963 resultados para research support, escience, e-science, e-research, eresearch, cyber-infrastructure


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Despite a general belief that incentive mechanisms can improve value for money during procurement and performance during project execution, empirical research on the actual effects is nascent. This research focuses on the design and implementation of incentive mechanisms in four different infrastructure projects: two road reconstructions in the Netherlands and two building constructions in Australia. Based on an analytical framework of key motivation drivers, a cross cases analysis is conducted in view of performance on the contract assumptions, selection phase, execution phase and project contract performance. It was identified that despite significant differences in the project characteristics, results indicate that they experience similar contextual drivers on the incentive effectiveness. High value was placed on risk allocation and relationship building in the selection and construction phase. The differences can be explained from both contextual and project related characteristics. Although there are limitations with this research in drawing generalizations across two sets of case projects, the results provide a strong base to explore the nature of incentive systems across different geographical and contextual boundaries in future research.


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The article introduces a novel platform for conducting controlled and risk-free driving and traveling behavior studies, called Cyber-Physical System Simulator (CPSS). The key features of CPSS are: (1) simulation of multiuser immersive driving in a threedimensional (3D) virtual environment; (2) integration of traffic and communication simulators with human driving based on dedicated middleware; and (3) accessibility of multiuser driving simulator on popular software and hardware platforms. This combination of features allows us to easily collect large-scale data on interesting phenomena regarding the interaction between multiple user drivers, which is not possible with current single-user driving simulators. The core original contribution of this article is threefold: (1) we introduce a multiuser driving simulator based on DiVE, our original massively multiuser networked 3D virtual environment; (2) we introduce OpenV2X, a middleware for simulating vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle to infrastructure communication; and (3) we present two experiments based on our CPSS platform. The first experiment investigates the “rubbernecking” phenomenon, where a platoon of four user drivers experiences an accident in the oncoming direction of traffic. Second, we report on a pilot study about the effectiveness of a Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems advisory system.


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This research aims to explore and identify political risks on a large infrastructure project in an exaggerated environment to ascertain whether sufficient objective information can be gathered by project managers to utilise risk modelling techniques. During the study, the author proposes a new definition of political risk; performs a detailed project study of the Neelum Jhelum Hydroelectric Project in Pakistan; implements a probabilistic model using the principle of decomposition and Bayes probabilistic theorem and answers the question: was it possible for project managers to obtain all the relevant objective data to implement a probabilistic model?


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On 19 June 2015, representatives from over 40 Australian research institutions gathered in Canberra to launch their Open Data Collections. The one day event, hosted by the Australian National Data Service (ANDS), showcased to government and a range of national stakeholders the rich variety of data collections that have been generated through the Major Open Data Collections (MODC) project. Colin Eustace attended the showcase for QUT Library and presented a poster that reflected the work that he and Jodie Vaughan generated through the project. QUT’s Blueprint 4, the University’s five-year institutional strategic plan, outlines the key priorities of developing a commitment to working in partnership with industry, as well as combining disciplinary strengths with interdisciplinary application. The Division of Technology, Information and Learning Support (TILS) has undertaken a number of Australian National Data Service (ANDS) funded projects since 2009 with the aim of developing improved research data management services within the University to support these strategic aims. By leveraging existing tools and systems developed during these projects, the Major Open Data Collection (MODC) project delivered support to multi-disciplinary collaborative research activities through partnership building between QUT researchers and Queensland government agencies, in order to add to and promote the discovery and reuse of a collection of spatially referenced datasets. The MODC project built upon existing Research Data Finder infrastructure (which uses VIVO open source software, developed by Cornell University) to develop a separate collection, Spatial Data Finder (https://researchdatafinder.qut.edu.au/spatial) as the interface to display the spatial data collection. During the course of the project, 62 dataset descriptions were added to Spatial Data Finder, 7 added to Research Data Finder and two added to Software Finder, another separate collection. The project team met with 116 individual researchers and attended 13 school and faculty meetings to promote the MODC project and raise awareness of the Library’s services and resources for research data management.


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The possibilities of developmental rehabilitation. A study on the construction of work relatedness and the customer in Aslak rehabilitation The challenge of work-related rehabilitation is to anticipate the factors threatening work ability and to affect them. The purpose of this study was to analyze how work-related rehabilitation is constructed in practice and what are the challenges and, at the same time, the possibilities of an innovative transformation of rehabilitation when trying to achive this goal. The theoretical basis is cultural-historical activity theory and developmental work research. Based on a historical analysis, I studied rehabilitation activity empirically using the data gathered from one Aslak programme (Aslak = occupationally oriented medical rehabilitation) over two years. I described and analysed the construction of Aslak using ethnographic data and interviews. The data includes audio- and video-recordings of the Aslak course, fieldnotes, documents and other materials used in the course. The study aimed to reveal rehabilitation practices from different perspectives carried out by different stakeholders and participants in the Aslak course. It focused on the Aslak trajectory produced by a multiorganizational subject. I analyzed the rehabilitation activity using the method of ethnographic analysis of infrastructure. The method of analyzing the construction of the object of rehabilititation the customer was a membership categorization analysis (MCD) based on the ethnomethodological research tradition. I analyzed the meanings denoting customers given by different parties during one Aslak process and the relations between the meanings. Based on this analysis, I studied the disturbances, ruptures, and innovations in the rehabilitation activity. The results of the study show that the infrastructure of Aslak has different basic ideas. Aslak is constructed most explicitly on the infrastructure of medical rehabilitation. The second layer has been provided with some tools of identifying and preventing well-defined occupation-specific load factors. However, it has failed to perform a new structure, as Aslak has encountered, at the same time, rapid changes in working life. The study identified some promising markers representing new kinds of work-related rehabilitation ideas, but they proved to be incomplete and fragile. As a consequence of the multilayered infrastructure, the contents of the Aslak course were split into fragmented phases and disconnected themes, which were blocked in by the master idea of medical orientation. Its relationship to work remained weak and obscure. The categorizations of customers in Aslak were manifold and contradictory. According to the results, the possibilities for transforming work-related rehabilitation lie both in changing the orientation to the customer to be more relevant to changing working life and forging the infrastructural innovations related to this change. The results showed that a new work-relatedeness would be difficult but possible to construct. What is needed is the construction of an infrastructure that will support a coherent master idea of work-related rehabilitation over the entire trajectory of a process. A shared idea of a rehabilitation object must be constructed in close collaboration between different stakeholders, such as Kela (the Social Insurance Institution of Finland), occupational health services, work organizations, and rehabilitation institutes. Key words: Aslak rehabilitation, work-related rehabilitation, development of rehabilitation, customer of rehabilitation, developmental work research, analysis of infrastructure, membership category analysis


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Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have attracted growing interest in the last decade as an infrastructure to support a diversity of ubiquitous computing and cyber-physical systems. However, most research work has focused on protocols or on specific applications. As a result, there remains a clear lack of effective, feasible and usable system architectures that address both functional and non-functional requirements in an integrated fashion. In this paper, we outline the EMMON system architecture for large-scale, dense, real-time embedded monitoring. EMMON provides a hierarchical communication architecture together with integrated middleware and command and control software. It has been designed to use standard commercially-available technologies, while maintaining as much flexibility as possible to meet specific applications requirements. The EMMON architecture has been validated through extensive simulation and experimental evaluation, including a 300+ node test-bed, which is, to the best of our knowledge, the largest single-site WSN test-bed in Europe to date.


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Johne's disease in cattle is a contagious wasting disease caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). Johne's infection is characterised by a long subclinical phase and can therefore go undetected for long periods of time during which substantial production losses can occur. The protracted nature of Johne's infection therefore presents a challenge for both veterinarians and farmers when discussing control options due to a paucity of information and limited test performance when screening for the disease. The objectives were to model Johne's control decisions in suckler beef cattle using a decision support approach, thus implying equal focus on ‘end user’ (veterinarian) participation whilst still focusing on the technical disease modelling aspects during the decision support model development. The model shows how Johne's disease is likely to affect a herd over time both in terms of physical and financial impacts. In addition, the model simulates the effect on production from two different Johne's control strategies; herd management measures and test and cull measures. The article also provides and discusses results from a sensitivity analysis to assess the effects on production from improving the currently available test performance. Output from running the model shows that a combination of management improvements to reduce routes of infection and testing and culling to remove infected and infectious animals is likely to be the least-cost control strategy.


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Two-photon polymerization is a powerful tool for fabricating three-dimensional micro/nano structures for applications ranging from nanophotonics to biology. To tailor such structure for specific purposes it is often important to dope them. In this paper we report on the fabrication of structures, with nanometric surface features (resolution of approximately 700 nm), using two-photon polymerization of an acrylic resin doped with the biocompatible polymer chitosan using a guest-host scheme. The fluorescence background in the Raman spectrum indicates the presence of chitosan throughout the structure. Mechanical characterization reveals that chitosan does not affect the mechanical properties of the host acrylic resin and, consequently, the structures exhibit excellent integrity. The approach presented in this work can be used in the fabrication of micro- and nanostructures containing biopolymers for biomedical applications.


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Cyber violence and the antidote of cyber safety are fast becoming a global concern for governments, educational authorities, teachers, parents and children alike. Despite substantial funding for information dissemination on preventative strategies and the development of electronic responses to hinder perpetrators, the phenomenon of cyber violence has received little attention in the educational research literature. This review paper outlines the status on existing research into cyber violence. Documenting and summarizing the facts on the nature and extend of the issue will inform future debate. It also highlights the need for pre-service and in-service teacher education programs to prepare educators to manage this phenomenon.


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Un entendimiento infraestructural del proyecto arquitectónico Este trabajo de tesis reivindica la pertinencia de la lógica infraestructural como herramienta de proyecto arquitectónico en el territorio urbano contemporáneo, a través del relato del tránsito que se produce entre las décadas de 1960 y 1970 y el final del siglo XX, desde unos sistemas urbanos centrales, vectoriales y ‘modernos’ hacia unos sistemas policéntricos, organizados según modelos de campos y ‘contemporáneos’. Las infraestructuras han sido tradicionalmente objeto de interés para generaciones de arquitectos y urbanistas que, bien desde su condición plástica más pregnante, bien desde una intuición de su capacidad organizativa, han sido fascinados por la irrupción en el territorio de estos elementos generalmente ajenos al proyecto arquitectónico. Los proyectos que durante décadas han explorado la posibilidad de habitar estas grandes estructuras, o de proyectar con su lenguaje y su escala, han resultado en un acercamiento a la capacidad de lo infraestructural como herramienta de proyecto limitada a cuestiones morfotipológicas. Sin embargo, a partir de un estudio de la infraestructura ‘clásica’ como aquella resultado de la manifestación de las redes de abastecimiento y conectividad básicas, se desvela una naturaleza de lo infraestructural que trasciende su expresión formal conocida y explora su capacidad performativa, como sistema de relaciones, como orden topológico, como soporte flexible para la actividad espontánea y no anticipada. A partir del trabajo de diversos autores y de una selección de proyectos de distinta índole –la mayoría no construidos– se muestra cómo la irrupción de una conciencia relacional, así como la problemática moderna de afrontar los procesos de generación de una ‘nueva ciudad para una nueva sociedad’, motivan la búsqueda de sistemas de generación y control de ‘forma colectiva’ adecuados a un modelo urbano contemporáneo. Transitando por los escritos de Fumihiko Maki en Investigations in Collective Form, Reyner Banham en Megastructure, o Shadrach Woods en The Man in the Street durante los 60 y 70 y, más recientemente, de Stan Allen en Points + Lines, Edward Soja en Postmetropolis o Frei Otto en Occupying and Connecting, se traza esta historia semántica de lo infraestructural desde lo tipológico hasta una noción ampliada que resulta pertinente para operar en el territorio contemporáneo postmetropolitano. Para ello el trabajo plantea, por un lado, la descripción del contexto urbano que podemos asumir como contemporáneo, su evolución y sus características principales. Por otro lado, se explora la formación de esta noción de entendimiento infraestructural en las últimas décadas desde enfoques complementarios. Una introducción describe las condiciones de contexto en las que este estudio doctoral adquiere su pertinencia: el tránsito relativamente reciente desde un modelo vectorial y clásico de ocupación del territorio, al modelo contemporáneo disperso y policéntrico propio del modelo de campos. Un bloque central de tres capítulos analiza ‘lo infraestructural’ como expresión de una arquitectura de las relaciones, como soporte para una sociedad en cambio y como lógica proyectual, no ligada a una forma dada. La última parte, a modo de epílogo, describe el territorio urbano contemporáneo, sus cualidades básicas y la capacidad de las lógicas infraestructurales enunciadas en los capítulos anteriores para operar en él. Un último apartado de conclusiones, establece las bases de una línea de investigación abierta acerca de la operatividad actual de estos sistemas en el proyecto de arquitectura. ABSTRACT An infrastructural understanding of architectural design This thesis project claims for the suitability of infrastructural logics as a design tool within contemporary urban territories. This claim is illustrated by means of a report on the transit between the 60–70’s decades and the end of the 20th century, ranging from vector, central, ‘modern’ urban systems, towards polycentric ‘contemporary’ urban patterns, arranged following field models. Infrastructures have been traditionally on the spot for generations of architects and urban planners who, due to either their aesthetical condition, or an intuition of their organizational capacity, have been fascinated by the bursting of these elements in the territory. Projects which have explored the possibility to inhabit these huge structures, or to design with its language or scale for decades, have turned out to be always limited to morphological-typological issues. However, from the base of a research on ‘classic’ infrastructure –understood as the outcome of supplies and connectivity basic networks– a new nature of infrastructure is revealed, going beyond its known formal expression and exploring its potential to perform as a system of relationships, as a topological pattern, or as a flexible support for spontaneous and unanticipated activity. The breakthrough of a relational consciousness, as well as the modern concern about the generation of ‘a new city for a new society’ are shown, through the works of several authors and a selection of heterogeneous mostly-unbuilt projects. This semantic history of infrastructures, regarding not only typologies but also a broader concept able to operate in contemporary postmetropolitan territory, is drawn by following the paths of Fumihiko Maki in Investigations in Collective Form, Reyner Banham in Megastructure, or Shadrach Woods in The Man in the Street during the 60’s and 70’s and, lately, those of Stan Allen in Points + Lines, Edward Soja in Postmetropolis or Frei Otto in Occupying and Connecting. In order to do so, this thesis project sets, on one hand, a description of the urban context which can be assumed as contemporary, as well as its evolution and main features. On the other hand, complementary approaches help go deep into how this notion of infrastructural insight within the last decades has been created. An introduction describes the contextual conditions for this thesis project to become relevant: the relatively recent transit from a classic spatial occupation pattern, to the contemporary, disperse and polycentric pattern inherent to field models. A three-chapters core analyzes the infrastructures as the expression of an architecture of relations, as well as a support for a changing society and as a formless design logic. The last part, an epilogue, describes the urban contemporary territory and the suitability of the infrastructural logics to operate in it. A final conclusive section, lays the foundations for an open line of research on present functionality of these systems in architectural designs.


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