989 resultados para reference points
Este artículo se deriva de la investigación "Referentes ético-políticos de la ciudadaníade un grupo de jóvenes de la ciudad de Manizales", la cual indagó por las perspectivas éticas y políticas implícitas en la ciudadanía según jóvenes universitarios estudiantes de ciencia política y jóvenes pertenecientes a la cultura urbana de hip-hop. La pregunta de investigación se fundamentó en los planteamientos de Rawls sobre ciudadanía y justicia, de Taylor sobre autenticidad y de Kymlicka sobre ciudadanía multicultural y derechos diferenciados. Los antecedentes investigativos revisados parecen orientarse a la indagación por los implícitos morales y políticos de la ciudadanía, la noción de ciudadanía en el marco de una idea de democracia, la ciudadanía y la participación juvenil y la ciudadanía y la construcción de identidad. Se encontró que los dos grupos hacen referencia a la libertad, la igual dignidad, la responsabilidad, el respeto, la solidaridad, y la tolerancia, como los principios fundamentales de la ciudadanía. Llamó la atención que, mientras para los jóvenes universitarios la ciudadanía se debe instaurar como un estatus socio-político —que permita exigir los derechos de manera individual—, para los jóvenes hip-hoperos la ciudadanía se debe asumir a partir del reconocimiento de los marcos socio-culturales que le dan sentido de vida y pertenencia a esta cultura juvenil urbana.-----This article derives from the research entitled "Ethical-political Citizenship Reference Points from a Group of Young People from the City of Manizales", which sought to discover the ethical and political perspectives implied by citizenship according to young political science university students and youngsters belonging to the urban Hip-Hop culture. The aim of the investigation is based on Rawls’ proposals regarding citizenship and justice, Taylor’s on authenticity, and Kymlicka’s on multicultural citizens and group-differentiated rights. Revised research references appear to be oriented towards indignation due to citizenship-implied morals and politics, the notion of citizenship within the framework of an idea of democracy, citizenship and youth participation, and citizenship and the building of identity. It was discovered that both groups made reference to freedom, equal dignity, responsibility, respect, solidarity and tolerance as the basic fundamentals of citizenship. It was interesting to see that, while for university students citizenship should be established as a socio-political status —allowing to demand rights on an individual basis—, for the young Hip-Hoppers citizenship should be assumed from the basis of acknowledgement of the existence of socio-cultural frameworks that provide this young urban culture with a sense of life and belonging.
Previous research has shown that often there is clear inertia in individual decision making---that is, a tendency for decision makers to choose a status quo option. I conduct a laboratory experiment to investigate two potential determinants of inertia in uncertain environments: (i) regret aversion and (ii) ambiguity-driven indecisiveness. I use a between-subjects design with varying conditions to identify the effects of these two mechanisms on choice behavior. In each condition, participants choose between two simple real gambles, one of which is the status quo option. I find that inertia is quite large and that both mechanisms are equally important.
This paper deals with second-generation, one-and-a-half generation and ‘‘prolonged sojourner” Trinidadian transnational migrants, who have decided to ‘return’ to the birthplace of their parents. Based on 40 in-depth interviews, the paper considers both the positive and critical things that these youthful transnational migrants report about returning to, and living in, this multi-ethnic plural society and the salience of racial and colour-class stratification as part of their return migration experiences. Our qualitative analysis is based on the narratives provided by these youthful returnees, as relayed ‘‘in their own words”, presenting critical reflections on racism, racial identities and experiences as transnational Trinidadians. It is clear that it is contexts such as contemporary working environments, family and community that act as the reference points for the adaptation ‘‘back home” of this strongly middle-class cohort. We accordingly encounter a diverse, sometimes contesting set of racial issues that emerge as salient concerns for these returnees. The consensus is that matters racial remain as formidable legacies in the hierarchical stratification of Trinidadian society for a sizeable number. Many of our respondents reported the positive aspects of racial affirmation on return. But for another sub-set, the fact that multi-ethnic and multi-cultural mixing are proudly embraced in Trinidad meant that it was felt that return experiences were not overly hindered, or blighted by obstacles of race and colour-class. For these returnees, Trinidad and Tobago is seen as representing a 21st century ‘‘Melting Pot”. But for others the continued existence of racial divisions within society – between ethnic groups and among those of different skin shades – was lamented. In the views of these respondents, too much racial power is still ascribed to ‘near-whiteness’. But for the most part, the returnees felt that where race played a part in their new lives, this generally served to advantage them. However, although the situation in Trinidad appears to have been moderated by assumptions that it remains a racial ‘Melting Pot’, the analysis strongly suggests that the colour-class system of stratification is still playing an essential role, along with racial stereotyping in society at large.
This document provides guidelines for fish stock assessment and fishery management using the software tools and other outputs developed by the United Kingdom's Department for International Development's Fisheries Management Science Programme (FMSP) from 1992 to 2004. It explains some key elements of the precautionary approach to fisheries management and outlines a range of alternative stock assessment approaches that can provide the information needed for such precautionary management. Four FMSP software tools, LFDA (Length Frequency Data Analysis), CEDA (Catch Effort Data Analysis), YIELD and ParFish (Participatory Fisheries Stock Assessment), are described with which intermediary parameters, performance indicators and reference points may be estimated. The document also contains examples of the assessment and management of multispecies fisheries, the use of Bayesian methodologies, the use of empirical modelling approaches for estimating yields and in analysing fishery systems, and the assessment and management of inland fisheries. It also provides a comparison of length- and age-based stock assessment methods. A CD-ROM with the FMSP software packages CEDA, LFDA, YIELD and ParFish is included.
The British Jewish novelist Howard Jacobson has, from the start of his career, found himself saddled with the unenviable label of 'the English Philip Roth'. For many years, Jacobson bristled at the Roth comparisons, offering the alternative label 'the Jewish Jane Austen' and insisting that he had not read Roth at all, though more recently he has put on record his admiration for Roth's comic masterpiece, Sabbath's Theater.If Jacobson's early work was certainly imbued with a Rothian Jewish humour, its cultural reference points were almost invariably English. In contrast, Kalooki Nights is saturated with allusions to American culture, in particular Jewish American culture. This article traces some of the ways in which Kalooki Nights explores and exploits these transatlantic connections in a comic novel that both participates in and satirizes what will be called here the fetishization of the Holocaust. It is concluded that Kalooki Nights is Jacobson's audacious attempt to produce a piece of Holocaust literature that exploits the tension between the desire of some Jews of his generation to know all the 'gory details', and the necessity of recognizing that their own historical situation prevents them from ever doing so. The result is to make people laugh not at the events of the Holocaust itself but at the attempt to fetishize them.
This paper finds preference reversals in measurements of ambiguity aversion, even if psychological and informational circumstances are kept constant. The reversals are of a fundamentally different nature than the reversals found before because they cannot be explained by context-dependent weightings of attributes. We offer an explanation based on Sugden's random-reference theory, with different elicitation methods generating different random reference points. Then measurements of ambiguity aversion that use willingness to pay are confounded by loss aversion and hence overestimate ambiguity aversion.
Accordingly, a variety of firms's technological capabilities studies, the literature recently is still lacking about the dynamic of sector evolution and technological development in inter-firm and their implication for technical and economical financial performance. More lacking is the research catching up the evolution of industrial sectors after the institutional reforms in the 90. For that, the focus of the dissertation is to analyze the main of the evolution of the pulp and paper industry from 1970 to 2004, using as reference points the import-substitution policy and the economic deregulation of the 1990s. Futhermore, the work tries to evaluate how such changes at industry level have been perceived from a firm point of view in terms of accumulation of technological capabilities and improvement of economic financial performance. This linkage is tested and examined in the following firms: Aracruz (Barra do Riacho establishment ), Klabin (Monte Alegre establishment) e Votorantim Celulose e Papel ¿ VCP (Jacareí establishment), defining the same time period of sectoral level. As far as the industry level study is concerned, it is based on the average rate of annual growth of some selected variables, given that the technological capabilities test is performed according to the methodology already existing in the literature, but properly adapted to the pulp and paper case. Similarly, the analysis regarding the improvement of the economic financial performance is based on a set of industry specific indicators. Hence, the work is built upon multiple case studies, taking into account both the qualitative and quantitative evidence, i.e. interviews, direct observations, as well as firm reports. Finally, it is worth emphasizing as the analysis of the changes in the sector, in conjunction with the above mentioned methodology used to measure the technological capabilities in the context of an evolving industrial regime, is still lacking in emerging economies as well as in Brazil. According to the empirical evidence, the reforms of the 1990s had a positive impact on the industrial development, from both the national and international viewpoint. Such a transformation was evident at firm level in terms of accumulation of technological capabilities and improvement of economic financial indicators. Indeed, the results show that the speed of accumulation of technological capabilities within the firms influences positively the performance indicators. On the other hand, these are also related to external factors, such as the macroeconomic conditions, which as such have not been considered in details.
Nowadays, the popularity of the Web encourages the development of Hypermedia Systems dedicated to e-learning. Nevertheless, most of the available Web teaching systems apply the traditional paper-based learning resources presented as HTML pages making no use of the new capabilities provided by the Web. There is a challenge to develop educative systems that adapt the educative content to the style of learning, context and background of each student. Another research issue is the capacity to interoperate on the Web reusing learning objects. This work presents an approach to address these two issues by using the technologies of the Semantic Web. The approach presented here models the knowledge of the educative content and the learner’s profile with ontologies whose vocabularies are a refinement of those defined on standards situated on the Web as reference points to provide semantics. Ontologies enable the representation of metadata concerning simple learning objects and the rules that define the way that they can feasibly be assembled to configure more complex ones. These complex learning objects could be created dynamically according to the learners’ profile by intelligent agents that use the ontologies as the source of their beliefs. Interoperability issues were addressed by using an application profile of the IEEE LOM- Learning Object Metadata standard.
Este é um trabalho teórico que analisa a questão do estudo dos determinantes da Escolha Ocupacional e do Ingresso na Ocupação. Inicialmente realiza uma crítica de algumas formulações teóricas vigentes, apontando o contefido ideológico a elas subjacente, em especial no caso de formulações de natureza psicológica. A seguir propoe alguns pontos de referência para o estabelecimento de uma posição teórica alternativa, que parte da considera. çao do indivíduo numa perspectiva de totalidade, do indi víduo trabalhador na concretude das relações capitalistas de produção e de trabalho. Nessa abordagem recomenda-se aos que se dedicam ao estudo dos aspectos psíquicos que não deixem que a ê~ . fase no psicológico encubra a importância do econômico. Igualmente os que tratam do econômico nao devem descurar o papel dos aspectos psíquicos.
Image stitching is the process of joining several images to obtain a bigger view of a scene. It is used, for example, in tourism to transmit to the viewer the sensation of being in another place. I am presenting an inexpensive solution for automatic real time video and image stitching with two web cameras as the video/image sources. The proposed solution relies on the usage of several markers in the scene as reference points for the stitching algorithm. The implemented algorithm is divided in four main steps, the marker detection, camera pose determination (in reference to the markers), video/image size and 3d transformation, and image translation. Wii remote controllers are used to support several steps in the process. The built‐in IR camera provides clean marker detection, which facilitates the camera pose determination. The only restriction in the algorithm is that markers have to be in the field of view when capturing the scene. Several tests where made to evaluate the final algorithm. The algorithm is able to perform video stitching with a frame rate between 8 and 13 fps. The joining of the two videos/images is good with minor misalignments in objects at the same depth of the marker,misalignments in the background and foreground are bigger. The capture process is simple enough so anyone can perform a stitching with a very short explanation. Although real‐time video stitching can be achieved by this affordable approach, there are few shortcomings in current version. For example, contrast inconsistency along the stitching line could be reduced by applying a color correction algorithm to every source videos. In addition, the misalignments in stitched images due to camera lens distortion could be eased by optical correction algorithm. The work was developed in Apple’s Quartz Composer, a visual programming environment. A library of extended functions was developed using Xcode tools also from Apple.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The approach that undertakes this work revolves around the emergence of iconic structures on reflecting about the meaning of different methods of image representation through which the contemporaneity reveals itself. At baseline, three aspects are considered looking for an analytical ontology of the act of representation and imagery: the transition of representation in the oral culture of societies for writing, from these to typography, and finally the creation of a representation device. Resorted to, therefore, the argument by some genealogy reference points that technological instances such as writing, printing and photography, the evolution of this process, correspond, in itself, a consequent shift technique, for each representation precedent. In the area of the image, the most salient aspect of this change in foward process is the emergence of hyper-reality: the instances of hyper-realistic representation. In the Western context, the 'simulation of the world' - essential idea of mimesis is the work of an autonomous an conventional system. It should be noted, then the fact that under unreflective of the post-industrial societies, the mass-media image is coating with natural or fake code including - according to Baudrillard - tends to replace the real world in the "perpetuation of a large chain of simulacra." Hence in modern times, in the postindustrial society, during the crisis of the representation regimen and perception, centered in the referent. In this limit, new settings are established by aesthetic representations of imagery in contemporary culture: establishing spaces of simulation [Jean Baudrillard] the spectacle [Guy Debord] and hypermodernity [Gilles Lipovetsky] in which they operate. In these assemblages, saps the emergence of Hyper-reality Representation Instances - as seen in this study aesthetic events to configure itineraries of a new sensibility. It is the nature of this practice sign-iconic, ingrained in the creation of current artistic expression, which this research engaged in peering: the hyper-realistic setting, taking empirical support central to contemporary imagery production, diverse formats of analog representation.
Objectives: This study evaluated the effect of disinfection by immersion in sodium perborate (50 degrees C/10 min) or microwave irradiation (650 W/6 min) on the linear dimensional change (LDC) of four reline resins (Kooliner-K, New Truliner-N, Tokuso Rebase Fast-T, Ufi Gel Hard-U) and one heat-polymerizing denture base resin (Lucitone 550-L). Methods: Specimens (50.0 mm diameter, 0.5 mm thickness) were made using a split mold with reference points, and divided into two controls and four test groups (u = 8). The distances between the points were measured on the mold (baseline readings), and compared to those obtained from the specimens after: polymerization or immersion in water (37 degrees C) for 7 days (controls); 2 or 7 cycles of disinfection by immersion or microwave irradiation. Results: the two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha = 0.05) showed that microwave disinfection significantly increased the mean LDC of materials L (-1.43%), N (-1.27%) and K (-1.06%). Material N also exhibited a significant increase in LDC after two cycles of chemical disinfection (-0.73%). For U (-0.47%) and T (-0.21%) materials, no significant changes in LDC were found. Conclusions: Microwave disinfection increases the shrinkage of materials L, N, and K. The dimensional stability of resins U and T was not affected by the disinfection methods evaluated. (c) 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)