and its corresponding constructional subevent. Additionally, a crosslinguistic correlation will be shown to hold between a language’s ability to express event conflation (Talmy 1985, 2000) and the occurrence of some form of the construction in that language. This will be taken as an indication of the resultative nature of those types of directional phrases which involve the semantic interpretation of boundary crossing.


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Motifs of neural circuitry seem surprisingly conserved over different areas of neocortex or of paleocortex, while performing quite different sensory processing tasks. This apparent paradox may be resolved by the fact that seemingly different problems in sensory information processing are related by transformations (changes of variables) that convert one problem into another. The same basic algorithm that is appropriate to the recognition of a known odor quality, independent of the strength of the odor, can be used to recognize a vocalization (e.g., a spoken syllable), independent of whether it is spoken quickly or slowly. To convert one problem into the other, a new representation of time sequences is needed. The time that has elapsed since a recent event must be represented in neural activity. The electrophysiological hallmarks of cells that are involved in generating such a representation of time are discussed. The anatomical relationships between olfactory and auditory pathways suggest relevant experiments. The neurophysiological mechanism for the psychophysical logarithmic encoding of time duration would be of direct use for interconverting olfactory and auditory processing problems. Such reuse of old algorithms in new settings and representations is related to the way that evolution develops new biochemistry.


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This review analyzes the existing research on the information needs of rural health professionals and relates it to the broader information-needs literature to establish whether the information needs of rural health professionals differ from those of other health professionals. The analysis of these studies indicates that rural health practitioners appear to have the same basic needs for patient-care information as their urban counterparts, and that both groups rely on colleagues and personal libraries as their main sources of information. Rural practitioners, however, tend to make less use of journals and online databases and ask fewer clinical questions; a difference that correlates with geographic and demographic factors. Rural practitioners experience pronounced barriers to information access including lack of time, isolation, inadequate library access, lack of equipment, lack of skills, costs, and inadequate Internet infrastructure. Outreach efforts to this group of underserved health professionals must be sustained to achieve equity in information access and to change information-seeking behaviors.


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The alcohol dehydrogenase (Adh; alcohol:NAD+ oxidoreductase, EC gene family has two or three loci in a broad array of angiosperm species. The relative stability in the number of Adh loci led Gottlieb [Gottlieb, L. D. (1982) Science 216, 373-380] to propose that the Adh gene family arose from an ancient gene duplication. In this study, the isolation of three loci from the California fan palm (Washingtonia robusta) is reported. The three loci from palm are highly diverged. One palm Adh gene, referred to here as adhB, has been completely sequenced, including 950 nucleotides of the upstream regulatory region. For the second locus, adhA, 81% of the exon sequence is complete. Both show the same basic structure as grass Adh genes in terms of intron number and intron location. The third locus, adhC, for which only a small amount of sequence is available (12% of exon sequence) appears to be more highly diverged. Comparison of the Adh gene families from palms and grasses shows that the adh1 and adh2 genes of grasses, and the adhA and adhB genes of palms, arose by duplication following the divergence of the two families. This finding suggests that the multiple Adh loci in different monocot lineages are not the result of a single ancestral duplication but, rather, of multiple duplication events.


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Molecular cloning of components of protective antigenic preparations has suggested that related parasite fatty acid-binding proteins could form the basis of the protective immune crossreactivity between the parasitic trematode worms Fasciola hepatica and Schistosoma mansoni. Molecular models of the two parasite proteins showed that both molecules adopt the same basic three-dimensional structure, consisting of a barrel-shaped molecule formed by 10 antiparallel beta-pleated strands joined by short loops, and revealed the likely presence of crossreactive, discontinuous epitopes principally derived from amino acids in the C-terminal portions of the molecules. A recombinant form of the S. mansoni antigen, rSm14, protected outbred Swiss mice by up to 67% against challenge with S. mansoni cercariae in the absence of adjuvant and without provoking any observable autoimmune response. The same antigen also provided complete protection against challenge with F. hepatica metacercariae in the same animal model. The results suggest that it may be possible to produce a single vaccine that would be effective against at least two parasites, F. hepatica and S. mansoni, of veterinary and human importance, respectively.


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High purity Mg-Al type alloys have a naturally fine grain size compared to commercial purity alloys with the same basic composition. This is referred to as native grain refinement. It is shown that native grain refinement occurs only in magnesium alloys containing aluminium. The mechanism is attributed to the Al4C3 particles existing in these alloys. (c) 2005 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Over the last 30 years, the field of problem structuring methods (PSMs) has been pioneered by a handful of 'gurus'—the most visible of whom have contributed other viewpoints to this special issue. As this generation slowly retires, it is opportune to survey the field and their legacy. We focus on the progress the community has made up to 2000, as work that started afterwards is ongoing and its impact on the field will probably only become apparent in 5–10 years time. We believe that up to 2000, research into PSMs was stagnating. We believe that this was partly due to a lack of new researchers penetrating what we call the 'grass-roots community'—the community which takes an active role in developing the theory and application of problem structuring. Evidence for this stagnation (or lack of development) is that, in 2000, many PSMs still relied heavily on the same basic methods proposed by the originators nearly 30 years earlier—perhaps only supporting those methods with computer software as a sign of development. Furthermore, no new methods had been integrated into the literature which suggests that revolutionary development, at least by academics, has stalled. We are pleased to suggest that from papers in this double special issue on PSMs this trend seems over because new authors report new PSMs and extend existing PSMs in new directions. Despite these recent developments of the methods, it is important to examine why this apparent stagnation took place. In the following sections, we identify and elaborate a number of reasons for it. We also consider the trends, challenges and opportunities that the PSM community will continue to face. Our aim is to evaluate the pre-2000 PSM community to encourage its revolutionary development post-2006 and offer directions for the long term sustainability of the field.


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Being able to judge another person's visuo-spatial perspective is an essential social skill, hence we investigated the generalizability of the involved mechanisms across cultures and genders. Developmental, cross-species, and our own previous research suggest that two different forms of perspective taking can be distinguished, which are subserved by two distinct mechanisms. The simpler form relies on inferring another's line-of-sight, whereas the more complex form depends on embodied transformation into the other's orientation in form of a simulated body rotation. Our current results suggest that, in principle, the same basic mechanisms are employed by males and females in both, East-Asian (EA; Chinese) and Western culture. However, we also confirmed the hypothesis that Westerners show an egocentric bias, whereas EAs reveal an other-oriented bias. Furthermore, Westerners were slower overall than EAs and showed stronger gender differences in speed and depth of embodied processing. Our findings substantiate differences and communalities in social cognition mechanisms across genders and two cultures and suggest that cultural evolution or transmission should take gender as a modulating variable into account.


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Recent research into resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has shown that the brain is very active during rest. This thesis work utilizes blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) signals to investigate the spatial and temporal functional network information found within resting-state data, and aims to investigate the feasibility of extracting functional connectivity networks using different methods as well as the dynamic variability within some of the methods. Furthermore, this work looks into producing valid networks using a sparsely-sampled sub-set of the original data.

In this work we utilize four main methods: independent component analysis (ICA), principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and a point-processing technique. Each method comes with unique assumptions, as well as strengths and limitations into exploring how the resting state components interact in space and time.

Correlation is perhaps the simplest technique. Using this technique, resting-state patterns can be identified based on how similar the time profile is to a seed region’s time profile. However, this method requires a seed region and can only identify one resting state network at a time. This simple correlation technique is able to reproduce the resting state network using subject data from one subject’s scan session as well as with 16 subjects.

Independent component analysis, the second technique, has established software programs that can be used to implement this technique. ICA can extract multiple components from a data set in a single analysis. The disadvantage is that the resting state networks it produces are all independent of each other, making the assumption that the spatial pattern of functional connectivity is the same across all the time points. ICA is successfully able to reproduce resting state connectivity patterns for both one subject and a 16 subject concatenated data set.

Using principal component analysis, the dimensionality of the data is compressed to find the directions in which the variance of the data is most significant. This method utilizes the same basic matrix math as ICA with a few important differences that will be outlined later in this text. Using this method, sometimes different functional connectivity patterns are identifiable but with a large amount of noise and variability.

To begin to investigate the dynamics of the functional connectivity, the correlation technique is used to compare the first and second halves of a scan session. Minor differences are discernable between the correlation results of the scan session halves. Further, a sliding window technique is implemented to study the correlation coefficients through different sizes of correlation windows throughout time. From this technique it is apparent that the correlation level with the seed region is not static throughout the scan length.

The last method introduced, a point processing method, is one of the more novel techniques because it does not require analysis of the continuous time points. Here, network information is extracted based on brief occurrences of high or low amplitude signals within a seed region. Because point processing utilizes less time points from the data, the statistical power of the results is lower. There are also larger variations in DMN patterns between subjects. In addition to boosted computational efficiency, the benefit of using a point-process method is that the patterns produced for different seed regions do not have to be independent of one another.

This work compares four unique methods of identifying functional connectivity patterns. ICA is a technique that is currently used by many scientists studying functional connectivity patterns. The PCA technique is not optimal for the level of noise and the distribution of the data sets. The correlation technique is simple and obtains good results, however a seed region is needed and the method assumes that the DMN regions is correlated throughout the entire scan. Looking at the more dynamic aspects of correlation changing patterns of correlation were evident. The last point-processing method produces a promising results of identifying functional connectivity networks using only low and high amplitude BOLD signals.