998 resultados para remote desktop software


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Este documento pretende dar una visión general sobre que son los raster en base de datos y que ventajas aportan sobre otro tipo de almacenamiento, así como una visión particular sobre como PostGIS raster trabaja con este tipo de coberturas. En este sentido se centra sobre sus capacidades, dando también datos sobre que tipo de infraestructura es necesaria para almacenar nuestra cartografía raster en esta base de datos y en que estado se encuentra actualmente el desarrollo de este módulo. Un aspecto importante que aquí se trata y sobre el que se centra este articulo es el acceso a la información raster en postGIS desde un Sistema de Información Geográfica como es gvSIG Desktop. En el contexto del proyecto España Virtual se han realizado avances tanto en líneas de trabajo que evolucionan la parte de acceso a base de datos como la integración de un cliente en una aplicación SIG. En este caso gvSIG se ha mostrado con excelentes capacidades para el acceso a este tipo de servicios y puede ser integrado este nuevo ac eso a datos aprovechando las posibilidades de procesamiento que la aplicación ya posee. Finalmente se hace un repaso sobre otras tecnologías de este tipo que hay disponibles, haciendo una breve comparativa


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The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The architecture of the new system uses Java language as programming environment. Since application parameters and hardware in a joint experiment are complex with a large variability of components, requirements and specification solutions need to be flexible and modular, independent from operating system and computer architecture. To describe and organize the information on all the components and the connections among them, systems are developed using the extensible Markup Language (XML) technology. The communication between clients and servers uses remote procedure call (RPC) based on the XML (RPC-XML technology). The integration among Java language, XML and RPC-XML technologies allows to develop easily a standard data and communication access layer between users and laboratories using common software libraries and Web application. The libraries allow data retrieval using the same methods for all user laboratories in the joint collaboration, and the Web application allows a simple graphical user interface (GUI) access. The TCABR tokamak team in collaboration with the IPFN (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa) is implementing this remote participation technologies. The first version was tested at the Joint Experiment on TCABR (TCABRJE), a Host Laboratory Experiment, organized in cooperation with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the framework of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on ""Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks"". (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The work presented here demonstrates the feasibility of using the single-mode fibers of an optical Internet network to deliver visible light between separate laboratories as a way to perform remote spectroscopy in the visible for teaching purposes. The coupling of a broadband light source into the single-mode fiber (SMF) and the characterization of optical losses as a function of the wavelength are discussed. Sample spectra were measured with a portable spectrometer controlled by an acquisition program developed with the LabVIEW software that allows the data to be collected and analyzed.


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This project involves the design and implementation of a global electronic tracking system intended for use by trans-oceanic vessels, using the technology of the U.S. Government's Global Positioning System (GPS) and a wireless connection to a networked computer. Traditional navigation skills are being replaced with highly accurate electronics. GPS receivers, computers, and mobile communication are becoming common among both recreational and commercial boaters. With computers and advanced communication available throughout the maritime world, information can be shared instantaneously around the globe. This ability to monitor one's whereabouts from afar can provide an increased level of safety and efficiency. Current navigation software seldom includes the capability of providing upto-the-minute navigation information for remote display. Remote access to this data will allow boat owners to track the progress of their boats, land-based organizations to monitor weather patterns and suggest course changes, and school groups to track the progress of a vessel and learn about navigation and science. The software developed in this project allows navigation information from a vessel to be remotely transmitted to a land-based server, for interpretation and deployment to remote users over the Internet. This differs from current software in that it allows the tracking of one vessel by multiple users and provides a means for two-way text messaging between users and the vesseI. Beyond the coastal coverage provided by cellular telephones, mobile communication is advancing rapidly. Current tools such as satellite telephones and single-sideband radio enable worldwide communications, including the ability to connect to the Internet. If current trends continue, portable global communication will be available at a reasonable price and Internet connections on boats will become more common.


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ABSTRACT World Heritage sites provide a glimpse into the stories and civilizations of the past. There are currently 1007 unique World Heritage properties with 779 being classified as cultural sites, 197 as natural sites, and 31 falling into the categories of both cultural and natural sites (UNESCO & World Heritage Centre, 1992-2015). However, of these 1007 World Heritage sites, at least 46 are categorized as in danger and this number continues to grow. These unique and irreplaceable sites are exceptional because of their universality. Consequently, since World Heritage sites belong to all the people of the world and provide inspiration and admiration to all who visit them, it is our responsibility to help preserve these sites. The key form of preservation involves the individual monitoring of each site over time. While traditional methods are still extremely valuable, more recent advances in the field of geographic and spatial technologies including geographic information systems (GIS), laser scanning, and remote sensing, are becoming more beneficial for the monitoring and overall safeguarding of World Heritage sites. Through the employment and analysis of more accurately detailed spatial data, World Heritage sites can be better managed. There is a strong urgency to protect these sites. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the importance of taking care of World Heritage sites and to depict a way in which spatial technologies can be used to monitor and in effect preserve World Heritage sites through the utilization of remote sensing imagery. The research conducted in this thesis centers on the Everglades National Park, a World Heritage site that is continually affected by changes in vegetation. Data used include Landsat satellite imagery that dates from 2001-2003, the Everglades' boundaries shapefile, and Google Earth imagery. In order to conduct the in-depth analysis of vegetation change within the selected World Heritage site, three main techniques were performed to study changes found within the imagery. These techniques consist of conducting supervised classification for each image, incorporating a vegetation index known as Normalized Vegetation Index (NDVI), and utilizing the change detection tool available in the Environment for Visualizing Images (ENVI) software. With the research and analysis conducted throughout this thesis, it has been shown that within the three year time span (2001-2003), there has been an overall increase in both areas of barren soil (5.760%) and areas of vegetation (1.263%) with a decrease in the percentage of areas classified as sparsely vegetated (-6.987%). These results were gathered through the use of the maximum likelihood classification process available in the ENVI software. The results produced by the change detection tool which further analyzed vegetation change correlate with the results produced by the classification method. As well, by utilizing the NDVI method, one is able to locate changes by selecting a specific area and comparing the vegetation index generated for each date. It has been found that through the utilization of remote sensing technology, it is possible to monitor and observe changes featured within a World Heritage site. Remote sensing is an extraordinary tool that can and should be used by all site managers and organizations whose goal it is to preserve and protect World Heritage sites. Remote sensing can be used to not only observe changes over time, but it can also be used to pinpoint threats within a World Heritage site. World Heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of beauty, culture, and inspiration. It is our responsibility, as citizens of this world, to guard these treasures.


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A adoção de software de gestão de alarmes revela-se essencial nas organizações, sobretudo no contexto hospitalar e de segurança, devido à celeridade com que os alarmes têm de ser processados nos ambientes críticos em que são gerados. Nos últimos anos, tem-se verificado uma enorme promoção de diretivas que recomendam a utilização de software de gestão de alarmes, de forma a que as organizações estejam preparadas para lidar com situações problemáticas e para prestar um serviço de qualidade. O fenómeno da ubiquidade computacional promovido pela utilização massiva da Web e de dispositivos móveis revolucionou de forma significativa o modo como as pessoas comunicam e partilham informação entre si. Deste modo, tem havido uma consciencialização por parte das organizações que desenvolvem sistemas de gestão de alarmes em investir recursos na migração das suas aplicações de desktop para a Web e para dispositivos móveis. O Connexall é uma das soluções de gestão de alarmes com maior adoção no mercado, no entanto, carece de aplicações de software focalizadas na Web e nos dispositivos móveis. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste projeto de mestrado consiste em desenvolver duas aplicações de gestão de alarmes, o Active Alarm Client Plus para Android e o Device Assignment Client para a Web, integradas com o Connexall, através da utilização de um Web service para o efeito. Com o desenvolvimento deste projeto, pretende-se expandir os horizontes de aplicação do Connexall no que diz respeito à diversidade de equipamentos computacionais presentes no mercado, de modo a promover a ubiquidade cada vez mais assente no acesso e partilha de informação no contexto de gestão de alarmes.


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To simplify computer management, various administration systems based on wired connections adopt advanced techniques to manage software configuration. Nevertheless, the strong relation between hardware and software makes for an individualism of that management, besides penalizing computational mobility and ubiquity. All these issues lead to degradation of scalability, flexibility and the facility to install and maintain distributed applications. This article presents an environment for centralized wireless communication network management, named WSE-OS (Wireless Sharing Environment - Operating Systems): a model based on Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) which associates virtualization techniques and safe remote access systems to create a distributed architecture as a base for a managing system. WSE-OS is capable of accomplishing the replication of operating system images using wireless communication network, besides offering abstraction of hardware to its clients, making the management more flexible and independent of wired connections. Results obtained from this work indicate that WSE-OS allows disseminating, through a single software configuration, the execution of data related to operating system images in client computers. WSE-OS can also be used as a management tool for operating systems in a wireless network.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This project points out a brief overview of several concepts, as Renewable Energy Resources, Distributed Energy Resources, Distributed Generation, and describes the general architecture of an electrical microgrid, isolated or connected to the Medium Voltage Network. Moreover, the project focuses on a project carried out by GRECDH Department in collaboration with CITCEA Department, both belonging to Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya: it concerns isolated microgrids employing renewable energy resources in two communities in northern Peru. Several solutions found using optimization software regarding different generation systems (wind and photovoltaic) and different energy demand scenarios are commented and analyzed from an electrical point of view. Furthermore, there are some proposals to improve microgrid performances, in particular to increase voltage values for each load connected to the microgrid. The extra costs required by the proposed solutions are calculated and their effect on the total microgrid cost are taken into account; finally there are some considerations about the impact the project has on population and on people's daily life.


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La diffusione dei servizi cloud ha spinto anche il mondo degli IDE verso questa direzione. Recentemente si sta assistendo allo spostamento degli IDE da ambienti desktop ad ambienti Web. Questo è determinante per quanto riguarda gli aspetti legati alla collaborazione perchè permette di sfruttare tutti i vantaggi del cloud per dotare questi sistemi di chat, integrazione con i social network, strumenti di editing condiviso e molte altre funzionalità collaborative. Questi IDE sono detti browser-based in quanto i servizi che mettono a disposizione sono accessibili via Web tramite un browser. Ne esistono di diversi tipi e con caratteristiche molto diverse tra di loro. Alcuni sono semplici piattaforme sulle quali è possibile effettuare test di codice o utilizzare tutorial forniti per imparare nuovi linguaggi di programmazione; altri invece sono ambienti di sviluppo completi dotati delle più comuni funzionalità presenti in un IDE desktop, oltre a quelle specifiche legate al Web. Dallo studio di questi ambienti di sviluppo di nuova generazione è emerso che sono pochi quelli che dispongono di un sistema di collaborazione completo e che non tutti sfruttano le nuove tecnologie che il Web mette a disposizione. Per esempio, alcuni sono dotati di editor collaborativi, ma non offrono un servizio di chat ai collaboratori; altri mettono a disposizione una chat e il supporto per la scrittura simultanea di codice, ma non sono dotati di sistemi per la condivisione del display. Dopo l'analisi dei pregi e dei difetti della collaborazione fornita dagli strumenti presi in considerazione ho deciso di realizzare delle funzionalità collaborative inserendomi nel contesto di un IDE browser-based chiamato InDe RT sviluppato dall'azienda Pro Gamma SpA.


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Code duplication is common in current programming-practice: programmers search for snippets of code, incorporate them into their projects and then modify them to their needs. In today's practice, no automated scheme is in place to inform both parties of any distant changes of the code. As code snippets continues to evolve both on the side of the user and on the side of the author, both may wish to benefit from remote bug fixes or refinements --- authors may be interested in the actual usage of their code snippets, and researchers could gather information on clone usage. We propose maintaining a link between software clones across repositories and outline how the links can be created and maintained.


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The Bioconductor project is an initiative for the collaborative creation of extensible software for computational biology and bioinformatics. We detail some of the design decisions, software paradigms and operational strategies that have allowed a small number of researchers to provide a wide variety of innovative, extensible, software solutions in a relatively short time. The use of an object oriented programming paradigm, the adoption and development of a software package system, designing by contract, distributed development and collaboration with other projects are elements of this project's success. Individually, each of these concepts are useful and important but when combined they have provided a strong basis for rapid development and deployment of innovative and flexible research software for scientific computation. A primary objective of this initiative is achievement of total remote reproducibility of novel algorithmic research results.