958 resultados para receptor intrinsic activity
Tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) causes human epidemics across Eurasia. Clinical manifestations range from inapparent infections and fevers to fatal encephalitis but the factors that determine disease severity are currently undefined. TBEV is characteristically a hemagglutinating (HA) virus; the ability to agglutinate erythrocytes tentatively reflects virion receptor/fusion activity. However, for the past few years many atypical HA-deficient strains have been isolated from patients and also from the natural European host tick, Ixodes persulcatus. By analysing the sequences of HA-deficient strains we have identified 3 unique amino acid substitutions (D67G, E122G or D277A) in the envelope protein, each of which increases the net charge and hydrophobicity of the virion surface. Therefore, we genetically engineered virus mutants each containing one of these 3 substitutions; they all exhibited HA-deficiency. Unexpectedly, each genetically modified non-HA virus demonstrated increased TBEV reproduction in feeding Ixodes ricinus, not the recognised tick host for these strains. Moreover, virus transmission efficiency between infected and uninfected ticks co-feeding on mice was also intensified by each substitution. Retrospectively, the mutation D67G was identified in viruses isolated from patients with encephalitis. We propose that the emergence of atypical Siberian HA-deficient TBEV strains in Europe is linked to their molecular adaptation to local ticks. This process appears to be driven by the selection of single mutations that change the virion surface thus enhancing receptor/fusion function essential for TBEV entry into the unfamiliar tick species. As the consequence of this adaptive mutagenesis, some of these mutations also appear to enhance the ability of TBEV to cross the human blood-brain barrier, a likely explanation for fatal encephalitis. Future research will reveal if these emerging Siberian TBEV strains continue to disperse westwards across Europe by adaptation to the indigenous tick species and if they are associated with severe forms of TBE.
Este estudo objetivou identificar de que forma as especificidades das organizações públicas influenciam a implementação da Gestão de Processos em seu âmbito. Para isso foi realizada uma análise de referenciais teóricos com a finalidade de delinear, principalmente, questões relevantes para entender as diferenças entre a administração pública e a privada e que impactam na implementação da Gestão de Processos naquelas organizações, e de subsidiar a elaboração de um roteiro de entrevistas estruturado. A partir dessa etapa, foi efetuada uma pesquisa de campo constituída por oito entrevistas com especialistas brasileiros de destaque no mundo acadêmico nos quadros de empresas ou instituições que atuam com Gestão por Processos, em consultorias nessa área e/ou profissionais com certificação internacional em processos, bem como com experiência na implantação da Gestão de Processos em organizações da Administração Pública Direta Federal. O resultado dessas entrevistas foi analisado, consolidado e examinado à luz da posição dos autores do referencial teórico. Na percepção dos especialistas consultados nesta pesquisa, a menor maturidade apresentada pelas organizações públicas, relacionada à medição de resultados e ao acompanhamento do desempenho, prejudica a tangilibilização dos resultados decorrentes da adoção da Gestão de Processos. Em consequência, as pessoas envolvidas têm dificuldade em perceber os ganhos que podem dela obter, situação que complica sobremaneira a possibilidade de movimentos de mobilização e o próprio comprometimento para a implementação da Gestão de Processos. Além disso, os entrevistados consideram que a postura e o perfil dos servidores públicos, aliados a outras especificidades das organizações públicas - tais como estabilidade na carreira; falta de mecanismos de reconhecimento e recompensa e de avaliação de desempenho criteriosa; cultura de documentação e controle excessivos e as disfunções da burocracia; e a descontinuidade na gestão devido a influências políticas - também podem prejudicar o engajamento, a motivação das pessoas para essa gestão e a identificação e implementação de melhorias contínuas nos processos organizacionais, atividades intrínsecas da Gestão de Processos.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effect of a lyophilized mistletoe infusion (LMI) was studied on isolated guinea-pig vas deferens. LMI caused a contraction which was partially blocked by phentolamine but not by atropine. LMI caused a shift to the left of the norepinephrine concentration-effect curve (CEC), an effect which appeared to be blocked by atropine and was absent in animals previously treated with reserpine and α-methyl-para-tyrosine. The increase of the norepinephrine maximal response induced by LMI was not blocked by atropine or pharmacological denervation. LMI caused a shift to the right of the acetylcholine CEC and had no effect on the acetylcholine maximal response. These results suggest that the effects seem to be due mainly to the presence of potassium ion in the LMI; however, the participation of muscarinic agonist(s) of reduced intrinsic activity or some tyramine-like substance could not be ruled out.
The removal of aromatic hydrocarbons from diesel has received considerable attention after environmental regulations that require petroleum reï¬ners to raise cetane number and to limit aromatics in diesel fuel in order to improve combustion efficiency and reduce particulate and NOx emissions. An alternative is blending with FischerâTropsch (FT) gas-to-liquid diesel fuel; however, this option may not be economically viable solution in case of extensive blend. Another alternative is to incorporate in the diesel pool a greater fraction of the so-called light cycle oil (LCO). Due to its high aromatics content and its low cetane number (typically between 20 and 30), the incorporation of LCO may have a negative impact on the quality of diesel. Current technologies for LCO improvement are based on hydrogenation to adjust both sulphur and cetane number but while an important fraction of the aromatics present in LCO can be saturated in a deep hydrogenation process, the cetane number may still be lower than the target values specified in diesel legislations, so further upgrading is needed. An interesting technology for improving the cetane number of diesels and maintaining meanwhile high diesel yields is achieved by combining a complete hydrogenation process with a selective ring opening (SRO) reaction of the naphthenic rings. The SRO can be defined as naphthene ring-opening to form compounds with high cetane number, but without any carbon losses. Controlling the interconversion of six- and five- membered rings via an acid-catalyzed ring-contraction step is also of great importance, since selective conversion of six-membered to five-membered naphthene rings greatly inï¬uences ring-opening rates and selectivity. High intrinsic activity may be enhanced by deposition of noble metals on acidic, high surface area supports, because it is possible to arrange close proximity of the metal and acid sites. Moreover, in large-pore supports, the diffusion resistance of liquid reactants into the pores is minimized. In addition to metal centres, the acid sites of support also plays role in aromatics hydrogenation. However, the functions of different kinds of acid sites (Brønsted vs. Lewis acidity), and their optimal concentrations and strengths, remain unclear. In the present study we investigated the upgrading of an aromatic-rich feedstock over different type of metal supported on mesoporous silica-alumina. The selective hydrogenolysis and ring opening of tetrahydronaphthalene (THN or tetralin) was carried out as representative of LCO fractions after deep hydrogenation process. In this regards the aim of this study is to evaluate both the effect of metals and that of the supports characterized by different acid distribution and strength, on conversion and selectivity. For this purpose a series of catalysts were prepared by impregnation. The catalysts were characterized and conversion tests of THN were performed in a lab-scale plant operating in the pressure range from 7.0-5.0 MPa and in the temperature range from 300 to 360°C.
We previously showed in dissociated cultures of fetal rat spinal cord that disinhibition-induced bursting is based on intrinsic spiking, network recruitment, and a network refractory period after the bursts. A persistent sodium current (I(NaP)) underlies intrinsic spiking, which, by recurrent excitation, generates the bursting activity. Although full blockade of I(NaP) with riluzole disrupts such bursting, the present study shows that partial blockade of I(NaP) with low doses of riluzole maintains bursting activity with unchanged burst rate and burst duration. More important, low doses of riluzole turned bursts composed of persistent activity into bursts composed of oscillatory activity at around 5 Hz. In a search for the mechanisms underlying the generation of such intraburst oscillations, we found that activity-dependent synaptic depression was not changed with low doses of riluzole. On the other hand, low doses of riluzole strongly increased spike-frequency adaptation and led to early depolarization block when bursts were simulated by injecting long current pulses into single neurons in the absence of fast synaptic transmission. Phenytoin is another I(NaP) blocker. When applied in doses that reduced intrinsic activity by 80-90%, as did low doses of riluzole, it had no effect either on spike-frequency adaptation or on depolarization block. Nor did phenytoin induce intraburst oscillations after disinhibition. A theoretical model incorporating a depolarization block mechanism could reproduce the generation of intraburst oscillations at the network level. From these findings we conclude that riluzole-induced intraburst oscillations are a network-driven phenomenon whose major accommodation mechanism is depolarization block arising from strong sodium channel inactivation.
The generation of rhythmic electrical activity is a prominent feature of spinal cord circuits that is used for locomotion and also for circuit refinement during development. The mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in spinal cord networks are not fully understood. It is for example not known whether spinal cord rhythms are driven by pacemaker neurons and if yes, which neurons are involved in this function. We studied the mechanisms involved in rhythm generation in slice cultures from fetal rats that were grown on multielectrode arrays (MEAs). We combined multisite extracellular recordings from the MEA electrodes with intracellular patch clamp recordings from single neurons. We found that spatially restricted oscillations of activity appeared in most of the cultures spontaneously. Such activity was based on intrinsic activity in a percentage of the neurons that could activate the spinal networks through recurrent excitation. The local oscillator networks critically involved NMDA, AMPA and GABA / glycine receptors at subsequent phases of the oscillation cycle. Intrinsic spiking in individual neurons (in the absence of functional synaptic coupling) was based on persistent sodium currents. Intrinsic firing as well as persistent sodium currents were increased by 5-HT through 5-HT2 receptors. Comparing neuronal activity to muscle activity in co-cultures of spinal cord slices with muscle fibers we found that a percentage of the intrinsically spiking neurons were motoneurons. These motoneurons were electrically coupled among each other and they could drive the spinal networks through cholinergic recurrent excitation. These findings open the possibility that during development rhythmic activity in motoneurons is not only involved in circuit refinement downstream at the neuromuscular endplates but also upstream at the level of spinal cord circuits.
A publication entitled “A default mode of brain function” initiated a new way of looking at functional imaging data. In this PET study the authors discussed the often-observed consistent decrease of brain activation in a variety of tasks as compared with the baseline. They suggested that this deactivation is due to a task-induced suspension of a default mode of brain function that is active during rest, i.e. that there exists intrinsic well-organized brain activity during rest in several distinct brain regions. This suggestion led to a large number of imaging studies on the resting state of the brain and to the conclusion that the study of this intrinsic activity is crucial for understanding how the brain works. The fact that the brain is active during rest has been well known from a variety of EEG recordings for a very long time. Different states of the brain in the sleep–wake continuum are characterized by typical patterns of spontaneous oscillations in different frequency ranges and in different brain regions. Best studied are the evolving states during the different sleep stages, but characteristic EEG oscillation patterns have also been well described during awake periods (see Chapter 1 for details). A highly recommended comprehensive review on the brain's default state defined by oscillatory electrical brain activities is provided in the recent book by György Buzsaki, showing how these states can be measured by electrophysiological procedures at the global brain level as well as at the local cellular level.
Signaling through epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR/ErbB) family members plays a very important role in regulating proliferation, development, and malignant transformation of mammary epithelial cells. ErbB family members are often over-expressed in human breast carcinomas. Lapatinib is an ErbB1 and ErbB2 tyrosine kinase inhibitor that has been shown to have anti-proliferative effects in breast and lung cancer cells. Cells treated with Lapatinib undergo G1 phase arrest, followed by apoptosis. Lapatinib has been approved for clinical use, though patients have developed resistance to the drug, as seen previously with other EGFR inhibitors. Moreover, the therapeutic efficacy varies significantly within the patient population, and the mechanism of drug sensitivity is not fully understood. Expression levels of ErbB2 are used as a prognostic marker for Lapatinib response; however, even among breast tumor cell lines that express similar levels of ErbB2 there is marked difference in their proliferative responses to Lapatinib. To understand the mechanisms of acquired resistance, we established a cell line SkBr3-R that is resistant to Lapatinib, from a Lapatinib-sensitive breast tumor cell line, SkBr3. We have characterized the cell lines and demonstrated that Lapatinib resistance in our system is not facilitated by receptor-level activity or by previously known mutations in the ErbB receptors. Significant changes were observed in cell proliferation, cell migration, cell cycle and cell death between the Lapatinib resistant SkBr3-R and sensitive SkBr3 cell lines. Recent studies have suggested STAT3 is upregulated in Lapatinib resistant tumors in association with ErbB signaling. We investigated the role that STAT3 may play in Lapatinib resistance and discovered higher STAT3 activity in these resistant cells. In addition, transcriptional profiling indicated higher expression of STAT3 target genes, as well as of other genes that promote survival. The gene array data also revealed cell cycle regulators and cell adhesion/junction component genes as possible mediator of Lapatinib resistance. Altogether, this study has identified several possible mechanisms of Lapatinib resistance.
Neuroimaging studies provide evidence for organized intrinsic activity under task-free conditions. This activity serves functionally relevant brain systems supporting cognition. Here, we analyze changes in resting-state functional connectivity after videogame practice applying a test–retest design. Twenty young females were selected from a group of 100 participants tested on four standardized cognitive ability tests. The practice and control groups were carefully matched on their ability scores. The practice group played during two sessions per week across 4 weeks (16 h total) under strict supervision in the laboratory, showing systematic performance improvements in the game. A group independent component analysis (GICA) applying multisession temporal concatenation on test–retest resting-state fMRI, jointly with a dual-regression approach, was computed. Supporting the main hypothesis, the key finding reveals an increased correlated activity during rest in certain predefined resting state networks (albeit using uncorrected statistics) attributable to practice with the cognitively demanding tasks of the videogame. Observed changes were mainly concentrated on parietofrontal networks involved in heterogeneous cognitive functions.
The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains two genes, PDE1 and PDE2, which respectively encode a low-affinity and a high-affinity cAMP phosphodiesterase. The physiological function of the low-affinity enzyme Pde1 is unclear. We show that deletion of PDE1, but not PDE2, results in a much higher cAMP accumulation upon addition of glucose or upon intracellular acidification. Overexpression of PDE1, but not PDE2, abolished the agonist-induced cAMP increases. These results indicate a specific role for Pde1 in controlling glucose and intracellular acidification-induced cAMP signaling. Elimination of a putative protein kinase A (PKA) phosphorylation site by mutagenesis of serine252 into alanine resulted in a Pde1ala252 allele that apparently had reduced activity in vivo. Its presence in a wild-type strain partially enhanced the agonist-induced cAMP increases compared with pde1Δ. The difference between the Pde1ala252 allele and wild-type Pde1 was strongly dependent on PKA activity. In a RAS2val19 pde2Δ background, the Pde1ala252 allele caused nearly the same hyperaccumulation of cAMP as pde1Δ, while its expression in a PKA-attenuated strain caused the same reduction in cAMP hyperaccumulation as wild-type Pde1. These results suggest that serine252 might be the first target site for feedback inhibition of cAMP accumulation by PKA. We show that Pde1 is rapidly phosphorylated in vivo upon addition of glucose to glycerol-grown cells, and this activation is absent in the Pde1ala252 mutant. Pde1 belongs to a separate class of phosphodiesterases and is the first member shown to be phosphorylated. However, in vitro the Pde1ala252 enzyme had the same catalytic activity as wild-type Pde1, both in crude extracts and after extensive purification. This indicates that the effects of the S252A mutation are not caused by simple inactivation of the enzyme. In vitro phosphorylation of Pde1 resulted in a modest and variable increase in activity, but only in crude extracts. This was absent in Pde1ala252, and phosphate incorporation was strongly reduced. Apparently, phosphorylation of Pde1 does not change its intrinsic activity or affinity for cAMP but appears to be important in vivo for protein-protein interaction or for targeting Pde1 to a specific subcellular location. The PKA recognition site is conserved in the corresponding region of the Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Candida albicans Pde1 homologues, possibly indicating a similar control by phosphorylation.
It has been demonstrated that shortened forms of (stem II-deleted) hammerhead ribozymes with low intrinsic activity form very active dimers with a common stem II (very active short ribozymes capable of forming dimers were designated maxizymes). Intracellular activities of heterodimeric maxizymes and conventional ribozymes, under the control of a human tRNAVal-promoter, were compared against the cleavage of HIV-1 tat mRNA. The pol III-driven maxizymes formed very active heterodimers, and they successfully cleaved HIV-1 tat mRNA in mammalian cells at two sites simultaneously. The cleaved fragments were identified directly by Northern blotting analysis. Despite the initial concerns that a complicated dimerization process and formation of inactive homodimers were involved in addition to the process of association with the target, the overall intracellular activities of tRNAVal-driven maxizymes were significantly higher in mammalian cells than those of two sets of independent, conventional hammerhead ribozymes that were targeted at the same two sites within HIV-1 tat mRNA. Because the tRNAVal-driven maxizymes tested to date have been more effective than tRNAVal-driven “standard” hammerhead ribozymes, the tRNAVal-driven heterodimeric maxizymes appear to have potential utility as gene-inactivating agents.
Mammalian homologues of Drosophila Trp form plasma membrane channels that mediate Ca2+ influx in response to activation of phospholipase C and internal Ca2+ store depletion. Previous studies showed that human Trp3 is activated by inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) receptors (IP3Rs) and identified interacting domains, one on Trp and two on IP3R. We now find that Trp3 binds Ca2+-calmodulin (Ca2+/CaM) at a site that overlaps with the IP3R binding domain. Using patch-clamp recordings from inside-out patches, we further show that Trp3 has a high intrinsic activity that is suppressed by Ca2+/CaM under resting conditions, and that Trp3 is activated by the following: a Trp-binding peptide from IP3R that displaces CaM from Trp3, a myosin light chain kinase Ca2+/CaM binding peptide that prevents CaM from binding to Trp3, and calmidazolium, an inactivator of Ca2+/CaM. We conclude that inhibition of the inhibitory action of CaM is a key step of Trp3 channel activation by IP3Rs.
Members of the caspase family of proteases transmit the events that lead to apoptosis of animal cells. Distinct members of the family are involved in both the initiation and execution phases of cell death, with the initiator caspases being recruited to multicomponent signaling complexes. Initiation of apoptotic events depends on the ability of the signaling complexes to generate an active protease. The mechanism of activation of the caspases that constitute the different apoptosis-signaling complexes can be explained by an unusual property of the caspase zymogens to autoprocess to an active form. This autoprocessing depends on intrinsic activity that resides in the zymogens of the initiator caspases. We review evidence for a hypothesis—the induced-proximity model—that describes how the first proteolytic signal is produced after adapter-mediated clustering of initiator caspase zymogens.
Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF), also known as scatter factor, is a powerful motogen, mitogen, and morphogen produced by cells of mesodermal origin, acting on epithelial and endothelial cells. Its receptor is the tyrosine kinase encoded by the c-MET protooncogene. We show that the HGF receptor is expressed by human primary osteoclasts, by osteoclast-like cell lines, and by osteoblasts. In both cell lineages, HGF stimulation triggers the receptor kinase activity and autophosphorylation. In osteoclasts, HGF receptor activation is followed by increase in intracellular Ca2+ concentration and by activation of the pp60c-Src kinase. HGF induces changes in osteoclast shape and stimulates chemotactic migration and DNA replication. Osteoblasts respond to HGF by entering the cell cycle, as indicated by stimulation of DNA synthesis. Interestingly, osteoclasts were found to synthesize and secrete biologically active HGF. These data strongly suggest the possibility of an autocrine regulation of the osteoclast by HGF and a paracrine regulation of the osteoblast by the HGF produced by the osteoclast.