934 resultados para sacrifice in ancient Greece


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In me tota ruens Venus Vênus derrubando-se inteira sobre mim, esse verso de Horácio representa claramente a posição dos personagens de Fedra e Hipólito na tragédia Hipólito de Eurípides. Em linhas gerais, Fedra, enfeitiçada por Afrodite, sofre de amor pelo seu enteado Hipólito, que a rejeita veementemente. Enfurecida pelo tratamento dispensado por Hipólito não só a ela, mas às mulheres em geral, Fedra acusa Hipólito de estupro, através de um bilhete e suicida-se logo em seguida. Teseu, pai de Hipólito, ao encontrar a esposa morta, exila o filho e providencia que ele seja morto. As tensões criadas pelos discursos de Fedra e Hipólito têm sido material de inúmeros debates críticos. A análise da fortuna crítica levanta mais perguntas que fornece respostas. De todas as linhas críticas, duas linhas antagônicas merecem ser ressaltadas. A leitura crítica do discurso misógino que irá defender que Eurípides não pregava a misoginia através dos seus textos, mas, muito pelo contrário, a combatia ao fazer mudanças no mito dando voz a personagens femininas tão fortes quanto Fedra. E a leitura do discurso feminista que irá defender que há um discurso misógino presente no texto de Eurípides, fruto de uma imposição ideológica vigente na Grécia do século V a.C.. O presente trabalho irá discutir ambos discursos e demonstrar, que a sua maneira, Eurípides não era misógino


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This thesis explores the evolution of the concept of traditional Chinese femininity in relation to women’s lives in ancient China (221 BCE – A.D.1840). It proposes that the traditional Chinese femininity had been trying to seek a balance between the permanent principles and contingency plans for the stability and development of the society, which caused women’s humiliation and freedom. In reality, politicians and thinkers in ancient China had been transforming the concept of femininity itself to make it more adaptable to the social conditions of that time. This may be discussed in terms of three aspects. Firstly, the traditional concept of Chinese human relationships, including the ethical order, always emphasised the influence of individual behaviour on others and the overall stability and linked development of family, society and nation. Thus, both men and women, must be placed within this interrelated, interacting and cooperating relationship. Secondly, the association of family and country created an overlap of family and public affairs, which, objectively, facilitated the movement of women from the inner to the public arena. Thirdly, the notions of political and ethical morality and of men’s virtues and women’s virtues were integrated because of the union of family and nation. Therefore, typically virtuous women could be a source of encouragement for men and, furthermore, men formulated their virtues in the public space by formulating women’s virtues in the private space. The shaping of the gender image and concept of women in ancient China reflected the country’s changing cultural and gender norms. Chinese femininity and lifestyles, like Chinese history, were a continuous presence in the society but were also constantly changing. Through this study, it could be noted that Chinese women were not hidden and that their subjectivity and the concepts motivating them were not merely devised by a male-dominated society and culture.


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Music is a unique form of communication. It sings from soul to soul, touching each of us in uniquely different ways. While researching the life of Clara Schumann, I became intrigued with the idea that feminine qualities, as expressed by her music, could be found in other composers work for the soprano voice. I explored this possibility in a lecture recital and followed up this work by performing two operatic roles and a recital.


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ABSTRACT: Background: Childhood is a critical time for social and emotional development, educational progress and mental health prevention. Mental health for children and adolescents is defined by the achievement of expected developmental, cognitive, social and emotional skills. The development of child-adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) is a necessity for each country, not only as a prevention measure for the wellbeing of people, but also as an investment to the future of countries. Qualitative evaluation of services is the only way to ensure whether services function under quality standards and increase the possibility of better outcomes for their patients. This study examines the greek outpatient CAMHS against the British Standards of National Institute of Excellence for community CAMHS. The Standards assessed refer to the areas of Assessment, Care and Intervention. Objectives: The main objectives of the study are 1) to evaluate Greek outpatient CAMHS in the Attica region 2) to promote the evaluation process for mental health services in Greece. Methods: Due to the fact that Greek services are based on the British model, the tool used was the British self-review questionnaire of Quality Network for Community CAMHS(QNCC).The tool was translated, adapted and posted to services. Twelve out of twenty outpatient CAMHS of Attica (including Athens) responded. Data was collected and performed by the Statistical Package for Social Sciences SPSS. Results: The study resulted that the CAMHS examined, meet moderately the British Standards of 1) Referral and Access, 2) Assessment & Care planning, 3) Care & Intervention. Two out of twelve services examined, meet the standards of "Assessment and Care" in a higher percentage between 75% and 100%. Conclusions: The paper describes a satisfactory function of CAMHS in Attica prefecture taking into consideration the extremely difficult political situation of Greece at the time of the research. Strong and weak domains are identified. Also the translation and adaptation of British tools promote the evaluation process and quality assurance of Greek CAMHS.


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Hippocratic physicians sought to establish themselves as medical authorities in ancient Greece. An examination of the deontological texts of the Hippocratic corpus reveals that the Hippocratics created a medical authority based on elite male characteristics. The key quality of the Hippocratic physician was sōphrosunē, a quality closely associated with men and used in the differentiation of genders in the Greek world. Women were not believed to innately possess this quality and so their healing activities were restricted within the Hippocratic framework. Women’s healing activities are only mentioned in the corpus when women are involved in the treatment of other women or self-treatment. The Hippocratic construction of medicine as a male domain fit within a Classical cultural framework, as the cultural anxiety concerning women healers and women’s use of pharmaka are evident in both Greek myth and literature.


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Grecia y las islas dispersas por los mares Egeo y Adriático crearon una espléndida civilización, cuya poderosa influencia en el mundo occidental llega a través de los siglos hasta la actualidad. La literatura, las artes, la filosofía, la política, el deporte y otras facetas de la vida humana alcanzaron su cima en la Atenas del siglo V antes de Cristo.


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Some scholars have read Virgil’s grafted tree (G. 2.78–82) as a sinister image, symptomatic of man’s perversion of nature. However, when it is placed within the long tradition of Roman accounts of grafting (in both prose and verse), it seems to reinforce a consistently positive view of the technique, its results, and its possibilities. Virgil’s treatment does represent a significant change from Republican to Imperial literature, whereby grafting went from mundane reality to utopian fantasy. This is reflected in responses to Virgil from Ovid, Columella, Calpurnius, Pliny the Elder, and Palladius (with Republican context from Cato, Varro, and Lucretius), and even in the postclassical transformation of Virgil’s biography into a magical folktale.