998 resultados para reproductive problems
An important goal of Zebu breeding programs is to improve reproductive performance. A major problem faced with the genetic improvement of reproductive traits is that recording the time for an animal to reach sexual maturity is costly. Another issue is that accurate estimates of breeding values are obtained only a long time after the young bulls have gone through selection. An alternative to overcome these problems is to use traits that are indicators of the reproductive efficiency of the herd and are easier to measure, such as age at first calving. Another problem is that heifers that have conceived once may fail to conceive in the next breeding season, which increases production costs. Thus, increasing heifer's rebreeding rates should improve the economic efficiency of the herd. Response to selection for these traits tends to be slow, since they have a low heritability and phenotypic information is provided only later in the life of the animal. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) are useful to investigate the genetic mechanisms that underlie these traits by identifying the genes and metabolic pathways involved. Data from 1853 females belonging to the Agricultural Jacarezinho LTDA were used. Genotyping was performed using the BovineHD BeadChip (777 962 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)) according to the protocol of Illumina - Infinium Assay II ® Multi-Sample HiScan with the unit SQ ™ System. After quality control, 305 348 SNPs were used for GWAS. Forty-two and 19 SNPs had a Bayes factor greater than 150 for heifer rebreeding and age at first calving, respectively. All significant SNPs for age at first calving were significant for heifer rebreeding. These 42 SNPs were next or within 35 genes that were distributed over 18 chromosomes and comprised 27 protein-encoding genes, six pseudogenes and two miscellaneous noncoding RNAs. The use of Bayes factor to determine the significance of SNPs allowed us to identify two sets of 42 and 19 significant SNPs for heifer rebreeding and age at first calving, respectively, which explain 11.35 % and 6.42 % of their phenotypic variance, respectively. These SNPs provide relevant information to help elucidate which genes affect these traits.
Sexual differentiation in the brain takes place from late gestation to the early postnatal days. This is dependent on the conversion of circulating testosterone into estradiol by the enzyme aromatase. The glyphosate was shown to alter aromatase activity and decrease serum testosterone concentrations. Thus, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of gestational maternal glyphosate exposure (50 mg/kg, NOAEL for reproductive toxicity) on the reproductive development of male offspring. Sixty-day-old male rat offspring were evaluated for sexual behavior and partner preference; serum testosterone concentrations, estradiol, FSH and LH; the mRNA and protein content of LH and FSH; sperm production and the morphology of the seminiferous epithelium; and the weight of the testes, epididymis and seminal vesicles. The growth, the weight and age at puberty of the animals were also recorded to evaluate the effect of the treatment. The most important findings were increases in sexual partner preference scores and the latency time to the first mount; testosterone and estradiol serum concentrations; the mRNA expression and protein content in the pituitary gland and the serum concentration of LH; sperm production and reserves; and the height of the germinal epithelium of seminiferous tubules. We also observed an early onset of puberty but no effect on the body growth in these animals. These results suggest that maternal exposure to glyphosate disturbed the masculinization process and promoted behavioral changes and histological and endocrine problems in reproductive parameters. These changes associated with the hypersecretion of androgens increased gonadal activity and sperm production.
Herens cows have been treated at the Clinic for Ruminants, University of Berne, more frequently for fertility problems than other breeds. The aim of the study was to overview the reproductive performance of the Herens breed by analyzing data sets of the Herens Breeding Book and of the Animal Traffic Database of Switzerland. In addition, a questionnaire was sent to the breeders concerning aspects of management and care to identify a possible influence on the reproductive performance of the animals. Based on 4988 lactations starting in 2003, an average interval of calving to first insemination of 86 days a calving to conception interval of 146 days and an inter calving period of 431 days could be calculated. Conception rate resulted in 39.1%, the fertility index was 1.87 and 6.5% of all cows were culled because of fertility problems. Half of the breeders owned 4 or less cows. The most important reason for keeping Herens cows was cow fighting. Traditional alpine pasturing and cow fight rules resulted in a seasonal calving with 80% of the births taking place between October and December. The calving month and seasonal calving were the most important reasons for a prolonged calving to conception interval.
Potent anthelmintics were introduced into the Swiss market several decades ago. Despite this, gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN), lungworms and the large liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica) can successfully inhabit Swiss ruminant farms. This is mainly due to a high reproductive capacity as well as very efficient survival strategies. In addition some species readily develop anthelmintic resistance. GIN-infections in young cattle are under comparatively good control. However, prophylactic measures are compromised where adult stock is also affected due to incomplete development of immune protection. Under these circumstances control measures must include all age groups. This results in fewer helminths in refugia thus may accelerate the development of anthelmintic resistance. This review aims to present a synopsis of the significance of the major helminth infections obtained on pasture by large and small ruminants in Switzerland. Currently available strategies for strategic helminth control are summarized and an outlook is given on new developments which might expand the spectrum of control measures relevant for veterinary practice in the future.
BACKGROUND: In clinical practice a diagnosis is based on a combination of clinical history, physical examination and additional diagnostic tests. At present, studies on diagnostic research often report the accuracy of tests without taking into account the information already known from history and examination. Due to this lack of information, together with variations in design and quality of studies, conventional meta-analyses based on these studies will not show the accuracy of the tests in real practice. By using individual patient data (IPD) to perform meta-analyses, the accuracy of tests can be assessed in relation to other patient characteristics and allows the development or evaluation of diagnostic algorithms for individual patients. In this study we will examine these potential benefits in four clinical diagnostic problems in the field of gynaecology, obstetrics and reproductive medicine. METHODS/DESIGN: Based on earlier systematic reviews for each of the four clinical problems, studies are considered for inclusion. The first authors of the included studies will be invited to participate and share their original data. After assessment of validity and completeness the acquired datasets are merged. Based on these data, a series of analyses will be performed, including a systematic comparison of the results of the IPD meta-analysis with those of a conventional meta-analysis, development of multivariable models for clinical history alone and for the combination of history, physical examination and relevant diagnostic tests and development of clinical prediction rules for the individual patients. These will be made accessible for clinicians. DISCUSSION: The use of IPD meta-analysis will allow evaluating accuracy of diagnostic tests in relation to other relevant information. Ultimately, this could increase the efficiency of the diagnostic work-up, e.g. by reducing the need for invasive tests and/or improving the accuracy of the diagnostic workup. This study will assess whether these benefits of IPD meta-analysis over conventional meta-analysis can be exploited and will provide a framework for future IPD meta-analyses in diagnostic and prognostic research.
AIMS Children conceived by assisted reproductive technology (ART) display vascular dysfunction. Its underlying mechanism, potential reversibility and long-term consequences for cardiovascular risk are unknown. In mice, ART induces arterial hypertension and shortens the life span. These problems are related to decreased vascular endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) synthesis. The aim of this study was to determine whether ART-induced vascular dysfunction in humans is related to a similar mechanism and potentially reversible. To this end we tested whether antioxidants improve endothelial function by scavenging free radicals and increasing NO bioavailability. METHODS AND RESULTS In this prospective double-blind placebo controlled study in 21 ART and 21 control children we assessed the effects of a four-week oral supplementation with antioxidant vitamins C (1 g) and E (400 IU) or placebo (allocation ratio 2:1) on flow-mediated vasodilation (FMD) of the brachial artery and pulmonary artery pressure (echocardiography) during high-altitude exposure (3454 m), a manoeuver known to facilitate the detection of pulmonary vascular dysfunction and to decrease NO bioavailability by stimulating oxidative stress. Antioxidant supplementation significantly increased plasma NO measured by ozone-based chemiluminescence (from 21.7 ± 7.9 to 26.9 ± 7.6 µM, p = 0.04) and FMD (from 7.0 ± 2.1 to 8.7 ± 2.0%, p = 0.004) and attenuated altitude-induced pulmonary hypertension (from 33 ± 8 to 28 ± 6 mm Hg, p = 0.028) in ART children, whereas it had no detectable effect in control children. CONCLUSIONS Antioxidant administration to ART children improved NO bioavailability and vascular responsiveness in the systemic and pulmonary circulation. Collectively, these findings indicate that in young individuals ART-induced vascular dysfunction is subject to redox regulation and reversible.
Purpose. The purpose of this study was to identify the health needs and barriers that young men face in accessing health care and family planning services and to identify what health centers can do to attract young men to the clinic. A focus group format was used to elicit ideas from participants. ^ Methods. Forty-eight young men participated in nine focus groups. The young men were asked about the health issues they have, the barriers they face in accessing reproductive health care, and what clinics can do to attract young men to the clinic. Thematic analysis principles were used to identify the main themes that emerged in the focus groups. ^ Results. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs), mental health problems, and drug use were the major health issues that were mentioned in the majority of the focus groups. The main barriers discussed in the focus groups were attitudinal factors such as young men thinking it is unmanly to seek help, emotional factors such as young men not seeking help because of their ego or pride, and institutional factors such as the location of the clinic. The main suggestions for improvements in the health clinic included decreasing waiting times, emphasizing the fact that the clinics are free for males, having more female nurses, and encouraging clinic staff to treat the young men with respect. Young men suggested advertising and promoting the clinic in schools, in the community, and through the media. Focus group participants also provided their input about the design and format of the clinic flyer. ^ Conclusions. Many studies focus on the reproductive health care needs of adolescent and young females. This study has helped to show that young men also have health care needs and face barriers to accessing reproductive health care services.^
Senecio coincyi is a threatened endemic plant of central western Spain, with a very narrow extent of occurrence. The reproductive success and germination behaviour of this species were studied. The area of occupancy, habitat types and size of 13 known subpopulations of S. coincyi were evaluated. The number of individuals that form all these subpopulations was counted. In addition, the number of flowers and cypselas per fruit head and the number of fruit heads per individual plant were recorded in a subset of subpopulations. Germination tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of temperature and light regimes on, and possible intraspecific variation in, cypsela germination. Cypselas reached very high germination percentages (90?100%) from 15?C to 30?C. However, the germination decreased (19%) at 10?C. The light conditions assayed (16-h light photoperiod and complete darkness) did not significantly affect cypsela germination. In general, there was no intraspecific variability in germination patterns of S. coincyi cypselas. Livestock is the most important factor that can be a threat for this species. S. coincyi showed high reproductive success and, therefore, its conservation problems are not due to agents related to its reproduction, but rather to other factors such as alteration of its habitat caused by the presence of livestock.
enecio coincyi is a threatened endemic plant of central western Spain, with a very narrow extent of occurrence. The reproductive success and germination behaviour of this species were studied. The area of occupancy, habitat types and size of 13 known subpopulations of S. coincyi were evaluated. The number of individuals that form all these subpopulations was counted. In addition, the number of flowers and cypselas per fruit head and the number of fruit heads per individual plant were recorded in a subset of subpopulations. Germination tests were carried out to evaluate the effect of temperature and light regimes on, and possible intraspecific variation in, cypsela germination. Cypselas reached very high germination percentages (90?100%) from 15°C to 30°C. However, the germination decreased (19%) at 10°C. The light conditions assayed (16-h light photoperiod and complete darkness) did not significantly affect cypsela germination. In general, there was no intraspecific variability in germination patterns of S. coincyi cypselas. Livestock is the most important factor that can be a threat for this species. S. coincyi showed high reproductive success and, therefore, its conservation problems are not due to agents related to its reproduction, but rather to other factors such as alteration of its habitat caused by the presence of livestock.
SUMMARY The Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) virus is one of the most spread pathogens in swine herds all over the world and responsible for a reproductive and respiratory syndrome that causes severe heath and economical problems. This virus emerged in late 1980’s but although about 30 years have passed by, the knowledge about some essential facets related to the features of the virus (pathogenesis, immune response, and epidemiology) seems to be still incomplete. Taking into account that the development of modern vaccines is based on how innate and acquire immunity react, a more and more thorough knowledge on the immune system is needed, in terms of molecular modulation/regulation of the inflammatory and immune response upon PRRSV infection. The present doctoral thesis, which is divided into 3 different studies, is aimed to increase the knowledge about the interaction between the immune system and the PRRS virus upon natural infection. The objective of the first study entitled “Coordinated immune response of memory and cytotoxic T cells together with IFN-γ secreting cells after porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) natural infection in conventional pigs” was to evaluate the activation and modulation of the immune response in pigs naturally infected by PRRSV compared to an uninfected control group. The course of viremia was evaluated by PCR, the antibody titres by ELISA, the number of IFN-γ secreting cells (IFN- SC) by an ELISPOT assay and the immunophenotyping of some lymphocyte subsets (cytotoxic cells, memory T lymphocytes and cytotoxic T lymphocytes) by flow cytometry. The results showed that the activation of the cell-mediated immune response against PRRSV is delayed upon infection and that however the levels of IFN-γ SC and lymphocyte subsets subsequently increase over time. Furthermore, it was observed that the course of the different immune cell subsets is time-associated with the levels of PRRSV-specific IFN-γ SC and this can be interpreted based on the functional role that such lymphocyte subsets could have in the specific production/secretion of the immunostimulatory cytokine IFN-γ. In addition, these data support the hypothesis that the age of the animals upon the onset of infection or the diverse immunobiological features of the field isolate, as typically hypothesized during PRRSV infection, are critical conditions able to influence the qualitative and quantitative course of the cell-mediated immune response during PRRSV natural infection. The second study entitled “Immune response to PCV2 vaccination in PRRSV viremic piglets” was aimed to evaluate whether PRRSV could interfere with the activation of the immune response to PCV2 vaccination in pigs. In this trial, 200 pigs were divided into 2 groups: PCV2-vaccinated (at 4 weeks of age) and PCV2-unvaccinated (control group). Some piglets of both groups got infected by PRRSV, as determined by PRRSV viremia detection, so that 4 groups were defined as follows: PCV2 vaccinated - PRRSV viremic PCV2 vaccinated - PRRSV non viremic PCV2 unvaccinated - PRRSV viremic PCV2 unvaccinated - PRRSV non viremic The following parameters were evaluated in the 4 groups: number of PCV2-specific IFN-γ secreting cells, antibody titres by ELISA and IPMA. Based on the immunological data analysis, it can be deduced that: 1) The low levels of antibodies against PCV2 in the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-viremic group at vaccination (4 weeks of age) could be related to a reduced colostrum intake influenced by PRRSV viremia. 2) Independently of the viremia status, serological data of the PCV2-vaccinated group by ELISA and IPMA does not show statistically different differences. Consequently, it can be be stated that, under the conditions of the study, PRRSV does not interfere with the antibody response induced by the PCV2 vaccine. 3) The cell-mediated immune response in terms of number of PCV2-specific IFN-γ secreting cells in the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-viremic group seems to be compromised, as demonstrated by the reduction of the number of IFN-γ secreting cells after PCV2 vaccination, compared to the PCV2-vaccinated – PRRSV-non-viremic group. The data highlight and further support the inhibitory role of PRRSV on the development and activation of the immune response and highlight how a natural infection at early age can negatively influence the immune response to other pathogens/antigens. The third study entitled “Phenotypic modulation of porcine CD14+ monocytes, natural killer/natural killer T cells and CD8αβ+ T cell subsets by an antibody-derived killer peptide (KP)” was aimed to determine whether and how the killer peptide (KP) could modulate the immune response in terms of activation of specific lymphocyte subsets. This is a preliminary approach also aimed to subsequently evaluate such KP with a potential antivural role or as adjuvant. In this work, pig peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with three KP concentrations (10, 20 and 40 g/ml) for three time points (24, 48 and 72 hours). TIME POINTS (hours) KP CONCENTRATIONS (g/ml) 24 0-10-20-40 48 0-10-20-40 72 0-10-20-40 By using flow cytometry, the qualitative and quantitative modulation of the following immune subsets was evaluated upon KP stimulation: monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, natural killer T (NKT) cells, and CD4+ and CD8α/β+ T lymphocyte subsets. Based on the data, it can be deduced that: 1) KP promotes a dose-dependent activation of monocytes, particularly after 24 hours of stimulation, by inducing a monocyte phenotypic and maturation shift mainly involved in sustaining the innate/inflammatory response. 2) KP induces a strong dose-dependent modulation of NK and NKT cells, characterized by an intense increase of the NKT cell fraction compared to NK cells, both subsets involved in the antibody-dependent cell cytotoxicity (ADCC). The increase is observed especially after 24 hours of stimulation. 3) KP promotes a significant activation of the cytotoxic T lymphocyte subset (CTL). 4) KP can modulate both the T helper and T cytotoxic phenotype, by inducing T helper cells to acquire the CD8α thus becoming doube positive cells (CD4+CD8+) and by inducing CTL (CD4-CD8+high) to acquire the double positive phenotype (CD4+CD8α+high). Therefore, KP may induce several effects on different immune cell subsets. For this reason, further research is needed aimed at characterizing each “effect” of KP and thus identifying the best use of the decapeptide for vaccination practice, therapeutic purposes or as vaccine adjuvant. RIASSUNTO Il virus della PRRS (Porcine Reproductive Respiratory Syndrome) è uno dei più diffusi agenti patogeni negli allevamenti suini di tutto il mondo, responsabile di una sindrome riproduttiva e respiratoria causa di gravi danni ad impatto sanitario ed economico. Questo virus è emerso attorno alla fine degli anni ’80 ma nonostante siano passati circa una trentina di anni, le conoscenze su alcuni punti essenziali che riguardano le caratteristiche del virus (patogenesi, risposta immunitaria, epidemiologia) appaiono ancora spesso incomplete. Considerando che lo sviluppo dei vaccini moderni è basato sui principi dell’immunità innata e acquisita è essenziale una sempre più completa conoscenza del sistema immunitario inteso come modulazione/regolazione molecolare della risposta infiammatoria e immunitaria in corso di tale infezione. Questo lavoro di tesi, suddiviso in tre diversi studi, ha l’intento di contribuire all’aumento delle informazioni riguardo l’interazione del sistema immunitario, con il virus della PRRS in condizioni di infezione naturale. L’obbiettivo del primo studio, intitolato “Associazione di cellule memoria, cellule citotossiche e cellule secernenti IFN- nella risposta immunitaria in corso di infezione naturale da Virus della Sindrome Riproduttiva e Respiratoria del Suino (PRRSV)” è stato di valutare l’attivazione e la modulazione della risposta immunitaria in suini naturalmente infetti da PRRSV rispetto ad un gruppo controllo non infetto. I parametri valutati sono stati la viremia mediante PCR, il titolo anticorpale mediante ELISA, il numero di cellule secernenti IFN- (IFN- SC) mediante tecnica ELISPOT e la fenotipizzazione di alcune sottopopolazioni linfocitarie (Cellule citotossiche, linfociti T memoria e linfociti T citotossici) mediante citofluorimetria a flusso. Dai risultati ottenuti è stato possibile osservare che l’attivazione della risposta immunitaria cellulo-mediata verso PRRSV appare ritardata durante l’infezione e che l’andamento, in termini di IFN- SC e dei cambiamenti delle sottopopolazioni linfocitarie, mostra comunque degli incrementi seppur successivi nel tempo. E’ stato inoltre osservato che gli andamenti delle diverse sottopopolazioni immunitarie cellulari appaiono temporalmente associati ai livelli di IFN- SC PRRSV-specifiche e ciò potrebbe essere interpretato sulla base del ruolo funzionale che tali sottopopolazioni linfocitarie potrebbero avere nella produzione/secrezione specifica della citochina immunoattivatrice IFN-. Questi dati inoltre supportano l’ipotesi che l’età degli animali alla comparsa dell’infezione o, come tipicamente ipotizzato nell’infezione da PRRSV, le differenti caratteristiche immunobiologiche dell’isolato di campo, sia condizioni critiche nell’ influenzare l’andamento qualitativo e quantitativo della risposta cellulo-mediata durante l’infezione naturale da PRRSV. Il secondo studio, dal titolo “Valutazione della risposta immunitaria nei confronti di una vaccinazione contro PCV2 in suini riscontrati PRRSV viremici e non viremici alla vaccinazione” ha avuto lo scopo di valutare se il virus della PRRS potesse andare ad interferire sull’attivazione della risposta immunitaria indotta da vaccinazione contro PCV2 nel suino. In questo lavoro sono stati arruolati 200 animali divisi in due gruppi, PCV2 Vaccinato (a 4 settimane di età) e PCV2 Non Vaccinato (controllo negativo). Alcuni suinetti di entrambi i gruppi, si sono naturalmente infettati con PRRSV, come determinato con l’analisi della viremia da PRRSV, per cui è stato possibile creare quattro sottogruppi, rispettivamente: PCV2 vaccinato - PRRSV viremico PCV2 vaccinato - PRRSV non viremico PCV2 non vaccinato - PRRSV viremico PCV2 non vaccinato - PRRSV non viremico Su questi quattro sottogruppi sono stati valutati i seguenti parametri: numero di cellule secernenti IFN- PCV2 specifiche, ed i titoli anticorpali mediante tecniche ELISA ed IPMA. Dall’analisi dei dati immunologici derivati dalle suddette tecniche è stato possibile dedurre che: I bassi valori anticorpali nei confronti di PCV2 del gruppo Vaccinato PCV2-PRRSV viremico già al periodo della vaccinazione (4 settimane di età) potrebbero essere messi in relazione ad una ridotta assunzione di colostro legata allo stato di viremia da PRRSV Indipendentemente dallo stato viremico, i dati sierologici del gruppo vaccinato PCV2 provenienti sia da ELISA sia da IPMA non mostrano differenze statisticamente significative. Di conseguenza è possibile affermare che in questo caso PRRSV non interferisce con la risposta anticorpale promossa dal vaccino PCV2. La risposta immunitaria cellulo-mediata, intesa come numero di cellule secernenti IFN- PCV2 specifiche nel gruppo PCV2 vaccinato PRRS viremico sembra essere compromessa, come viene infatti dimostrato dalla diminuzione del numero di cellule secernenti IFN- dopo la vaccinazione contro PCV2, comparata con il gruppo PCV2 vaccinato- non viremico. I dati evidenziano ed ulteriormente sostengono il ruolo inibitorio del virus della PRRSV sullo sviluppo ed attivazione della risposta immunitaria e come un infezione naturale ad età precoci possa influenzare negativamente la risposta immunitaria ad altri patogeni/antigeni. Il terzo studio, intitolato “Modulazione fenotipica di: monociti CD14+, cellule natural killer (NK), T natural killer (NKT) e sottopopolazioni linfocitarie T CD4+ e CD8+ durante stimolazione con killer peptide (KP) nella specie suina” ha avuto come scopo quello di stabilire se e come il Peptide Killer (KP) potesse modulare la risposta immunitaria in termini di attivazione di specifiche sottopopolazioni linfocitarie. Si tratta di un approccio preliminare anche ai fini di successivamente valutare tale KP in un potenziale ruolo antivirale o come adiuvante. In questo lavoro, periferal blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) suine sono state stimolate con KP a tre diverse concentrazioni (10, 20 e 40 g/ml) per tre diversi tempi (24, 48 e 72 ore). TEMPI DI STIMOLAZIONE (ore) CONCENTRAZIONE DI KP (g/ml) 24 0-10-20-40 48 0-10-20-40 72 0-10-20-40 Mediante la citometria a flusso è stato dunque possibile analizzare il comportamento qualitativo e quantitativo di alcune sottopopolazioni linfocitarie sotto lo stimolo del KP, tra cui: monociti, cellule Natural Killer (NK), cellule T Natural Killer (NKT) e linfociti T CD4 e CD8+. Dai dati ottenuti è stato possibile dedurre che: 1) KP promuove un’attivazione dei monociti dose-dipendente in particolare dopo 24 ore di stimolazione, inducendo uno “shift” fenotipico e di maturazione monocitaria maggiormente coinvolto nel sostegno della risposta innata/infiammatoria. 2) KP induce una forte modulazione dose-dipendente di cellule NK e NKT con un forte aumento della frazione delle cellule NKT rispetto alle NK, sottopopolazioni entrambe coinvolte nella citotossicità cellulare mediata da anticorpi (ADCC). L’aumento è riscontrabile soprattutto dopo 24 ore di stimolazione. 3) KP promuove una significativa attivazione della sottopopolazione del linfociti T citotossici (CTL). 4) Per quanto riguarda la marcatura CD4+/CD8+ è stato dimostrato che KP ha la capacità di modulare sia il fenotipo T helper che T citotossico, inducendo le cellule T helper ad acquisire CD8 diventando quindi doppio positive (CD4+CD8+) ed inducendo il fenotipo CTL (CD4-CD8+high) ad acquisire il fenotipo doppio positivo (CD4+CD8α+high). Molti dunque potrebbero essere gli effetti che il decapeptide KP potrebbe esercitare sulle diverse sottopopolazioni del sistema immunitario, per questo motivo va evidenziata la necessità di impostare e attuare nuove ricerche che portino alla caratterizzazione di ciascuna “abilità” di KP e che conducano successivamente alla scoperta del migliore utilizzo che si possa fare del decapeptide sia dal punto di vista vaccinale, terapeutico oppure sotto forma di adiuvante vaccinale.
Investigation about the psychological experiences of the reproductive life cycle showed that in critical moments special reactions may happen. These reactions seem to be defensive in nature, are set in motion in order to promote some kind of emotional protection and are performed in two opposite directions: a) a decreasing of the contact with aggressive impulses and b) an increasing of the use of rationalization and denial of frustrating situations. Examples of those rearrangements were observed at samples of: 1) pregnant women in obstetric high-risk consultation, 2) infertile couples waiting for infertility consultations and 3) pregnant women waiting for amniocentesis results. These data seem to be in accordance with the classical psychological points of view: a) gestation should be considered as a period of protection, b) during pregnancy a “primary maternal preoccupation” (Winnicot, 1958) emerges leading to the mobilization of all resources available for pregnant women and c) along gestational development psychological changes show how flexible maternal functioning may become. What was not expected is that in the absence of pregnancy, infertile couples should behave very similarly to what it is observed when pregnancy is in danger or when medical problems about the mother’s or the baby’s health arise in the horizon. Due to its “freezing” consequences upon emotional development we propose that this kind of reaction will be designated as “stand-by reaction”.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) still stand as one of the commonest health problems affecting women of reproductive age. The knowledge and practices of STIs, among susceptible populations such as women of reproductive age, living in slums like Katanga in Kampala Uganda need to be established. Methods: This was a cross- sectional study with 339 participants in Katanga slum. Data was collected using an interviewer administered questionnaire, entered and analysed using SPSS version 17.0. Data was summarized using frequencies for categorical data and medians for continuous data. Results: Majority of the participants (71.9%) were ≥25years with a mean age of 28.0(SD ±7.0) years. The commonest symptoms known to the participants were genital itching (60%) and genital rash (14.5%). Most mentioned multiple partners (63.7%) and unprotected sex (50.7%) as predisposing factors to STIs. Knowledge on methods of prevention was high (92.3%) however, 18.8% were found positive for STIs using the syndromic approach and 82% mentioned having suffered from STIs in the past 6 months more than once. Conclusion: Most participants did not know about the systemic effects of STIs to their health and did not follow the appropriate behavior patterns despite being knowledgeable about the various methods of prevention of STIs.
Human Fertility 17(3):165-9 This article describes the experiences of twelve Irish couples who had successful IVF treatment in Ireland. Irish Medical guidelines specify that IVF may only be used when no other treatment is likely to be effective. This article is based on data drawn from a longitudinal research study by Cotter (2009) which tells the stories of 34 couples who sought fertility treatment. Initially, the women assumed that they would become pregnant when they stopped using contraception. As a couple, it was the ‘right time’ for them to have a child - they were ready, socially and financially. For several months they were patient, hoping it would happen naturally. With envy and some despair they watched as their friends had babies. Infertility came as a shock to most of them. They were reluctant to talk about it to anyone, and over time their anxieties were accompanied by feelings of regret, stigma and social exclusion. They finally sought medical treatment. The latter involved a series of diagnostic treatments, which eventually culminated in IVF which offered them a final chance of having a ‘child of their own’. While IVF can be clinically assessed in terms of cycle success rates, their stories showed treatment as a series of discoveries, as an extensive range of diagnostic tests and procedures helped to reveal to them where their problems might lie. They described their treatments as a series of sequential ‘hurdles’ that they had to overcome, which further strengthened their resolve to try IVF. Much more knowledgeable at that stage, they embraced IVF as a final challenge with single minded dedication while drawing on all their psychological and biological resources to promote a successful outcome. Of the 34 couples who took part in the study, twelve got pregnant. Unfortunately, two children died shortly after birth but eighteen babies survived (see Table I). The findings suggest that health policy should raise awareness of infertility, and advise women to become aware of it just as in the past, when health policy addressed contraception. Increased public knowledge would reduce the stigma attached to the inability to have a baby. In the Irish case, infertility diagnosis should be reviewed with a view to giving eligible couples earlier access to IVF.
Substantial complexity has been introduced into treatment regimens for patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Many drug-related problems (DRPs) are detected in these patients, such as low adherence, therapeutic inefficacy, and safety issues. We evaluated the impact of pharmacist interventions on CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, HIV viral load, and DRPs in patients with HIV infection. In this 18-month prospective controlled study, 90 outpatients were selected by convenience sampling from the Hospital Dia-University of Campinas Teaching Hospital (Brazil). Forty-five patients comprised the pharmacist intervention group and 45 the control group; all patients had HIV infection with or without acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Pharmaceutical appointments were conducted based on the Pharmacotherapy Workup method, although DRPs and pharmacist intervention classifications were modified for applicability to institutional service limitations and research requirements. Pharmacist interventions were performed immediately after detection of DRPs. The main outcome measures were DRPs, CD4+ T-lymphocyte count, and HIV viral load. After pharmacist intervention, DRPs decreased from 5.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] =4.1-6.2) to 4.2 (95% CI =3.3-5.1) per patient (P=0.043). A total of 122 pharmacist interventions were proposed, with an average of 2.7 interventions per patient. All the pharmacist interventions were accepted by physicians, and among patients, the interventions were well accepted during the appointments, but compliance with the interventions was not measured. A statistically significant increase in CD4+ T-lymphocyte count in the intervention group was found (260.7 cells/mm(3) [95% CI =175.8-345.6] to 312.0 cells/mm(3) [95% CI =23.5-40.6], P=0.015), which was not observed in the control group. There was no statistical difference between the groups regarding HIV viral load. This study suggests that pharmacist interventions in patients with HIV infection can cause an increase in CD4+ T-lymphocyte counts and a decrease in DRPs, demonstrating the importance of an optimal pharmaceutical care plan.