62 resultados para regolith
O presente estudo foi realizado em uma área de transição savana-floresta do norte do estado de Roraima, tendo como objetivo principal caracterizar os regolitos dispostos ao longo da paisagem e inferir sobre a evolução da paisagem durante o Holoceno tardio e mesmo no presente. Assim, foram selecionadas quatro topossequências representativas dos padrões geomorfológicos, pedológicos e botânicos ocorrentes na paisagem, ao longo das quais foram coletadas sistematicamente amostras de solos e sedimentos. Essas amostras foram analisadas quanto às suas características granulométricas, mineralógicas, químicas e cronológicas. Os resultados revelaram uma paisagem dominada por solos arenosos a sílticos constituídos essencialmente de quartzo e caulinita e acessoriamente muscovita, goethita, sillimanita e albita. Os altos teores elevados de SiO2 confirmam o caráter essencialmente quartzoso desses regolitos. As composições mineralógicas e químicas desses materiais indicam proveniência de rochas metamórficas e de lateritos da região que, diante das condições climáticas quentes e úmidas preponderantes durante os últimos 1550 anos antes do presente (AP), tem sofrido intenso intemperismo químico e lixiviação. A evolução da paisagem é dinamizada pela erosão hídrica das encostas e o consequente assoreamento dos vales de veredas, levando ao aplainamento da paisagem e desenvolvimento de extensas planícies arenosas a partir dos solos areno-sílticos dos interflúvios.
The results from the Sub-keV Atom Reflecting Analyzer (SARA) experiment onboard Chandrayaan-1 have revealed several hitherto unknown and interesting aspects about the interaction of solar wind with the Moon. The SARA experiment had two sensors — CENA and SWIM. The Chandrayaan-1 energetic neutrals analyzer (CENA), detected energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), and the Solar Wind Monitor (SWIM) measured ions of solar wind origin. In this review, we summarize the observations made by the SARA experiment, which are: (1) substantial (~20%) and sustained backscattering of solar wind protons from lunar surface as energetic neutral hydrogen,1 (2) minimagnetosphere around magnetic anomalies on Moon using the backscattered ENAs,2 (3) reflection of solar wind protons from the Moon surface,3 (4) huge (~50%) deflection of solar wind protons over strong magnetic anomalies,4 and (5) presence of protons in the near-lunar plasma wake.5 These results have implications on the lunar plasma environment, implantation of solar wind hydrogen on lunar surface, and behavior of small scale magnetic anomalies on planetary bodies. The SARA observations suggest that similar processes may happen on other airless bodies covered with regolith in the solar system as well as in extra-solar system. This paper presents a review of the results obtained from the SARA observation.
The surface of Mars, unshielded by thick atmosphere or global magnetic field, is exposed to high levels of cosmic radiation. This ionising radiation field is deleterious to the survival of dormant cells or spores and the persistence of molecular biomarkers in the subsurface, and so its characterisation is of prime astrobiological interest. Here, we present modelling results of the absorbed radiation dose as a function of depth through the Martian subsurface, suitable for calculation of biomarker persistence. A second major implementation of this dose accumulation rate data is in application of the optically stimulated luminescence technique for dating Martian sediments. We present calculations of the dose-depth profile in the Martian subsurface for various scenarios: variations of surface composition (dry regolith, ice, layered permafrost), solar minimum and maximum conditions, locations of different elevation (Olympus Mons, Hellas basin, datum altitude), and increasing atmospheric thickness over geological history. We also model the changing composition of the subsurface radiation field with depth compared between Martian locations with different shielding material, determine the relative dose contributions from primaries of different energies, and discuss particle deflection by the crustal magnetic fields.
Fluvial cut-and-fill sequences have frequently been reported from various sites on Earth. Nevertheless, the information about the past erosional regime and hydrological conditions have not yet been adequately deciphered from these archives. The Quaternary terrace sequences in the Pisco valley, located at ca. 13°S, offer a manifestation of an orbitally-driven cyclicity in terrace construction where phases of sediment accumulation have been related to the Minchin (48–36 ka) and Tauca (26–15 ka) lake level highstands on the Altiplano. Here, we present a 10Be-based sediment budget for the cut-and-fill terrace sequences in this valley to quantify the orbitally forced changes in precipitation and erosion. We find that the Minchin period was characterized by an erosional pulse along the Pacific coast where denudation rates reached values as high as 600±80 mm/ka600±80 mm/ka for a relatively short time span lasting a few thousands of years. This contrasts to the younger pluvial periods and the modern situation when 10Be-based sediment budgets register nearly zero erosion at the Pacific coast. We relate these contrasts to different erosional conditions between the modern and the Minchin time. First, the sediment budget infers a precipitation pattern that matches with the modern climate ca. 1000 km farther north, where highly erratic and extreme El Niño-related precipitation results in fast erosion and flooding along the coast. Second, the formation of a thick terrace sequence requires sufficient material on catchment hillslopes to be stripped off by erosion. This was most likely the case immediately before the start of the Minchin period, because this erosional epoch was preceded by a >50 ka-long time span with poorly erosive climate conditions, allowing for sufficient regolith to build up on the hillslopes. Finally, this study suggests a strong control of orbitally and ice sheet forced latitudinal shifts of the ITCZ on the erosional gradients and sediment production on the western escarpment of the Peruvian Andes at 13° during the Minchin period.
The visible reflectance spectrum of many Solar System bodies changes with changing viewing geometry for reasons not fully understood. It is often observed to redden (increasing spectral slope) with increasing solar phase angle, an effect known as phase reddening. Only once, in an observation of the martian surface by the Viking 1 lander, was reddening observed up to a certain phase angle with bluing beyond, making the reflectance ratio as a function of phase angle shaped like an arch. However, in laboratory experiments this arch-shape is frequently encountered. To investigate this, we measured the bidirectional reflectance of particulate samples of several common rock types in the 400–1000 nm wavelength range and performed ray-tracing simulations. We confirm the occurrence of the arch for surfaces that are forward scattering, i.e. are composed of semi-transparent particles and are smooth on the scale of the particles, and for which the reflectance increases from the lower to the higher wavelength in the reflectance ratio. The arch shape is reproduced by the simulations, which assume a smooth surface. However, surface roughness on the scale of the particles, such as the Hapke and van Horn (Hapke, B., van Horn, H. [1963]. J. Geophys. Res. 68, 4545–4570) fairy castles that can spontaneously form when sprinkling a fine powder, leads to monotonic reddening. A further consequence of this form of microscopic roughness (being indistinct without the use of a microscope) is a flattening of the disk function at visible wavelengths, i.e. Lommel–Seeliger-type scattering. The experiments further reveal monotonic reddening for reflectance ratios at near-IR wavelengths. The simulations fail to reproduce this particular reddening, and we suspect that it results from roughness on the surface of the particles. Given that the regolith of atmosphereless Solar System bodies is composed of small particles, our results indicate that the prevalence of monotonic reddening and Lommel–Seeliger-type scattering for these bodies results from microscopic roughness, both in the form of structures built by the particles and roughness on the surface of the particles themselves. It follows from the singular Viking 1 observation that the surface in front of the lander was composed of semi-transparent particles, and was smooth on the scale of the particle size.
The two small asteroid-like bodies orbiting Mars, Phobos and Deimos, are low albedo and exhibit similar visible to near-infrared spectra. Determining the origin of these moons is closely tied to determining their composition. From available spectroscopic data Phobos exhibits two distinct types of materials across its surface, and data from both Mars Express and Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter have provided additional details about the properties of these materials and their spatial relation to one another. Although no prominent diagnostic absorptions have been detected, systematic weak features are seen in some data. An extensive regolith is observed to have developed on both moons with characteristics that may be unique due to their special environment in Mars orbit. Understanding the character and evolution of the regolith of Phobos and Deimos is central to interpreting the moons׳ physical and optical properties. The cumulative data available for compositional analyses across the surface of Phobos and Deimos, however, remain incomplete in scope and character and ambiguous in interpretation. Consequently the composition of the moons of Mars remains uncertain.
Climate plays an important role in controlling rates of weathering and weathered regolith production. Regolith production functions, however, seldom take climate parameters into account. Based on a climate-dependent weathered regolith production model, at low denudation rates, relative regolith thicknesses are less sensitive to changes in precipitation rates, while at high denudation rates, small changes in climatic parameters can result in complete stripping of hillslopes. This pattern is compounded by the long residence times and system response times associated with low denudation rates, and vice versa. As others have shown, the transition between regolith-mantled and bedrock slopes is dependent on the ratio of denudation to production. Here, we further suggest that this is itself a function of precipitation rate and temperature. We suggest that climatic parameters can be easily incorporated into existing soil production models and that such additions improve the predictive power of soil production models. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Asteroid 2008 TC3 (approximately 4m diameter) was tracked and studied in space for approximately 19h before it impacted Earth's atmosphere, shattering at 44-36km altitude. The recovered samples (>680 individual rocks) comprise the meteorite Almahata Sitta (AhS). Approximately 50-70% of these are ureilites (ultramafic achondrites). The rest are chondrites, mainly enstatite, ordinary, and Rumuruti types. The goal of this work is to understand how fragments of so many different types of parent bodies became mixed in the same asteroid. Almahata Sitta has been classified as a polymict ureilite with an anomalously high component of foreign clasts. However, we calculate that the mass of fallen material was 0.1% of the pre-atmospheric mass of the asteroid. Based on published data for the reflectance spectrum of the asteroid and laboratory spectra of the samples, we infer that the lost material was mostly ureilitic. Therefore, 2008 TC3 probably contained only a few percent nonureilitic materials, similar to other polymict ureilites except less well consolidated. From available data for the AhS meteorite fragments, we conclude that 2008 TC3 samples essentially the same range of types of ureilitic and nonureilitic materials as other polymict ureilites. We therefore suggest that the immediate parent of 2008 TC3 was the immediate parent of all ureilitic material sampled on Earth. We trace critical stages in the evolution of that material through solar system history. Based on various types of new modeling and re-evaluation of published data, we propose the following scenario. (1) The ureilite parent body (UPB) accreted 0.5-0.6Ma after formation of calcium-aluminum-rich inclusions (CAI), beyond the ice line (outer asteroid belt). Differentiation began approximately 1Ma after CAI. (2) The UPB was catastrophically disrupted by a major impact approximately 5Ma after CAI, with selective subsets of the fragments reassembling into daughter bodies. (3) Either the UPB (before breakup), or one of its daughters (after breakup), migrated to the inner belt due to scattering by massive embryos. (4) One daughter (after forming in or migrating to the inner belt) became the parent of 2008 TC3. It developed a regolith, mostly 3.8Ga ago. Clasts of enstatite, ordinary, and Rumuruti-type chondrites were implanted by low-velocity collisions. (5) Recently, the daughter was disrupted. Fragments were injected or drifted into Earth-crossing orbits. 2008 TC3 comes from outer layers of regolith, other polymict ureilites from deeper regolith, and main group ureilites from the interior of this body. In contrast to other models that have been proposed, this model invokes a stochastic history to explain the unique diversity of foreign materials in 2008 TC3 and other polymict ureilites.
The scope of this PhD thesis was the hydrogeological conceptualisation of the Upper Ouémé river catchment in Benin. The study area exceeds 14,500 km**2 and is underlain by a crystalline basement. At this setting the typical sequence of aquifers - a regolith aquifer at the top and a fractured bedrock aquifer at the bottom - is encountered, which is found in basement areas all over Africa and elsewhere in the world. The chosen regional approach revealed important information about the hydrochemistry and hydrogeology of this catchment. Based on the regional conceptual model a numerical groundwater flow model was designed. The numerical model was used to estimate the impact of climate change on the regional groundwater resources. This study was realised within the framework of the German interdisciplinary research project IMPETUS (English translation: "Integrated approach to the efficient management of scarce water resources in West Africa"), which is jointly managed by the German universities of Bonn and Cologne. Since the year 2000 the Upper Ouémé catchment was the principal target for investigations into the relevant processes of the regional water cycle. A first study from 2000 to 2003 (Fass, 2004, http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:hbz:5n-03849) focused on the hydrogeology of a small local catchment (~30 km**2). In the course of this thesis five field campaigns were underdone from the year 2004 to 2006. In the beginning of 2004 a groundwater monitoring net was installed based on 12 automatic data loggers. Manual piezometric measurements and the sampling of groundwater and surface water were realised for each campaign throughout the whole study area. Water samples were analysed for major ions, for a choice of heavy metals and for their composition by deuterium, oxygen-18 and tritium. The numerical model was performed with FEFLOW. The hydraulic and hydrochemical characteristics were described for the regolith aquifer and the bedrock aquifer. The regolith aquifer plays the role of the groundwater stock with low conductivity while the fractures of the bedrock may conduct water relatively fast towards extraction points. Flow in fractures of the bedrock depends on the connectivity of the fracture network which might be of local to subregional importance. Stable isotopes in combination with hydrochemistry proved that recharge occurs on catchment scale and exclusively by precipitation. Influx of groundwater from distant areas along dominant structures like the Kandi fault or from the Atacora mountain chain is excluded. The analysis of tritium in groundwater from different depths revealed the interesting fact of the strongly rising groundwater ages. Bedrock groundwater may possibly be much older than 50 years. Equilibrium phases of the silicate weathering products kaolinite and montmorillonite showed that the deeper part of the regolith aquifer and the bedrock aquifer feature either stagnant or less mobile groundwater while the shallow aquifer level is influenced by seasonal groundwater table fluctuations. The hydrochemical data characterised this zone by the progressive change of the hydrochemical facies of recently infiltrated rainwater on its flow path into deeper parts of the aquifers. Surprisingly it was found out that seasonal influences on groundwater hydrochemistry are minor, mainly because they affect only the groundwater levels close to the surface. The transfer of the hydrogeological features of the Upper Ouémé catchment into a regional numerical model demanded a strong simplification. Groundwater tables are a reprint of the general surface morphology. Pumping or other types of groundwater extraction would have only very local impact on the available groundwater resources. It was possible to integrate IMPETUS scenario data into the groundwater model. As a result it was shown that the impact of climate change on the groundwater resources until the year 2025 under the given conditions will be negligible due to the little share of precipitation needed for recharge and the low water needs for domestic use. Reason for concern is the groundwater quality on water points in the vicinity of settlements because of contamination by human activities as shown for the village of Dogué. Nitrate concentrations achieved in many places already alerting levels. Health risks from fluoride or heavy metals were excluded for the Upper Ouémé area.
Many glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains, Antarctica present two apparent contradictions regarding the degradation of unconsolidated deposits. The glacial deposits are up to millions of years old, yet they have maintained their meter-scale morphology despite the fact that bedrock and regolith erosion rates in the Quartermain Mountains have been measured at 0.1-4.0 m/Ma. Additionally, ground ice persists in some Miocene-aged soils in the Quartermain Mountains even though modeled and measured sublimation rates of ice in Antarctic soils suggest that without any recharge mechanisms ground ice should sublimate in the upper few meters of soil on the order of 10**3 to 10**5 years. This paper presents results from using the concentration of cosmogenic nuclides beryllium-10 (10Be) and aluminum-26 (26Al) in bulk sediment samples from depth profiles of three glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains. The measured nuclide concentrations are lower than expected for the known ages of the deposits, erosion alone does not always explain these concentrations, and deflation of the tills by the sublimation of ice coupled with erosion of the overlying till can explain some of the nuclide concentration profiles. The degradation rates that best match the data range 0.7-12 m/Ma for sublimation of ice with initial debris concentrations ranging 12-45% and erosion of the overlying till at rates of 0.4-1.2 m/Ma. Overturning of the tills by cryoturbation, vertical mixing, or soil creep is not indicated by the cosmogenic nuclide profiles, and degradation appears to be limited to within a few centimeters of the surface. Erosion of these tills without vertical mixing may partially explain how some glacial deposits in the Quartermain Mountains maintain their morphology and contain ground ice close to the surface for millions of years.
In preparation for the Russian Luna-Resurs mission we combined our compact time-of-flight mass spectrometer (TOF-MS) with a chemical pre-separation of the species by gas chromatography (GC). Coupled measurements with both instruments were successfully performed with the prototype of the mass spectrometer and a flight-like gas chromatograph. The system was tested with two test gas mixtures, a mixture of hydrocarbons and a mixture of noble gases. Due to its capability to record mass spectra over the full mass range at once with high sensitivity and a dynamic range of up to 10(6) within 1 s, the TOF-MS system is a valuable extension of the GC analytical system. Based on the measurements with calibration gases performed with the combined GC-MS prototype and under assumption of mean characteristics for the Moon's regolith, the detection limit for volatile species in a soil sample is estimated to 2.10(-10) by mass for hydrocarbons and 2.10(-9) by mass for noble gases. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The location and density of biologically useful energy sources on Mars will limit the biomass, spatial distribution, and organism size of any biota. Subsurface Martian organisms could be supplied with a large energy flux from the oxidation of photochemically produced atmospheric H2 and CO diffusing into the regolith. However, surface abundance measurements of these gases demonstrate that no more than a few percent of this available flux is actually being consumed, suggesting that biological activity driven by atmospheric H2 and CO is limited in the top few hundred meters of the subsurface. This is significant because the available but unused energy is extremely large: for organisms at 30-m depth, it is 2,000 times previous estimates of hydrothermal and chemical weathering energy and far exceeds the energy derivable from other atmospheric gases. This also implies that the apparent scarcity of life on Mars is not attributable to lack of energy. Instead, the availability of liquid water may be a more important factor limiting biological activity because the photochemical energy flux can only penetrate to 100- to 1,000-m depth, where most H2O is probably frozen. Because both atmospheric and Viking lander soil data provide little evidence for biological activity, the detection of short-lived trace gases will probably be a better indicator of any extant Martian life.
Gypsum grains were identified in Miocene-Pleistocene sediment cores from two deep-water ODP sites, Site 918 off the SE Greenland margin and Site 887 in the Gulf of Alaska, and in Holocene sediment cores from shallow-water localities in Disenchantment Bay and Muir Inlet in southern Alaska. Although initial morphologic and textural observations suggested a complex system in which the gypsum may have had more than one origin, quantitative sulfur isotope analyses of the gypsum provide evidence of its detrital nature. d34S values in gypsum from southern Alaska range between +0.0 and +7.1 per mil. Gypsum has d34S values between -27.1 and -27.5 per mil in the Gulf of Alaska and values between -28.5 and +0.2 per mil off the SE Greenland margin. All of these isotopic signatures are too highly depleted in d34S to have precipitated from seawater, present or past. In addition there is no significant change in d34S values for gypsum crystals with differing physical characteristics (abraded vs. unabraded) from the same stratigraphic horizon, suggesting all the gypsum is detrital regardless of the degree of abrasion. The isotopic and physical evidence, in combination with the onshore geology the environmental setting, and site characteristics of the gypsum-bearing marine localities, lead us to propose that the ultimate source of the gypsum is precipitation from freeze-induced terrestrial sediment or soil brines. Furthermore the combined evidence suggests that the subsequent occurrence of gypsum in glacimarine sediments results from ice-rafting (by icebergs or sea ice) of the frozen regolith and/or, in the proximal glacimarine setting of southern Alaska, very rapid burial via turbidity currents.
The McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica (MDV) are among the oldest landscapes on Earth, and some landforms there present an intriguing apparent contradiction such that millions of years old surface deposits maintain their meter-scale morphology despite the fact that measured erosion rates are 0.1-4 m/Ma. We analyzed the concentration of cosmic ray-produced 10Be and 26Al in quartz sands from regolith directly above and below two well-documented ash deposits in the MDV, the Arena Valley ash (40Ar/39Ar age of 4.33 Ma) and the Hart ash (K-Ar age of 3.9 Ma). Measured concentrations of 10Be and 26Al are significantly less than expected given the age of the in situ air fall ashes and are best interpreted as reflecting the degradation rate of the overlying sediments. The erosion rate of the material above the Arena Valley ash that best explains the observed isotope profiles is 3.5 ± 0.41 x 10**-5 g/cm**2/yr (~0.19 m/Ma) for the past ~4 Ma. For the Hart ash, the erosion rate is 4.8 ± 0.21 x 10**-4 g/cm**2/yr (~2.6 m/Ma) for the past ~1 Ma. The concentration profiles do not show signs of mixing, creep, or deflation caused by sublimation of ground ice. These results indicate that the slow, steady lowering of the surface without vertical mixing may allow landforms to maintain their meter-scale morphology even though they are actively eroding.
(U-Th)/He dating of late-stage authigenic goethite, combined with corrections for diffusive loss of He-4 by the He-4/He-3 methodology, reveals strong correlation between a sample's age and its depth in ferruginized channel sediments from the Yandicoogina deposit, Western Australia. Corrected ages, ranging from ca. 18 Ma near the surface to ca. 5 Ma at the bottom of the profile, indicate that ferruginization of the aggraded channels becomes progressively younger with depth. This trend is consistent with goethite precipitation at the groundwater-atmosphere interface during water table drawdown driven by the aridification of Western Australia during the Neogene. The results demonstrate that the (U-Th)/He system is ideal for dating goethite if diffusive loss corrections are applied. The approach is suitable for dating weathering reactions on Earth and should also be suitable for dating Fe oxyhydroxides in the Martian regolith.