997 resultados para random topology


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Analytical expressions are derived for the mean and variance, of estimates of the bispectrum of a real-time series assuming a cosinusoidal model. The effects of spectral leakage, inherent in discrete Fourier transform operation when the modes present in the signal have a nonintegral number of wavelengths in the record, are included in the analysis. A single phase-coupled triad of modes can cause the bispectrum to have a nonzero mean value over the entire region of computation owing to leakage. The variance of bispectral estimates in the presence of leakage has contributions from individual modes and from triads of phase-coupled modes. Time-domain windowing reduces the leakage. The theoretical expressions for the mean and variance of bispectral estimates are derived in terms of a function dependent on an arbitrary symmetric time-domain window applied to the record. the number of data, and the statistics of the phase coupling among triads of modes. The theoretical results are verified by numerical simulations for simple test cases and applied to laboratory data to examine phase coupling in a hypothesis testing framework


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The CDKN2 gene, encoding the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16, is a tumour suppressor gene that maps to chromosome band 9p21-p22. The most common mechanism of inactivation of this gene in human cancers is through homozygous deletion; however, in a smaller proportion of tumours and tumour cell lines intragenic mutations occur. In this study we have compiled a database of over 120 published point mutations in the CDKN2 gene from a wide variety of tumour types. A further 50 deletions, insertions, and splice mutations in CDKN2 have also been compiled. Furthermore, we have standardised the numbering of all mutations according to the full-length 156 amino acid form of p16. From this study we are able to define several hot spots, some of which occur at conserved residues within the ankyrin domains of p16. While many of the hotspots are shared by a number of cancers, the relative importance of each position varies, possibly reflecting the role of different carcinogens in the development of certain tumours. As reported previously, the mutational spectrum of CDKN2 in melanomas differs from that of internal malignancies and supports the involvement of UV in melanoma tumorigenesis. Notably, 52% of all substitutions in melanoma-derived samples occurred at just six nucleotide positions. Nonsense mutations comprise a comparatively high proportion of mutations present in the CDKN2 gene, and possible explanations for this are discussed.


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Web service technology is increasingly being used to build various e-Applications, in domains such as e-Business and e-Science. Characteristic benefits of web service technology are its inter-operability, decoupling and just-in-time integration. Using web service technology, an e-Application can be implemented by web service composition — by composing existing individual web services in accordance with the business process of the application. This means the application is provided to customers in the form of a value-added composite web service. An important and challenging issue of web service composition, is how to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. This includes customer focused elements such as response time, price, throughput and reliability as well as how to best provide QoS results for the composites. This in turn best fulfils customers’ expectations and achieves their satisfaction. Fulfilling these QoS requirements or addressing the QoS-aware web service composition problem is the focus of this project. From a computational point of view, QoS-aware web service composition can be transformed into diverse optimisation problems. These problems are characterised as complex, large-scale, highly constrained and multi-objective problems. We therefore use genetic algorithms (GAs) to address QoS-based service composition problems. More precisely, this study addresses three important subproblems of QoS-aware web service composition; QoS-based web service selection for a composite web service accommodating constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, QoS-based resource allocation and scheduling for multiple composite services on hybrid clouds, and performance-driven composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Based on operations research theory, we model the three problems as a constrained optimisation problem, a resource allocation and scheduling problem, and a graph partitioning problem, respectively. Then, we present novel GAs to address these problems. We also conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of the new GAs. Finally, verification experiments are performed to show the correctness of the GAs. The major outcomes from the first problem are three novel GAs: a penaltybased GA, a min-conflict hill-climbing repairing GA, and a hybrid GA. These GAs adopt different constraint handling strategies to handle constraints on interservice dependence and conflict. This is an important factor that has been largely ignored by existing algorithms that might lead to the generation of infeasible composite services. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our GAs for handling the QoS-based web service selection problem with constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, as well as their better scalability than the existing integer programming-based method for large scale web service selection problems. The major outcomes from the second problem has resulted in two GAs; a random-key GA and a cooperative coevolutionary GA (CCGA). Experiments demonstrate the good scalability of the two algorithms. In particular, the CCGA scales well as the number of composite services involved in a problem increases, while no other algorithms demonstrate this ability. The findings from the third problem result in a novel GA for composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Compared with existing heuristic algorithms, the new GA is more suitable for a large-scale composite web service program partitioning problems. In addition, the GA outperforms existing heuristic algorithms, generating a better deployment topology for a composite web service for decentralised execution. These effective and scalable GAs can be integrated into QoS-based management tools to facilitate the delivery of feasible, reliable and high quality composite web services.


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Fusion techniques have received considerable attention for achieving performance improvement with biometrics. While a multi-sample fusion architecture reduces false rejects, it also increases false accepts. This impact on performance also depends on the nature of subsequent attempts, i.e., random or adaptive. Expressions for error rates are presented and experimentally evaluated in this work by considering the multi-sample fusion architecture for text-dependent speaker verification using HMM based digit dependent speaker models. Analysis incorporating correlation modeling demonstrates that the use of adaptive samples improves overall fusion performance compared to randomly repeated samples. For a text dependent speaker verification system using digit strings, sequential decision fusion of seven instances with three random samples is shown to reduce the overall error of the verification system by 26% which can be further reduced by 6% for adaptive samples. This analysis novel in its treatment of random and adaptive multiple presentations within a sequential fused decision architecture, is also applicable to other biometric modalities such as finger prints and handwriting samples.


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Poisson distribution has often been used for count like accident data. Negative Binomial (NB) distribution has been adopted in the count data to take care of the over-dispersion problem. However, Poisson and NB distributions are incapable of taking into account some unobserved heterogeneities due to spatial and temporal effects of accident data. To overcome this problem, Random Effect models have been developed. Again another challenge with existing traffic accident prediction models is the distribution of excess zero accident observations in some accident data. Although Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP) model is capable of handling the dual-state system in accident data with excess zero observations, it does not accommodate the within-location correlation and between-location correlation heterogeneities which are the basic motivations for the need of the Random Effect models. This paper proposes an effective way of fitting ZIP model with location specific random effects and for model calibration and assessment the Bayesian analysis is recommended.


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Appearance-based localization can provide loop closure detection at vast scales regardless of accumulated metric error. However, the computation time and memory requirements of current appearance-based methods scale not only with the size of the environment but also with the operation time of the platform. Additionally, repeated visits to locations will develop multiple competing representations, which will reduce recall performance over time. These properties impose severe restrictions on long-term autonomy for mobile robots, as loop closure performance will inevitably degrade with increased operation time. In this paper we present a graphical extension to CAT-SLAM, a particle filter-based algorithm for appearance-based localization and mapping, to provide constant computation and memory requirements over time and minimal degradation of recall performance during repeated visits to locations. We demonstrate loop closure detection in a large urban environment with capped computation time and memory requirements and performance exceeding previous appearance-based methods by a factor of 2. We discuss the limitations of the algorithm with respect to environment size, appearance change over time and applications in topological planning and navigation for long-term robot operation.


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Divergence from a random baseline is a technique for the evaluation of document clustering. It ensures cluster quality measures are performing work that prevents ineffective clusterings from giving high scores to clusterings that provide no useful result. These concepts are defined and analysed using intrinsic and extrinsic approaches to the evaluation of document cluster quality. This includes the classical clusters to categories approach and a novel approach that uses ad hoc information retrieval. The divergence from a random baseline approach is able to differentiate ineffective clusterings encountered in the INEX XML Mining track. It also appears to perform a normalisation similar to the Normalised Mutual Information (NMI) measure but it can be applied to any measure of cluster quality. When it is applied to the intrinsic measure of distortion as measured by RMSE, subtraction from a random baseline provides a clear optimum that is not apparent otherwise. This approach can be applied to any clustering evaluation. This paper describes its use in the context of document clustering evaluation.


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This paper analyses the pairwise distances of signatures produced by the TopSig retrieval model on two document collections. The distribution of the distances are compared to purely random signatures. It explains why TopSig is only competitive with state of the art retrieval models at early precision. Only the local neighbourhood of the signatures is interpretable. We suggest this is a common property of vector space models.


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A PCR assay, using three primer pairs, was developed for the detection of Ureaplasma urealyticum, parvo biovar, mba types 1, 3, and 6, in cultured clinical specimens. The primer pairs were designed by using the polymorphic base positions within a 310- to 311-bp fragment of the 5* end and upstream control region of the mba gene. The specificity of the assay was confirmed with reference serovars 1, 3, 6, and 14 and by the amplified-fragment sizes (81 bp for mba 1, 262 bp for mba 3, and 193 bp for mba 6). A more sensitive nested PCR was also developed. This involved a first-step PCR, using the primers UMS-125 and UMA226, followed by the nested mba-type PCR described above. This nested PCR enabled the detection and typing of small numbers of U. urealyticum cells, including mixtures, directly in original clinical specimens. By using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR with seven arbitrary primers, we were also able to differentiate the two biovars of U. urealyticum and to identify 13 RAPD-PCR subtypes. By applying these subtyping techniques to clinical samples collected from pregnant women, we established that (i) U. urealyticum is often a persistent colonizer of the lower genital tract from early midtrimester until the third trimester of pregnancy, (ii) mba type 6 was isolated significantly more often (P 5 0.048) from women who delivered preterm than from women who delivered at term, (iii) no particular ureaplasma subtype(s) was associated with placental infections and/or adverse pregnancy outcomes, and (iv) the ureaplasma subtypes most frequently isolated from women were the same subtypes most often isolated from infected placentas.


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In this paper we investigate the distribution of the product of Rayleigh distributed random variables. Considering the Mellin-Barnes inversion formula and using the saddle point approach we obtain an upper bound for the product distribution. The accuracy of this tail-approximation increases as the number of random variables in the product increase.


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Advances in solid-state switches and power electronics techniques have led to the development of compact, efficient and more reliable pulsed power systems. This paper proposes an efficient scheme that utilizes modular switch-capacitor units in obtaining high voltage levels with fast rise time (dv/dt) using low voltage solid-state switches. The proposed pulsed power supply has flexibility in terms of controlling energy and generating broad range of voltage levels. The energy flow can be controlled as the stored energy can be adjusted by a current source utilized at the first stage of the system. Desirable voltage level can be obtained by connecting adequate number of switch-capacitor units. Moreover, the proposed topology is load independent. Therefore it can easily supply wide range of applications especially the low impedance ones. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is verified by simulations


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utomatic pain monitoring has the potential to greatly improve patient diagnosis and outcomes by providing a continuous objective measure. One of the most promising methods is to do this via automatically detecting facial expressions. However, current approaches have failed due to their inability to: 1) integrate the rigid and non-rigid head motion into a single feature representation, and 2) incorporate the salient temporal patterns into the classification stage. In this paper, we tackle the first problem by developing a “histogram of facial action units” representation using Active Appearance Model (AAM) face features, and then utilize a Hidden Conditional Random Field (HCRF) to overcome the second issue. We show that both of these methods improve the performance on the task of pain detection in sequence level compared to current state-of-the-art-methods on the UNBC-McMaster Shoulder Pain Archive.