979 resultados para renal effects


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The effect of plasma taken from normotensive humans, while on a low and high sodium diet, on [Na + K]-ATPase and 3H-ouabain binding was measured in tubules from guinea-pig kidneys. Plasma from the high sodium, compared to the low sodium, diet period: (a) inhibited [Na + K]-ATPase activity; (b) decreased 3H-ouabain affinity for binding sites; (c) increased the number of available 3H-ouabain binding sites; (d) decreased [Na + K]-ATPase turnover (activity/3H-ouabain binding sites). The inhibition of [Na + K]-ATPase suggests an increase in a (possible) natriuretic factor. The decreased affinity of 3H-ouabain binding suggests an endogenous ouabainoid, which may be the natriuretic factor.


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Scope: We examined whether dietary supplementation with fish oil modulates inflammation, fibrosis and oxidative stress following obstructive renal injury. Methods and results: Three groups of Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 16 per group) were fed for 4 wk on normal rat chow (oleic acid), chow containing fish oil (33 g eicosapentaenoic acid and 26 g docosahexaenoic acid per kg diet), or chow containing safflower oil (60 g linoleic acid per kg diet). All diets contained 7% fat. After 4 wk, the rats were further subdivided into four smaller groups (n = 4 per group). Unilateral ureteral obstruction was induced in three groups (for 4, 7 and 14 days). The fourth group for each diet did not undergo surgery, and was sacrificed as controls at 14 days. When rats were sacrificed, plasma and portions of the kidneys were removed and frozen; other portions of kidney tissue were fixed and prepared for histology. Compared with normal chow and safflower oil, fish oil attenuated collagen deposition, macrophage infiltration, TGF-beta expression, apoptosis, and tissue levels of arachidonic acid, MIP-1 alpha, IL-1 beta, MCP-1 and leukotriene B(4). Compared with normal chow, fish oil increased the expression of HO-1 protein in kidney tissue. Conclusions: Fish oil intake reduced inflammation, fibrosis and oxidative stress following obstructive renal injury.


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Catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) metabolizes catecholamines such as dopamine (DA), noradrenaline (NA) and adrenaline, which are vital neurotransmitters and hormones that play important roles in the regulation of physiological processes. COMT enzyme has a functional Val158Met polymorphism in humans, which affects the subjects COMT activity. Increasing evidence suggests that this functional polymorphism may play a role in the etiology of various diseases from schizophrenia to cancers. The aim of this project was to provide novel biochemical information on the physiological and especially pathophysiological roles of COMT enzyme as well as the effects of COMT inhibition in the brain and in the cardiovascular and renal system. To assess the roles of COMT and COMT inhibition in pathophysiology, we used four different study designs. The possible beneficial effects of COMT inhibition were studied in double-transgenic rats (dTGRs) harbouring human angiotensinogen and renin genes. Due to angiotensin II (Ang II) overexpression, these animals exhibit severe hypetension, cardiovascular and renal end-organ damage and mortality of approximately 25-40% at the age of 7-weeks. The dTGRs and their Sprague-Dawley controls tissue samples were assessed with light microscopy, immunohistochemistry, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to evaluate the tissue damages and the possible protective effects pharmacological intervention with COMT inhibitors. In a second study, the consequence of genetic and pharmacological COMT blockade in blood pressure regulation during normal and high-sodium was elucidated using COMT-deficient mice. The blood pressure and the heart rate were measured using direct radiotelemetric blood pressure surveillance. In a third study, the effects of acute and subchronic COMT inhibition during combined levodopa (L-DOPA) + dopa decarboxylase inhibitor treatment in homocysteine formation was evaluated. Finally, we assessed the COMT enzyme expression, activity and cellular localization in the CNS during inflammation-induced neurodegeneration using Western blotting, HPLC and various enzymatic assays. The effects of pharmacological COMT inhibition on neurodegeneration were also studied. The COMT inhibitor entacapone protected against the Ang II-induced perivascular inflammation, renal damage and cardiovascular mortality in dTGRs. COMT inhibitors reduced the albuminuria by 85% and prevented the cardiovascular mortality completely. Entacapone treatment was shown to ameliorate oxidative stress and inflammation. Furthermore, we established that the genetic and pharmacological COMT enzyme blockade protects against the blood pressure-elevating effects of high sodium intake in mice. These effects were mediated via enhanced renal dopaminergic tone and suggest an important role of COMT enzyme, especially in salt-sensitive hypertension. Entacapone also ameliorated the L-DOPA-induced hyperhomocysteinemia in rats. This is important, since decreased homocysteine levels may decrease the risk of cardiovascular diseases in Parkinson´s disease (PD) patients using L-DOPA. The Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation and subsequent delayed dopaminergic neurodegeneration were accompanied by up-regulation of COMT expression and activity in microglial cells as well as in perivascular cells. Interestingly, similar perivascular up-regulation of COMT expression in inflamed renal tissue was previously noted in dTGRs. These results suggest that inflammation reactions may up-regulate COMT expression. Furthermore, this increased glial and perivascular COMT activity in the central nervous system (CNS) may decrease the bioavailability of L-DOPA and be related to the motor fluctuation noted during L-DOPA therapy in PD patients.


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1. Since salt depletion stimulates the renal prostaglandin system to maintain renal function, the effects of indomethacin and ibuprofen upon renal haemodynamics, electrolyte excretion and renin release were examined in eight healthy male volunteers on a salt restricted diet, before and after frusemide administration. 2. Neither indomethacin (50 mg) nor ibuprofen (400 mg and 800 mg) affected renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate or electrolyte excretion before frusemide. 3. Renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate were significantly increased in the first 20 min after frusemide. These changes were significantly attenuated by indomethacin compared with placebo and ibuprofen 400 mg. Frusemide-induced diuresis but not natriuresis was inhibited by all treatments. 4. Both nonsteroidal agents inhibited equally the rise in renin activity seen after frusemide. 5. In this group of healthy volunteers on a salt restricted diet, ibuprofen and indomethacin had no detrimental effects on renal function in the absence of frusemide. The changes in renal haemodynamics due to frusemide were suppressed more by indomethacin than by ibuprofen, probably reflecting the more potent nature of indomethacin as an inhibitor of prostaglandin synthesis.


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1. This study has compared the effects of ibuprofen and indomethacin upon renal haemodynamics, electrolyte excretion and renin release in the presence and absence of frusemide under sodium replete conditions in eight healthy volunteers. 2. Neither ibuprofen (400 mg and 800 mg) nor indomethacin (50 mg) affected renal blood flow, glomerular filtration rate or electrolyte excretion in the basal state. 3. Frusemide had no effect on renal blood flow, but significantly increased glomerular filtration rate. This latter change was suppressed significantly only by ibuprofen 400 mg. Frusemide-induced diuresis was inhibited by all treatments, while natriuresis following frusemide was inhibited by indomethacin only. 4. Significant increments in plasma renin activity, which were suppressed by all treatments, were observed after frusemide. The degree of inhibition of the renin responses was significantly greater in the presence of indomethacin than with either dose of ibuprofen. 5. In a sodium replete setting in healthy volunteers, indomethacin and ibuprofen had no detrimental effects on basal renal function. In the presence of frusemide, indomethacin had more anti-natriuretic and renin-suppressing effect than ibuprofen. There was no evidence for a dose-related effect of ibuprofen.


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The effects of increasing oral doses of caffeine (45, 90, 180 and 360 mg) on effective renal plasma flow (ERPF), plasma renin activity (PRA), serum electrolytes, plasma noradrenaline, blood pressure and heart rate were studied in eight healthy male volunteers. Urine volume was increased by 360 mg of caffeine only. At caffeine doses greater than 90 mg urinary sodium excretion was significantly increased. There were no changes in ERPF. Serum potassium was significantly reduced by 360 mg of caffeine. Caffeine increased systolic pressure in a dose related manner. Diastolic pressure was also increased, but not in relation to dose. A 360 mg dose of caffeine produced a late increase in heart rate. These changes were not associated with any alterations in PRA or in plasma noradrenaline.


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Lowering LDL cholesterol with statin regimens reduces the risk of myocardial infarction, ischaemic stroke, and the need for coronary revascularisation in people without kidney disease, but its effects in people with moderate-to-severe kidney disease are uncertain. The SHARP trial aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of the combination of simvastatin plus ezetimibe in such patients.


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Recent evidence obtained from a rodent model of birth asphyxia shows that supplementation of the maternal diet with creatine during pregnancy protects the neonate from multi-organ damage. However, the effect of increasing creatine intake on creatine homeostasis and biosynthesis in females, particularly during pregnancy, is unknown. This study assessed the impact of creatine supplementation on creatine homeostasis, body composition, capacity for de novo creatine synthesis and renal excretory function in non-pregnant and pregnant spiny mice. Mid-gestation pregnant and virgin spiny mice were fed normal chow or chow supplemented with 5 % w/w creatine for 18 days. Weight gain, urinary creatine and electrolyte excretion were assessed during supplementation. At post mortem, body composition was assessed by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or tissues were collected to assess creatine content and mRNA expression of the creatine synthesising enzymes arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT) and the creatine transporter (CrT1). Protein expression of AGAT and GAMT was also assessed by Western blot. Key findings of this study include no changes in body weight or composition with creatine supplementation; increased urinary creatine excretion in supplemented spiny mice, with increased sodium (P < 0.001) and chloride (P < 0.05) excretion in pregnant dams after 3 days of supplementation; lowered renal AGAT mRNA (P < 0.001) and protein (P < 0.001) expressions, and lowered CrT1 mRNA expression in the kidney (P < 0.01) and brain (P < 0.001). Creatine supplementation had minimal impact on creatine homeostasis in either non-pregnant or pregnant spiny mice. Increasing maternal dietary creatine consumption could be a useful treatment for birth asphyxia.


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Crotalus durissus cascavella is a snake that is usually found in the scrublands of northeast Brazil. The components of its venom may have effects on the vascular and renal systems. Recently, a new bradykinin inhibitory peptide has been identified in the venom of the Crotalinae family. The aim of the present study was to investigate the renal and vascular effects of the natriuretic peptide isolated from the venom of Crotalus durissus cascavella (NP2_Casca). The chromatographic profile showed the fractionation of substances identified as convulxin, gyroxin, crotoxin and crotamine, as well as fractions V and VI. The electrophoretic profile of fraction V consisted of several bands ranging from approximately 6 kDa to 13 kDa, while fraction VI showed only two main electrophoretic bands with molecular weights of approximately 6 and 14 kDa. Reverse-phase chromatography showed that NP2_Casca corresponds to about 18% of fraction VI and that this fraction is the main natriuretic peptide. NP2_Casca was compared to other natriuretic peptides from other sources of snake venom. All amino acid sequences that were compared showed a consensus region of XGCFGX, XLDRIX and XSGLGCX. The group treated with NP2-Casca showed an increase in perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow and glomerular filtration rate. The percent of total and proximal tubular transport of sodium was reduced significantly after administration of the peptide. The mean arterial pressure showed a dose-dependent decrease after infusion of NP2_Casca, and an increase in nitrite production. In the aortic ring assay, NP2_Casca caused a relaxant effect in endothelium-intact thoracic aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine in the presence and absence of isatin. NP2_Casca failed to relax the aortic rings precontracted with an isosmotic potassium Krebs-Henseleit solution. In conclusion, the natriuretic peptide isolated from Crotalus durissus cascavella venom produced renal and vascular effects. NP2_Casca reduced total and proximal sodium tubular transport, leading to an increase in sodium excretion, thereby demonstrating a diuretic action. A hypotensive effect was displayed in an arterial pressure assay, with an increase in nitrite production, suggesting a possible vasoactive action. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Bothrops marajoensis is found in the savannah of Marajo Island in the State of Par S and regions of Amapa State, Brazil. The aim of the work was to study the renal and cardiovascular effects of the B. marajoensis venom and phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)). The venom was fractionated by Protein Pack 5PW. N-terminal amino acid sequencing of sPLA(2) showed amino acid identity with other lysine K49sPLA(2)s of snake venom. B. marajoensis venom (30 mu g/mL) decreased the perfusion pressure, renal vascular resistance, urinary flow, glomerular filtration rate and sodium tubular transport. PLA(2) did not change the renal parameters. The perfusion pressure of the mesenteric bed did not change after infusion of venom. In isolated heart, the venom decreased the force of contraction and increased PP but did not change coronary flow. In the arterial pressure, the venom and PLA(2) decreased mean arterial pressure and cardiac frequency. The presence of atrial flutter and late hyperpolarisation reversed, indicating QRS complex arrhythmia and dysfunction in atrial conduction. In conclusion, B. marajoensis venom and PLA(2) induce hypotension and bradycardia while simultaneously blocking electrical conduction in the heart. Moreover, the decrease in glomerular filtration rate, urinary flow and electrolyte transport demonstrates physiological changes to the renal system. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)