957 resultados para regulatory DN T cells


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Epidemiological data point toward a critical period in early life during which environmental cues can set an individual on a trajectory toward respiratory health or disease. The neonatal immune system matures during this period, although little is known about the signals that lead to its maturation. Here we report that the formation of the lung microbiota is a key parameter in this process. Immediately following birth, neonatal mice were prone to develop exaggerated airway eosinophilia, release type 2 helper T cell cytokines and exhibit airway hyper-responsiveness following exposure to house dust mite allergens, even though their lungs harbored high numbers of natural CD4(+)Foxp3(+)CD25(+)Helios(+) regulatory T (Treg) cells. During the first 2 weeks after birth, the bacterial load in the lungs increased, and representation of the bacterial phyla shifts from a predominance of Gammaproteobacteria and Firmicutes towards Bacteroidetes. The changes in the microbiota were associated with decreased aeroallergen responsiveness and the emergence of a Helios(-) Treg cell subset that required interaction with programmed death ligand 1 (PD-L1) for development. Absence of microbial colonization(10) or blockade of PD-L1 during the first 2 weeks postpartum maintained exaggerated responsiveness to allergens through to adulthood. Adoptive transfer of Treg cells from adult mice to neonates before aeroallergen exposure ameliorated disease. Thus, formation of the airway microbiota induces regulatory cells early in life, which, when dysregulated, can lead to sustained susceptibility to allergic airway inflammation in adulthood.


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BackgroundRecently, regulatory T (Treg) cells have gained interest in the fields of immunopathology, transplantation and oncoimmunology. Here, we investigated the microRNA expression profile of human natural CD8+CD25+ Treg cells and the impact of microRNAs on molecules associated with immune regulation.MethodsWe purified human natural CD8+ Treg cells and assessed the expression of FOXP3 and CTLA-4 by flow cytometry. We have also tested the ex vivo suppressive capacity of these cells in mixed leukocyte reactions. Using TaqMan low-density arrays and microRNA qPCR for validation, we could identify a microRNA `signature¿ for CD8+CD25+FOXP3+CTLA-4+ natural Treg cells. We used the `TargetScan¿ and `miRBase¿ bioinformatics programs to identify potential target sites for these microRNAs in the 3¿-UTR of important Treg cell-associated genes.ResultsThe human CD8+CD25+ natural Treg cell microRNA signature includes 10 differentially expressed microRNAs. We demonstrated an impact of this signature on Treg cell biology by showing specific regulation of FOXP3, CTLA-4 and GARP gene expression by microRNA using site-directed mutagenesis and a dual-luciferase reporter assay. Furthermore, we used microRNA transduction experiments to demonstrate that these microRNAs impacted their target genes in human primary Treg cells ex vivo.ConclusionsWe are examining the biological relevance of this `signature¿ by studying its impact on other important Treg cell-associated genes. These efforts could result in a better understanding of the regulation of Treg cell function and might reveal new targets for immunotherapy in immune disorders and cancer.


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Plus de 300 millions de personnes dans le monde souffrent de l'asthme. L'asthme est une maladie inflammatoire chronique des voies respiratoires caractérisée par des symptômes variables et récurrents, une obstruction bronchique réversible et des bronchospasmes. Les symptômes communs incluent une respiration sifflante, de la toux, une oppression thoracique et de la dyspnée. Normalement, la maladie commence à se manifester pendant l'enfance. Pourtant, facteurs génétiques héréditaires et événements environnementaux survenant au cours de la petite enfance sont responsables de sa manifestation, indiquant que le développement de la maladie est lié à des événements qui se produisent bien avant son déclenchement. L'infection respiratoire virale aiguë constitue un de ces facteurs environnementaux jouant un rôle prépondérant. Un des virus les plus communs est le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS), qui infecte presque tous les enfants avant l'âge de 2 ans. Ce virus, s'il infecte des tout-petits, peut en effet provoquer une bronchiolite aiguë, un phénomène qui a été épidémiologiquement lié à l'apparition d'asthme plus tard dans la vie. Dans le premier chapitre de cette thèse, nous avons étudié, chez la souris, comment une infection avec le VRS influe sur l'asthme allergique. Nous avons constaté que seule l'infection des souris à l'état de nouveau-né prédispose à un asthme allergique plus sévère chez l'adulte. En effet, si des souris adultes étaient infectées, elles étaient protégées contre l'apparition des symptômes asthmatiques. Cela nous a mené à investiguer les mécanismes immunitaires spécifiques durant cette courte période du début de la vie. Deux événements se produisent en parallèle au cours de la petite enfance: (1) Le système immunitaire, qui est encore immature immédiatement après la naissance, commence à se développer pour être en mesure de jouer son rôle protecteur contre les agents infectieux. (2) Le corps, y compris les poumons, est colonisé par des bactéries commensales, qui vivent en symbiose avec leur hôte humain. Chez l'adulte, ces bactéries sont connues pour influencer notre système immunitaire, l'éduquant à générer des réponses immunitaires adéquates et efficaces. Dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons voulu déterminer si ces bactéries symbiotiques étaient impliquées dans l'éducation du système immunitaire du nouveau-né et quelles conséquences cela pourrait avoir sur les réponses immunitaires engendrées par ce dernier. Pour étudier l'effet de ces bactéries symbiotiques, nous avons utilisé des souris stériles, en d'autres termes des souris qui n'hébergent pas ces bactéries symbiotiques. En comparant ces souris stériles à des souris qui abritent une flore microbienne normale, nous avons constaté que les bactéries symbiotiques sont vitales pour la bonne éducation du système immunitaire du nouveau-né. Nous avons démontré que le contact direct des cellules immunitaires avec la flore microbienne dans les poumons modifie le phénotype de ces cellules immunitaires, ce qui change probablement leur réaction au cours de réponses immunitaires. Nous avons donc vérifié si l'éducation immunitaire induite par cette microflore est importante pour prévenir les maladies pulmonaires telles que l'asthme allergique, affections qui sont causées par une réaction excessive du système immunitaire envers des agents inoffensifs. En effet, nous avons observé que le processus de maturation du système immunitaire néonatal, lequel a été déclenché et façonné par la flore microbienne, est important pour éviter une réaction asthmatique exagérée chez la souris adulte. Ce phénomène est dû aux lymphocytes T régulateurs. Ces cellules, dont la présence est induite dans les poumons, ont des capacités immunosuppressives et atténuent donc les réponses immunitaires pour prévenir une inflammation excessive. En conclusion, nous avons montré dans cette thèse que la colonisation par des bactéries symbiotiques tôt dans la vie est un événement décisif pour la maturation du système immunitaire et pour prévenir le développement de l'asthme. Dans l'avenir, il serait intéressant de découvrir quelles bactéries sont présentes dans les poumons du nouveau-né et lesquelles sont directement impliquées dans ce processus de maturation immunitaire. Une prochaine étape serait alors de favoriser la présence de ces bactéries au début de la vie au moyen d'un traitement avec des agents pré- ou probiotiques, ce qui pourrait éventuellement contribuer à une prévention précoce du développement de l'asthme. -- L'asthme est une maladie chronique inflammatoire des voies respiratoires affectant près de 300 millions d'individus dans le monde. Bien que les traits caractéristiques du phénotype asthmatique s'établissent généralement pendant l'enfance, la prédisposition au développement de la maladie est intimement liée à des événements survenant durant la petite enfance, comme le sont par exemple les infections virales respiratoires aiguës. Les mécanismes par lesquels ces événements provoquent un dysfonctionnement immunitaire et, par conséquent, conduisent au développement de l'asthme n'ont pas encore été entièrement décelés. La dysbiose du microbiote des voies respiratoires a été récemment associes au phénotype asthmatique, touisTcis, la cuûoboiatioî! d un lien cause à effet entre la dysbiose microbienne et l'apparition des symptômes asthmatiques reste à être démontrée. Dans cette thèse, nous avons étudié le rôle que joue la colonisation microbienne des voies respiratoires au cours de la petite enfance dans la maturation du système immunitaire ainsi que dans la protection contre l'inflammation pulmonaire de type allergique. Nous avons de surcroît développé un modèle expérimental pour comprendre comment les infections virales respiratoires interfèrent avec ce processus. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous avons évalué l'effet d'infections causées par le virus respiratoire syncytial (VRS) sur le développement de l'asthme. En accord avec des études épidémiologiques, nous avons constaté qu'une infection au VRS lors de la période néonatale exacerbait les réponses pulmonaires allergiques ultérieures. Par contraste, une infection à l'âge adulte avait un effet protecteur. Nous avons ainsi démontré que l'influence d'une infection à VRS sur l'issue et la sévérité de l'asthme respiratoire était strictement dépendante de l'âge. Ces résultats nous ont conduit à émettre l'hypothèse que des différences dans le phénotype homéostatique des cellules immunitaires pourraient être responsables de ces disparités liées à l'âge. Par conséquent, dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse, nous avons suivi et caractérisé le processus de maturation des cellules immunitaires dans les poumons du nouveau-né en condition d'homéostasie. Nous avons découvert que leur phénotype change de façon dynamique pendant le développement néonatal et que la colonisation par des microbes étaitterminante pour la maturation des cellules immunitaires dans les poumons. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous avons démontré comment le microbiote pulmonaire éduque le développement immunitaire durant la période néonatale l'orientant de manière à induire une tolérance face aux aéroallergènes. Nous avons découvert que la colonisation microbienne des voies respiratoires provoque une expression transitoire de PD-L1 sur les cellules dendritiques (CD) pulmonaires du type CD11b+ dans les deux premières semaines de la vie. Cet événement engendre par la suite la génération de lymphocytes T régulateurs (TREG) dans les poumons, lesquels sont responsables de la protection contre une réponse inflammatoire allergique exagérée chez la souris adulte. Par conséquent, nous proposons un rôle pivot de la maturation immunitaire induite par le microbiote pulmonaire dans l'établissement de la tolérance aux aéroallergènes. En conclusion, les résultats présentés dans cette thèse fournissent de nouveaux indices révélant comment des événements se produisant lors de la petite enfance peuvent façonner les réponses du système immunitaire dirigées contre les allergènes et soulignent le rôle central joué par le microbiote pulmonaire dans l'édification d'une réponse immunitaire équilibrée. En résumé, notre travail met en évidence le microbiote pulmonaire comme étant une cible potentielle pour la prévention de certaines maladies respiratoires. -- Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the respiratory tract and affects approximately 300 million individuals world-wide. Although the asthmatic phenotype commonly establishes during childhood, predisposition towards disease development has been linked to events in early infancy, such as severe respiratory viral infections. However, the mechanisms by which these events cause immune dysfunction and, therefore, lead to the development of asthma have yet to be fully deciphered. Dysbiosis of the airway microbiota has recently been associated with the asthmatic phenotype; however, conclusive evidence for a causal link between microbial dysbiosis in the ail ways and asthma development is still missing. In this thesis we investigated the role of early-life microbial airway colonization in immune maturation and the protection against allergic airway inflammation and established an experimental model to address how respiratory viral infections interfere in this process. In the first part of this thesis we evaluated the effect of Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infections on the development of asthma. In concurrence with epidemiological studies, we found that neonatal infection exacerbated subsequent allergic airway inflammation. In contrast, adult infection was protective in the same context. Thus, we could demonstrate that the influence of RSV infection on subsequent allergic airway responses was strictly age-dependent. These findings led us to the hypothesis that differences in the homeostatic phenotype of immune cells could be responsible for the age-related disparities seen within the context of RSV. Therefore, in a second part of this thesis, we followed the process of homeostatic immune cell maturation in the neonatal lung. Immune cell phenotypes changed dynamically during neonatal development. We discovered that the colonization with microbes was central to the maturation of immune cells in the lung. In the last part of this thesis, we demonstrated how microbiota-driven immune development during the neonatal period induces tolerance against aeroallergens. We discovered that microbial colonization led to a transient programmed death-ligand (PD-L) 1 expression on CD11b+ pulmonary dendritic cells (DCs) during the first two weeks of life. This in turn induced regulatory T (TREG) cells in the lung, which were responsible for the protection against exaggerated allergic airway inflammation in adult mice. Thus, we propose a key role for microbiota-driven immune maturation in the establishment of tolerance towards aeroallergens. In conclusion, the results presented in this thesis provide new insights into how early-life events shape pulmonary immune responses towards allergens and suggest the airway microbiota as a key player in establishing a balanced immune response. Overall, our work highlights the airway microbiota as potential target for disease prevention.


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Arsenic trioxide (ATO) is a strong inducer of apoptosis in malignant hematological cells. Inducible phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase (PI3K)-Akt activation promotes resistance to ATO. In the present study, we evaluated whether E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b, a negative regulator of PI3K activation, is involved in the action of ATO. The effect of ATO on cell viability was measured by the Trypan blue exclusion assay or by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay. Apoptosis was determined by flow cytometry and protein expression was assayed by Western blotting. ATO decreased the viability of HL60 cells and induced cellular apoptosis, which was accompanied by transient activation of Akt. The PI3K/Akt inhibitor, LY294002, significantly increased ATO-induced apoptosis (P < 0.05). In addition, ATO up-regulated the expression of Cbl-b proteins. Furthermore, ATO inhibited cell viability with an IC50 of 18.54 μM at 24 h in rat basophilic leukemia-2H3 cells. ATO induced cellular apoptosis with transient activation of Akt and Cbl-b was also up-regulated. Rat basophilic leukemia-2H3 cells transfected with a dominant negative (DN) Cbl-b mutation showed overexpression of Cbl-b (DN) and enhanced Akt activation. Compared with cells transfected with vector, ATO-induced apoptosis was decreased and G2/M phase cells were increased at the same concentration (P < 0.05). The PI3K/Akt inhibitor, LY294002, re-sensitized Cbl-b (DN) overexpressing cells to ATO and reversed G2/M arrest (P < 0.05). Taken together, these results suggest that Cbl-b potentiates the apoptotic action of ATO by inhibition of the PI3K/Akt pathway.


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Neutrophils are widely known as proinflammatory cells associated with tissue damage and for their early arrival at sites of infection, where they exert their phagocytic activity, release their granule contents, and subsequently die. However, this view has been challenged by emerging evidence that neutrophils have other activities and are not so short-lived. Following activation, neutrophil effector functions include production and release of granule contents, reactive oxygen species (ROS), and neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). Neutrophils have also been shown to produce a wide range of cytokines that have pro- or anti-inflammatory activity, adding a modulatory role for this cell, previously known as a suicide effector. The presence of cytokines almost always implies intercellular modulation, potentially unmasking interactions of neutrophils with other immune cells. In fact, neutrophils have been found to help B cells and to modulate dendritic cell (DC), macrophage, and T-cell activities. In this review, we describe some ways in which neutrophils influence the inflammatory environment in infection, cancer, and autoimmunity, regulating both innate and adaptive immune responses. These cells can switch phenotypes and exert functions beyond cytotoxicity against invading pathogens, extending the view of neutrophils beyond suicide effectors to include functions as regulatory and suppressor cells.


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T-cell immunity has been claimed as the main immunoprotective mechanism against Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection, the most important fungal infection in Latin America. As the initial events that control T-cell activation in paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) are not well established, we decided to investigate the role of CD28, an important costimulatory molecule for the activation of effector and regulatory T cells, in the immunity against this pulmonary pathogen. Using CD28-deficient (CD28(-/-)) and normal wild-type (WT) C57BL/6 mice, we were able to demonstrate that CD28 costimulation determines in pulmonary paracoccidioidomycosis an early immunoprotection but a late deleterious effect associated with impaired immunity and uncontrolled fungal growth. Up to week 10 postinfection, CD28(-/-) mice presented increased pulmonary and hepatic fungal loads allied with diminished production of antibodies and pro-and anti-inflammatory cytokines besides impaired activation and migration of effector and regulatory T (Treg) cells to the lungs. Unexpectedly, CD28-sufficient mice progressively lost the control of fungal growth, resulting in an increased mortality associated with persistent presence of Treg cells, deactivation of inflammatory macrophages and T cells, prevalent presence of anti-inflammatory cytokines, elevated fungal burdens, and extensive hepatic lesions. As a whole, our findings suggest that CD28 is required for the early protective T-cell responses to P. brasiliensis infection, but it also induces the expansion of regulatory circuits that lately impair adaptive immunity, allowing uncontrolled fungal growth and overwhelming infection, which leads to precocious mortality of mice.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência Animal - FMVA


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The study of RNA and DNA oncogenic viruses has proved invaluable in the discovery of key cellular pathways that are rendered dysfunctional during cancer progression. An example is high risk human papillomavirus (HPV), the etiological agent of cervical cancer. The role of HPV oncogenes in cellular immortalization and transformation has been extensively investigated. We reported the differential expression of a family of human mitochondrial non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) between normal and cancer cells. Normal cells express a sense mitochondrial ncRNA (SncmtRNA) that seems to be required for cell proliferation and two antisense transcripts (ASncmtRNAs). In contrast, the ASncmtRNAs are down-regulated in cancer cells. To shed some light on the mechanisms that trigger down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs, we studied human keratinocytes (HFK) immortalized with HPV. Here we show that immortalization of HFK with HPV-16 or 18 causes down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs and induces the expression of a new sense transcript named SncmtRNA-2. Transduction of HFK with both E6 and E7 is sufficient to induce expression of SncmtRNA-2. Moreover, E2 oncogene is involved in down-regulation of the ASncmtRNAs. Knockdown of E2 in immortalized cells reestablishes in a reversible manner the expression of the ASncmtRNAs, suggesting that endogenous cellular factors(s) could play functions analogous to E2 during non-HPV-induced oncogenesis.


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Dendritische Zellen (DC) spielen als professionelle antigenpräsentierende Zellen (APC) eine zentrale Rolle in der Aktivierung und Regulierung antigenspezifischer Immunantworten. Aus diesem Grund wird der therapeutische Einsatz von DC zur Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien sowie zur Tumorbekämpfung erforscht. Im ersten Teil der vorliegenden Arbeit untersuchten wir das Potenzial einer biolistischen DNA-Vakzinierung zur Induktion tolerogener DC in vivo. Im Tiermodell der Myelin-Oligodendrozyten-Glykoprotein Peptid 35-55 (MOGp35-55) induzierten experimentellen autoimmunen Enzephalomyelitis (EAE) sollte mittels präventiver biolistischer Kovakzinierung von Plasmid-DNA kodierend für MOG und die immunregulatorischen Zytokine TGFβ oder IL-10 eine protektive Immunität induziert werden. Die MOG-Expression stand dabei entweder unter der Kontrolle des ubiquitär aktiven CMV-Promotors oder des murinen Fascin-Promotors, um eine ektopische MOG-Expression spezifisch in dermalen DC und Langerhanszellen zu erreichen. Dass MOGp35-55-präsentierende DC nach biolistischer DNA-Vakzinierung von der Haut in die drainierenden Lymphknoten migrieren und dort T-Zellen aktivieren, konnte im Vorfeld anhand einer substanziellen Proliferation von MOGp35-55-reaktiven 2D2 T-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. Im präventiven Ansatz der MOGp35-55-induzierten EAE zeigten Mäuse, die mit MOG-kodierenden Plasmiden biolistisch transfiziert wurden, eine leicht reduzierte EAE-Symptomatik. Die Kotransfektion von MOG und TGFβ führte zu einer Verstärkung der EAE-Suppression – unabhängig davon, ob die MOG-Expression unter der Kontrolle des CMV- oder des Fascin-Promotors stand. Interessanterweise resultierte die Koapplikation von MOG- und IL-10-kodierender Plasmid-DNA nur bei DC-fokussierter MOG-Expression zu reduzierter EAE-Symptomatik. Für biolistische DNA-Vakzinierungen stellt somit der Fascin-Promotor eine potente Alternative zu viralen Promotoren dar. Entsprechend der milderen EAE-Symptome beobachteten wir bei behandelten EAE-Mäusen einen geringeren Grad an Demyelinisierung sowie eine reduzierte Infiltration des ZNS mit IFNγ-produzierenden CD4+ Th1- und IL-17-produzierenden CD4+ Th17-Zellen. Desweiteren zeigten Milzzellen ex vivo nach MOGp35-55-Restimulation eine inhibierte Proliferation und eine signifikant reduzierte IFNγ- und IL-17-Zytokinproduktion. Überraschenderweise ging die antigenspezifische Immunsuppression nicht mit der Expansion von Foxp3+ regulatorischen T-Zellen einher. Da die Milzen aber erhöhte Mengen an CD8+IFNγ+ T-Zellen aufweisen, könnte ein zytotoxisch-suppressiver Mechanismus für die Inhibition der Th1- und Th17-Immunantwort verantwortlich sein. Nachfolgende Untersuchungen sind notwendig, um die induzierten immunologischen Mechansimen mittels biolistischer DNA-Vakzinierung aufzuklären. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit befasst sich mit der Generierung von tolerogenen DC in vitro. Dafür wurden murine Knochenmarkszellen unter DC-differenzierenden Bedingungen in Gegenwart des synthetischen Glucocorticoids Dexamethason (DEX) kultiviert. Die DEX-Zugabe führte zur Differenzierung von APC mit geringer CD11c-Expression. DEX-APC waren in vitro weitestgehend gegen LPS stimulierungsresistent und zeigten eine reduzierte Expression von MHC-II und den kostimulatorischen Molekülen CD80, CD86 und CD40. Ihrem tolerogenen Phänotyp entsprechend besaßen DEX-APC ein geringeres syngenes T-Zellstimulierungspotenzial als unbehandelte BM-DC. Anhand der erhöhten Oberflächenexpression von CD11b, GR1 und F4/80 besteht eine phänotypische Ähnlichkeit zu myeloiden Suppressorzellen. Die Fähigkeit von DEX-APC in vivo antigenspezifische Toleranz zu induzieren, wurde durch einen therapeutischen Ansatz im murinen Krankheitsmodell der Kontaktallergie überprüft. Die therapeutische Applikation von DEX-APC führte hierbei im Vergleich zur Applikation von PBS oder unbehandelten BM-DC zu einer signifikant reduzierten Ohrschwellungsreaktion. Zusammenfassend demonstrieren die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit, dass potente tolerogene DC sowohl in vivo als auch in vitro induziert werden können. Dass diese Zellpopulation effektiv antigenspezifische Immunreaktionen supprimieren kann, macht sie zu einem vielversprechenden Werkzeug in der Behandlung von Autoimmunerkrankungen und Allergien.rn


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In the intestinal tract, only a single layer of epithelial cells separates innate and adaptive immune effector cells from a vast amount of antigens. Here, the immune system faces a considerable challenge in tolerating commensal flora and dietary antigens while preventing the dissemination of potential pathogens. Failure to tightly control immune reactions may result in detrimental inflammation. In this respect, 'conventional' regulatory CD4(+) T cells, including naturally occurring and adaptive CD4(+) CD25(+) Foxp3(+) T cells, Th3 and Tr1 cells, have recently been the focus of considerable attention. However, regulatory mechanisms in the intestinal mucosa are highly complex, including adaptations of nonhaematopoietic cells and innate immune cells as well as the presence of unconventional T cells with regulatory properties such as resident TCRgammadelta or TCRalphabeta CD8(+) intraepithelial lymphocytes. This review aims to summarize the currently available knowledge on conventional and unconventional regulatory T cell subsets (Tregs), with special emphasis on clinical data and the potential role or malfunctioning of Tregs in four major human gastrointestinal diseases, i.e. inflammatory bowel diseases, coeliac disease, food allergy and colorectal cancer. We conclude that the clinical data confirms some but not all of the findings derived from experimental animal models.


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Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential for the maintenance of immune homeostasis and tolerance. During viral infections, Treg cells can limit the immunopathology resulting from excessive inflammation, yet potentially inhibit effective antiviral T cell responses and promote virus persistence. We report here that the fast-replicating LCMV strain Docile triggers a massive expansion of the Treg population that directly correlates with the size of the virus inoculum and its tendency to establish a chronic, persistent infection. This Treg cell proliferation was greatly enhanced in IL-21R-/- mice and depletion of Treg cells partially rescued defective CD8+ T cell cytokine responses and improved viral clearance in some but not all organs. Notably, IL-21 inhibited Treg cell expansion in a cell intrinsic manner. Moreover, experimental augmentation of Treg cells driven by injection of IL-2/anti-IL-2 immune complexes drastically impaired the functionality of the antiviral T cell response and impeded virus clearance. As a consequence, mice became highly susceptible to chronic infection following exposure to low virus doses. These findings reveal virus-driven Treg cell proliferation as potential evasion strategy that facilitates T cell exhaustion and virus persistence. Furthermore, they suggest that besides its primary function as a direct survival signal for antiviral CD8+ T cells during chronic infections, IL-21 may also indirectly promote CD8+ T cell poly-functionality by restricting the suppressive activity of infection-induced Treg cells.


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A key step in the regulation of networks that control gene expression is the sequence-specific binding of transcription factors to their DNA recognition sites. A more complete understanding of these DNA–protein interactions will permit a more comprehensive and quantitative mapping of the regulatory pathways within cells, as well as a deeper understanding of the potential functions of individual genes regulated by newly identified DNA-binding sites. Here we describe a DNA microarray-based method to characterize sequence-specific DNA recognition by zinc-finger proteins. A phage display library, prepared by randomizing critical amino acid residues in the second of three fingers of the mouse Zif268 domain, provided a rich source of zinc-finger proteins with variant DNA-binding specificities. Microarrays containing all possible 3-bp binding sites for the variable zinc fingers permitted the quantitation of the binding site preferences of the entire library, pools of zinc fingers corresponding to different rounds of selection from this library, as well as individual Zif268 variants that were isolated from the library by using specific DNA sequences. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using DNA microarrays for genome-wide identification of putative transcription factor-binding sites.


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Stathmin is a ubiquitous, cytosolic 19-kDa protein, which is phosphorylated on up to four sites in response to many regulatory signals within cells. Its molecular characterization indicates a functional organization including an N-terminal regulatory domain that bears the phosphorylation sites, linked to a putative alpha-helical binding domain predicted to participate in coiled-coil, protein-protein interactions. We therefore proposed that stathmin may play the role of a relay integrating diverse intracellular regulatory pathways; its action on various target proteins would be a function of its combined phosphorylation state. To search for such target proteins, we used the two-hybrid screen in yeast, with stathmin as a "bait." We isolated and characterized four cDNAs encoding protein domains that interact with stathmin in vivo. One of the corresponding proteins was identified as BiP, a member of the hsp70 heat-shock protein family. Another is a previously unidentified, putative serine/threonine kinase, KIS, which might be regulated by stathmin or, more likely, be part of the kinases controlling its phosphorylation state. Finally, two clones code for subdomains of two proteins, CC1 and CC2, predicted to form alpha-helices participating in coiled-coil interacting structures. Their isolation by interaction screening further supports our model for the regulatory function of stathmin through coiled-coil interactions with diverse downstream targets via its presumed alpha-helical binding domain. The molecular and biological characterization of KIS, CC1, and CC2 proteins will give further insights into the molecular functions and mechanisms of action of stathmin as a relay of integrated intracellular regulatory pathways.


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INTRODUÇÃO: Líquen plano (LP) é uma doença mucocutânea de natureza inflamatória crônica de etiologia ainda desconhecida. A estimulação da imunidade inata via os receptores Toll-like (TLRs) podem influenciar as células dendríticas e direcionar a resposta de células T CD4+ e CD8+ efetoras, assim como também favorecer o estado inflamatório do LP. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar o perfil fenotípico de células dendríticas mielóides (mDCs) e plasmocitóides (pDCs) e de linfócitos T CD4+ e CD8+ após estímulo com agonistas de TLRs no sangue periférico de pacientes com LP. Além disto, avaliar a frequência, perfil de maturação e os subtipos de células T CD4+ e TCD8+ reguladores. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados 18 pacientes com LP (15 mulheres, 3 homens), com 41,57 ± 4,73 anos de idade e um grupo controle com 22 indivíduos sadios (18 mulheres, 4 homens), com 43,92 ± 7,83 anos de idade. As células mononucleares (CMNs) de sangue periférico foram avaliadas por citometria de fluxo quanto à: 1) Produção de TNF-? em mDCs e de IFN-? em pDCs em CMNs ativadas por agonistas de TLR 4, 7, 7/8 e 9; 2) Análise de células T CD4+ e CD8+ monofuncionais e polifuncionais após estímulo com agonistas de TLR 4, 7/8, 9 e enterotoxina B de Staphylococcus aureus (SEB); 3) Avaliação de células Th17 e Th22/Tc22 em CMNs após estímulo com SEB; 4) Frequência, perfil de maturação e subtipos de células T CD4+ e CD8+ reguladoras. RESULTADOS: 1) Nos pacientes com LP foi demonstrado um aumento na frequência de mDCs TNF-alfa+ após estímulo com agonistas de TLR4/LPS e TLR7-8/CL097, mas com imiquimode/TLR7 houve diminuição da expressão de CD83. Já nas pDCs do grupo LP, o imiquimode foi capaz de diminuir a expressão de CD80 e o CpG/TLR9 diminuiu a expressão de CD83 no LP. 2) As células T CD4+ secretoras de IL-10 mostraram aumento da frequência nos níveis basais, que diminuiu após estímulo com LPS e SEB. Em contraste, a produção de IFN-y aumentou em resposta ao LPS enquanto diminuiu para CpG. As células T CD4+ polifuncionais, secretoras de 5 citocinas simultâneas (CD4+IL-17+IL-22+TNF+IL-10+IFN-y+) diminuíram no LP após estímulo com CL097 e CpG. Entretanto, na ausência de IL-10, houve aumento da frequência de células CD4+IL-17+IL-22+TNF+IFN-y+ em resposta ao LPS. Um aumento na polifuncionalidade foi observado em células TCD4+ que expressam CD38, marcador de ativação crônica e na ausência de IL-10. Similarmente, às TCD4+, uma diminuição de células T CD8+ IFN-y+ e TNF+ foram detectadas após estímulo com CpG. 3) As células Th22/Tc22 nos níveis basais e após estímulo com SEB se mostraram aumentadas. As células Th17 não mostraram diferenças entre os grupos. 4) A frequência das células T CD4+ e CD8+ reg totais (CD25+Foxp3+CD127low/-) está elevada no LP. Quanto aos perfis de maturação, há aumento na frequência de células TCD4+ de memória efetora enquanto que para as células T CD8+ há predomínio das células de memória central. Quanto aos subtipos, há aumento nas células T CD4+ regs periféricas (pT reg). CONCLUSÕES: O estado de ativação das mDCs após ativação das vias de TLRs 4 e 7/8 pode influenciar na geração de resposta T efetoras no LP. O perfil de resposta monofuncional e polifuncional aos estímulos TLRs reflete a ativação destas células no sangue periférico. Além disso, o aumento de Th22/Tc22 e das células T regs indicam uma relação entre regulação e células efetoras no sangue periférico evidenciando que existem alterações extracutâneas no LP